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CHARLES RAYMOND M .00 a DAILY; 0.00 WEEKLY 0 FOR TODAY BIG SPECIAL FREE OFFER . I will give everyone the BIGGEST CHANCE of a T lifetime today. If yon act at once and rush a request H for my information, yom get a r I FREE 00 SPECIAL TODAY Yes. I positively asree to GIVE YOTT THIS ONE FREE with a daily subscription, and I said above the price should be the LIMIT. I can make you win and have already proved it by « giving these two at BOWIE: [ General Thatcher .1 0- WON I Golden Billows ..80- WON NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! Dont wait, you can start at once. A large capital * is not necessary. Just a small investment on this J 20-1 shot today should bring; large returns. Everyone Knows My Record From roict to coast I am known as "The Long S Shot King." and todays result will convince everyone. If you fail ti be with me today, then I know t that you dont want to win. Terms Daily; 0 Weekly And would advise a weekly subscription to save , time and money. Telegrams sent to you before noon every day. Wire fee Western Union or Postal. j Don t forget, you get a 00 SPECIAL FREE, TODAY. | This offer will never appear again. CHAS. RAYMOND ROOM 338, £06 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY Jerry Maloney TURF EXPERT . 4 COURT SQUARE BROOKLYN, N. Y. .00 DAILY— 0.00 WEEKLY This one was a dark horse that I had under cover 1 ■ • yesterday. They let loose and I waited for this | chance to start the meeting with a winner. Only Horse Sent Out at Bowie jCapt. Costigan 1.90- WON 1 I am at the track personally and clock all horses ! ! sent out by me. I also know when the connections are down, I telegraph you directly from the track. TODAY! TODAY! I have one that should spring the surprise of the Bowie Spring Meeting and the numbers after the race will look like telephone numbers, NOTICE Wire all money to my Brooklyn office, as I have direct telephone connection aad you will receive prompt service. jw$ I $ $ $ $ I $ $ $ $ I jm MP PREDETERMINED j2 TURF PROFITS *♦ . The MIRACLE SYSTEM is nationally 4* _. known as "easy for player — hard far layer." Has stood the. ACID TEST far .** tto many years. We could not spend many «* thousands of doltare per annum adver-** Using water as cough syrup— and con- * 9t tinue in business. Sold on installment „ payments paid from your profits. Ab*o-•» lutely FREE, lOO page racing manual, w •% review, sworn testimonals. etc. Investi-gate today and make your Bookie obey. ** Public Relntiona Manager •*/» mm S. E. ARTMlR _ fandH Box 49 1!. F. Towson, Md. 9v w$ ItttMtttl ih*r CALIFORNIA TO SARATOGA I am on the way. First homo celebration at Bowie Monday. Wire name early, as information for 1924 will be restricted. JOE MCARTY SARATOGA SPRINGS, *, Y. BONA FIDE HORSEMAN campaigning one of the strongest stables in West desires to hear from reliable parties interested in obtaining first-hand information for Kentucky spring meetings. This is opportunity to deal direct. P. O. BOX 51 LATOMA, KY WANTED Having made a bona fide connection with a verj successful stable, I desire two or three reliabh parties to join me ii using this information. Wil. identify myself and proposition fully. E. C. R. 817 EINDLEY ST. CINCINNATI, OHIC 00 Per Week NET PROFIT I easily made with small capital by operating th STAR SYSTEM. Averages about two plays daily-| i every play is TO WIN ONLY — on the nose! Smal , payment down — balance from winnings. Write: STAR SYSTEM 32 Union Square. Room 602 NEW YORK CIT! j Yesterdays Advised Play Woi FOR GRADE A TURF INFORMATION I WRITE 1 OR PAKTU TLARS. | R. J. M. I Room 615, 110 Nassau St., New York it I ;! ADVERTISE IN RACING FORN i DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO ,J441 PLYMOUTH COURT a CHICAGO, ILL I LOSE ,000.00 If the Horse Which Starts at Bowie Thursday, April 1 0 does net win. I am so sure of the result on Thursday, so confident of an easy winner :it a *eod price, that I am spending ,000.00 for advertisements in every turf journal of prominence in the Battel States, requesting men who want real information cf the very highent class to jom me and let me prove to them that gilt-edged information really exists, and that 1 havi- it. I l»liee there are men who not only want in.-ide information, but are willing to pay for it. when tiny KNOW it is reliable. I KNOW the information I furnish is good. In fact, I think I ran safely say. it is the very best obtainable, and I am spending my money to convince you f this. I | dont expect to make any money from Thursdays winner my terms ftr this horse ;ire too low i. ] but I do expect to m:ike plenty on the winners whiih I will have after the above mentioned play, j and after you learn I deliver what I claim to have. Every spriny. at Bowie there 1st a liorae or two which has Improved so much over their form of the previous year, that the "wise" hoys and | those on the inside are enabled to aret an excellent price the first time he . wins, due to the public heina: ijsnornnt of the tcreat improvement and thor- | ouKh fitness of the particular horse. On Thursday the horse I am advcrtis-InR- will fit the above description in every way. with workouts that arc amazing;, and showinsr a desire and disposition to run which was lacking laafl year. The horse will, with one or more stift* works, or an "esisy" race to tighten "him" up. he able to run away with ease from anything which will be eligible to race with "him" on Thursday. TERMS: ! In order to show convince and prove to you that I am fully justified in this large outlay for | advertising I am making mv terms so low that any man will have the opportunity to get this good winner at I song. I dont want a dime of your mmey until after this horse lias won. ami then only the winnings of a $." .00 bet wired to me the day after this horse wins, together with a promise from vou to bet tea dollars for me on my second winner, the "ret -aw ay good thing. which gees the last dav at Howie Saturday, the 12th. Inderstaiid clearly, as no other propositions will be given any attention. If you will bet .00 for me Thursday and wire me the results advertising expense, and on Saturday art 0 00 of same Friday which will partly defray my fcr me on my second winner, provided you feel convinced from the results of Thursday s play that I know something. Xow if von are as game as I am. come on. prove it by wiring me immediately your willingness to complv honest lv and faithfully with the above terms. All horses will be filed with this paper, and all others in which my advertisement is running before noon on the day of their races. No information will be released to anyone in Baltimore cr Washington, in order to aaataCi our price at the track. EARL S. PORTER Suite 215, Evans Building WASHINGTON, D. C. HARVEY SCHUYLER FLOYD CALVERT BUILDING 1 BROADWAY AT 41ST STREET E W New York City *J TELEPHONE— BRYANT 6333 Earle Building THE LAST Broadway at 52nd Street " SCHUYLER INVESTMENT " NEW YORK CITY Thursday YerdTys M°0n Magic, 8.30-, Won «„ T .. » DONT — PUT Harvey transaction it off Many times you have been !?• • u a «5ra Q A finished cordially invited to consult the odds 30-i to win and over 4 to show, advice of the "SCHUYLER IN- VESTMENTS." Why not accept This was the only horse advised; had been In the money only onre in fifteen the next invitation previous races, at odds ranging to •••!, Tafl" A *T and over-confidence just spoiled one of J. MuJ. M. the best things of the year. SATURDAY Above speaks for the quality of the AT BOWIE connections, but watch them today. TITO I tnMo! MO 0NE HUNDRED D0LLARS "Harvev Transaction" lldlVCJf 1 1 dllMt UUII In advance by telegraph. To expedite transmitting informa- Ti "% JL L7 tion telegraph your telephone Va#aaLa#AjL I number if any with subscription. The same source that supplied Thnrs- The «Sfnnyler investments are like days winner and yesterdays matter, "STERLING" OX SILVER— both "HARVEY TRANSACTIONS," are THE STAMP OF DISTINLTIOX fnrnishing todays matter. " === Telegraph 00 early, as ail "HARVEY fpXTf* Fil fWpJl TRANSACTIONS" are limited to terri- kJlvYC J. LK 1 1JL tory. 80 EAST 11th STREET NEW YORK ITY ONE HORSE A DAY r Positively no service to any one unless TERMS .00 DAILY subscription for the above is received, THIS IS FINAL. , Yesterdays Horse: I It should be understood that "Today MIZAR .40" WON is the Day." Cood odds are again ex- WeH your old Pal steve was ripht with the pectcd and we are assured of success, wise bunch at the track when they cut thin I one loose and all my followers have cause and as in the case yesterday, no at- to rejoice. tentlon should be paid to past perform- rT",/*ar A Z ; ance. 1 UlJA I _ . , _ your Old Tal Steve has one that should pral- lelepnoneS! iCp down in front and pay a big price. This one has been burning up the track. Just «• t ntrni nmn neno j .„.. Circle 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 buck-jumping to get to the katrtor. , _____________— I ont fail to wire your subscription now ■BBBiaBBHaBaBBBBaaBaBBBMBaBBBBBBBBBBaBaBBBBBaaan and you will get down on one of the best " __ __ tricks of the meeting. Be sure to include Pay From Your Profits «. your correct address. 1 The Master Key System of playine; the races -Mill be mailed you for one weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of FlFTA!! Q at least 0 a. day on the scale of play. UU.IMIUO For particulars mail this ad. with your name concerning a discovery that will open the eyes of and address to J. K. WILLIS, system players will be sent without charge or 225 Thirtieth St., Miami Beach, Fla. obligation. Those interested in system play will llaaB1iiili1BBIaia9BaaBsiBanaasiBBaBasaBasasiBaaBaanaassiBa ln ll t0 their advantage to address K" MAR ™ GAEVS WXF.KLY CHIXT 0BSEKVEK .J-, „ EAST y0M „ ] 35 Cents at All Newsstands. _____ _____________________ * Bowia-Yermoandt-Snow-LUacOceaa ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM a