Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-23

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Entries and Past Performances FAIR GROUNDS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23 WEATHER CLEAR: Til A Civ FAST. 77453 Mliddcn Jewel 110 1:12$ 8 105X710 The figures under the heading "Rec." .a 77277 Second Thoughts .110 1:11 5 124X"10 the entries below show the best timo of 77475 .lame.; F. 0Hara..llG 1:12 G 105 X 705 each horso at tho distance sinco January 1, 77365 Blue Nose .........105 1:13 4 104X700 1021, no matter where it finished. In case ., - , .... , Race 1 1-2 Miles. fourth whero record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track ?? C al .f l" ., vm , .-ri pnmfition cnultlons- ,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. , Track record: March 11, 10O4-2:33-7-112. 75472 Links 4 99X725 77120 IS FIRST INDEX OF FEBRUARY. J,!"m1 jnvTr! , -..V," o.-u. r. bOld Faithful m- 10. 2:34 G 97X1. -pirn le i.-tttch tviipv nv maj 77479 .6160 IS URST I?1E. 01 1924. 77409 .0Iynthus .109 2:34 5 95 715 Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00. 77497 Pcquot 4 95X715 05 Superior mini runner. X Good in ml runner. 77324 Freczy Sncczy ....105 2:35 - 5 87X710 :I: Fair tmnl runner. vM Maidens. Apprentice 77369 Irish Pat 105 2:35 4 97.. 710 allowance. I Blinkers. 77280 Xanthos 3 91. .705 First Race 3 1-2 Furious. Brotherly Ixve .. . 96 2:33 7 103X700 Turso ,000. -year-olds. Allowances. 77476 Hickory 10. 2:4.75 9-X00 Track record: Feb. 9, 191011 2 114. Fiftll Eacei mi0. , .TlaS Onco Around Purse. t Tnd. Horse. W t. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. rnrsp 5100. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 77406 Foxmore 110 :41 115.. 725 Track record: Jan. 1, 191S 1:37 5 114. SSJ Atex Woodliffe ...310 :42 "J--Zt2 77519 BEST PAL 122 1:38 7 105 X 750 Baracy .ooclc ....llj -.431 ":;:. 772S6 Thorndale 110 1:39 3 88 X 740 774.3- Belle H 11.. :42s 11-.. n. 775x91 Barracuda 107 1:38 5 105X735 Hi Hm.,C J,J?mJ?I-11S :43 HO.., Co 774553 limbic 1111:37 6 100X 735 77212 Wilbur C. White- 77493 l,tlJi J"s-Clc! Isosceles 0 100. .730 head M US :42 115. .700 Step by Step 115 - Sixth Race; 1 Mile aud 70 Yards. Mit 112 Proctor Knott Purse. , . ., Turso ,000. 3-year-olds. Allowances. SC"d Ea?e 3"f Mlle . . . Track record: Feb. 7, 191S-1:42 7 116. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 9, 191S 1:11 6 116. 77411 Goldfield 106. .725 77344 Ruby 102 1:12 7 102X 725 77454 Invictus M ... ..103 1:46 10jXJ.2O 1:47 98. .nn 77345 Kindred 10S 1:13 4 97X720 77235 Waukulla 100 77255 Poppye 110 1:13 4 109 X 715 77345 Attilia ....100 1:40 77101 -Tempting 105 1:12 4 101.. 715 77277 Big and BurleyM ijinn 7744G Exchange 103 1:13 3 101. .715 77454 lobson 1OOX.0O J J :JH Seventh Race-1 1-16 Miles. "6 Orcus liV-li. i Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 76526 bAladdm 11;. 1:12 4 10sX10 1922 1:44 7110.- lir-lL1" Track record: Jan. " 18, 77452 Captain Costigan .100 1:13 4 100X710 77344 Hughes Graham ..OS 1:13 4 111X705 77447 lLord Wrack 108 1:46 7 107 X 725 70798 Theo 110 1:13 5 104X705 77365s "Bucado 113 1:4S 4 107X720 76776,bThrcc Square. 106 1:14 4 97.. 705 77448 Coral Beef 103 1:48 4 111X715 77411 Billy Klair M . . .10S 1:13 3 104.. 700 77318 Royal Duck 115 1:40 7 113X715 75750 Sizzle 110 1:14 3 90.. 700 77082 Margaret Ware ...109 1:49 4 100X715 , . 77457 Mom 102 1:47 5 93x710 m- Third Race o 3-4 Mile. 774SEbGondolier 110 1:46 5 113X710 Grand Duke Alexis Handicap. 77497 .:oi,ion Billows ...100 1:47 4 110X 710 Tursc ,000. 3-year-olds ami upward. 77447 bSt. Donard 110 1:47 6 111X710 Track record: Feb. 9, 191S 1:11 C--116. 7747,5 rrostv Boy 102 l:50s 3 97X710 77408 Certain 101 1:11 4 114 x 725 77476 Smart- 113 1:47 6 112X705 77365 Last Oac 9511:10 G 10GX720 77346 Kscarpclette 103 1:40 7 107X705 77216 John Finn 105 1:12 5 105 X 715 77497 Stump Jr 104 1:47 4 10GX705 77322 Mercury 97 1:11 6 103 X 710 77412 Ieaside 103 1:40 0 101. .700 FAIR GIIOUXDS JOCKEY PERCENTAGES. From .Tamiary 1, lOli.S, to February It, 191M, inclusive. At or At or Over Over Jockey. P.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Jockey. P.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tarke. 1 26 100 961 24S 159 123 Ambrose. E 09 103 119 11 13 1 6 Kenned-, J 20 105 41 8 5 6 Blind, E 09 99 380 35 80 46 Lang, U 19 87 187 35 21 15 Costello, R .09 104 241 21 12 20 Pool, E 19 10S 452 84 94 67 Owens, J 09 10C 326 28 27 36 P.utwell, J 18 IIS 85 15 15 15 Kaiser, II 08 99 14S 12 13 18 Martin E .IS 10S 49S 88 62 52 Lilley, W OS 115 66 5 8 8 MeDermotr, L. IS 106 732 131 119 110 Kose, G OS 106 372 31 39 41 Robinson, C 17 115 80 14 8 4 Dvson, G OS 95 3S 3 5 1 Mangan, G 17 104 151 25 21 19 Corey, G OS 107 161 13 9 15 Abel. A 17 101 441 70 CI 60 Accardv, A OS 10C 121 10 15 20 Morris, L 16 112 180 28 22 25 Cooper, G 07 85 69 5 3 C Holloway, R 16 107 120 19 8 IS Gruncisen, J 07 103 29 2 3 2 Marinelli, B 10 101 455 74 53 57 Thomas, J 07 104 94 7 10 8 OMahoney, C 1C 10S 255 41 31 34 Dennison. J 06 110 50 3 7 6 Nicholson, 0 10 102 38 3 3 2 Gruber, J 00 110 31 2 2 C Barrett, N 15 110 OS 10 5 8 Breuning, G .06 110 65 4 4 5 Hcupcl, J 15 102 318 47 43 45 McCorraack, T 05 100 19 1 2 2 Scobic, E 15 112 39S 58 78 52 Mergler, D 05 97 154 8 22 21 Walls, G. 14 109 219 31 29 28 Myer, II 05 10S 20 1 4 2 Garrett, M. At 100 355 49 42 29 Beillv. F 05 102 21 1 2 1 Kralcy, A .14 102 144 20 24 17 Harbourne, E ;. .05 111 40 2 0 1 Burke, J. II 14 110 125 18 IS 11 Jones, D 05 93 193 10 12 12 Conway, J 13 102 77 10 0 7 Kederis, J 03 104 64 2 10, 6 Harvey. B 13 105 743 95 SO 96 Levland, J 03 100 36 1 8 4 Hay, H 13 85 69 9 7 4 Saucier, L 03 99 29 1 2 2 Romanelli. It 13 105 240 31 33 28 Smith, L. 03 105 33 1 4 1 Wallace, J 13 1 00 1001 129 123 157 Thorndyke, F 03 96 147 5 15 9 Stutts, H 12 104 556 65 06 84 Duncan. G 100 1 0 0 0 Moouey, J. D 12 114 387 48 43 51 Allen, 0 105 8 0 0 0 Murphy, F 12 111 SO 10 11 C Dolin, J 85 5 0 1 0 McCoy, J 12 103 492 57 49 50 Fisher, D 90 13 0 0 0 Bell. E 12 113 202 25 24 32 Forstcrcr, L. . 100 8 0 0 0 Chalmers, J 11 101 542 62 79 52 Mariiner. W 98 4 0 0 0 Breuning. B 11 91 82 9 4 11 McAuliffe, D 104 7 0 0 0 Fields. G 11 105 COO 74 85 29 Noel, G. 100 9 0 0 1 Corcoran, J 11 106 6S1 76 89 74 Pichon, U .. 106 14 0 0 1 Cros. U 11 104 232 26 31 31 Rodney. T. 100 7 0 0 0 Roach, A 11 104 2C0 29 33 29 Rodriguez, J. 116 7 0 0 0 , Ponce, C 11 108 124 10 20 16 Griffin, S 100 8 0 0 0 , Hunt, A 11 97 50 6 4 2 Hamilton, II 110 0 0 0 1 Schwartz, M 10 112 135 13 10 10 Hansen. W. 110 C O 0 0 , Roehm. E . 10 107 13S 14 13 13 UarvejTW 95 11 0 0 2 Holmes, H 10 102 89 9 4 C Simon, Ij 98 19 0 0 1 Harrington, 11 10 109 200 20 24 24 Tavlor, H 95 9 0 0 0 Milncr, W 10 97 278 29 24 43 Thompson, G 100 11 0 0 0 1 McDeimott, R 10 100 288 30 S7 33 Uslan, R 93 0 0 1 0 Byrne. J 10 103 252 24 19 32 Ailinore. A 100 9 0 0 0 1 Carroll, G. V. 10 100 227 22 28 29 Yelton, R 97 39 0 1 1 . 3 J!,urlnllf:s 2-year-oltl. Allowances. Fel. 9, 191C . 1st RACE 421 iLdex Course Dist Timo TVk Odds Wt St 1 Str Fin Joekexs Started Order of Finish roXMORE, br. c, 2 115 By Moss Fox Lismore, by Blarney. Trainer. J. D. Grant. Owner, W. V. Reeves. Breeder. C. B. Head. 77106 F.Grnds 31 f 41fast 6 117 7 41 5ei J Kederis 13 Vanidoso, Evelyn, AlexWoodliffe , 77275 F.Grnds 31 f 42 fast S 112 1 U 2" J Kederis 13 Evelyn, BarneyGoogle, Wheaton , 77078 F.Grnds 31 f 41fast 13 110 2 1 ll E Martin 14 Parolell., RedSeth, BillWinfrey . 76769 F.Grnds 3-S 36prood 12 118 3 31 Cl C RobsonlO SamMengel. Fuo, For. Relations 1 76460 F.Grnds 3-S SC fast 20 118 10 10 10 G BreninglO S.Along, Ss Treasure. Wheaton 1 ALEX VOODLIFFE, b. c, 2 115 By Torchbearer Mary Sullivan, by Patriot. Trainer, A. S. Woodliffc. Owner, P. H. Sims. Breeder. J. Bucknel. 77473 F.Grnds 31 f 42slow 7-10 11S 2 11 1 E Pool 14 Belle II., Trigger, Hncy 7740G F.Grnds 31 f 41fast 12 110 6 G1 35 J Corcoranl3 Vanidoso, Evelyn, Superbum 77043 F.Grnds 3-S SCrast 41 US 2 SI 61 J Corcoran! 2 Fuo, Dean H., Stampdale BARNEY GOOGLE, b. c, 2 115 By Frizzle Jeano, by Dick Welles Trainer. W. H. Fizcr. Owner G. W. Stark. Breeder, D. B. Knox. 77273 F.Grnds- Si f 42 fast Si 11C 3 7 3l R IIartonl3 Evelyn, Foxmore, Wheaton 77147 F.Grnds 3i f 41fast 2 116-1 2 2 G Walls 8 Evelyn, Wheaton, Sam Mcngel 76942 F.Grnda 3-8 36 good 3-D IIS 1 1 R. HarlonlO N.Shade. Deanll., D.B.Stewart L BELLE H., ch. f, 2 M 112 By Flammarion Mary H by Elkorn. Tra:ner. L. B. Mikel. OwnerW. M. Mikel. Breeder, W. Mikel and Son. 77473 F.Grnds 3i f 42slow 20 115 3 21 2 C Gross 14 Alex Woodliffe, Trigger, Huey LITTLE JIMMY, ch. c, 2 M 110 By Frizzle Ionia, by Martinet. Trainer, J. W. Young. Owner, Cincinnati Stable. Breeder, T. Piatt. 77444 F.Grnds 31 f 42mud 10 111 10 31 4U R HartonlO Confluente, Hon.Mose, HoleCard 1 77313-F.Grnds 31 f 42 fast 40 118 1 4 4" It Hartonll Stpdale, F.Relations, Confluente ; WILBUR C. WHITEHEAD, ch. c, 115 By Short Grass Queens Loch, by Lochryan. 2 M Trainer, A. S. Woodliffe. Owner, P. H. Sims. Breeder. Short Grass Stnd. 77212 F.Grnds 31 f 41fast 20 US 12 ll 10 J Wallace 13 Parolell.. Confluente, HoleCard 1 First start for the following: STEP BY STEP, b. s, 2 M 115 By St. Rock Sensitive, by Kismet. Trainer J. McPherson. Owner, J. McPherson. Breeder, D. T. Matlar. MIT, ch. f, 2 M 112 By Everest Molly Reach, by Ont of Ri53. Trainer, M. H. Dudley. Owner, Mrs. M. H. Dudley. Breeder, A. E. Hundloy and Son. n, n a nr a 1 3Hle. Jt-year-olds anil mnrard. Claiming. Feli. 9, 191S - ciu nAUt: 1:11 1-5 no EUBY", b. m, 7 103 By Gclden Maxim Kiva, by Serapronlus. Trainer. J. Tfmensetter. Owner. J. Uraensetter. Breeder. J. TJniensetter. 77344 F.Grnds 3-4 l:147s0od 31 102 1 2 l1 l1 I Tarko 10 GoldcnBillows, Lugs, PoorSport t 77082 F.Grnds 1 1:41 fast C 107 7 7 8l S5 G Fields 9 Attilia, Marg.Ware, WaterGirl I 77000 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15livy 6 111 2 6 Gl A Roach 7 CarcFree. LadyItose, PoorSport 76878 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14slow 41 112 1 3 6 61 E Martin 11 PauIMicou, JouJou, Ccp.Costigan n 75474 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast El 110 2 3 31 41 E Blind 9 .lohnQ.Kelly, BillyBrusli, Yalta 1 75158 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 10 110 13 6 6 E Martin 7 BillOFlynii, .T.Q.Kelly, Ferguson 1 76090 Latonia 3-4 l:15hvy 12 105 C 7 71 C J McCoy 12 Martdale, Untried, Glyn KIdTDRED, ch. f, 4 97 By Jack Atkin Sister, by Uncle. Trainer, H. Oots. Owner, E. J. Wall. Breeder. H. H. Hewitt. 77345 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14g-ood 41 103 4 4 "5 L McDott 8 ll-cHiango. Iadyltose. Kingselere j 7704 1 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 2 109 3 5 31 11 L. McDottl 1 Old Sinner. Prince Welles, Fleer 75558 Churchill 1 1-16 1:47 fast 7 102 6 7 61 6TJ E Blind 9 Ellas ., Haiti. Rand. l 75492 Churchill 1 l:FSfast U-5 U2 2 1 1 4 T Brothersll N.Sceundu. RonipingMy. Cash li 75392 Churchill 1 1:?0 slow 21 109 2 1 1 1 L. McDott 8 Lchmont, Gconoko, Sun.Ducrow v 74692 Latonia lm"0y l:43fast 22Z 89 6 3 4K 6 S Griffin 31 Normal. Ten Sixtv. Widgeon 74361 Latonia 3-1 1:13 fast 61 ICS 3 2 l" lJ L McDottI2 BenBolt, GrccnGold, Sis.Josella a 1 . . , , . 1 1 L 1 ; 1 - t I n 1 1 j li v a POPPYE, b. f, 4 103 By Theo. Cook Maggie Quince, by Peter Quince. Trainer. J. P. Tolk. Own-r, J. P. Polk. Breeder. H. P. Hcadley. 77255 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 12 110 5 1 1 1 J Wallace 10 Arrowhead, Fifty-Fifty. C.Frce 77185 F.Grnds 3-4 1:16 hvy 10 107 12 7 51. 6i 11 Stutts 12 CarcFree. PlMicon. Fifty-Fifty 77057 F.GPnds 3-4 1:14 fast 41 112 S 6 4 6S1 E Pool It Coral Reef, Guvnor, Daydue 76858 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14fast 4 106 4 4 11 l1 J Wallace 14 Arrowhead, Venizelos, C.Siimmy 75474 Churchill 3-4 l:13faandt 7 113 8 7 5" Dl J Pevic 9 JolinQ.Kelly. BillyBrusli, Yalta 75377 Churchill 1 1:40 mud 16-5 113 7 4 4 4" W Losee 8 Rustem. N.Secundiis, Klow.Shop 75215 Latonia 3-1 l:13hvy 9 110 7 3 1" 1 J PeMc 12 WindgThrough, Jou Jon. Hullo 75189 Iitonia ImTOy 1:19 mud 33 102 4 3 35 31 W Losee 5 Hold Me, Make Up. Kinburn 75027 Latonia 3-4 l:ljmud 10 104 9 S Pull.up.I Parke 10 Longboat, Adventure, Kingsecro TEMPTING, br. f, 4 101 By McGec Ida Harrison, by Ingoldsby. Trainer, A. L. Kirbv. Owner, ,T. Livingston. Breeder. C. W. Moore. 77101 F.Grnds 1 1-IC l:47fast 16-5 93 4 1 1. ll F Leo 11 Gem, Stump Jr., High Gear 76943 F.Grnds 3-1 1:11 good 12 97 4 3 21 2s L Lang 13 Avispa, Stamp, Bucado 75492 Churchill 1 l:39fast G 102 7 4 7l 6 E Blind 11 N.Secundus, KompingMy. Cash 75413 Churchill 7-S l:26good 5 IOC 4 C G1 41 J Wallace 15 Ben Valet. Modesty. Sew.Comb3 75245 Latonia 3-1 l:13hvy 9 110 5 4 10 9J E Blind 12 Poppye. Wir.dgTlirough, JouJou 75090 Latonia 2-1 l:13hvy 26 101112 11 9 9" W Fronk 12 Man-dale, Untried. Glyn 72991 Saratoga 1 l:3Sfast 30 101 4 5 C 6 F Hastings V.of Dreams. WaterGirl. I.unctta 71523 Latonia 3-4 1:13 hvy 31 93 3 4 5 5 I Parke 7 Certain. Dor.B 1 lau r. Last Ona EXCHANGE, b. g-. 3 101 By Tea Caddy Betty Haggin, by McGec. Trainer. J. D. Lcnahan. Owner. C. Lenahan. Breeder. C. W. Moore. 77146 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14mud 6 103 3 3 71 7 D Mergler S M.Domino, Fredericktown, Ducky 77345 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14good 6 102 1 1 1 Ink L Lanj; 8 Mdy Itose. Kindred, Kingselere 77315 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 33-5 108 8 3 5 G14 G Fields 9 Everglade, Privilege, LeonardG. 77056 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 4i 108 2 1 1 1 G Fields 33 BillyKIair, Mcintosh, Sea-Wolf 77005 F.Grnds 3-4 1:15 hvy 13-5 SS 1 1 1 3e L Lan 8 BiffBang, Piedmont. R. Charlie 76941 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14good 3 0 306 1 3 3J D5 L McDotUl .IitliaM., W.theWizard, DevilGirl 76776 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15mud C 11C 2 1 21 31 I McDoti 9 W.tlieWizd, FireBoy, Telescope 76209 Jefferson Gl f l:ll.hvy 30 115 9 G 6l C J McCoy 11 Carlton. Levoy. Everglade JOU JOU, b. m, 5 93 By "Von Tromp Jourdain, by Watercress. Trainer. J. Lowe. Owner. J. Lowe. Breeder. E. Cebrian. 77407 F.Grnds 3-4 3:13fast 30 93 9 S 7 7T1 B Brening 9 Translate. Sweep-ikes. IIon.Man 77276 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 4-5 101 S C 41 3S I Parke 31 Simplicity, Midnt Follies. Stamp 7687R F.Grnds 3-4 l:14slow 38-5 301 6 4 2h 21 I Parke 31 PlMicon, Cap.Costigan, Fclicits 75245 Latonia 3-1 l:13hvy 9-5 118 3 6 3 3 L McDottl2 Poppye. Windg Through, Hullo 74773 Latonia 1 1:40 fast 19-10 102 2 3 2" 31 F Smith G Runquoi, Attorney. Gem 74279 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 9 313 C 2 3 21 L McDottlO HonoiMan, ColoredBoy, BegParn 72797 Kenilwh 3-4 l:llfast 17 104 7 Fell. A Clavcr 11 Brunswick. Mercury, SpcedyGirl 2291 Hawthne lm70y l:41fast 3 103 2 1 31 lh II Zander S Courtship, Sportsman. Wrangler 12020 Hawthne 2-4 l:12fast 41 95 7 S S 6,e H Farland 9 Jakiellay, Mt.Itosc, L.MarcclIia ORCUS, ch. g, 6 112 By Trojan Ogress, by Eon. Trainer. C. A. Apple-rate. Oner. C. A. AppleuateL Breeder. J. T. Gwathmev. 77496 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13good 13 113 6 7 71 5 B Brening S Caligula, Swpstakes. Lt.Farrell 77214 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 last 10 3C9 1 1 1" C6J K Martin 7 Bklond. Isosceles. BettcrTimes 77122 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 10 112 10 8 71 "1 G Cooper 10 Kingselere. Lily M., Isosceles 76359 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 20 1061 7 9 9 83 E Martin f Ctimeter, Cllijdan, L.MarcclIia 7CG08 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 20 112 3 7 71 71 E Martin 10 Ctimeter, Cljordtiii. L.Marcela 76442 Jeficrson 3-4 l:13tast 12 102 4 4 4 3i W Fronlc 5 Centimcler, lL.Iewel, Muslialge 75179 Empire Ab 3-1 1:09 fast 6 11G1 3 4 4 4" E Sando l". Klintstone, Iady Rose, Curtis 74704 Jamaica 3-4 l:12fast 10 3CC 6 7 7 714 A McLhlin 7 Hullabaloo, P.Kegent, Whirhvd ALADDIN, br. g, 4 108 By Dick Finnell Viola Vail, by Jean Bcrcaud. Trainer, G. Peterson. Owner, W. A. Rosen. Breeder. R. H. Anderson. 76528 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:18slow 20 S9 5 S S S F Thdyke S SogthAroon, Tony Beau, Raffles 70464 F.Grnds lm70y l:45fast 16-5 15 1 1 21 31 G Corey 5 Raffles, Fly.Devil. Beverwyck 76404 Jefferson 3-4 l:13good 7 307 5 G 3 3 D Mergler 9 Idle Thoughts. Lugs. Knot Grass 7G321 Jefferson 51 f 3:09hvy S 307 4 5 8 S9i D Mergler S BoyalDlck. BegPardon. Antonla 76268 Jefferson 3-4 1:1S hvy 7 1C5 9 5 5 34 D Mergler 10 Splictty, Valentin. Becomdatn 76210 Jefferson 3-4 l:lShvy 10 312 5 3 3 31 Corey !J CarcFree. Kingselere, TderScth 76149 Jefferson Gi f l:0Sslow 12 306 3 3 3 37i D Mergler 8 Kingselere, Guvnor. Care Free 75683 Bowiu 1 1-16 1.53fast 14f 10S C 12 12 12" G Corey 13 King Albert, Care Free, Simoon CAPTAIN COSTIGAN, ch. g, 4 1C0 By Vandergrift Bastante, by Oddfellow. Trainer. J. M. Collins. Owner. J. M. Collins. Breeders. Keene and Black. 77452 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13hvy C 113 9 4 41 62 M SchwtzlS donel Winn, McIntoh. Stamp 77148 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14fast 6 110 6 6 31 2U E Pool 11! Rock Bottom. Stamp, Sword J6878 F.Grnds 3-4 l:lislow 8 303 30 9 4 2 J Wallace 11 Paul Micou. .Ion Jou, Felicitous 7G810 F.Grnds 3-4 l:16mud 41 31S 1 2 34 3rl J DennisonlO Slip. Kim, Sea-Wolf, RoyalDick 75742 Bowie 61 f l:21fast 15 107 5 C 7l G4 C Taylor 33 Bock Bottom, l.oanda. Eager 75611 Bowio 61 f l:21fast 7 106 12 6 71 G43 II Holmes 13 Mou.RomH.. .lyntee. D.oft.VIcy 755G2 Marlboro 1 3:49 good 11 101 1 4 G G F Wdslck 6 Bil. Watts, CarcFree, KingAlbert 75481 Marlboro 61 f l:27mud 11 103 2 1 l Z- F Wdstck 1; CarcFree, K.Alliert. .lewellV.I. HUGHES GRAHAM, b. g, 4 111 By Mont dOr II. Theodorita. by Dick Wells. Trainer. F. Brooks. Owner. T. V. Mountjoy. Breeder. S. K. Nichols. 77344 F.Grnds 3 4 l:14good 10 115 7 7 9l S9 G EreninglO Rr.bv. Golden Billows Lugs 77186 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13hvy 3 114 5 5 G5 4 E Pool M.Domino. L.Farrell, Galtman 77122 F.Grnds 3-4 1:11 fast 8 110 S 9 S1 S F ThdykelO Kingsclrre, Lily M., Isosceles 76771 F.Grnds 3-4 l:Ugood 12 117 5 G CI 7S J Corcorar.10 Mercury, Centimeter. Julia M. 76608 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 15 113 G 5 4l 442 J CoreormlO Ctimeter. Cljordan, L.Marcel.i 76113 Jcffeison 1 l:40faut 15 3C6 3 1 4and Gi J Corcoran 8 lioscate II.. Thimble. Barracud. 76230 Jefferson 51 f l:10hvy 8 308 3 4 4 414 E Blind 4 .I.F.OHara, Caligula, II.Jew.-l 76029 Jefferson 3-4 1:15 good 12 9S 3 3 31 1 E Blind G Amole, llid.Jewcl. Her.Kemlile 75956 Jtfferson G-S i:04 hvy 8 110 5 4 2 2 D Jones 7 Caligula. Dobson, Richelieu THEO, b. m, 5 104 By Theo. Cook Eddio Eiddis. by Hermis. Trainer, J. McKeon. Owner, W. A. Baumgartner. Breeder. W. Garth. 70798 Dfrcrin 7-S l:31fast 6 119 1 N Foden 5 .Scrap. Raeki t. Jack Fairman 70758 Dfferin 7-S 1:35 fast 5 30S 5T W Tavlor 5 I.Iondi l. .T.Fairnnn. ArcticKing 70G37 Dfferin 7-S l:31fast 34-5 30S 44 W Taylor S Bloss.lloase, FaiEast. Bob.Al.en " 70415 Thcliffe 3-4 3:34fast 27-10 301 2 2 3l C W Martin 7 Bon Jour. Ina Kay. Topmost G9297 Hunfton 51 f l:07prood 17-10 112 32 E Roehm G SweelMama, Glab-Ila QnEstlier C8738 Jefferson 3-1 l:15fast C 101 G 4 4h H W Fronk It Itos.ale II., Maiimba. Guvnor 68574 Jefferson 3-4 l:14fast 31 1031 1 1 31 41 G Mein 30 MayBodine, A. Alexander, Orlova C8471 Jefferson 3-4 3:17hvy 7 101 7 6 7 7 J ChImers 7 Sagamiiic, Balco, Guvuor THREE SQUARE, ch. f. 4 07 By Short Grass Set Square, by Simon Square. Trainer. D. R. McDaniel. Owner. P. Ungar. Breeder. Short Glass Stud. 76778 F.Grnds 3-1 l:15mud 15 9G 1 4 1" 3 D Jones S PauIMicou, Sagamore, PrSport 75815 Jefferson 3-4 l:16slow 13 107 9 7 6" S6 T Burns 31 Kustem. Ingboat. Stum;. Jr. 75150 Empire Ab 3-4 1:10 fast SO 107 2 5 5 41 T Burns ! Whirlwind, Ege, Water Girl 75083 Empire Ab 3.-4 1:11 good 10 102 2 5 6 63 M Fator C. .lyntee, Stella .Maris, Uuly Kose 74503 Jamaica 3-4 3:12fast 5 104 2 7 64 51 G Cooper 7 Dexterous. Bubien. Good Time 74164 Aqueduct 3-4 l:14fast 5 103 2 2 2i 2" A Accanly S The Peruvian, Whisk, Bucado 73518 Belmont 1 l:37fast 6 107 3 4 4 4" L McAtec 4 S. Hatch. Anonymous, Luminist 73411 Belmont 1 l:?.8fast 4-5 99 3 2 21 2 F Hastings 7 San. Hatch. Luminist, Carncita 73319 Belmont 11-16 1:45 fast 3 304 4 1 1. 2 F Hastings 8 It.McIghlin. RedLegs, Carcita BILLY KLAIR, b. g, 3 M 104 By Horron Ethelburs II.. by Hapsburg. Trainer. W. N. Potts. Owner, W. N. Potts. Breeder. J. B. Gorham. 77411 F.Grnds 1 l:40fast 10 96 G 6 7 64 D Jones 7 Goldfield. Telescope. II.M.Dietz 77363 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 15 93 7 6 7 7 L Lang 7 Vitain, Sweepstakes, BuekPond 77056 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 1S-5 308 3 4 2 2 L McDottI3 Exchange, Mcintosh, Sea-Wolf 76702 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15hvy 50 111 G 9 10 10 4 D Mergler 11 Byron, Norseland, Telescope 70613 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 20 116 7 5 Cl S10 D Merglerll Uproar, Fausto, Quiverr. SIZZLE, b. f, 3 96 By Frizzle Lady Fanchon, by Grast Britain. Trainer. J. McPherson. Ownjr, J. C. Furst. Breeder, O. D. Randolph. 75750 Jefferson G-S 3:04 mud. 12 106 1 9 951 B Harvey 9 Thorndale, Without, Mad.Vennie 75416 Churchill 3-4 l:12good 17 110 2 3 74 710 J Gmoer ! PVsHorn. Bcaii.Agucs. MahJong 75093 Latonia 3-4 1:15 hvy 41 30110 Lost rider. 13 Harveyl2 Ocirena. Bamra. W. the Wizard 74633 Latonia 51 f 1:07 fast 2Gf .112 1 2- 1and 31 J Gruber 32 Gibbons. Ray Jr.. F.retoma 74458 Latonia 51 f l:07fast 59 111 S 10 Sl 83 J Gruber 12 P.att.r Up. llorgan, PhilMcCann 73727 Lcxgton Gl f l:07fast 227 112 5 3 4 4 J Gruber 10 S.Elizth. M.I-Twnce, Cher.Lee 73153 Bl.Grass 41 f 57slow 4S 112 7" J Gruber 9 Mid. Follies. Paulina. Viennese Onrl DAPC "4 Mile. Grand Dulte Alexis IIaiiiliea. 3-year-olils ami op- Old nAUt ward. Feb. 9, 191S 1:111-5 110. CERTAIN, b. p. 4 114 By tltimus Lady Savoy, by Morion. Trainer. J. McPherson. Owner, J. McPherson. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 77408 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 3 109 2 2 2 P I Parke 4 ntimeter. Exodus, J.F.OIIara 77365 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 11-10 IOC 2 3 l1 Ill Parke 7 Sweepstakes. Bklond, LastOr.e 77277 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 7 106 2 3 4 3l B Harvey 7 Dr.Clark. Exodus. SeeThought 77194 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 good 41 106 2 2 11 2 I Parke 7 Flint Stone. Svvpstakes, Mercurv 77150 F.Grnds " 2-4 1:13 fast 12 107 3 G 3 52 B Harvey 10 Kinkey, Mali Jong. Sec.Thoughts 77007 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14hvy 7-5 104 111 1" I Farke G Su pstakes, J. Finn. L.MarccIiti 76924 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13s!ow 1 305 3 1 2 21 B Harvey G Tglijdan, RdleyVTonev. O.Oui 76G49 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 8-5 109 1 3 3 3 B Harvey 4 Moonraker, Best Pal. Oui Oui 76560 F.Grnds 2-4 l:12fast 32 309 5 2 2l 21 B Harvey 3 S.Thoughts, Moonraker, Dr.Clark LAST ONE, b. g, 6 103 By Judgo Wright Glenelgs Last, by Glenelg. Trainer, W. G. Woods. Owner, S. Cowan. Breeder. T. Bate. 77365 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast G lit 1 1 41 471 G Corey 7 Certain, Sweepstakes, BuekPond 77277 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 35 104 1 4 51 72 G Corey 7 Dr. Clark, Exodus, Certain 77194 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 good 20 103 1 4 7 7J G Corey 7 Flint Stone, Certain, Swpstakcs 77150 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 15 110 10 S 94 10 G Corey 11 Kinkey, Mali Jong, Sec.Tliouglits 75100 Laurel 3-4 l:14good 9 115 5 3 42 J Ciillahnr.il llid.Jewc!. Fredcricktn. Colando 74737 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast G 115 4 5 51 41 B Marinelli 7 1-eathetM, Bluellawk, Chjordan 74427 Thcliffe 3-4 l:13fast 1 320 1 1 1 1 F Watrous 5 S.sl-cmon, J.F.OIIara, B.Proof 74296 Thcliffe 61 f l:07fast G-5 117 3 1 H ll F Watrous 7 J.F.OIIara. S.I.enioi:. Remnant JOHN FINN, ch. h. 5 105 By Dick Finnell Coruscate, by Chorister. Trainer. E. TroHer. Owner, E. Trotter. Brcdcr. T. Pir.tt. 7721G F.Grnds lm70y l:41fast 8 1C9 4 6 V" V J AVallace S RockBnttom, Swerpy. froUedltoy 77194 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 good 15 10S 7 7 Cl 64: J Wallace 7 Flint Stoue, Certain, Swpstake 77059 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 7 110 4 4 4 4 13 Pool 7 Transhu... Moonraker. B.sToney 77007 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14hvy 5 109 4 5 4h 3el J Corcoran G Certain, Swpstakcs, L.MarcclIia 76880 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13slow 41 104 1 3 21 11 J Wallace 7 Moonraker, Mercury, Swpstakes 76812 F.Grnds 3-1 1:15 mud 21 105 2 4 4 21 J Wallace 4 Delantc, Moonraker. Amoie 76561 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:4Gfast 15 105 7 7 7 7" J Wallace 7 FlintStone. O.Henry. Barracuda 764G2 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 13-5 112 1 2 21 31 E Pool 5 Sec.Thonglits, Triumph. Oui Oui 76269 Jefferson 51 f l:llhvy 1G-5 112 1 3 21 1 J Wallace 4 Tuscola. Pandowdy. JsF.OIlara MERCURY, ch. g. 6 103 By Vulcain Rose of Pink, by Pink Coat. Trainer. G. E. Phillip. Owner, J. McMillen. Breeder. J. H. Woodford. 77322 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14s!ow 2 110 3 3 2 2 L McDott 4 W.t.Wizd, J.F.OIIara, B.Times 77277 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fat.t 12 102 7 6 6 6 J Wallace 7 Dr. Clark, Exodus, Certain 77214 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 9-5 107 5 5 41 t4J G Fields 7 Bklond, Isosceles, BettcrTimes 77194 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 good 4 104 5 3 31 44 G Fields 7 Flint Stone, Certain. Swpstakes 77102 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 12 113 5 6 71 6i G Fields 9 Centimeter. ChildsPIay, OuiOtii 76946 F.Grnds lm70y 1 :45g:ood 31 100 5 4 5 614 G Fields 5 The Roll Call, Neddam, Sweepy 76880 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13slow G 101 2 2 3 31 G Fields 7 JliKinn. Mnraker. Swpstakes 76771 F. Grnds 3-4 l:13good 6 1J3 7 3 2i ll G Fields 10 Centimcler, JuliaM., Muskalge 76681 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13mud 15 109 3 3 3 2 G Fields 6 Vghjordan, Caligula, WarMau HIDDEN JEWEL, b. g. 8 105 By Disguise Rubia Grande, by Greenan. Trainer. A. Svnk?. Ci-vn. A. Swenkel. .P-coder. VVickliffe Stnd. 77453 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13hvy 31 120 G 5 11 1 I Parke S truvnor. Biff Bang, Beg Pardon 7G505 F.Grnds 3-4 1:15 mud 3-5 111 1 1 11 1 I Parke f. L.Mnrcellia. J .Joseph. Calcutta 76442 Jefferson 3-4 l:13fast 11-10 112 2 2 2 21 J Corcoran 5 Centimeter, Orcns, Mnskallong" 76367 Jefferson 51 f l:07good 7 106 7 6 4 21 I Lang 8 Moonraker, Centimeter, Tuscola 76230 Jefferson 51 f l:10hvy 4 114 1 2 3 3"" J Corcoran 4 J.F.OIIara. Caligula. H.G liam G096 Jefferson GJ f 1:08 fast 3 108 2 2 21 1! G Mangan30 Tuscola, Admirer, Red Arrow 76029 Jefferson 3-4 1:13 good 3 107 1 1 21 3 I Parke 6 A mole. II.Graham. Her. Kemble 75809 Bowio 61 f l:21m"Jd 4 101 5 3 4 34 L Lang 11 Noel. Fredericktown. Eager SECOND THOUGHTS, ch. m. 5 134 Bv Ultimus Lydia II.. bv Luke Blackburn. Trainer. B. A. Jones. Owner. Jones Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. H. P. Headlev. 77150 F.Grnds 3-1 1:13 fast 8 12G 2 2 1 3S L McDottlO Rinkey, Mali Jong, Exodus 70882 F.Grnds lm70y l:4Vsslov 11-5 103 3 11 1 I Parke G Delanle. Barracuda, LadvMadcap r!7G5CO F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 9-5 119 2 1 1 11 F Lee 5 Certain, Moonraker, Dr. Clark 7G4G2 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 9-5 107 2 1 1 1 F Lee 5 Triumph, John Finn, Qui Oui 74221 Omaha 11-16 1:50 mud 32-10 117 2 2 2l 21 E Petzoldt 5 Dehmtc. BillyStar. Tialor Maid 71010 Omaha 3-4 l:12fast 1-2 3 20 4 2 23 S3 E Petzoldt G Pud, Delantc, O. Henry 73G93 Omaha Gl f 1:06 fast 2-3 337 2 1 3 31 E Petzoldt 7 L.MarcelIia, Pinehurst, Delante 72351 Hawthne 3-1 lUXmud 2 110 1 1 1 lJ E Petzoldt 3 Lord Granite. White Star JAMES F. OHARA, b. h, 0 105 By Uncle Saintolat. by Sain. 3 Trainer, J". D. Adkihs. Owner, Hirkfield Stable. Breeder. R. J. Mackenzie. 77475 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14sslow 4 103 2 4 3l 24 B Brening 5 Calcutta, Ducky Red Arrow " 77408 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 25 102 3 4 4 41 J Wallace 4 Certain. Centimeter; Exodus ; 77322 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14andslow 21 109 2 2 3 34 J Wallace 4 W.t. Wizard, Mercury, B.Times 7 76269 Jefferson SI f l:llhvy 7-5 113 3 4 3h 4 C tans 4 JolinFinn. Tuscola, Iandowdy 1 76230 Jefferson 51 f l:10hvy 1 109 4 3 2 11 I Parke 1 Caligula, Ilid.Jewel, H.Graham " 76186 Jefferson 3-4 l:lfr livy 5 104 1 1 1 24 II Farland 3 Deliintc, John Finn "i 76132 Jefferson 3-4 l:154hvy 9-10 106 1 1 2 2s II Farland : Dclante. Winner Take All : 75710 Howie Gl f 1:20 fast 17 112 3 4 7 64 E Ambrose S Noel, Apex. Wildrake 1 BLUE NOSE, b. q, . 104 By Black Toney Benanet. by St. Avonlcua. " Trainer. W. Hurley. Ownsr. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. E. R. Bradley. 77365 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 40 106 6 7 CI Gu G W Croll 7 Certain. wcepstnkes, BuckPond ; 69638 Pimlico 3-4 l:llfast 14 97 C 5 C G A Abel 7 Apex, Tip. Witcher. Luminist " f.9429 H.ileGcc 3-i 1:13 fast 30 103 8 5 5 5SJ G Mein 9 Avisack. S.Troughts, Camoufge ; K9347 H.dcGce 3-4 l:i2fast 31 11319 10 10 10 1 L Lyke 11 Vigil, Dunlin, Fly by Day : 68781 Jefferson 1 1-8 1.57hvy S 113 6 5 Sand 10" L Lyke 13 Amole. Calcutta, Setting Sun 68693 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:46andfast 12 991 3 5 5 5" J McCoy 0 Pnradcr. SirTh.Kcan, Calcutta 68615 Jefferson 1 l:39Xfast 8 102A 6 2 31 4 A Wilson 9 S.Tli.Keau, Mavournn, Set.Sun ", Aih DA PC 1 1 -- Allies. Carrollton Claiming Sfakcs. I.-year-olds and np-HrUl nHlC ward. Olarcn 11, 1004 2:33 U-5 7 112. j LINKS, b. g, 4 99 By Short Grass Ckristophine, by Plaudit. j Trainer. M. Goldblatt. Owner, Greentree Stable. Breeder, Short Grass- Stud. ; 75172 Churchill 1 l:41Vsfast 4-5 110 13 5 3i Ink E Pool 14 GreenBriar, Lcontes, CliicfBrant . 75061 Latonia lm70y l:52hvy 1 110 2 5 4J 2J E Pool 6 Enrico, Green Briar. Lew Pope 74319 Latonia 1 1-16 l:lCfast S 96 7 6 4s 31 I Parke 7 Rest.Timc. ThcLpard. J,. Wrack ; 72314 Umpire 1 1:41 fast 3-2 110 2 4 44 310 L McAtee 5 The Corsair, MissBelle, Sis.Suc j 72082 Empire 1 1:40 fast 40 ICO 3 5 5 4" I Parke 5 Athcrstone. Sandy II.. Shamrk BRUNELL, b. g, 4 93 By Black Toney Santa Anna II., by Martagon. Trainer, W. Hurley. Owner. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. E. E. Bradley. 77493 F.Grnds 1 1-1G 1:43 good 8 99 G 4 4 2 E Blind 6 Isosceles, Gondolier, J. P. Jones 77388 F.Grnds 1 1-8 1.53?sfast 10 103 3 4 4 451 E Blind 4 ltomany. Miss Meise, Ranikin ; 77195 F.Grnds 1 1-S 1:54 good 3 102 3 3 3 3 E Blind 5 Dustaboat. Wapiti, Baffles 77125 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 16-5 106 6 3 2 1 E Blind 8 Piedmont, Advocate, Longboat 77047 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47fasr. 8 101 2 6 21 2J E Blind 7 Neddam, Anonymous, Normal 76618 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47fast 5 105 4 6 31 34 E Blind 8 Wapiti, Bygone Days, Huoncc 76443 Jefferson 1 l:4Cfast 7 100 7 6 6i Ci G W Croll 8 BoseatelL. Thimble. Barracuda : 75996 Jefferson 3-4 l:167islovr 20 104 G 4 21 34 E Blind 7 JnFinn. RoseatelL, Mkallonge 75454 Churchill 1 1:39 fast CI ISO 4 6 5 54 E Blind 6 A.BIueGown, Wild Life, Oui Oui OLD FAITHFUL, b. jr. 0 " 97 By Horron Smirr. by Carnage. Trainer. G. E. Phillips. Owner, J. McMillcn. Breeders, M. Young and J. B. Gorham. j 77479 F.Grnds 1 1-3 1:57 slow S-3 109 1 2 2 l1 n Stutta 7 Our Birthday, Pete Foy. Chaplet j 77346 F.Grnds 1 1-8 1:55 pood .10 107 4 4 3l 3s G Fields 5 Gondolier, StumpJr., Escpoltte j 77318 F.Grnds 11-3 1:54 fast 40 106 3 6 5and 4 G Fields S Bucado. East Indian. Westwood j 77061 F.Grnds 11-8 1:55 fast 12 110 11 11 11 11 G Fields 11 Bendita, Kimpalong, Sun.Duerow 77049 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:55Vfast 15 110 11 11 9 10 G Fields 11 Royal Duck, Bastille. Ashland 76927 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:56slow 7 109 2 7 5 5T3 D Mergler 10 Hickory, Soviet. Little Animie 76187 Jefferson 1 1-S l:59Ihvy 20 108 1 4 5 5 J Corcoran 5 Tony Beau. Richelieu, Gondolier 75747 Bowie 1 1-2 2:39fast 41 100 3 4 3l 3 G Fields 7 D.nndDrakcs. Guelph. SirLeonid 75714 Bowie 1 3-16 2:05fast 41 109 7 4 21 2 G Fields 9 SirLeonid, CouimcCi, RoyalDuck OLYNTHUS, b. g, 5 95 By Nassovian Kildonan, by Ladas. Trainer, A. G. Blakely. Owner, W. Daniel. Bred in England by J. Sanford. 77409 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:535fast 12 108 9 11 12 lli L. McDotll.t FlintStone, SetngSun. Dr.Clark 77008 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:49 hvy 41 102 4 1 l1 Is I Parke 8 Rama. Rest Pal. Sedgeficld : 76839 F.Grnds lmTOy 1:46 slow 41 104 5 5 41 4J J Wallace 6 Sedgeficld, Lord Granite, Rama 76737 F.Grnds 1 1-1C l:49slow 9-5 103 5 3 11 11 B Mrinelli C Tony Beau. Dustaljout, Byg.Days 70651 F.Grnds 1 1-1C 1:46 fast 1S-5 107 G 5 4 4 Ji Mrinelli 6 Polvo. Win.TakeAlI, Dustabout 76163 F.Grnds 1 1-15 l:46ifast 20 107 3 12 11and 10 B Marillil3 Delantc, Barracuda, Revenge 7!326 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:51 hvy 10 105 2 4 73 V- F Smith 9 Delante. Rama, Best Pal 7C250 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:55Vhvy 1-3 103 2 2 2 2;i J Corcoran 2 The Roll Call 75024 Empire lmTOy 1:46 hvy 18-5 93 1 1 1 Is G CooDer 4 Tangerine, Episode, Wynnewood PEQUOT, ch. c. 4 S5 By Hilarious Halesia, by Martinet. 1 Trainer. J. Booth. Owner. R. T. Watts. Breeders. Williams Bros. 77497 F.Grnds lmTOy 1:14 good 15 9S 5 6 7J 7" B Brening S RoseatelL. L.Granite, R.Bottom I 77324 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:19slow 7-5 103 2 2 1 l1 I Parke 6 Raffles, Frcez.Sneezy, Fly.Devil : 77258 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:17sfast 4 107 5 4 3l 31 J Corcoran 6 Isosceles, Rock Bottom, Raffles 1 77189 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49hvy 7-10 111 3 1 l2 Ill Parke 6 Sdsof Pleasure. Vennie, SeaCove " 77009 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:50andhvy 2 107 1 4 lz I1 I Parke 6 FreczySneezy. Gondolier, Huoncc 7 6883 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:53jslow 41 103 6 ll 2 D lersler 6 FzySnzy. E.Indian, Marg.Ware 76773 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49andgood 20 110 9 1 li 2 J Owens 9 Miss Meise. Neddam. Past.Swaln 75153 Churchill 1 1-S l:53ifast 4 110 4 2 11 B M Garner 10 Tay.Hay, RompingMary, Lierre FREEZY SNEEZY. b. m, 5 87 By Xovetie Frosty, by Rockton. I Trainer. J. Arthur. Owner. J. Arthur. Breeder. Mrs. L. A. Livingston. 77324 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49slow 13-5 93 4 3 33 3 ! Lang C Peuuot, Raffles, Flying Devil 77009 F.Grnds 1 1-15 l:50Vihvy 2-2 110- 5 2 21 2- Li Lang 0 Pcquot, Gondolier, Huouec 76883 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:53islow 1C-5 103 4 21 1" L Lang 0 Pequot, Ilistlndian, Marg.Ware 76465 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:4S fast 3 97 5 2 2H Is L Lang 11 ILSpecd, MissMeise, FannieBean 76409 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:49 good 1S-3 107 G 4 51 Csl L Lang S MargaretWare, Tody. Highspeed 76307 Jefferson 1 1-15 l:53hvy 13-3 102 4 2 11 Is L Lang 0 Marg. Ware. Wrangler, Ettahe 76233 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:51 hvy 5 102 3 3 Sl 1 L Lang 7 Sinarty, Bastille, Spugs IRISH PAT. b. g. 4 97 By Berrilldon Mollie Kean, by Bobbie Kean. Trainer. J. Bauer. Ownsr, J. J. Lyons. Breeder. R. R. Howard. 77369 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47fast 20 106 S S S Gl J Corcoran 8 Lily M., AVrangler, Bucado 17280 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:02fast 4 ICS 3 7 6l 51 F Tlidyke 9 Xanthos, At.Boyll.. Scourgeman 77239 F.Grnds 1 1-1 2:09!-5fast 3 112 7 6 71 4 J Corcoranll Hickory, Dustproof, Attorney 77048 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:5"ifast 13 115 9 7 8l 81 F ThornkelO Insulate. Repeater, Tingling 76947 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:53good 20 110 Left at post. J Corcoran 9 Eastlndian, Gondolier, Ramkin 1 76774 F.Grnds 1 1-iri l:4S7sgood 8 109 4 6 1 7i J- Chalmers S Beverwyck, Rupee. King John 75595 Bowie 1 1-S l:597fast 31-10 10S 4 4 .4 1 G Rose 14 Magician, Ashland. Soviet XANTHOS, tr. g. 3 - 91 By Short Grass Scoot, by Dick Finnell. Trainer, R. McGarvey. Owner, Four Oaks Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. S. H. Nichols. 77280 F.Grnds 1 2-16 2:02fast 8 109 7 2 K l1 B Brening 9 AttaBoylL, Scourgeman, Bkolia 77103 T.Grnds lm70y 1:16 fast S 97 11 12 0- SJ L Lang 12 Flying Fur, Fausto, Peggy O. 76948 F.Grnds lm70y 1:465 good 41 100 1 2 21 2! J Chalmersl I FiostyBoy. G. Northern, Duelma : 76860 F.Grnds lmTOy lGfast 20 100 1 4 5 CJ J Chalmersll Deronda, Waukulla, Despard 76150 Jefferson 11:46 slow 30 92 1 G 6 6,: L Pichon 8 SethsFiower. Fehrah, B.Wright 75997 Jefferson 3-4 1:17 slow 30 9S 2 3 I1 51 L Pichon 11 Peggy O., S.sFlovrcr, Ph. Snow 75093 Latonia 3-4 1:15 hvy 22 104 S 10 105 9i F Hstingsl2 Ocircna, Bamra, W. the Wizard BROTHERLY LOVE. b. g, 7 103 By Helmet Santa Anna II., by Martagon. Trainer. R. McGarvey. Owner. Four Oaks Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. E. R. Bradley. 77049 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:33andfa3t 31 112 10 10 6V 711 L JIcDottll Royal Duek, Batsille, Ashland 76947 F.Grnds 1 1-S 1 :55?sgood 10 103 S 7 61 G17 L McUttt 9 Eastlndian. Goudolier, Ramkiu 76611 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:534sfast 12 111 8 6 51, 4" J Ileupel S Ramkiu. St. Donard, Tody 76465 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:48 fast 12 105 3 7 8l 7J J McCoy 11 F.Sneezy, Highspeed, MissMeise 75477 Churchill 1 3-16 2:00 fast 7 111 7 5 51 42 T Murray 7 Miss Meise, Paris Maid, OoLaLa 75414 Churchill 1 1-S 1:53 good 23-10 113 7 7 4J l1 T Murray 7 St. Paul, Tulalip. Rep 75306 Latonia 1 1-2 2:35fast 5 lit a 6 4 4" J Wallace 7 Pumps, CaptainMac, Paris Maid 75128 Latonia 1 1-S 1.55 good 3-10 107 S 5 31 31 J Pevic S Runijuoi, Brother! Love, Bosh HICKORY, b. h. 5 92 By Prince Hermis Lou Hazel, by King Regent. Trainer. W. A. Crawford. Owner. Hamilton Stable. Breeder. G. L. Blackford. 77476 F.Grnds 11-16 1:50 slow 10 110 9 S 7l 71 J Chalmrs 9 Seare Crow, Six Pence, Rupee 77390 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:19 fast 12 1C9 11 7 Gl 7 J Chlmersl2 P.Mieou, Dr.Whitehst, Repeater 77239 F.Grnds- 1 1-1 "2:C3,4fast 31 104 . 9 3 1 ll B Mrir.elli 11 Rustproof. Attorney, Irish Pat 77190 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:57hvy 12 112 5 5 5 41 A Hunt 5 L. Wrack, HonoIuHoy, WcssieB. 77104 F.Grnds 13-10 2:02 fast 15 104 3 S 8 6" A Hunt S Royal Duck, Rupee, Tan Son 77011 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:57hvy 9-5 104 G 5 21 2i I Parke S Kent L., Pete Foy, Dustproof 76927 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:56?islow 11-5 111 10 3 B If J B MariellilO Soviet, LittleAmmie, YgAdam 76814 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:D9Tsmud 8 110 7 3 ll 31 B Mrinelli 9 Bolster, Bastille, Honolulu Boy f Disqualified. rii. DAPLT 1 Once Around Pnrse. M-year-olds and upward. AHott-OU1 nMUt ances. Jan. 1, 1U1S 1:7 4-5 5 114. BEST PAL, br. h, 7 105 By Helmet Padsla. by Laveno. Trainer. C. Howard. Owner, S. N. Holman. Breeder. E. R. Bradley. 77519 F.Grnds lmTOy 1:44-Jandfast 5 115 4 2 1 51 J Kederis 5 Rerenpe, Barracuda, Romany 77409 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:53fast S 120 10 4 5 135 D Mergler 13 FlintStone, SetngSun, Dr.Clark 77215 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47andfast G-5 116 G 3 1 ln D Mergler 7 BysToney, Barracuda. Thimble 77151 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:46fast 12-5 114 2 3 3 33 G Brening 5 T.R.Call, Romany, LadyMadcap 77016 F.Grnds lmTOy lMlfast 11-5 110 1 2 H IS G Brening 5 O.Henry. LyMadeap. J.P.Joncs 77008 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:49 hvy G 115 C 4 2h 21 B Brening S Olynthiis, Rama, Sedgefield 76945 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47isgood 4 116 6 3 4l 6 G Brening 8 Barcuda. RoseatelL, L.Madcap 76924 F.Grnds 3-4 lUSjislow 10 92 4 4 6 Gl: L Lang C Clghjdan. Certain, BysToney THORNDALE, b. c. 3 88 By Sir Martin Maud B. L by Star Shoot. Trainer. F. Ilurlew. Owner. B. Block. Breeder. W. R. Estill. 77236 F.Grnds lmTOy l:45fast 9-20 122 3 4 41 4! I Parke 5 Bril. Cast. Invietus. II.M.Dietz 77149 F.Grnds 1 lMOandfast 1-1 113 1 2 1 1 I Parke 6 Extra Edition. Invietus, Gee 77060 F.Grnds 1 l:39fast 7-10 -116 4 2 Is 1 I Parko 5 II.M.Dietz. K.ONeilllL, Beronda 76648 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 21 117 5 4 3s t E Pool 0 Rinkey, KgONeilHI., B. Cast 76148 Jefferson 51 f 1:09 slow 6-5 112 3 2 11 Is I Parke 10 Vera Veiinie. Gee, Payman 75856 Jefferson 3-4 l:16rihvy 9-5 97 3 2 3 2l I Parke 7 John Finn. Admirer. Newmarket 75750 Jefferson 5-S 1:04 mud 7-5 101 7 2 11 1J I Parke 9 Without, MdmVennie, Payman 7S671 Belmont 3-4 laOrifast GO 122 13 13 111 12 T Burns 19 St.James, Fln.-anna, Sun Pal BARRACUDA, ch. g 5 105 By Trap Rock Balancoire, by Meddler. Trainer. C. Howard. Owner, S. N. Holman. Breeder. A. Belmont, 77519 F.Grnds lmTOy l:44Xast 5 10S 3 3 31 21 D Mergler 5 Kevenge, Romany. Setting Sun 77109 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:535fast 8 110 5 9 71 Csl J Kederis 13 FlintStone, SetngSun. Dr.Clark 77278 F.Grnds 1 1:10 fast 7 107 2 7 5l 4?. D Mergler 9 FlintStone. Rinkey. Cloughjordan 77215 F.Grnds 1 1-1C l:47Jfast 6-5 103 3 2 3 l 31 B Brening 7 Best Pal, BdleysToney, Thimble 77150 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 23 111 9 10 10 9J G EreninglO Rinkey. Mali Jong, SecThoughts " 77081 F.Gr.nda 1 1-16 lMGandfast 2 110 2 3 3 31 D Mergler 4 T.RollCall. Thimble. RoseatelL 77008 F.Grnds 11-16 1:49 hvy 6 111 2 7 71 71 J Pevic 8 Olynthiis. Rama. Best Pal 76945 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47J4good 4 10S 3 6 31 l1 J Pevic S RoseatelL. LMadcap, J.P.Jones THIMBLE, b. m, 6 , 100 By Huon Sandspot, by Rock Sand. Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner, X. J. Murphy. Breeder. Oneck Stable. 77155 F.Grnds lm70y l:46hvy 8 104 3 2 2 3J G W Croll 5 ChryTree, Llewellyn, Dustabout 774 10 F.Grnds lm70y l:14.ifast 8 107 8 7 3 11 L McDott S RoseatelL. R.Bottom, Llewellyn 77317 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47?sfast 13-5 104 5 4 3 o I Parke 6 Romany. T.dIIoiineur, Dustabt 77215 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47fast 5 102 5 4 4l 4J J AVallace 7 BestPhl. BleysToney, Barcuda 77081 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:46andfast 13-5 101 4 4 4 21 I Parke 4 T.KolICall, Barcuda, RoseatelL 77008 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1;49 hvy 25 103 7 6 G1 Gl C Allen S Olynthiis, Rama, Best Pal 76945 F.Grnds 1 1-1C l:47andgood 1S-5 112 7 4 8 Si I Parke 8 Barcuda. Itoseatell., L.Madcap 76839 F.Grnds lmTOy 1:46 slow 41 106 2 6 5 56J B Mrinelli 6 Sidgefield. Lord Granite, Rama ISOSCELES,- b. g, 5 100 By Von Tromp Isolation, by George Kessler. Trainer. J. Lowe. Ownsr, J. Iowc!t Breeder. E. Cebrian. 77498 F.Grnds 1 1-16 IMS good 2-5 104 1 1 Is 1 I Parke 6 Brunell. Gondolier. J.P.Jones 77 109 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:53tast 25 101 6 3 B 51 L Lang 13 FlintStone, SetngSun, Dr.Clark 77323 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:48Hslow 3 101 1 1 2l 2l I Parke 4 SettingSiiu, Shamrock, Buddugie 77258 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:17fast 1S-5 105 2 1 11 l1 L McDott 6 Itock Bottom. Pequot, Raffles 77214 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 4 107 4 4 31 2 L McDott 7 BkPond. Bet.Timcs, Clojorda.i 77122 F.Grnds 3-1 1:11 fast 31 112 5 2 3l 3 I Parke 10 Kingsclere, Lily M., Caligula r?ll DA PC lile and 70 Yards. Proctor Knott Purse. 3-year-olds. Al- Din nALrt lonaiices. Feb. 7, 11S 1:4 1-5 7 11G. GOLDFLELD, ch. o, 3 103 By Ballot Gold Lady, by Goldcrest. Trainer, A. G. .Blakely. Owner, W. Daniel. Breeder. C. H. Berryman. 77411 F.Grnds 1 l:40fast 13 91 1 1 1 1 G Cooper 7 Telescope. Henry M. Dietz, Gee 77320 F.Grnds 3-4 l:157islow 12-10 116 1 1 11 21 C Bobsonll AmityCIaim. Attractive, Ilenry.1. 77233 F.Grnds 3-4 l:llfast 13-3 116 10 2 11 31 B Mrinellill SuuMart, WatehChm, Zanzibar 75216 Empire 61 f l:07slow 15 113 3 7 8 S" G Turner N Feysuu, Abu Ben Ahden. I.oanda 73153 Empire Ah 3-4 l:09?ra3t 30.110 6 G 61 7,J F Col lettl 7 Courser. Pricennikcr. Ducky 74885 Empire Ab 3-1 l:10rifast 3 114 3 1 2 C G W Croil 9 Feysun, Ruiiningwild. Wampee 74057 Jamaica 51 f 1:06 fast 15 115 6 7 7 7i G W Croll S Courser. Blind Play, Suncar 74273 Jamaica CI f l:06andfast 15 115 8 8 8l 8 G W Croll S Gyp.King, Samitan, T.Exposure 3 " ; 7 1 " "i : 1 " ; " ; : ", j j ; . ; j ; : j j j j : 1 I : 1 " I 1 : LNVICTUS, br. B. 3 103 By Vulcain High Vale, by Hastings. Trainer, D. R. McDaniel. Owner. D. S. HcDaniel. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 77454 F.Grnds 3-4 1:15 hvy 3 103 3 3 3 31 H Stutta 6 MahJong, Iatherwd. Bril.Cast 77387 F.Grnds 34 l:135fast 5 110 9- 7 41 3 J Heupel 9 MahJong, Bril.Cast, Q.Charming 77236 F.Grnds lm70y l:45fast 10 103 3 1 11 21 J Heupel 5 Bril.Cast, II.M.Dietz, Thorndale 77149 F.Grnds 1 l:40!4faat 15 1021 4 1 2 3 J Heupel 6 Thorndale, Extra Edition, Gee 77007 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14hvv 5 100 3 2 2 5 G W Croll 6 Certain, Sweepstakes, JolinFinn 768 U F.Grnds 3-4 1:15 mud 7 111 2 1 B ll J Heupel 9 MsFortunc, MahJong, Everglade 72120 Empire 51 f 1:07 fast 15 104 11 10 12 12" T Burns 12 Laurano, Flax, Prince Leopold 70905 Aqueduct 5-8 59 fast 8 IIS 6 6 6 6 L Fator 9 S.andSpan, Donclly, L.Btimorell. WAUKULLA. b. f. 3 98 By Chicle Tannin, by Broomstick. Trainer, M. Goldblatt. Owner, M. Goldblatt. Breeder. L. S. Thomnson. 77235 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 8 93 4 2 5 7" J Wallace 8 Julia M., Everglade, Privilege 76860 F.Grnds lm70y l:46fa3t 4-5 100 2 3 2" 24 -I Parke 11 Deronda, Despard, Attilia 70484 F.Grnds 3-4 l:134fast 3 101 5 4 41 34 I Parke 10 Payman. Q. Charming, Julia M. 7Q344 Jefferson 51 f l:10andhvy 1 115 G 3 l1 1 I Parko S AmityCIaim, Tambon, Bal.Lako 76060 Jefferson 51 f l:08fast 8-5 112 1 6 24 2 I Parke 12 Gee, Little Alfred, Tambon 75531 Churchill 3-4 1:11 fast 9-5 109 5 3 21 21 G W Croll 15 Itucfc. LaP.deBriantc. Strutter 75491 Churchill 7-8 1:27 fast 11 115 1 3 2l 2 G W Crollll An.Lyie. N.McChord. Lex.Maid 75131 Churchill 3-4 l:13Afast 12 115 3 7 31 44 L McDottlff N.LIiorhc. N.McCIiord. An.Lylo 75210 Latonia 3-4 l:155ihvy 8 115 9 7 6 G J Heupel 12 Minus, AnnicLyle. LidyBuriowa ATTILIA. b. f . 3 98 By Tea Caddy Loyal Lady, by The Scribe. Trainer. J. B. Polk. Owner. J. B. Polk. - Breeder. A. L. Ferguson. 77315 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14V4good 20 104 7 7 7 7i J Wallace S Exchange. Lady Rose. Kindred 77259 F.Grnds lmTOy l:45fast 1S-5 100 2 5 41 5l J Wallace 11 Telescope. Anne. Wong Bok 77032 F.Grnds 1 1:41 fast 4 9S 4 4 I1 14 D Mergler 9 M.Warc. WatctGirl, Mad.Vennie 7G988 F.Grnds 1 l:41,ihvy 8 100 7 4 4 4" J Chalmers S Wil.the Wizard, Anne. DevilGirl 76860 F.Grnds lmTOy l:4Gfast 8 97 3 9 S 41 J Wallace 11 Deronda, Waukulla, Despard 76733 F.Grnds 3-4 Lllslow G 97 5 4 3l 34 J Wallace 9 Kingsclere, CareFree, Corallleef 76501 F.Grnds 3-4 1:16 mud 16-5 105 G 4 - 5 44 F Lee 9 Tambon, Goldmark. Apology 76193 Jefferson 3-1 1:18 hvy 12 112 9 3- 51 51 H Stutta 10 B.Wright, Businesslike, Jackson BIG AND BURLEY, b. c, 3 M 103 By North Star LTI. Boiling Pot. by Macdonald II. Trainer, W. Hurley. Owner. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. Idle Hour Stock Farm. 77277 F.Grnds 3-4 l:12fast 20 102 C 7 7 64 G W Croll 7 Dr. Clark, Exodus, Certain 77193 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 good 8 101 4 4 44 3i G W Croll 6 L.Doctor, ROyOBoy. Brilt Cast 75552 Churchill 7-3 l:26l4fast 19 112 It 12 12 121 G V CrollH .Artist, K.O.VIl II.. AV.t.Wizd 75452 Churchill 1 l:39fast 5 112 5 3 7l G G W Crolll.l Dudley, Graeme, W. the Wizard 75123 Latonia 3-1 l:13igood 43 115 11 11 91 74 G W Crollll Ilorgan, Muldraugh, Calvin DOBSON, b. c. 3 100 By Pataud Bow Bells, by Knight of the Thistle, Trainer. E. Trotter. Owner. E. Trotter. Breeder. R. H. McC. Potter. 77454 F.Grnds 3-4 1:15 hvy 30 104 6 6 6 6" J Wallace 6 MahJong, Leatherwood. Invirtus 76772 F.Grnds 1 1:42 good 12 99 6 7 4 3J J Wallace S Extra Edition. Dreamer. Blotter 76737 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49iSlow 10 97 4 6 6 5ts J Wallace 6 Olynthus, TonyBeau, Dustabout 70617 F.Grnds 11:40 fast $ 100 4 7 7 7J J Wallace 10 Boy O Boy. Blotter, Pathan 76559 F.Grnds 51 f l:06fast 10 106 2 S 9 S J Walloc 10 I.Thghts, B.OBoy, K.ONeilllL 76325 Jefferson 3-4 l:1654hvy 7 104 2 6 5 44 J Wallace 7 Fredericktown, Blotter. Rinkey 7G212 Jefferson 3-4 l:lShvy 16-5 112 7 7 7 64 J Wallace 7 Anne. Blotter. Beautiful Addie 75956 Jefferson 5-3 1:04 hvy 5 100 3 3 3 3 J Wallace 7 Caligula, IIhesGham, Iflielieu mnpr- 1 1-1G lilcs. "-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Jan. IS, HAUt 1022 1:44 4-57 110. LORD WRACK, b. g, 7 107 By Wrack Gowell, by Ort Wens. Trainer. A. L. Kirby. Owner, A. L. Kirby. Breeder. J. T. Weaver. 77447 F.Grnds lm70y l:4Gmud 1 1C9 6 2 21 21 I Parke 6 G. Billows, St.Donard, Gondolier 77260 F.Grnds 1 1-S 1:35 fast 4 103 8 1 14 ll L Lang 10 WalnutHall, Supermini, Tingling 77190 F.Grnds 1 1-8 l:57hvy 1-2 107 2 1 1 1 I Parke 5 HonoluluBov, WessieB., Hickory 76990 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:525shvy 41 107 2 3 3l 21 H Farland 9 HonolnliiBoy, StumpJr., Trooper 76251 Jefferson 1 1-2 2:44 hvy 1 103 2 4 3 2 H Farland 5 Richelieu, Bastille, Kent L. 76194 Jefferson 1 2-16 2:0SVhvy 6-5 107 1 1 1 1 H Farland 7 Super, Pete I oy, Attorney 76188 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:54 hvy 65 106 5 1 ll 1 H Farland 9 Troper. Dtimbfuudr. Adventr 76022 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:50slow 12-5 111 4 3 4 34 H Farland 6 Tody, Bastille, Stump Jr. 75803 Jefferson 1 1-1G l:53hvy 13-5 109 2 2 2 ll H Farland 7 SmarlGuy, Repeater. Trooper BUCADO, br. g, 4 107 By Honeywood Bells, by Leonid. Trainer. W. A. Burttschell. Owner, J. R. Skinker. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. 177369 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47fast 5 113 1 2 3 3 L Lang 8 Lily M., Wrangler, Tan Son 77318 F.Grnds 11-3 1:54 fast 3 93 5 1 l1 1 L Lang S E.Indian, Westwood, O.Faithful 77237 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l;4Svsfast 15 99 2 1 2 21 D Mergler 7 Vennie. Lily M.. Gondolier 77122 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fa3t 15 105 7 7 61 64 H Zander 10 Kingsclere, Lily M.. Isosceles 76943 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 good 4 106 10 9 7l 4" I Parke 13 Avispa, Tempting. Stamp 76023 Jefferson 3-4 l:15islow 15 111 7 7 7 7J H Fariand 7 Colored Boy, Admirer, Wapiti 75780 Bowie 1 1-16 l:52andmud 40 109 3 3 3 4 51J J CorcoranlO Sedgefield, Whalebone, F.Dcvil 75733 Bowie 1 1-16 1:51 fast 13 111 1 9 8 6 E Bell . 10 Rejection, Humboldt, Insulate CORAL REEF, b. g, 4 111 By Pebbles Capra, by Ballot. Trainer. J. W. Kearns. Owner, J. W. Kearns. Breeder. J. Butler. 77448 F.Grnds lmTOy lMTandmud 8 1C9 3 1 1 1 J Wallace 6 AlStebler, Superbum, Pr.Monros 77344 F.Grnds 3-4 l:147sgood 6 111 2 5 SI GJ F ThdykelO Ruby, Golden Billows, Lugs 77314 F.Grnds 3-4 llfast 7 115 4 2 2s 2 F Thdykel2 Brookdale, Sp.vElm, Anticipate 77185 F.Grnds 3-4 1:16 hvy 12 113 10 8 6 6" L Lang 12 CareFree, Pl.Uicou. Fifty-Fifty 77057 F.Grnd3 3-4 1:14 fast 6 109 4 1 11 L Lang 11 Guvnor, Daydue, Alard 76985 F.Grnds -3-4 l:16,ihvy S 103 S 4 3i 2 D Mergler S Antonia, Kaleo. Slippery Elm 76861 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:491ifast 21 112 6 1 2 2 C Lang S IlarrvB., AttaBovll., HighGear ;G733 F.Grnd3 3-4 l:143sslow 7 110 S 5 4l V J Chalmers 9 Kingsclere, Care Free, Attilia 76557 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13vsfast 20 109 3 5 2" 2 J Chalmersia TimesUp, DoctorGlenn, Carnvoa ROYAL DUCK, br. g, 7 113 By Royal Realm Duckshot. by Gallinule. Trainer. A. Swenke. Owner, A. Svvenke. Breeder. G. D. Widener. 77318 F.Grnds 1 1-S 1:54 fast 16-5 109 3 5 6l 5n D Mergler S Bucado. East Indian. Westwood 77217 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:53fast 3 114 1 2 1 3 D Mergler 7 Ramkin, Miss Meise, Tan Son 77104 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:02 fast 2 111 4 4 1 l3 I Parke S Rupee, Tan Son. Huonec 77049 F.Grnds 1 1-8 l:554fast 3 113 9 3 11 14 I Parke 11 Bastille. Ashland, Bolster 76739 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:06Aslow 2 103 5 2 1 11 B Harvey 7 RoyalCrown, Attorney, WtHall 76612 F.Grnds 1 1-16 lMSandfast 1S-5 1101 6 6 31 2 C Lang S SixPence, Br.Wlmrst, J.Orton 75714 Bowie 1 3-16 2:05ifast 9 112 6 3 5 4 G Mangan 9 SirLeonid, O.Faithful, CommeCI 75653 Bowie 1 1-16 1:52 slow 11 114 6 4 4l 54 C Lang 12 Humboldt, WarFox, Ettahe 75460 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:49islop 9 114 10 9 11 lll C Lang 11 Lads Love. King John, Valentia MARGARET WARE, b. f. 4 106 By Astronomer Pin Feather, by DalhousU. Trainer. F. A. Sharkey. Owner, Derby Stable. Breeder. E. B. Cassatt. 77082 F.Grnds 11:41 fast 4 107 3 1 2 24 F Thdyke 9 Attilia, WalerGirl. Mad.Vennio 77009 F.Grnds M 1-16 l:50hvy 12 93 4 3 4l 5 F Thdyke 6 Pequot. FreezySneezy, Gondolier 76883 F.Grnds 1 1-8 l:53Sslow 6 101 1 3l 44 F Tlidyke 6 FreezySneezy, Pequot, E.Indian 76780 F.Grnds lm70y l:4S!mud 4 101 1 2 l1 1 F Thndke 9 Our Star, Juno. Fehrah 76704 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:51?shvy 11-5 -991 3 3 2 31 I Parke 4 Raffles, Escarpolctte, Richelieu 76562 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:0O7jfast 10 10S 3 3 3 4 F ThornkelO Eastlndian, Ramkin, Gondolier 76409 Jefferson 1 1-13 1:49 good 15 100 5 3 31 l" F Thdyke S Tody, High Speed, Gondolier 76307 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:o3hvy 31 102 3 3 31 2 I Farke 6 FreezySneezy. Wrangler. Ettahe 76192 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:33ihvy 21 110 2 1 1 14 F Lee 3 Lrt.Ammie, BclleAmie, WessieB. MOM, ch. m, 5 98 .By Rockview Compensate, by Compute. Trainer. G. C. Winfrey. Owner. G. C. Winfrey. Breeder. J. D. Carr. 77457 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:51 hvy 3-2 103 1 2 2. 2 J Chalmers 8 GtLudy. Majority, Col.Whallea 77344 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14good 13-5 107 9 3 51 7 J Wallace 10 Ruby. Golden Billows, Lugs 77276 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 8 113 6 7 6 7J2 E Bobbinsll Simplicity. Midntlollies, JouJou 72727 Saratoga 1 l:39fast 10 109 1 2 1 l1 E SmwodlO B.MLaughlin, L.Ammie, R.Ieg 72524 Saratoga 1 l:39fast 15 110 5 8 WIO11 E Smwodl2 Lnist, R.MMain. Rccmendtioa 72463 Saratoga 1 l:42Vigood 1S-5 116 1 1 1 2l E Sande 6 Singapore. Lady Inez. Insulate 71593 Hamton 1 1-16 l:43V5fast 6 104 4 2 2l 24 W Duptis 7 Biomed. Joaquiua, High Gear 71442 Hamn 1 1-16 OT i:46fasl 11-5 111 3 2 4k 5 E Smwod S ItoyalDk. liveliness. HighGeat 70189 Thcliffe 1 1-16 l:4SVfast 3-2 113 5 2 1 14 E Smwod 6 June Fly, Freezy Sncezy, KiraU GONDOLIER, b. h. 5 113 By Alvescot Rosalie, by Olseau or Semproniu. Trainer. M; Foster. Owner. F. Farrar. Breeder. E. F. Simms. 77498 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:48 good 20 101 5 3 31 34 L Lang 6 Isosceles, Brunell, John P. Jones 77447 F.Grnds lm70y l:46andmud 8 112 3 4 4 4 L Lang 6 G. Billows, LdWrack, St.Donard 77346 F.Grnds 1 1-S 1:55 good 3-2 110 2 2 ll 1 L Lang 5 StumpJr.. O.Faithful, Kscarptte 77237 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4S"?ifast 10 109 4 5 41 4 L Lang 7 Vennie, Bucado. Lily M. 77009 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:50Vhvy 4 101 2 1 31 3 F Lee 6 Pequot. FreezySneezy, lluonec 76947 F.Grnds 1 1-S I:55good 8 109 3 4 2 2 L Lang 9 Eastlndian, Ramkin ScareCrow 76840 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:03slow 5 107 9 4 5 21r F Ie 10 St.Donard, Superbum. P. Swaia 7G703 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:50hvy 16-5 101 5 2 2 2 B Harvey 7 Sea Cove. Simplicity, Rupee GOLDEN BILLOWS, b. f, 4 110 By Golden Maxim Billows, by Cunard. Trainer. C. E. Cropper. Owner, S. A. Stewart. Breeder. T. M. Murnhv. 77497 F.Grnds lmTOy 1:14 good 10 93 3 4 4 4 E Blind S RoseatelL, L.Grauite. R.Bottom 77447 F.Grnds lnjTOy 1 :46Vimud 21 107 1 1 14 1s E Blind 6 LdWrack, St.Donard, Gondolier 77344 F.Grnds 2-4 l:14?igood 20 110 10 9 21 2 E Blind 10 Ruhr. Lugs, Poor Sport 75477 Churchill 1 3-16 2:00 fast 23 107 3 1 4 61 W Lancet 7 Miss Meise, Paris M.-nd, OoLaLi 75373 Churchill 11-16 1:43 hvy 4 103 4 2 21 . 2 J McCoy G Blue Stone, Stump Jr.. St.Paul 75230 Latonia 1 1-8 l:55slow 13-10 104 2 1 1 1 B Harvey 5 Hoy, Halu. Harry B. 75162 Latonia 13-16 1:59 fast 7 105 1 2 2 2l I Parke 10 Oo Li La, Pumps. Halu 75063 Latonia lmTOy LoOHhvy 3-2 112 10 1 1J l1 E Martin 11 Blue Stone, Reel Foot, Hoy ST. DONARD, br. g, 6 111 By Jack Atkin Variant, by Disguise. Trainer. P. Reuter. Owner. H. P. Stearns. Breeder. H. P. Headier. 77147 F.Grnds lm70y l;16!mud 10 113 2 3 3: 3 D Mergler 6 G. Billows, LdWrack, Gondolier 77104 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:02 fast 3 111 7 3 6 7 L Lang S Royal Duck. Rupee, Tan Son 76840 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:0:islow 4 109 1 2 l1 11 I Parke 10 Gondolier, Superbum, Pas.Swaia 76611 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:5.TJifast 18-5 lit 6 5 3 2 I Parke S Ramkin, Todv, Brotherlv Love 76508 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:5lmud 11-10 112 3 2 1 l1 B Mrinelli 5 Six Pence, Herald. Pete Foy 76388 Jefferson 1 1-3 l:56good 5 107 5 1 1 1 I Parke 8 Eastlndian, G.Cadorna, Attorney 76272 Jefferson lmTOy 1:34 hvy 8 112 5 6 T1 7" J Corcoran S Spugs, Sinarty, Jen. Cadorna 76233 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:51 hvy 7 112 1 1 14 5" F Lee 7 Freezy Sneezy. Sinarty, Bastille 76134 Jefferson 1 3-16 2:06Vshvy G 107 2 1 2s 2 F Lee 5 Bastille. G.Tree, Waywassamo FROSTY BOY. ch. c. 3 97 By Master Robert Frostilla, by Uncle. Trainer. G. Peterson. Owner, G. Peterson. Breeder. C. B. Head. 77476 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:50 slow 6 102 3 2 41 54 D Jfergler 9 Scare Crow, Six Pence. Rupee 77103 F.Grnd3 lmTOy 1:16 fast S 103 9 7 41 GJJ F Lee 12 Flying Fur, Fausto, Peggy O. 77045 F.Grnds 3M l:14Hifast 12 109 11 10 91 9IS D Jones 11 Norseld, Q.Charming. TimesLp 76948 F.Grnds lmTOy l:16good 6-5 106 7 1 l5 14 I Parke 11 Xanthos, GreatNorthern, Duelma 76860 F.Grnds lm70y lMe-ifast 7 93 6 5 41 54 D Jones 11 Deronda, Waukulla, Despard 76684 F.Grnds lmTOy l:48landmud 6 101 7 4 41 D Jones 10 Payman, Our Star. Fehrah 76529 F.Grnds lmTOy l:475slow 30 95 2 5 4 1 D Jones S SethsFiower, OurStar, Ag.Papa 76193 Jefferson 3-11:18 hvy 13 107 3 6 S 61 E Martin 10 B.Wright, Businesslike, Jackson 3MARTY, b. g, 6 112 By Theo. Cook Canny Hiss, by Ogden. Trainer. J. M. Collins. Owner, J. M. Collins. Breeder. W. and L. Garth. 77476 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:50 slow 4 114 5 4 5 4 J AVallace 9 Seare Crow, Six IVuee. Rupee 77048 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:55fast 5 114 8 8 T1 44 J ChalmcrslO Insulate, Repeater. Tingling 76989 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:53 hvy 3 115 4 5 2J 21 .1 Chalmers 7 Tody, SmartGuy, SethsFiower 76841 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:50tssIow 2 108 1 2 21 ll J ChalmerslO Day Lilly, StumpJr., SmartGuy 76487 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:17tfast 4 112 6 3 4 24 B Harvey 9 Lucidus, Neddam. Tex 76348 Jefferson 1 1-3 l:57-andhvy 6 103 G 3 24 2 J Wallace 9 Gondolier, Attorney, Kent L. 76272 Jefferson lm70y 1:54 hvy 5 112 4 2 21 2s L Morris 8 Spugs, Gen. Cadorna, Attaltoyll. 76233 Jefferson 1 1-1C 1:51 hvy 10 103 2 2 21 2 J Wallace 7 Freezy Sneezy, Bastille, Spuga ESCARPOLETTE, b. m, 7 107 By Fitz Herbert Balancoire, by Meddler. Trainer. T. F. Dsvereaux. Owner. T. F. Devereaux. Bred in France bv C. H. Mackay. 77346 F.Grnds 1 1-S 1:55 good 6 108 3 5 4 4 H Kaiser 5 fiondolier. StumpJr., O.Faithful 36840 F.Grnds 1 3-1G 2:03slow 7 104 2 6 71 9 J Wallace 10 St.Donard. Gondolier. Superbum. 76774 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4Sgood 3 1 051 6 5 5 5 L McDott S Beverwyck. Rupee, King Johr. 76704 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1.51hvy 6 101 4 4 3 2 H Kaiser 4 Raffles. Marg.Ware, Richelieu 76562 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:00fast 15 105 4 7 6 54 J CorcoranlO Eastlndian, Ramkin, Gondolier 75223 Latonia 1 1-4 2:12 hvy 9 106 4 4 4 44 B Harvey 7 Wild Life, Lord Wrack. Pumps 75185 Latonia 1 1-16 1:30 mud 13-10 106 5 5 5 5 B Harvey 5 Anonvmous, TderScth, Pl.Ultra 75007 Latonta 11-16 1:50 hvy 51 105 7 7 7" 6IS F Smith S Postllaste, PlusLMtra, Tcn.Seth STUMP JR.. b. c. 4 108 . Bv Golden Maxim Green Dawn, by Grenn Trainer. R. McGarvey. Owner, Four Oaks Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 77497 F.Grnds lmTOy 1:14 good 20 93 6 S S S;I L Pichon S RoseatelL. L.Granite, R.Bottom 77346 F.Grnds 1 1-S 1:05 good 3-2 107 1 1 25 2 L McDott 5 Gdolier, O.Faithful. Escarpolte 77238 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:43fast 31 107 3 4 5 31 L McDott S M.lland. Westwood, Highspeed 77196 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:17!igood 11-5 111 3 4 31 34 L ilcDott 7 T.dIIouneur. Col. Raker. Vendor 77101 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:177sfast 7 111 2 2 2 2l L McDottll Tempting, Stump Jr.. High Gear .0990 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:32hvy 5 106 3 1 2 24 L McDott 9 IIonoluluBoy, L. Wrack. Trooper 7G923 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14Vsslow 12 103 6 5 S 74 J Chalmrsll Beglardou, Sagamore, Kgsciere. LEASEDE, br. g, 5 104 By Annier Saintolat, by Sain. Trainer. J. D. Adkins. Owner. Kirkfield Stable. Breeder. K. J. Mackenzie. 77412 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:49 fast 30 103 8 4 G 77J II Stutts IS Cash, FostcrEnibry, Waywasmo .7310 F.Grnds 11-16 1:48 fast 15 109 6 8 8 Kt0 B Brening 9 Alard, Bcndita, Walnut nail 75947 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:55good 20 IOC 4 C 8 S47 J "Wallace 9 Kastliidian. Gondolier. Kamkio 76884 F.Grnds lm70y 1:47 slow 15 105 S C C D Jones S Runquoi, Broomflax, Dcelma 7G841 F.Grnds 1 1-1G l:50slow 15 113 3 5 51 10" G Fields 10 Smarty, Day Lilly, Stump Jr. 7G368 Jefferson 3-4 1:15 good 12 100 6 6 Sl S" E Martin 9 Admirer, JohnJoscpli, CareFree 76064 Jefferson 1 l:42fast 20 105 8 4 21 ! II Farland12 Gn.Cadorna, SilentKing, Smarty 75777 Bowie 7-8 1:33 mud 12 10S 9 6 51 71 F ColIettllS Far East, Poor Sport, Sea Sand 75C67 Bowio 1 1-16 l:52good El 107 7 4 4 G7 F ThdykelO Due dcMorny, Whalebone, Soviet

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924022301/drf1924022301_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1924022301_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800