untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-08


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SOLD OUT! ED BRADLEY The ENTIRE EDITION of the 1819 BROADWAY, GOTHAM BANK BLDG. NEW YORK andT* SPORTING LEADER ~ *««--. From COAST TO COAST the SPORTING LEADER RStDlCl DSIV. 1 .OU-, WOIl W%* _t -O ■ T7* J % M-* 19 winner*, 4 tceondi In last 2C days. Absolutely only one horse- a days tjll? kUT*"DT*lSG HlQlLlOri |1»0 fat let ant flLOOO wbuen. *" " •**»■ ivJV V*.X O _J"m -M-V-AM, ThroaKk a typographical error, yesterdays advertisement read next bono W-WPV / i ■_. ~_r- ■• % f~ a a aroes Thursday, Instead of Saturday. VV 21S ti JtAOWlin OU.CCGSS MY NEXT HORSE GOES SATURDAY Openlnar day mt Louisville, and -will pay 15 to 1. My fee. f 25 dally In ad. Everywhere they are talking about the vaace. Ko propositions. Wire subscription by Western Union or Postal Tele* ° order. craph nioney AUTOMATIC LONG SHOT SELECTOR Greatest Discovery Maryland Service UGLE. •/ Suite 208, 145 W. 41st St. New York City Vt-S-VljGlX i»*J yL In the Turf World Today ! NOt an every day service ]££**« ■» *M rm LAST WEEK IT GAVE TO WIN ■* FEATURING Mexican Tea .... 2.20- Won Todays Release pr- everyday Normana . ...... 2.50 Won w.y, n«»dty, « u m .« .«t put vOy frpf * S* __-.- *"* We belioT- !t wUl *• *"** M •,,cce»»*,,1 * -~-S rftXl "k|- I r% miCS Kl b/%/ •*"■ 1*1 medium as any of our previous releases. A special SPECIAL kwJl/. jaillCO ....... V A ▼▼ VJll Mt -f instructi0M u accompany each telegram PaVll MlCOU 7.10 VV On eeryy"! awarded by a vlryUbJrai price, rgaap Spfif M. NllfifP. Mf. VXxVVX To emphasise this we ask you to fiance over a few "r* W w S wwr* j~~ /»■■-■*" /t» f. A *. As f. € —1 1»OCl1" AT I — I fT ff Si I l I —St / X/ ■"■fa of °ur recent releases listed below. As to todays We are out to get 500 marc subscribers with the V,UC2 1 U1 A 1U1IUI * • V 0.tU Pr W VMI ■*■««.*»» Churchill DowM mwstinf which , start* we __ __ . tlu* Saturday, May 10th. Our book:-, will close IJsjJ ~1 1-.f* /I •www» X/ /"stl a comment *f hU train»r durinr our telephone v con- Friday night. Only 500 subscriptions will be taken, ITCviCllCl ........ i. *A W V_fll versation yesterday: *o send in your subscription early. "Offhand," he said, "I can mention thirty bad saay- NOTE THIS SPECIAL OFFER AND RIGHT OFF THE BAT breaks my hone could hare after he leaves the G0ES TO TH0SE THAT SUBSCRIBE -fH paddock gate and, If it so happens that he were to In the New Edition It Gave: a T2 winner. M..*~ * l m —•t t0 ■" ta mm -Z»2l2 £* f0T two — -*eg-a* g. ATE MINUTE SPECIAL "»*■ Pr°e 5°° or one day or ° °° Mar*11%lsfB IVIlaT.la|-/Br* III I lAf /alt m°r8- low 7™ wiU f,nd the torras of our "i*1 one week. rilllln III ISBHI I II" I if 111 offer for todays release. It would be more con- WE WILL GIVE TOU 8 M A 111 A V UlllfilOlVl A Vf X • ft VIA y venient to you. and to us, if you remit by telegraph, j dai,y gheet f-f week and Last sending street address and telephone number, ; for week rni- • -v -arrkOfr •ar*T»Trc«TrtTTO j- i. j J s. xv your one This is the MOST MARVELOUS discovery yet made and everywhere they are -mm anyi g. roR TIIE SMAI T PRirE OF about the MASTER RATINGS. You MUST GET the SPORTING talking simply 0TXK LAST EEI EA8E Mondav Kay sv Wire monfty riht *way- This offer 0M only -ci until Friday night. Wire money to BUGLE PUB. t a t»t ti m/-w iw LhADhK 10JJAY. °°- suite nil gbxat nokthekk uinnTiiunnr a1jaa.a taiosi I bldg., WORTHMORE .4.90- WON Chicago, ill. •HlI fit s# J 1 W sJjllfAMjiA V X • WOrthmOre 4.90- WOn! B-* to your ..dealer now and ask him for I th© Bugle, price 60c* Revised "Automatic Long Shot Changes" Le Vignemale 5.40 Woni 6 6 »Hanri„„i i wonprUeirorters, Attention! !-«e AND Mary Dear ....% 8.80- •_n % / / ._ _■ -— -- % 4.4. MaaI c?i a An tQ Wnn Yon can now tuy the Bule in y°ur city on y°ar nevisea iviasrer nanngs Byng o.io- won;— -*• BAGLET NEWSSTAND So it is MOST IMPORTANT that you get the NEW EDITION OUT TODAY. 25 Normana 2.50- Won ! C0ENER woodward and monroe aves. a. 11 Z. I IN FRONT OF THE BAGLEY MONUMENT cents f at an -elITc«fQi,/lQ newsstands. poR gALE at Sweepstakes . . .3.10- Won . cLEVFXAND-For «i. at o. c. n inb 21a * Supenor Ave# Eiltr and Goodman, 2C7 Fourth St. AIJ C-IXUX,,! fl» o r-ft An llf« DETROIT. FOR SALE UiT AT UICI haitiltUl . . .$ 9.00" WOn LOUISVIXLE-For sale at News stores. 227 Fourth * *ourth bts. Triangle Newsstand, Griswold and Michiean Sts. MlnUt Chn/J* *0/i At tf 0 l»/« Family Theatre Newsstand, Cadillac Square. IllCjIll 011306 . . . tCXJ.VJ-C. VI Oil CINCTNNATT— For sale at Ray Pierces, corner Ffth a°d VlD* 8t* Cleveland. O., O. Schroeder. 212 K. Superior Ave. Dn/»/i#J/ fc O CH O 11//.. St. Ixrois. Mo., Wm. Iser, 711 Market St. DUCaQO 9.0U-sC WOn ST- LOUIS— For sale at Wm. Lasers, 711 Market St. Louis. Mo.. Foster Book, 410 Washington St. Street. si I fl» r 1 r» IhO 111 Indianapolis. Mceslein. 11J Illinois St. NOmial $ D. 1 U- WOn OR IN OTHER CITIES WHEREVER THE RACING Omaha, Neb., Meyer Coren, 1411 Farnum St. FORM IS BOLD Kansas City. Mo., Itirksecker, Ninth and Walnut Sts. Cincinnati, O , Rav Fierce, Agent, Cigar Store, FifUi and Vine Sts. PFPIAI flFFFR i a *" LwmL Dayton. O., E. Buphrat. 129 8. Jefferson. wl * t1 New Orleans. I-u.. Wallace. 105 Hoyal St. ,,5 ln adTance ,75 collect you wInninc8j WWW W « AND CITIES WHEREVER DATLT RACING FORM IS SOLD. 7 II 1 1 prsridin, horse pay. 5 to 1 or better. -M f NOTE— Automatic Changes — Kentucky LR 101 Best Rating is 94 — LS 98 Best Rating 98 ■ -*•_ mM g III A*V A*v|w*|«T To Avoid Delay Remit by Telegraph ■ sn Jk W Wlf IJljl/ I If __________________________ _i__________i__i___ UOI O !! wwlUJ MARYLAND SERVICE OLl" 2sUTTV¥l7» IU I MjEM ITTSYVT. rLUlLI "*• ** 1W W" •"" S" """ YOrl CHy »J CENTS AT AM SEWSSTASDS ~ Calvert Building, Broadway at 41st Street Bryant 0333 New York City C!lsaw* 1 TODAYS FBEE CODE tjl sllJLU. j-1? S Plmlleo: Virpinia-liose-Hox-Furiile. The result of yesterdays down to turfmen for a generation . , Strictly One Hen* Daily TAiaAV ~y « 1 T 4 4 ochuyler Investment mh »»»w»««is» iuuai is unknown at the time of placing advertisement, as the investment was ATnrTIE snSSr-. . .TIT.Wsm* won Inl7 nilfll/iA onrnsi in a late race at Lexington. The executives of this office have every assurance RApiD DAy Tue.d.y . b„ winner Al/Y. I IMLItU JI ttlAL however, that it will prove to be just another repetition of Schuyler success. Mondays bouhie winner: ! KTRRXEVINOTON 818.80 -S2 WON EARLA BABY 814.30-8* WON j P A DC Ti A II V GARS DAILY PAYING INVESTMENTS — ™":»— • TROPICAL WATER 30-S2 WON 1 HAVE BROUGHT THE "SCHUYLER INYESTMENTS" m*.mr.!?..?rrm.n.~L?™m*~ Trr.*""" the patronage and endorsement of discriminating turf followers through- hJhu* " smsTs/wEBbt- convinc* you th*t x out the country. ** 9 FX *| THESE INVESTMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE SECURE WITH GREAT CARE AND x DECLAEE towinwith0 -i shot todat VatSLF S USMV EXPENSE. •* If ever I gave a long shot winner, today is the 0 Cents at All Newsstands d*y* M*** ■ y°ur huainess to ret OEOROE W¥ 1» • 1 Ti* 1 »» • O Are Yon Heading m the Right Direction ? ZttXSziSTJii = Md swy • My tortus remain the same. 86.00. Wire money. aasaaaa»m»amm»asamsasasassB«sBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBM A "Schuyler Investment" With Outstanding Advantages r/™ FIVE WINNERS Takes Olace ., . ,. . Out of Last 8 on Our Free Code Specials *OJktB »v, * .TJ- „ * jj*a**, Thia kind not v_ does go every dav and I advise all followers that cleaned up on SHIELDS hi*: winners TODAYS CODE SPECIAL: n°t to mi" toda-y* ,100° Oocasional. Apnl-Pear-58-61-59-66 TA1MV TUTTDOIlA V AT DIM! lTA lUUAl"~lnUlY51/Al"~"AI I llTlLlvU GEORGE SHIELDS nu. issue sure is goins somo and all it 287 Broadway. Room 500 New York City ooats is 35c at all newsstands. Mailed direct, """" ~ °° -■ram"°" ! «- Tmn.: a.IaVDMUllhAM gtVUsMSsaisis The "Schuyler Investments" are like "sterling" on silver— The stamp of KEW B00K 0H m* »ow ■j . . . - _ _ Seventeen years doing: business under the I ClStmCUOn. | f|«t/iat ,-w Vh« t «• IH Av»rVA MUDe nam» which oug-ht to prove to you that j VrClwI 1 UUI A. Urill you are dealing; with the most responsible 1**™***""™"™"""™™™ people in the business. ■wy | -»x T ON OUR ONE HORSE DAILY WIRE WE earn _ mm «-aw # ssssaj DOOK IN OW. HAVE HAD 12 GOOD PRICED |/lsYni~nl7 rviPiricy HiTiiriTi daily racing form publishing co.! Tm.™,?".0!*811, IflUl LJ LV LLVClVl L-bf Ul HI » PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. da,.. lata w ssVasaVsaVJSamsaVsaV ssh ass m. aw" A «« «« « Wake up y and send in your subscription »»cr.p«»n at at J »Vvw/aa« 167.i59 EAST »2ND STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. onoa. I •r ■"»• M RICHMOND STREET, EAST, TORONTO, ONT. NOW ON SALE advertise in racing FORMSjrw! fflS

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924050801/drf1924050801_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924050801_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800