Daily Racing Form Charts: Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-05

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TIJUANA TIJUANA. MEXICO. FRIDAY. APRIL 4. 1924. — 1 Mile. One hundred and twelfth day. TFjMM Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 100 or more days. Weather showery. Stewards. Francis Nelson. J. W. of froth and L. J. Rose. Placing Judges. M. N. Macfarlau and J. S. Rothert. Starter, Marshall Cassidy. Racing Secretary, if. N. Macfirlan. Racing starts at 1:50 p. m. Chicago time, 3:50 p. m.. W indicates whip. S spurs, 15 blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. 761QQ FIRST RACE— l -2 Kile. May 12. 1916— 47S— 2— 123. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. 4 OM-Oand Allowances. Net value to winner 20: second. 20: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt £ tj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 78068 STAMPDALK w 114 6 2 1-11- 1» J Butwell A © Blakely 120-100 781. t5 MISSION PEAK w 113 1 1 2- 2* V B Kenndy F J Kell-y 92O-100 78091 SAN ISABEL w 11! 2 I :.5l 31 3* A Collins Pueblo Stabln 80 100 77945 CHICK BEEL w 104 I 4 % 4* 41 F. Neal San Diego Stable 1 10800 IM 78000 JOHNNIE AGIE w 100 5 C 6 51 il W Dean San Diego Stable * 78151 ALTOMOlR w 103 4 3 41 « I T Wilson R Spreokels 14400-100 tCoupled as San Diego Stable entry. Time. 24, 48*;. Track good. mutuels paid. Stampdale. 40 straight, .20 place; Mission Peak. .20 place; no show mntuela sold. Equivalent bo king odds— Stampdale. 120 to 100 straight, 60 to 100 place; Mission Peak. 100 to 100 place. Winner B. p, by Ormond;:le— Post Mark, by Star Shoot trained by A. G. Blakely; bred by Mr. John V.. Madden. Went to post at 1:50 At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. STAMPDALE quickly raced into a gocd lead and. tinder a well ridden finish, outstayed MISSION PEAK. The latter is still "-omewhat green, but raced resolutely through the final eighth. SAN ISAHKL was nway slowly and always outpaced. CHICK P.EEL tired badly after showing speed. Scratched— 77750 Publisher. 103. Overweights — Stampdale, 1 pound; Chick Reel. 4. e « PTQ-f Q A SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 19, 1924—1:04—4—106. Purse J600. 3-year-4 OAO"i • olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20; second, 20; third, 0. Index Hurses AWtPPSt 4 U Str Fin Jockeys Owners E.jiiv. Odds Strt 78152VIACK FOUNTAIN w ? 112 8 1 1 1*1 I* 1« C Corbett J A Chaloner 131-100 78084 MIDNIGHT BKLLBaj 4 110 13 13 8 7-1 4»t 2» G Cooper G Coon-y +.70 100 78152 GOOD HOPE wn I US 10 2 ,-,: 1- 2! 3i P Martinz LaaeM 4a Dtlll 24 v 100 78137 MRS PAT w a 116 2 10 ID ID 9 4» T Wilson A Patterson 2360-IM 78l::8,BooKVORM w I 111 6 I :." 4«k 3t 5* W Molters C H James t 78155,l,RESERVATOR w 4 112 4 13 13- 101 71 6"* A Franco R Spre k-l.i t 78117 BROOM PEDDR w 5 IIS 7 4 B 5 G 71 J Smith F J Schu maker t 78137 MALZAVKNA WB t 111 14 11 71 81 S» SJ M Frey J G Givens t 78101 *MISS DtNBAR wn I 111 12 S 4i 3165 9J D Jones Brumbaugh* Adrian IBB Ml 78093 MARY DOB W I IM 9 6 9" 9 10*101 B Kenndy M F Williams G64O-100 78111 FI.SII OF STEEL w 10 IIS 5 7 12 13* tt» IB E Fator L A Roberts 17000-100 78017 JoLLY SAII JR wu 4 117 2 » 10 12il25 12* B Neal Mrs R ■ Neal 1D0-100 78152 OALWAT *s» IK U 3 6 1 6* Itll:!1! F J Baker W Harvev 5.7O-1O0 77176 FRANC TIREUR w 7 US 1 14 14 14 14 14 A Collind T H Wellj 4500-100 + Mutuel field. Time. 24. 4S*i. 1:014. 1:08. Track good. mutuels paid. Jack Fountain. .SO straight. .20 place. .40 show; Midnight Bell, field. 60 place. 20 show; io«d Hope, 20 show. Equivalent lMx king odd Jack Fountain. 190 to 100 straight. 60 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Midnight Hell, field. 30 to 100 piaee. 10 to 100 show; . od Hope. 10 to 100 show. Winner— B. g. by Fountain Square — Buna, by Si-litaire II. trained by II. Ripley; bred by Mr. R. J. Fisk. Weut to post at 2:15. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won pasily; second and third driving. JACK FOl NTAIN took the lead at once and came away after rounding the last turn into a long lead and won in a canter. MIDNIOHT BELL, from a slow beginning, steadily improved her position into a fast gonig second. OOOD HOPE raced in closest pursuit to the streteh tmd made a game finish whiie tiring. MRS. PAT came from far back. BOOKWORM and MISS DUNBAR tired. Scratched— 7SOS4 Obstinate. Ill; 7S082 Capon. US; "S155 Prince Berrill. 111. -— I 7818 THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 19. 1924— 1:04S— 4— 106. Purse 00. 3-year-4 O IOO olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20; seoond, 20; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % || % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 78152 -STONE BKLL w I 11! 9 5 2j2°"2- 1 T Wilson C M Berry 7M-;.» 78118 F. :. CORLKT VBS1BM U Ma V- 5 2 J Maiben J T Johnson r,;i» 78137 LADY MOOBJJ W 9 IM S 2 1 1 1" 3* W Mo.tera T Polk 2560110 78I36"AII.I.IRU WSCIMH 6 6 V BJ 4* Q Abel L E Old MO-MI 78l52*i:MDKN WBB 11 IM HI :". 5- 4 5 A Ollina T Coffey 14SO-100 774M**MISfl MANAGE wSll! 4 4 B 1*1 3 C» C Corbett Ealltnger and Cffmaa Ml Ml IBBM*BRIDGETTB w 5 11 "» 3 4* 4 7 7* D Jones C Thurman tSW 100 7ftllS*OLAD HAND w 4 Ml 113 12*10? P S« A FranVo R Sprockets 44fi0-b0 7ii906 oI.KL MATT WSB 11 IM 2 7 V 1* 9* 9- J R.berta S 1oU t 7i 722 GEORGE KELLY wIBH 1 13 13 13 10 T Km C Barnett f 7815J,MARY MALLOM wb 7 110 12 S 9 11 110 11 M Frey p Confar and Bro t ; 76722 C. O. DOBSM w 7 115 2 10 11 12 124 12* R M.Hugh Oui Oui Stable t ,78110 BILLY I.ANE wb 6 123 6 9 SJ 3J 11» 13 F J Biker F W Ritsch 5 y0-100 TMutuel field. Time. 24. 491;. 102H. l:08«i. Track good. mutuels pali- Stone p.e||. »i 20 straight. .20 place. . SO show; F. O. Crley. 60 place. .00 show:ldy Mo. re. 1924.sh 20 show. Bfliakl l -« k:ng o.|ds Stone Bell. 710 to 100 straight. 260 to 100 place. 110 to 100 -Iww; F. G. Corley. 1* to B» place. liH io MB show; Ijidy Moore, ;i60 to MB show. Winner h. c. by Wigstone-Bella II., by Ballot trained by C. lrby: bred by Mr J. K. L. Rrssl. Went to ixi*t at 2:40. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow Won driviag; aacoai and third the s.ime. SlOM: BKLL, riroinin.iit from the sdrt. v..:re LIY MiiuRi: down after turning for home, and. forging to the fmnt. gamely w.thstood Um b.-latd challenge of V G. CORLKT. The latter cloned a big gap from a slow lieginning and made a fast fiiiisli. LADY MOORE let the pai e to the last e.ghth and i Id AULIRO was haid ridden MISS MANAGE tired. Scrat.hed 7siis-l.;anche Meyers. 116; 7MW4-Llirum. 123; 7sl3S Stanley II., 117; 77910 Etta D., 1C0; 78133 Princes., Myrtle, IM. rO-fl Q£* FOURTH RACE— 1 MUe and 70 Yards. Karon 10. 1923— l:4a5j— 6— 118. Purae 00. 4 O JlOO 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20. second. 20; third, 0. Index Sanaa: AWtPPSt U . % Str Im Jockeys Owners Eqiii . . odds s rt 78138 DIAMOND DICK wb 4 113 3 7 3] B* 1*1 2- 1» D Jonea W O Jenkins IMt-MI 78049 LAW MANNING w ". 109 4 1 l| I| 1 l1 21 B Fator B L Biker 5.1 WD 78154-V1I/ N.NA «t V I I • 75 6* 2 2- C. Ellis Suhr and Beatty 150-MI 78136, »LADT I.KoNID w 4 108 7 6 ~- 4» 4" 4* 4=1 M IYey J O Jivena MO-Ml 78I75* NNY LAD1 arSSMI 1 2 2-1 21 2* 55 51 • torb-tt C lliirmin 1 it VH 77861 Al" BEVOIM wa 6 100 2 5 S S S 6" 6 1 i Cooper B Warren M»-K** 78170 RQ18TMKKB wsb T 109 6 4 4* 5» 5» 7* 7* J Maiben W M John Ht-MI 78115*PEi:RLi:.S.S ONE wu 9 108 IS 5 ! e I S J Roberts J Campbell 2910 100 Tune. 24. 48 V 115. 142», 1 46«„. Track good. Contiaued ou tenth page. TIJUANA Continued from third page. mutuels paid- Diamond Dick, 0.80 straight. 0 80 place. .40 show; Lawrence Manning. 00 pla -e, so show; Misanna, .00 show. K.|iiivMl.-nt booking odds Diamond Dick. 1240 to 100 straight. 440 to 100 place. 170 to 100 show; Lawrence Manning, 200 to 100 place, 140 to 100 show; Misanna, 50 to 100 show. Winner--Blk. g, by Dick Finnell— Diamond Grain, by Fowling -piece trained by B. John: bred by Mr. lhouias 1iatt. Went to post nt 3:08. At poat 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third tlie same. DIAMOND DDK. a forward contender f r m the start, responded to hard riding after turning for h me and got up to win in the final strides. IAWHKNCK MANNING, after setting the pace from the start, gave way right at the end. MIZANNA was knocked out of contention while rounding the first turn, then made up ground and ran a good race. LVDY IJCONID had no mishaps. CANNY DADT was uuder restraint from three-quarters, but could not respond when called on. Scratched— 78111 Smiling, 101; 78102 Theresa, 98; 78103 Black Pat, 108. Overweight Mizanna. 1 pound. : — J ryO-g Qry FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mil*. Feb. 22, 19B4— 1 :lli— 4— 128. Purse. 00. 4-year-olds and 4 O XO 4 upward. Claiming. Not value to winner 90; second. 40; third, 0. Index Morses AWtPPSt* % %. Str Kin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt 7~706»M.ADY OORHAM wb 4 95 2 J 1* 1* 1» 1*1 D Jones O Drumholler 2.:0-10O i 78140-KirtST CALX. WB 4 99 1 1 2«| 2 21 2» M Krey O W Atkinson :20-100 ~M14»VIIJ IIKATRwb 6 103 4 1 4« 3»* 3» Sl Ellla I B Humphreys ltO-100 78140 YALTA w 4 104 3 4 3» 4* 4» 4«i K J Baker W C Weant 560-100 77707 MARCKLLA BOY W610765 6665J Smith K Baader 4870-100 Time, 22%, 46%, 1:12%. Track good. mutuels paid— Lady G rham, SG.60 straight. .20 place, .20 show; First Call, .40 place. GO show: Wild Heather, .40 show. Kltiival.nt booking odds- Lady r.orham. 230 to 100 straight. GO to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; First Call, 70 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Wild Heather. 20 to 100 show. VhW — Ch. f, by Frizxle — Mexilow, by Mexican trained by D. F. Cannon; bred by Messrs. Gorham Bros. I. Went to poat at 3:33. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. LADY GOUHAM showed great speed in putt-making all the way and virtually won the race in the first quarter. F1KST CALL tired after ra. ing in closest but unavailing pursuit of the winner and was barely uble to save second place. WILD HKATHKB made a fast finish. YALTA did her best. Overweights First Call, 2 pounds; Yalta, 4. -— — » FTQ-i QQ SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. March 11. 1923— 1:44%— 3— 116. Purse ,000. 3-year -4 O M-OO olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 00; seoond, 00: third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt fc % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt 78105*YIR ;iNH*S wb t 100 3 5 5 5 and 1*1 O Ellis Sunbeam Stabla 4-0-l » 76402SSO IT GOES wb 5 105 2 2 2* 2* 2» 3» 2» V, Abel W Walker 267100 78I14:MAHSDALK wb 5 105 5 I 31 3« 31 21 3 D Jones B Williams 1UVW0 78 105 VAN PATRICK wsb 4 107 1 J 4« 4» 4 5 41 B Kenndy Denver Stable 550-100 78081 DOUBTFUL wsb 4 102 4 4 ll ll 1 4* 5 T Wilson Mrs J H McCoole 280 100 Time, 24%. 48%. 1:14. 1:40. 1:46%. Track good. mutuels paid- Virginius. 0.40 straight. .40 place, .20 show; So It Goes, 9.80 place, 00 show; M.it-silale. .20 show. Equivalent lwoking odds Virginius. 420 to 100 straight. 220 to 100 place. 60 to 100 show; So It Goes. 890 kg lot pla -e. 150 to 100 shew: Marsdale. 10 to 100 show. Winner II. g. by Wrack- Itahu. by Disguise i trained by W. Sims; bred by Mr. Arthur P.. Hancock. Went to post at 3:58. At jKist 2 minutes. Start good arid slow for all but VIRGINIUS. Won handily; second and third driving. VIRGINIUS. after dwelling at the start, was away poorly, but closed a big gap and raced past the leaders after turning for home, to win going away. SO IT MM need forwardly from the start and. making a game finish, outstayed M KSDAI.K. The latter was hard ridden and did Ins beat. VAN PATRICK finished fast. DOUHTFCL tired after setting the pace 10 the stretch. Complete ebarti of Tijuana race* nere not available at the hour of going to press, but will be published in tomorrows issue. The following is a summary of the remaining races: SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Milet. Horse. Jockey. Wt. Straight. Tlaee. Show. BILLS LUCK 8. Abel 101 .00 .20 20 DAN HOGAN la, reery 107 5.S0 4.60 BWHKT AND LOW G. Kllis 07 5.00 Time. 1:48%. Track good. Also Ran Melehoir. Hal Wright. Plow Steel and Full Moon. EIGHTH RACE— 1 1-4 Mile*. norse. Jockey. Wt Straight. Place. Show. FAIR OR1KNT K. Fa tor 108 .40 .20 40 IMH.Pff G. Abel 103 4.40 2.80 MISS CLAIRK D. Jones 97 2. GO Time. 2:07. Track good. Also Ran Frank Fogarty. Wylie and Picdra. MTHTH RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Horse. Jockey. Wt. Straight. Place. Show. FORT CHIRfUHX A. Francesco 115 7. SO .00 60 DICK TKItPIN A. Collins 114 4.80 3.80 CKDRIC F. J. Raker 108 0 00 Time. :54. Track good. Also Ran Miss Nantura. Trusty. Spear Shot. Frank S.. Dr. McArthur and narry Maxim.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924040501/drf1924040501_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1924040501_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800