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Daily Racing Form Handicaps FAIR GROUNDS The horses which seem best in Fridays races are: Pair Grounds New Orleans, La., Feb. 21, 1024. 1 Help, Neat Girl, Benita. 2 Sister Josella, Patrician, Rapid Day. 3 Man Jong, King ONeill II., Leatherwood. 4 Revenge, Cloughjordan, Setting Sun. 5 LLEWELLYN, Red Arrow. Lily M. C Bendita, Tulane, Sands of Pleasure. 7 Attorney, Hysteria, Lierre. J. L. Dempscy. Netr VrU IlanflUnp. 1 Spanish Name, Southland Girl, "Wild Wing, Neat Girl. 2 Rapid Day, Black Hackle, Sister Josella, Valentia. 3 -MAH JONG, Leatherwood, King ONeill II., Brilliant Cast. 4 Revenge. Romany, Setting Sun, Isosceles. 5 Wapiti, Lily M., Llewellyn, Rork. . C Sands of Pleasure, Soviet, Tingling, Cash. 7 Royal Crown, Kirklevington, Scourge-man, Attorney. Chicago II:imIinii. 1 Spanish Name, Tarrayce C, Neat Girl, Burbeth. 2 Rapid Day, Patrician, Banker Brown, Rhinegold. 3 Mali Jong, Leatherwood, Fredcricktown, King ONeill II. 4 SETTING SUN, Revenge, Best Pal, Bar racuda. 5 Lily M., Llewellyn, Rork, Shamrock. C Sands of Pleasure, Tom Cassidy, Ashland, Good Night. 7 Kirklevington, Scourgeman, Hysteria, Lough Storm. Observer Inmllcnp. 1 Spanish Name, Queen Agnes, Tarrayce C, Neat Girl. 2 Black Hackle, Rapid Day, Valentia, Banker Brown. 3 MAH JONG. Leatherwood, Brilliant Cast, King ONeill IT. 1 Setting Sun, Romany, Revenge, Cloughjordan.. 5 Llewellyn, Rork. Lily M., Wapiti, f Soviet, Rupee, Cash, Sands of Pleasure. 7 Kirklevington, Royal Crown, Scourgeman, Attorney. Consensu of llauillpaiid. 1 Spanish Name, Help, Neat Girl, Tarr ayce C. 2 Rapid Day, Sister Josella, Black Hackle, Patrician. 3 MAH JONG, Leatherwood, King ONeill II., Brilliant Cast. j 4 Revenge, Setting Sun, Romany, Clough-j jordan. 5 Llewellyn, Wapiti, Lily M., Rork. 6 Sands of Pleasure, Bendita, Soviet, Cash. 7 Kirklevington, Attorney, Royal Crown, Scourgeman. HAVANA. The horses which seem best in Fridays races are : Oriental Park Havana, Cuba, Feb. 21, 1921. 1 May Baxter, Jig Time, June Day. 2 Cloporte, Rey Ennis, Simple Simon. 3 Lustre, All Aglow, Scamper. 4 VERONICA, Smart Money, Polite. I Copyright. Felix M., Kentmere. C Rapid Stride, Jacobean, Awning. T. K. Lynch. New York IlaiuKcaii. 1 June Day, Jig Time, May Baxter, Left Alone. 2 Cloporte, Simple Simon, Rey Ennis, Rud dles. 3 Ponce, Fly Lady, Scamper, Lustre. 4 SMART MONEY. Veronica, Polite, El Coronel. 5 Copyright, Solid Rock, Magnet Land, Felix M. C Phenol, Aeouehla II., Awning, jack Frost. Chicago llnmlleap. 1 June Day, Jig Time, May Baxter, Silver King. 2 Cloporte, Simple Simon, Rey Ennis, Hem lock. 3 Scamper, Fly Lady, Lustre, Crest. 1 Veronica, Polite. Wheel In, Carpathian. S COPYRIGHT, Solid Rock, Annette Teller, Felix M. C Phenol, Jacobean, Mack Garner, Get Em. Observers Handicap. 1 June Day, Jig Time, May Baxter, Silver King. 2 Cloporte, Rey Ennis, Simple Simon, Eo- danzky. 3 Lustre, Fly Lady, Fonee, Mart OHara. 4 POLITE, Veronica, El Coronel, Smart Money. 5 Copyright, Solid Rock, Kentmere, Felix M. C Jack Frost, Aeouehla II., Mack Garner, Jacobean. Ccmsenstis of iiillcn ps. 1 June Day, May Baxter, Jig Time, Silver King. 2 Cloporte, Rey Ennis. Simple Simon, Hem lock-. 3 Lustre, Ponce, Scamper,, Fly Lady. 4 Veronica, Smart Money, Polite, El Coro nel. 5 COPYRIGHT, Felix M.. Solid Rock, Kent- mere. C Phenol, Rapid Stride, Jack Frost, Jacobean. TIJUANA. The horses which seem best in Fridays races are : Tijuana, aicxico, Feb. 21, 1924. 1 Dutch Girl, Yuban, Bear Shot. 2 Stone Bell, Boomerang, Sunbow. 3 Clarkson, Deland, Flycast. 4 War Winner, Frank Fogarty, Gold Bryan. 5 Ten Can, Lady Lillian, Lizette C OSPREY, Abadane, Better Luck. 7 Ponjola, Buster Keaton, Stroller. S Elias O., Marine Corps, Ruddy. G. V. Schilling. New York Ham! leap. 1 Yuban, Bear Shot, Sequan, Dutch Girl. 2 Vanloo, Sun Bow, Dell Evans, Chenoe. 3 De Land, Harry D., May Brucn. Clarkson. 4 Gold Bryan, Calithump, Martha L.-, Sample. 5 Ten Can, Lady Lillian, Lizette, Ballotcar, 6 BETTER LUCK, Osprey, Judge Pryor, Postillion. 7 Buster Keaton, Queen Catherine, Ponjola, Voorgold. S Marine Corps, Quecreek, The Falconer, Hyanpom. Chicago II a mil on p. 1 Yuban, Sequan, San Isabel. Dutch Girl. 2 Lemon Seth, Stone Bell, Dell Evans, Scot tish Lad. 3 Harry D., Frank S., Billy Dunn, Lady Bourbon. 4 Frank Fogarty, Sample, Gold Byran, Cali thump. 5 Ballotcar, Lizette, Lady Lillian, Wylie. G OSPREY, Better Luck, Abadane, Judge Pryor. 7 Buster Keaton, Ponjola, Queen Catherine, Stroller. f Coffield, Marine Corps, Elias O., Zealot Observers II ami Ion p. 1 Atossa, Bear Shot, Yuban, Sequan. 2 Lemon Seth, Scottish Lad, Boomerang, War Lace. " Clarkson, Frank S., May Bruen, Harry D. 4 Gold Bryan, Calithump, Sample, Frank Fogarty. 5 Lizette. Lady Lillian, Ten Can. Ballotcar. G BETTER LUCK, Osprey, Abadane, Judge Pryor. 7 Queen Catherine, Buster Keaton, Ponjola, Stroller. S Elias O., Marine Corps, Coffield, Louanna. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Yuban, Dutch Girl, Atossa, Bear Shot. 2 Lemon Seth, Vanloo, Stone Bell, Boomer ang. 3 Clarkson, De Land. Harry D., Frank S. 4 Gold Bryan, War Winner, Frank Fogarty. Calithump. 5 Ten Can, Ballotcar, Lizette, Lady Lillian. C OSPREY, Better Luck. Abadane, Judge Pryor. 7 Buster Keaton, Ponjola, Queen Catherine, Stroller. S Elias O., Marine Corps, Coffield, Quecreek.