untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-05


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DAILY RACING FORM TOL0ME XXX SOTEBEK H , — i - ■ ■ — ■ — — Entered »« tecosd-elass Matter. April 2. 1*96. ■» the pott office at Chlc«£o. Illinois, *Bder Act «f March S. 1579.- DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST Slad ST.. HEW TOM CITT. H. T. 905-807 DECATUH 8THEET, HEW OHLEANS. LA. 60 KICHMOND STREET, EAST, TOHOKTO, OMT. W. I. MeMurray, PoWisher and OaaaTal Mapagw, D.iIIt Purine Writer MoBths. Dull* fT.xcrpt Monday halance of the Tear. A Daily Keflr-ction of the Amerlrnn Turf by Telegrar1 ■P— I MJHIOII ItY KIItST CLASS HMfi Miy to November, inclnslre ,.• 4 00 per •«•»« December to April. Inclusive * R 00 P" » ntu PATAHU IN ADVANCE. BACK MMIIEKS I«Y MAIL 15 CENTS BACTI. TFI.KITTONE 20*7 II AUTtlSON. fFor l imineiis nnd ciciilntion purposes only Tlil« trlri.lmne has no connection with the news * ■ rcitori.il departments find cannot be used to rem muni cute with them. To lw considered and nn«wered. all queries to Pnily ItaciiiB Form must be sent OTer the fnl1 few find Willi the nddrean of writer. The names find ••ddrraaea are subject to ft local and foreign d rectory test. 76460 is first index of 1924

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924040501/drf1924040501_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1924040501_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800