untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-23


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. j 1 j ! ! : I I j j ! I ! ; ; I j ! j S Beats Them All j The Starr Turf News j I 500 5th Ave. Itoom 402 New York City l1 I TERMS TOR OUR WIRE SERVICE j Q 0.00 FOR SIX WIRES, OR .00 A BAT : i OUR NEXT 00 SPECIAL Ij IS ALL PRIMED FOR THE I QUESTION AND WILL GO i I FOR THE MONEY I TODAY I Horse will be "wired to all 0.00 weekly K y subscribers to our wire service. Our last j P 00.00 Special free to weekly clients, won aj f at the jaicy price of 4 to 1. S Horse: I Lily M 13-5 Won I ITesterdays RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AT ONCE 1 EOR TODAYS HORSE I Thursdays Wire Horse: 1 Waywassamo 4-1 Won I Thursdays Code Horse: 1 Caligula 7-1 Won 1 Wednesdays Code Horse: a Calcutta 20-1 Won Wednesdays Wire Horse: I Huonec 2nd 1 Tuesdays Code Horse: Futuro 8-1 Won ! Tuesdays Wire Horse: S Anne 8-5 Won 1 Mondays Wire Horse: B iy Miss Domino ...11-5 Won 1 jl Hondays Code Horse: Q 1 Coral Reef 8-1 Won 1 1 TODAYS CODE HORSE: I MIKE-DOE-DOE-WINNERS i 9 Use last three letters of horses name. Rice H 0 comes last. Wire .00 for our coda, then I roe horse in the DALLY RACING FORM K every day. j Last week all clients received the- follow-, 3 ins horses: IS WIRE HORSES: m BUCADO 8-1 WON I HIGH GEAR 5-1 WON RUBY 4-1 WON 1 LORD GRANITE 7-2 WON jl CARPENTER 10-1 "WON I 30LDFIELD 15-1 WON CODE HORSES: 6 BROOKDA1E 2-1 "WON I VENIZELOS 10-1 "WON 1 1 BILL "WINFREY 5-2 2nd 1 LITTLE GIPSY 11-5 "WON 1 1 ARROWHEAD 5-2 WON I If TRANSLATE 4-1 WON I Ej Just think, Mr. Player, what you can do i with information liko the Starr Turf News j releases day after day. Our3 is an ESTAB- I LISHED CONCERN that spares no expense j to produce winners for our army of satisfied clients. Join the winning: army today, do I not delay. Terms for our wire service and H code combined, 0.00 for any 6 days. I HESaCBHHnaKaBMHHCaCMCBHBHClHCHCBCa SOLD ALL NEWSSTANDS, DAILY "DID YOU WIN?" "WE WON" Yesterdays "Frco" Occasional: REVENGE - WON and the "CHIEFS" advice ti EVERYBODY was GO THE LIMIT, WIN ONLY. Onco again the ARMY of "CHIEF CLOCKVER" followers "CLEANED UP" yesterday. W TODAYS "OCCASIONAL" has been burcins up the track in tho wee small hours of tho morn, and my chief docker advisee a plunge play today. My followers got tho money yesterday acd should get it attain today. A small investment should net you about ,000 Today W "FREE" TODAY -W I am giving my "OCCASIONAL" "FREE" today with above OCCASIONAL. You get today "Both" ard "OCCASIOHALS" for only . SPEND TODAY AND "CLEAN UP" You dont have such chances every day as yon havo of "CLEANING UP" today. Youve Tried the Rest Now Try the Best RUSH to your newsdealer before ho SELLS OUT and get "CHIEF CLOCKER" "OCCASIONAL" copy. "OCCASIONAL" goes with this "FREE" today. NOTICE "CHIEF CLOCKER" soli EVERYWHERE. Can be mailed to you PLAIN SEALED ENVELOPE. 0 weekly for BOTH "0CCA-SIONALS." Send money to CHIEF CLOCHER 4018 Waveland Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. i i Got Book on salo now containing code for todays Big Code Special. April-Grape-77-05-41-G5. 35c at all newsstands, STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403, 22 W. Quincy Street Chicago, 111. j 11G NASSAU ST.. ROOM 401 NEW YORK CITY UNITED TURF NEWS PRICE .00 SEMI-WEEKLY PRICE .03 Published Wednesday and Saturday. For sale, all nowsstands. Special rate, mailed monthly, .00 nino issues. Todays Code 13-19-13-22-PLUNGE. " i GARS CHIEF OBSERVER 35 Cents at All Newsstands t TODAYS FREE CODE: j Fair Grounds Florida -Water-Whits -Water TODAY ANOTHER 0 FREE SPECIAL Ripe and ready. I got the final O. K. Just ask ! for ! GARS DALLY CHIEF OBSERVER I 50 Cents at Leading Newsstands JACK WARREN! j ONE DAY SIS DAYS 0 SUN B0W...20- Won I AND STILL THEY COME WINNERS GALORE right up from the land of sun- D I shine, Tijuana. Yes, men, I just got back H i from the coast after a few months of ac- m tivity and right off the bat started sending fl out ONE HORSE A DAY. and so far I have H given 4 STRAIGHT WINNERS. g Thursday I Recoived: 5 Silent Pardr .40- Won g Wednesday I Received: fl Ormesbrook .20- Won Tuesday I Received: S Blar. Stone 1.00- Won i And even those do not satisfy ma. I wired I right back to the track last night and said M DIG UP A LONG SHOT SATURDAY Wo want soma action. Dont fear, I am a not going to advance the charge; same terms 1 as I started with, a day, 6 days 0. A I little success like this does not turn my head. I have been in the game too long and I results like tho above aro a usual occurrence M with me. Twenty dollars covers you for a jl full week, pays you right up and places you B on my books for ALL INFORMATION. I I wire you about 10 a. m. ONE HORSE A H DAY. R j. -vaiiut: a SUITE 17 I 207-209 Van Sicklen Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y. I p A He Ca Evans and Company 321 West Madison St., Chicago, 111. Headquarters for Playing Cards, Dice and Games Special Hand-Squared Dice That Are Perfect-Special Work to Order Catalog Free I PERFECT SQUARE DICE Made by expert mechanics from thoroughly seasoned hard stock, guaranteed to bo truo to within cne one-thousandth of an inch, having all sides 2at, corners sharp and finish perfect. Mado in cither red, green or white in any sizo. 5-3 sizo, razor edge .40 per pair 3-4 size, razor edge .50 per pair B. C. WILLS and CO. 222 West Congress St., Detroit, Mich. J Monthly Racing Form NOW ON SALE

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924022301/drf1924022301_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1924022301_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800