Daily Racing Form Handicaps, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-23

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Daily Racing Form Handicaps FAIR GROUNDS The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are : Fair Grounds New Orleans, La., Feb. 22, 1924. 1 Barney Google, Foxmore, E. F. Sims entry. 2 Jou Jou, Exchange. Poppye. 3 Second Thoughts, Certain, Blue Nose. 4 OLYNTHUS, Links, Bnmell. 5 Thorndale, S. N. Holman entry, Thimble. C Invictus, "Waukulla, Big and Burley. 7 Lord Wrack, Gondolier, Royal Duck. J. L. Dempsey. JVcir Yurie ll:inlic-nii. 1 Barney Google, Alex Woodliffe, Belle IL, Foxmore. 2 Tempting, Ilubj, Poppye, Theo. 3 -CERTAIN, Hidden Jewel, Second Thoughts, Mercury. i Pequot, Freezy Sneezy, Old Faithful, Brunell. u Thorndale, Isosceles, Thimble, Best Pal. C Goldfield, Invictus, Waukulla, Big and Burley. 7 Golden Billows, Lord Wrack, Coral Reef, Bucado. Chicago II:titInn. 1 Foxmore, Alex Woodliffe, Barney Google, Belle H. 2 Ruby, Kindred. Poppye, Tempting. 3 Certain, Last One, John Finn, Mercury- 4 Links, Brunell, Old Faithful, Olynthus. 5 BEST PAL, Isosceles, Barracuda, Thimble. G Goldfield, Invictus, "Waukulla, Attilia. 7 Lord "Wrack, Bucado, Coral Reef, Royal Duck. Observer llnnillonji. 1 Alex Woodliffe, Foxmore, Barney Google, Belle II. 2 Kindred, Ruby, Poppye, Orcus. 3 Certain, James F. OHara, Hidden Jewel, Mercury. 4 Brunell, Old Faithful, Links, Freezy Sneezy. 5 Thimble. Best Pal. Thorndale, Isosceles. C INVICTUS. Goldfield, Attilia, "Waukulla. 7 Gondolier, Coral Reef, Lord Wrack, Mom. Consensus of Ilnudlcapa. 1 Barney Google, Foxmore, Alex Woodliffe, . Belle H. 2 Jou Jou, Tempting, Ruby, Kindred. 3 CERTAIN, Second Thoughts, Mercury, Hidden Jewel. 4 Olynthus, Pequot, Links, Brunell. 5 Thorndale, Best Pal. Thimble, Isosceles. . 6 Invictus, Goldfield, "Waukulla, Attilia. 7 Lord "Wrack, Golden Billows, Gondolier, Bucado. HAVANA. The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are: Oriental Park Havana, Cuba, Feb. 22, 1924. 1 Florence B. Walker, Ed. Garrison, Northern Star. 2 Bab, Sun Turret, Chow. 3 Regal Lodge, Sandy II., Glory of the Seas II. 4 Georgia May, Franchise, Pilades. " 5 GRANDSON, Green Briar, Boxwood. G Ben Bolt, Somerby, Stella .Maris. 7 Blue Hill, Judge Hickman, Moorfield. : T. K. Lynch. l New Yorlc Hmwlicni. 1 Florence B. Walker, Ed Garrison, Miss Holland, Fire Tongs. ; 2 Sun Turret, Chow, Fox Glove, Lady Har-rigan. 3 Regal Ledge, Ukase, Fictile, Mess Kit. 4 Pawnbroker, Pilades, Asa Jewell, Franchise. 5 Halu, Debadou, Grandson, Hercules. G Ben Bolt, Feodor, Stella Maris, Golden Chance. . 7 MINUS, Blue Hill, Ancestress, Judge Hickman. Chicago Ilnmlican. 1 Florence B. "Walker, Happy Buxton, Ed Garrison, Miss Holland. - 2 Chow, Bcrretta, Fox Glove, Sun Turret 3 Mess Kit, Queen Mazonia,. Regal Lodge, u Drapery. a , 4 Franchise, Tlaid, Georgia May, Asa Jewell. - 5 GRANDSON, Halu, Hercules, Huen. G Lilac Time, Feodor, Rapid Stride, Dam- age. 7 Minus, Blue Hill, Ancestress, Moorfield. Observers Handicap. 1 Ed Garrison, Florence B. Walker, Miss Holland, Happy Buxton. 2 Lady llarrigan, Chow, Sun Turret, Minnie Mack. 3 Drapery, Alluring, Regal Lodge, Black Baby. 4 Franchise, Pilades, Pawnbroker, "Wee Dear. 5 Halu, Green Briar, Huen, Grandson. G Feodor, Ben Bolt, Somerby, Bapid Stride. 7 MINUS, Ancestress, Judge Hickman, Blue Hill. Consensus ot Handicap. 1 Florence B. Walker, Ed Garrison, Miss Holland, Happy Buxton. 2 Bab, Sun Turret, Chow, Lady Harrigan. 3 Regal Lodge, Mess Kit, Drapery, Sandy II . 4 Franchise, Georgia May, Pawnbroker, Pi lades. 5 Grandson, Halu, Green Briar. Hercules. C Ben Bolt," Lilac Time, Feodor, Stella Maris. 7 MINUS, Blue Hill, Ancestress, Judge Hickman. TIJUANA. The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are: Tijuana, Mex., Feb. 22, 1921. 1 W. E. Applegate entry, Don Eduardo, F. J. Kelley entry. 2 Tennilee, Mayor House, Regular Girl. 3 Anzac, Shifty, Princess Myrtle. 4 Parvenu, Taxation, Hitrump. ,r Queen Catherine, Odd Seth, The Competitor. G Skoki, First Call, Noon Glide. 7 FAIR ORIENT, Penwell, The Lamb. Fayelle, The Wit, Black Thong. G. W. Schilling. New Yorlc Hamllcaii. 1 Don Eduardo, Parnell, Lahonton, Ormes- brook. 2 -Tennilee, Regular Girl, Mayor House, Ollie Wood. 3 Blanche Meyers, Anzac, Little Smile, Ike Mills. 4 Parvenu, Taxation, Hitrump, Voorgold. 5 Queen Catherine, The Competitor, Vir ginia B., Malvern. G Skoki, Noon Glide, Barn Dollar. Bramton. 7 FAIR ORIENT, Penwell, The Lamb, Red Legs. S -Prince Direct, Gail Ford, The Wit, Scraps. Chicago Handicap. 1 Don Eduardo, Parnell, Ormesbrook, Su pervisor. 2 Tennilee, Mayor House, Toombeola, Big Indian. 3 Convent, Shifty, Green Spring, F. G. Cor- ley. 1 PARVENU, Taxation, Hitrump, Voorgold. 5 Queen Catherine, Little Thistle, Malvern, The Competitor. G Skoki, First Call, Lavinia, Noon Glide. 7 Penwell, The Lamb, Fair Orient, El Roble. S. Gaii Ford, Fayelle, Prince Direct, The Wit. Observers Handicap. 1 Ormesbrook, Don Eduardo, Parnell, Su pervisor. 2 Regular Girl, Tennilee, Mayor House, Capon. 2 Anzac, Little Smile, Convent, Shifty. 4 PARVENU, Taxation, Hitrump, Voor gold. Z Virginia B., Queen Catherine, Malvern, The Competitor. C Skoki, Noon Glide, First Call, Reap. 7 Chippendale, Fair Orient, Penwell, The Lamb. 5 The Wit, Gail Ford, Fayelle, Wedding Prince. Consensus of Ha ud leaps. 1 Don. Eduardo, Ormesbrook, Parnell, Su pervisor. 2 Tennilee, Regular Girl, Mayor House, Ollie Wood. 3 Anzac, Blanche Meyers, Convent. Shifty. 4 PARVENU, Taxation, Hitrump, Voorgold. Z Queen Catherine, Virginia B., The Competitor, Malvern. G Skoki, Noon Glide, First Call, Bramton. 7 Fair Orient, Penwell, Chippendale, The Lamb. 5 Favelle, Prince Direct, Gail Ford, The Wit.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924022301/drf1924022301_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1924022301_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800