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Latest Kentucky Derby Market Here is the Kentucky Derby market, the comparative tables below showing the latest quotations in Chicago and New York. Sarazen remains favorite in both places, though his price has receded in New York from I to G to 1. Here in Chicago Sarazen opened at 1 to 1, but now the best obtainable is 5 to 1. Wise Counsellor has lost favor in both places, whiie Hack Gold has gained many admirers everywhere. Better and Better, from E R. Bradleys 1 stable, has been the medium of heavy backing in Chicago and many of the local books are ! j refusing to take any more money on him. The latest sensation locally is Bugby, which was slashed from 500 to loo to 1 yesterday. IP re are the outstanding favorites from the - latest quotations from both Chicago and New York: ! CHICAGO Home. Win. S.irazen ."« Wise Counsellor •! Wee* ;. i i i U St. James 12 Mud Play 1". BOM Puller St IV; cones 91 Senator Rente IO Hat tie Creek a Mr. Mutt ::■ Transmute :; i Hraeadale 40 King Qeria ll w Kloiid.vke 4i Nautical 40 Ktanwix 4» Starbeek , 41 Wort timore 40 • NEW YORK Borer.. win. Sarazen C, ! i.-e CeeeeeUor 7 ISt. Jatnes u Bteck O.ld |2 M Ml Play H I Wertliinori fg ! Transmute •_ ,-, I Mean Better 311 Dtegeeee ::o Kluvanna :o Senator Rente :0 j Sianwix ;n I Hraeadale 41 ] Kajclet 4-» : lord Italtimore II 41 j Mr. Mutt 40 j Sunfltg 40 j Wliiskuloug , ■ 40