Daily Racing Form Charts: Bowie, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-05

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OAIUT RACING FORM 1 BOWIE Copyright, 1924, by Daily Racing: Form Publishing: Company. BOWIE. MD.. FRIDAY. APRIL 4. 1924.— Prince Ocorge Park 1 Mile. Second day. Southern Mary land Agn. ultural and Fair Association. Spring meeting of 11 days. Weather clear. Steward*, ieorge Brown, Jr.. Baker Waters ami 1*. J. Miles. Judges. Joseph A. Murphy. Joseph M-Linian. Cwrn T. Miller and J. II. Anderson. Starters, William Snyder and William Hain.it- n. Racing Secretary. Joseph McD-nnan. ILicins starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 1:30 p. m.. W indicates whip. S spurs. It blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. rQ-g f*7£* FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mil*. April 4, 1921— 48Vi— «— 114. Purse ,200. 2-year-olds. 4 O J_ 4 O Kaidena. Claiming-. Net value to winner 00: second. 200: third, 00. Ind.-x Horses AWtPPSt K Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds StrV mOU w 113 3 1 l« 1* 1« C I-ang J S Cosden 220-100 77605 BILL WINFRKT w 114 7 7 Bj B» B» J Wallace O C Winfrey 220-100 70942 KITTY nUENCH W 110 S J !• 21 "I F Murphy E K Hryson 1360-10 77910 AUNT AGGOE w 110 11 11 9 61 4» ■ Atk son J J Farrell Jr t2030-100 ntM*IOLUI G. w 105 4 I 2 3 5* II Karlan.l C X Freeman * t 77910 R1NKI.K w 109 IS 4 6 71 6i B Mrinelli R T Wilson 1006-100 77815«Ito KUMAR w 104 9 S 4 4 7»* D Randell J Romita f OUST ROCK w 112 10 5 101 91 S F Collettl S Ross 1740-100 I.KNA WOOD w 109 5 9 S« 8 91 F I,e ? Nevada Stock F"m Stb 1350-100 76809 POLLY MAY w 109 6 12 1! 10 101 F Stevens Mrs F Farrar 1490-100 77444- KlMoNIN w 107 3 I 75 HI ll1 A Allen R Seherrer 4370-100 77845 TVKRAYCE C. w 104 1 10 12 U 12 D Mergler W H Fizer 6565-100 tMutuel held. Time. 23V 49V Track fast mnliiels paid Sombre. 40 straight, 30 place, .70 show; Rill Winfrey, GO place, .70 show: Kitty French. .90 show. Equivalent Imoking odds— Sombre, 220 to 100 straight. 113 to 100 place. 85 to 100 show; Bill Winfrey. 80 to 100 place. 35 to 100 shew; Kitty French, 148 to 100 show. Winner— B. f, by Crimper — Sackcloth, by Stalwart trained by W. Garth; bred by Mr. Woods Girth I. Went to post at 2:32. At post 4 minutes. Start fair and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. SOMRRK quickly sprinted into a long lead and was under restraint at the finish. BILL WINFREY liegan in a tangle and was forced to work his way through, but ran well and finished fast. KITTY FICKNl H was away well and showed speed, but tired in the final strides. AlNT AGGIK closed a gap and finished fast fnm a slow beginning. TARRAYCE C. was badly interfered with on the far turn and almost knocked down. Scratched 77342 Helen Condon, 104; 771S4 Sun Marks, 104; Damar, 109; Noble I-ady, 109; Foyle, lot. Husky Belle. 108. Overweights — Kitty French, 1 pound; Aunt Aggie. 1; Millie G.. 1. fTQ"l rrZ SECOND RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 29. IBJ1 I IBM. I II Purse ,200. 3-4 Ol 4 4 year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming-. Net value to winner 00; second, 00: third. 00. Inder Horses AWtPPSt % M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77343,WAR.TINl w 3 90 5 3 i1 1 1 1-1 I, I-ang D I, Richards 296V100 TRAlSTKK wn 3 105 11 1 2* S1 3 2« F. Mrinelli S Ross 1:455-100 73855 PROTOCOL wb 4 110 10 8 61 4« 5 3* F Murphy C D Sedley 2290-100 75742 CONSCRIPT wb 3 100 9 5 1» 21 2 41 F I,ee Nevada Stock Farm Stb t0-100 lIBBBlll HUH V. w 3 90 * 13 12 10 10 51 J Dawson W H Fizer 685-100 7 7933 SHINE ON w I 101 1-7 « 7* 7 41 6 G Thomn C, Peterson T 775M2 HENRY J. wb 3 100 7 13 13 13 81 71 W Milner Hamilton StabU t 77888 ST GKRARD w 3 100 1 7 101 S 91 81 J Chlmers J J OToole 122S-100 77781 WATCH CHARM wb 3 114 8 10 ID 91 6 91 J Wallace R McKeever 190-100 7I8991»KK.DRRAND w I 113 4 4 2 5* 7 101 D Mergler T Clyde BC-MI 77194 BALBAM LAKE w 3 99 2 11 9 12 ID 11» B Brening Kirkfield StabU 3530-1 M I-ORI KA.MKS wb 3 100 3 9 4 61 125 12* H Howard R F Carman f 7749»*RARBERRY w 3 106 12 t 8: ID 13 13 H Farland C M Freeman 4020-100 tMutuel field. Time. 24. 49. 1:16V 1:22*;. Track fast. mutnels paid. Warning. 1.30 straight, 1.10 place, 3.50 show; Trapstick. 2.20 place, 3.30 show: Protocol. 4.70 show. Equivalent hooking odds Warning. 3965 to 100 straight. 1455 to 100 place, 575 to 100 show; Trap-stick 1010 to 100 place. 5«5 to 100 show; Protocol. 035 to 100 show. Winner— Br. f, by Pardner — Zenda, by Jake trained by J. Arthur; bred by Mr. L. N. Blackwell. Jr.. Went to post at 3:04. At post 3 minutes Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. WARNING, away well, was saved within striking distance of the leaders to the last turn. ami, racing into a good lead, drew away at the finish. TRAlSTKK. away well, raced forwardly and h id no mishaps. PROTOCOL began slowly and finished fast. CONSCRIPT raced forwardly all the way. GLADYS V. closed I big gap. ■■■Ill hlit 77391 Antiquity. 90: 75729 Poedie. On; 75708 Belle of Plvmr.uth. 105; 77494 Polly Leigh-ton. 90: EMM Conceal. 105; 71343 I. S. Steel. 95: 77026 Dancing Fool. 112. Overweights TrapMick, 5 pounds: Balsam Like. 4: B.nlx-rry. 4: Protocol. 2. -i WQ-i r7Q THIRD RACE— 7-8 Mile. Nov. 21. 1916— 1:26V—*— 116- Purse ,200. 4-year-olds 4 O A 4 O and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 00; second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi ,:j "* Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 777»4*CAPT. COSTIC.N wb 4 99 1 S li Ill- V- V V? Mi.ner .1 M Collins 4W-MI 75777 MIMItO .II.MRO w 10 W6 l-l 2 51 51 6» 4 2« H Howard Mrs T Doyle MSt-M 75742»DR. • T. VAI.Y wb 7 101 12 3 8« «» 2* 2* 3» L. I ang W R Mi.lgley 6::V100 7fi:fi5»Ii MKRRY FINN vr 4 99 ■ 10 9» 9 9 7 4 B Harvey O W Foreman 4J70 101 77606 FAlt KAST ws 7 109 11 1 21 1 ::J -li VJ K Scobie Kenton Stable 4«5 100 77911 ANTII.I.KS W 6 101 .". 4 41 4 4 5; 61 J Wallace Q IVt-rson HBVW 770441KACK PAL v. b I 105 8 12 12£ ll5 11 S 1 T H Failand C N Fre.-man 2765 100 757«l •RliKAi: wit 5 101 2 S 7J S 161 8- D Bond M Grant t 77478TRICKS W* 5 101 5 11 11 W lt- 10 9 H Holmes J Arthur 423: WO 77105 BRIGHT LIGHTS wb 8 110 10 3 101 12s It* IP 10. J R Romelll J J McCauley % "7517 THKSSALY w R 4 99 4 6 3l 3» 5 9- 11 B Brening S Louis t 75130*HLAVY ARTRY wb 5 107 7 7 6" P 7: 11- 121 G Rose C Richards 3710 100 76989 SITUS WB 6 112 9 13 13 13 13 13 13 C Lang- F Kearns 2:10-100 tMutuel field. Time. 24 J,. 49. 1:17. 1:31. Track fast. mutnels paid. Captain Costigan. 1 90 straight, .20 place. .30 show; M.mbo Jumbo. 4.60 pts«t 4.50 show: Dream of the Valley. 70 -how. Equivalent Itooking odd- Captain Costigan. 4115 to 100 straight. 200 to 100 place. 115 to 100 show: Mjfiibo Jumbo. 1630 to 100 place. 625 to loO show; Dream of the Valley. 135 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g, by Yandergrift - Bastante. by Oddfellow trained by E. J. Furman; bred by Messrs. Etnt and Black. Went to i ost at 3.35. At post 3 minutes. Start poor and slow. Won handily: second and thin! driiing. CAIT. COSTIGAN was rushed into the lead soon after the sart and saved ground on all the turns, but was doing his l e-.t at the end to outliuish Ml MHO JIMBO. The latter finished with I r InIi and was wearing the winrer down at the end. DKKAM OK Till! VALLKV ran well, but tired in the final seventy yards. BCCKLBBBBJtT FINN tMcmt a big gap. FAR EAST, away well, saved ground ou the turns and had no mishaps. ANTILLKS tired Switched 77932--Simplicity. MS; 7TS71 Poppy.-. 110: 77914 Majority, 111; 77721 Rupee, 109; 77339 Sling. lt«; 77S44St. I»onard. 113: 775S4i ..rjl Reef. 120. Overweights -Far East, 3 pounds; Peace Pal, 4; Spugs. 2. tWQ-tl ryO FOURTH RACE— 7-8 Kile. Nov. 21. 1916— 126S— 4— 116. Purse ,500. 4-year-4 O A 4 %J olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner ,000; second, 00; third. 50: fourth, 0. Inder Horses AWtPPSt K H % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 75809 F.ACKR WB 4 103 1 1 3 14 II l1 H H Shillick R landing 525 -1 W 7."V808 -DESPAIR w 6 102" 6 4 B* B* _-dh jJ Il B Harvey Mrs A Swenke 1375-10. 77975 ISOC.TH AROON w 1 108 2 3 51 4* 3 3 3»k B M-r.nel!i H P Stearis 120-lOa 779S6 TKNDKR SOTH w 4 100 5 6 4l o» 5« 4* 4* D Mergler S N Holman 211" -100 777181THI.1i:l.K wb C 106 4 5 6 6 6 6 5 B Brening R J Murphy BS-IM 75812 EXCUSE ME w i 104 3 2 D 21 41 .".1 6 J Waliace R F Carman S-J5 -iOO Time. 24H. 49*4. I:lf%« 1 ■». Trax* fast. mutuels paid. Eager, 2.50 straight, 70 place. .60 show; Despair, 2.00 place, .00 show; Soggarth An«in. 90 show. Eiuival.nt booking o«lds Eager. 525 to 100 straight. 335 to 100 place. ISO to 100 show; Despair. 500 ! ■ 100 place. 1NW to 100 show; Soggarth Aroon. 45 to 1H show. Winner I»r. c. by Fair Flay Ard.nt. I.v ]ti m.iii-i .. k trained by II Smiili; bred by Mr. C. Clay. Went to | o-t :it 4:09. At po»t 1 minute. Start g. od and all w. Won driving: s... on. I and tin.- I the same. EA41EU f.iund a clear course on the inside and. ra. ing into the 1,-ad in the first quarter. r-sponded gamely when -ailed ui at the eig.th p. si r:nd wiMistoid a ! all.nge from DESPAIB. Tkc litter ra.eil ii t!:e outside all the way and cim- les.dutely at the end. soi.ciAKTH ABOOH was ■ f.irwanl cin tender throughout, but was held safe by the first two. EXCUSE ME set tiie early pace aud quit. THIMBU-! was always outrun. Sratched 7S164 Setting Sun. 10s. fverweights Eager. I pounds; lender Seth. 2 f*Q-i QA FIFTH RACE — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. April 10, 1919 — 1 45 s— 4—107. Purse ,200. 4 OloU 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00: third. 00. Index II. uses AWtlTSt % *, Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77648 THE PERUVIAN w 5 110 5 1 1» 1» V 1» 1» ■ At.;son J W Kearns :400 100 77K93 N iKMAL W 6 116 3 6 31 "J** 3» J»k B M rin ill H P Steams ."10 100 177976, l/HII WRACK W7 116 4 3 2 2 131 H 31 J Wallace Mrs A K Alexandra BJ -1 tM V7SM*HIGH OEAB w 10 105 % 5 6 4» 4» 4» 4» D Mergler J S.ui.U OB3-1M 77872 BCAEB CBjOW w 4 111 2 2 6" 6 .il :. i ..» I Ua| W V C.usey |IB1 IM 77827MiHIH WALES v .". 110 7 » 9 9» 7« 7 C» J h liners W E Martin 2*120 I » 77540 HICKORY w ;u 0 105 10 8 71 71 8 61 71 W Mi.ner Hamilton Stable 7701 l* AIKKAO wn H 105 11 4 8 8 6» S« S« H Farland C N Fr-.man RS-M 756l6,ANlVi;i.SARY WB 7 10C 9 10 10 10« »« 9« 9«k G Allen Mrs M L bai ia RBV-M1 77084M» AND DRKES w 4 103 1 11 11 11 11 10 101 O Niehson KTWIm 1 M . 1 V 76781 WIDOW l.EDTE w 10 101 6 7 4 1 51 10 11 11 F Lee Mrs ■ Tl ■■»■■ 299C-: 0 tMutuel field. Time. 27*5, 52H. IM, 1:43. 149S- Traok fast. mutuels paid The Periviau. 0 00 straight. 5.00 place, JO show, N ..rmal. 70 place, M akow: lord Wia.k 40 show. ]:-|iiivalent IxMikmg odils The pemvian. 3400 t.» 100 straight. 1150 to 100 place, 295 to 100 show. Normal, 135 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; I»rd Wrack. 20 to 100 show Winner Ch. h, by Hesperus— Rural Dehrery. by Mortlake trained by J. W. K-ar:is; bred by Mr. A. K Macomber. Went to poet at 4:38. At post 3 minutes. St irt good and slow. Woo easily; second and third ■Uiiug. THE IEKL V1AN took the lead at once and easily won all the way. NORMAL raced BM up from the start and outfinished LORD WRACK In the final drive. The latter waa taken under restraint through the backstreteh. but failed to improve his position when called on. HIGH GKAK raced well all the way. DICKS AND DRAKES dwelt when the barrier waa released. Scratched i77914Little Ammie. 100; 77153*Royal Crown. 105; 78105 Tody. 108; 78165 Ashland. 110; 7S165 Col. Whallen. 106; 78165 Gen. Cadorna. 110; 77390 Warreo Lynch. 95; 77500 Grey Bard, 96. Overweights — The Peruvian. 4 pounds; Anniversary, 4; Ducks and Drakes, 2; Waukeag, 2. ITO-i O-i SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Nov. 25, 1915—1:48—4—116. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds 4 O AO JL and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Inder Horsea AWtPFSt Vt *A % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 73643 MI/.AK wa 5 106 2 2 2i l* 1» 1« 1» D Mergler Mrs X ■ Alexandra fXVn 77500*si;rbiaN w 8 100 9 5 51 51 41 31 2» J Dawson Mrs .1 Phillips t 78161 MoM wb 5 103 11 9 61 4 2» 2« 31 F I ee O C Winfrey 220-100 77915 BOWSPRIT wb 4 lOS 1 3 41 71 7 51 4» F CoIlettl J McMillen 620-100 75781 •ZOFAVH w» 10 100 3 1 Is 2» 21 4-k 5»* W Milner M Hackett 9S0-1OO 76251 • ATTORN-Y MFIR w 9 107 5 12 121 12s 11- 81 6* L Ijing O C Milton 26* 100 75781 »G WASHINGTN w 9 100 10 8 8l 91 81 6171 B Brening C Turner 21S5 100 TMIITOODLM wit 5 92 7 13 13 13 13 12 S1 H Howard Mrs H Dubner 2130-100 69 1 56 MYSTIC wn 5 97 13 10 11* si 9 10l 91 W Harvey Q W Foreman t 7574R»MAY ROBERTS w 7 102 12 6 10 W110| HI 10 G Bond M Grant 6395 100 740043BCCKWHEAT wb 4 103 6 4 3* 21 $ | 91 ll1 J Chlmerj WB Martin t 77806 BLACK FRIDAY wb 4 102 8 11 7l 6 61 7» 12« J Wallace W Wick 2790 100 73939 ST. GERMAIN w 7 105 4 7 91 U* 121 13 13 A Abel. F Holman 56-100 TMutuel field. Time. 26S. 51*5. 1:17. 1:46. 1:53. Track fast. mutuels paid- Mizar. held. .40 straight. .70 place, .40 show; Serbian, field, .70 place. .40 show; Mom, 60 sh..w. Equivalent booking odds— Misur. field. 270 to 100 straight. 3.S5 to 100 place. 170 to 100 show; Serbian, field. 3X5 to 100 place. 170 to 10O show: Mom. 130 to 100 show. Winner - B. h. by Dick Welles— Milky Way. by Star Shoot trained by A. E. Alexandra; bred by Mr. J B. Respess. Went to pest at 5:14. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. MIZAR. close up from the start, raced to the front on the backstreteh and drew away into a long lead, but was tiring at the end. SKRIHAN gafned steadily after lieing fractious at the post, and was wearing the winner down at the end. MOM began slowly and was forced to work her way up and tired after racing into second place. BOWSPRIT rau well. ZOlAYE qui* badly after setting the early pace ami racing well to the stretch. Scratched— 77713 Duke John. 100: 75653 Night Raider. 97; 77611 Dr. Rae. 100. r"TQ-| OO SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. April 10. 1919—1:454—4—107. Purse ,200. 4 O 10*l 3-y«ar-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt U M V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77780 KILROWIE w 98 3 2 1!1 ll 11 11 U L Lang W V Casey 20-50-100 75730 WOOD LADY w 100 2 3 2l 3* 3* 31 21 F Ie Nevada Stock Fm Stb 1SS0 100 7765l»«ANNrj w 103 5 6 4* 21 21 2 3* B Brening H S Bowns 115-100 77890V.OLDMARK wb 92 7 7 «* 5* 5« 4* 4* H Howard 0 Peterson 1835-100 77869,SKTHS FLOWER W 100 4 5 5» 6 7 7 51 J Wallace .1 P Polk 225-100 77869 HERBKRTIS w 103 1 1 7 7 6* S*l •» J Chlmers R McKeever 2765 100 78161:*TIMES UP wn 100 6 4 31 4* 4 6 7 D Mereler S N Holman 750100 Time. 26. 51S. 1:17H. 1:43, 1:50. Track fast, mutuels paid. Kilbowie. 3.00 straight. 3.50 place. .40 show; Wo-id Lady, 4.30 place. .80 show; Anne, 60 show Fquivalent booking odds — Kilbowie. 2050 to 100 straight. 575 to 100 place. 220 to 100 show; Wood Lady. 615 to 100 place. 190 to 100 show: Anne. 30 to 100 show. Winner — B. g, by Theo. Cook — Wren, by Star SlMH-t trained by W. V. Casey; bred by Mr. Edward F. Sinims. Went to post at 5:46. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. K1I.BOWIF. away well, took the lead while rounding the first turn and. drawing away under slight restraint, held his advantage in the final drive. WOOD LADY came to the outside in the stretch turn and. finishing fast, was wearing the winner down at the end. ANNE began slowly and ran well, but was kept in the deep going all the way and tired. GOLDMARK rau well all the way. Overweights — Wood Lady. 2 pounds; Seths Flower, 1. 4

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924040501/drf1924040501_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1924040501_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800