untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-03-03


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1 i HARVEY AMES EAELE BUILDING. BROADWAY AT 52D ST. NEW YORK, N. Y. Arrangements have been completed for two special investments that will start this week, which I believe will overshadow the results of last week, when the two 00 investments, given under the same conditions, WON; namely, WAR WINNER, 5.20-, WON; and THE FALCONER, .20-, WON. Subscribers to the above two hundred fifty dollars for either, or five hundred for both must be in readiness to talk long distance between the hours of two and four oclock on days transactions occur. Telephone: Circle 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749. HarveyAmi Earle Bldg., Broadway at 52nd St. HEW YORK, N. T. "Harvey Transaction" TODAY All is in readiness for todays "Harvey Transaction." Subscription, 00. Should be telegraphed early to avoid return of same on account of over subscription. A good price is assured against this horse today. IMPORTANT! Subscribers are warned against an impostor using my name and giving as his address 195 Broadway, New York City. No one has any connection with this office, and my only address is the Earle Building, 52nd street and Broadway, New York City, where all remittances and communications should be addressed. TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 2531, 2592, 2503 and 5749 Pay From Your Profits Tha Master Key System of playing: the races will be mailed you for one weeks trial. Ho I charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of play. For particulars mail this ad. with your name end address to J. K. WILLIS, 225 Thirtieth St., Miami Beach, Fla. I 1 Subscribe for Daily Racing Form I Banner News Service 1452 Broadway, Room 305, New York City .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY THE BANNER NEWS SERVICE .00 DALLY SPECIAL HAS BEEN THE TALK OF BROADWAY sinca January 1st. We started off the New Year with winners and we have been producing- evsr since. This is our first advertisemsnt to appear in the West, but it will not be the. last. TODAYS ONE HORSE has been burning up tho track in secret trials and our advice is to take advantage of this golden opportunity today and start the week right. Yesterdays Horse: NIMR0D 5-1 WON Saturdays Horse: I STARGO 4-1 WON Another golden special goes tomorrow. Do not fail to back the Banner News Service daily horse every day this week. Our policy is a square deal to all. Wire subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. 14939149391493914939$ 1493914939 $ $ $ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS $ $ The M1KACI.K SYSTKM is n.-ilioinlly known $ $ as "easy for tlnyer lmnl for l:tyor." SoM on $ S installment; payments pniil from your profits. $ $ Absolutely KKKK 73-pnse in.tiiii.il :uul review. $ $ Investigate loilny ami m;ikc your bookie obey. $ $ Public relations manager $ $ S. E. AKTIIUK $ $ Box 40. ll. F. Towson, Md. $ 149391493914939149391493914939$ BEATS THEM ALL ! THE STARR TURF NEWS Rooms 405 to 408, 500 5th Ave., New York City TERMS FOR OUR WIRE SERVICE 0.00 for six days or .00 for one dx.y. MONDAYS CODE HORSE: STALL-TOAV-niLL-OlllO SPORTING LEADER 23 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS TODAYS CODE SPECIAL: FAIR GROUNDS Chicaso-Mount-Lease-Fancy. And this mare should easily be better than.. 8-1 today. Fit. I KNOW. She will have no excuse and I got the FINAL 0. K.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924030301/drf1924030301_7_2
Local Identifier: drf1924030301_7_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800