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CHANCES IN DERBY ODDS 4 Steady Backing for Various Candidates Forces Prices Down. 3Iost Trononnccd Reductions on Better and Better, Gold Bug and San Vicente Sarazen Now 5 to 1. Steady inflow of money on various Kentucky Derby candidates has forced some material changes, in the quotations of one of the local future books. The most important item is in connection with Sarazen. The general public seemed to have an idea that 6 to 1 against the unbeaten star was fair enough. The result was such backing that his price is 5 to 1. But this did not affect the standing of the other three leading favorites and odds are unchanged so far as Wise Counsellor, St. James and Mad Play aro concerned. The secondary feature has been the onslaught on the 500 to 1 laid at first against Better and Better, Gold Bug, Inver and San Vicente. This was so well sustained that Better and Better is now at 40 to 1, Gold Bug at 50 to 1 and San Vicente at GO to 1, but 100 to 1 Inver is still to be had. Colonel Wagner has been backed from 200 to 1 to 50 to 1 and Diogenes from 30 to 1 to 20 to 1. Others have been backed, but not heavily. To compensate prices against Abu Ben Ahdem, Battle Creek, Desperate Desmond, Frankman, Lord Martin, Quivero and Thorn-dalo have been advanced and several have been promoted to the 1000 to 1 class. Black Golds easy victory in the Lousiana Derby cut his odds from 40 to 1 to 20 to 1 and he is not without favor at that price. Nautical has been backed and is now at 40 to 1 instead of 100 to 1 as previously. Here are the latest odds quoted on the candidates for the Kentucky Derby : Horse. Str. TI. Sh. Sarazen 5 5-2 7-5 Wise Counsellor 0 3 3-2 St. James 32 0 3 Mad Tiny 15 8 4 Bean Butler 20 10 5 Black Gold 20 10 fi Diogenes 20 10 5 Battle Creek 25 12 i Mr. Mutt . 30 15 7 Senator Norris 30 15 7 Transmute 30 15 7 Better and Better 40 20 10 King Gorin II 40 20 10 Klondyke 40 20 10 Nautical 40 20 10 Stanwix 40 20 10 Starbeck 40 20 10 Worthmorc 40 20 10 Altawood 50 25 12 Bob Tail 50 25 12 Bracadalc 50 25 12 Cliilliowie 50 25 12 Colonel . Wagner 50 25 12 Eaglet 50 25 12 Flnranna 50 25 12 Gold Bug 50 25 12 Gonfalon 50 25 12 Happy Thoughts 50 25 12 Hourraorc 50 25 12 Husky . 50 25 12 Initiate 50 25 12 Leopardess 50 25 12 Lord Baltimore II 50 25 12 Mino 50 25 12 Sting 50 25 12 Sun Flag 50 25 12 Sunspero 50 25 12 F.wingalong - CO 25 12 Time Exposure ....... 50 25 12! Tree Top 50 25 12 AVhiskalong 50 25 J 2 Graeme GO 30 15 Lord Martin CO 30 15 Ordinance CO 30 15 San Vicente CO 30 15 Thorndale CO 30 15 Inver 100 50 25 Gipsy King 100 50 25 Handsome ; 100 50 25 Glide 100 50 25 l-acnza 100 50 25 Donaghee 100 50 25 Dudley 100 50 25 Comic Artist 100 50 25 Cloister 100 50 25 Cockney . 100 50 25 Check 100 50 25 BroMificld 100 50 25 Blotter 100 CO 25 Asa Khan 100 50 25 Continued on seventh page. CHANGES IN DERBY ODDS Continued from first page. Sheridan 100 50 25 Sherman 100 50 2." Spick and Span 100 50 25 Star Cudgel 100 50 23 Sim Audience 100 50 23 Sun Pal 100 50 25 Infinite 100 50. 25 Kings Ransom 100 50 25 1-aurano 100 50 25 Modest 100 50 23 Peter King 100 50 23 Peter Maloney 100 50 25 Polo Ground 100 50 25 3ickpocket ..- 100 50 25 Revenue Agent 100 50 25 Rinkey 100 50 25 Sanola 100 50 25 Sarko 100 50 25 Turnberry 100 50 25 Tester 100 50 23 Baffling 200 100 50 Abu Bea Ahdcm 200 100 50 Corinth 200 100 50 Firctotna 200 100 50 Flash Rock 200 100 50 Gorget 200 100 50 Havana Boy 200 100 50 Heir-at-Law 200 100 50 Just David 200 100 50 King ONeill II 200 100 50 Ix-atherwood 200 100 50 Frankman 200 100 50 Giblon 200 100 50 Cannon Shot 200 100 50 Finn Lag 200 100 50 Fabian . 20J 100 50 Dazzlcr 200 100 50 Delectable 200 100 50 Colonel Gilmore 200 100 50 Digit 200 100 50 Bourbon Boy 200 100 50 Bowman 200 100 50 Sunspot 200 100 50 Wheatstick 200 100 50 Wild Aster 200 100 50 Will Land 200 100 50 Mali Jong 200 100 50 McAnliffe 200 100 50 Pepp : 200 100 50 Pay ma n ; 200 100 50 Phil McCanu 200 1 00 50 Plough Boy 200 100 50 Quivero 200 100 50 Uunuingwild 200 100 50 Sleepy Head 200 100 50 Briony 500 200 100 Desperate Desmond 500 200 100 Dingo 500 200 100 Extra Edition 500 200 100 Foysim 500 200 100 Fire Boy 5O0 200 1 00 Flames 500 200 100 Freehand 500 200 1 00 Galician 500 200 100 Gay Ronald 500 200 100 Cassius 500 200 100 Apprehension 500 200 100 Ascyra 500 200 100 Ballot Brush 500 200 100 Happy Top 300 200 100 Ho-Hick 500 200 10:1 Huou Pine 500 200 1 00 Lord Bacon 500 200 100 J. G. Denny 500 200 100 Phidias 500 200 100 Prince Hamlet 500 200 100 Quarantine 500 200 100 Rugby 500 200 100 See It Through 500 200 100 Spear Point 500 200 100 Spellbinder 500 200 100 Sun Shot 500 200 100 Transacting 500 200 100 The Runt 500 200 100 Sporty McGec 500 200 100 The Vintner 500 200 100 Sunmart : 1000 500 200 Pretty Politician 1000 500 200 Peter Lee , 1000 500 200 Hcrmidale 1000 500 200 Dusinesslike 1000 503 200 Jim Kenny 1000 500 200 I i i i