Latest Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-23

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Latest Workouts 47 NEW ORLEANS, La.. Feb. 22. Todays training gallops here included the following: FAIR GROUNDS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-Vvispa 36 3S-Lady Marian ..37 44- ttilia 40 27-Moon Magic ...3Sr. 45- Aladdin 3lUf. 44-Nclchcn 37 3t;-I5ill Winfrey . .31s lS-rrocecds 41rr. 4.-,-Billy Klair ....35 44-Poppye 3. Jr. 45-Blue No?e ....36 Sam Grent Vf. 45-Big and BurleySK 44-Skywanls 38rf. 45-Certain 37 if. 44-Step ny Step. . .37 Cheri 37- 32-Trifling 37 D. H. Johnstone38 39-Try Again ....37 Halki 39. 41-Troma s 45-Johu Finn 37Vr. 39-Vanidoso 43 44- Jas. F. OHara 30 Valentino 3S 19-Kitty French ..3814 Half Mile. 45- Alard 33 ii 42-Kington 50 3ti-I5rotherly Love 50 42-Miss Domino ..50 44- Care Free 51 31-Master Billy 49 4.-,-Free7.y Sneezy 51 43-Mom ! 43-Flitlow 50 44-Olynthus fw 43-Guvnor 51 29-Pathan 5. T-Gcorg Willard 56 41-Straight Shot .;0t5 43-Invictus 52 G-AVhalebone 51 33-Juno 50 28-Xanthos 50 38- John T. D 49 Five -Eighths Mile. 25-Black Gracklel:04 44-Levoy 1:00 4l-Baby Lane ..1:01 45-Lugs 1:03 41- Despard 1:03 27-Runquo, .....l:0.y5 45- Ievil Girl ...1:04 3G-T. dHonncur 1:0. 43- Eventidc ....1:02 39-Tcmpting ....1:0-1 42- Huonec 1:05 Three-Quarters Mile. 45-Apology 1:19 4G-Lcster Doctor 1:17 44- tt-i Bv II.. 1:19 3S-Mauncc Cohenl:187s 45- Businesslike .1:19 44-Moonraker ...J:J6 35-rookdale ....1:1G Old lop 1:1 4ti-Comedy 1:17 25-Quivcro 1:1S 45-El Astro ....1:1 42-Rcp 1:18 39- Frankman ...1:18 39-Tender Seth..l:19 4.1-Fire Cracker 1:15 45-Tony Sue .... lrlajs I-j-Goldfield ....1:19 45-T. Peruvian 1:17 39-Gordon Shaw 1:17 4G-Uncle Sonny 1:18 . 45-Jolm Joseph .1:19 42-VaIentia 1:10 Seven -Eighths Mile. 42-Rustcm 1:32 42-Stamp 1:30 One Mile. 45-Rcs. I?ightonl:45 41-High Speed .1:44 4r,-Itigger Still 1:44 41-Ird Wrack 1:43 42-Clierry Tree .1:4G 41-Mormon Elderl:4b7S 31-Col. Whallcn 1:47 ::9-Manokin- 1:48 42-0. J. Crgniilel:50 200--ettie May .l:4i 45-Eseatpolette .1:40 4G-Say It 1.4G 33-Klaxy Alae ..1:47 39-Thimble 1:45 2-Herbertus ...1:44 44-Troutwick ...1:46 Mile and an Eighth. 41-Fantoche 1:59 Rig and Rurley ran -well. Thomas showed good speed. Illue Nose looks good. I.illy Klair showed fine speed. Tempting was under restraint ".John T. D. and Master Billy raced well from the barrier. Raby J-ane did her gallop well. Valentia and Moonraker were in company. Toney Sue worked fast. Thimble was not extended. JKFFKUSOX PA UK. j Weather clear ; track fast t i Three -Eighths Mile. 3 TT 41- Move on Scth..39 Half Mile. 33-Botter Times ..50 30-Exchange !0 42- Capt. Costigan ."0 30-lIonor Man 51 Five-Eishths Mile. 45-Escarpolttc .1:02 42-St. Donard ..1:03 15-Lra Gaffneyl:02 Three-Quarters Mile. 3t-Bowsprit 1:24 41-Se:i Wrack ..1:17 II- Ettahe 1:42 41-Ss A.-S.-I!enl:17 41-Old Blue 1:21 One Mile. 30-ltegonia 1:41 4G-St. Michael. .1:47 45-Enos 1:47 Exchange was well in hand. Honor Man worked easily. .. Our Star showed improvement. Sea Wrack and Scths Ak-Sar-Bcn were together. Begonia worked fast.

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Local Identifier: drf1924022301_12_2
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