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Entries and Past Performances JAMAICA THURSDAY, MAY 8 WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK FAST. The figures under the heading "Rec." In the entries below show the best time of em-li horse at the distance since January 1. 1922. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was road* on ether than a fait •r toed track, abbreviations show track condition*. 74MC3 IS FlttST INDEX OF 1924. 7RCS8 IS THE FIRST INDEX OF MAT. Racing starts st 2 30 p. m- Chicago time 1:30 ©Superior mud runner. XGood and runner. SfcFair njml runner. II Maiden*. •Apprentice allowance, hltliiiicera. The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made: Aqueduct A« Jefferson Park. XP j Aurora An Kcnil worth Ke | Belmont Park BP Kempten Park KP i Blue Bonnets. BB King Edward Ki I Bo wist ....Bo Latonia La ! Churchill Downs CD Laurel La j Columtus Co Lexington Lx Conr.aught Park CP Maple Heights MH I Conneaut Lake CL Marlboro Mb Dado Park DP Mobile Mo Devour lure ...Do Mount Royal MR Dorval Do Omaha Om Dufforin ...Dn Pimlico ..Pin Empire Em Reno Ro Fair Grounds FO Saratoga Sa Fort Erie ...FE Tanforan Ta Hamilton Hm Thorncliffe Th Havre de Grace HG Tijuana Ti Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Ht Windsor Wi Huntington Hu Woodbine Wo Jamaica Ja First Rom — 5 1-2 Furlong*. Ilirwe 000 3 year old «. Maiden". Claiming. Track record: May 23, 1922— 1:00— and 126. Toon ys I no. Horse. Wt. "-or. A.WLHan 73853 Horn-more Sa 115 1:00% 117.720 78789 Sai Altos Jnll0 1H»% 117. .720 7878" Bonnie Oinur . ..Ta 110 1 Oft 117x710 7B74 » hi 110 1:08 112.. 710 7B6Bf.: Radiancy UK 1 lOm 112. .710 78784 VpMil .Ta.112 1 :08%sy 117.. 710 7536C:i Spontaneous . .Em 102 1 09% 107. .711 78783 J rmV,!ra Jail". 1:06% 117. .710 78C34 etoVBJtM Ja 104 1:07 117. .710 72487 n mf!.tir 117.. 705 7878» Magic Cull ....Ja 115 1 07% 117.. 7O0 78789 D.iv Trap Ja US 1:07% 117. .700 i 78C0S Sludge Ja 104 1:08 117. .700 j 73319 Bantam Cock ... ]I2..70»» 786GJ Hands Ip Ja 112 1:07% 117-700 Rm.ple 112. .70"! . 78693 •Uo-c of lima . .Ja 11«. 1:12m 107. ,70t 72722 Fust Pick Sa 105 1 OS 117.70ti 78789 King of FortuneJa 111 1:08 117. .700 78365 "Shine On BP 104 1:07 107. 700 1 •Twinkling Star .. 112 I Second Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Fasrac O.O. 3 year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: Oct. 3. MB 1 41 % -5— 123. 78745: MAD PLAY Ho 106 1 4S%ra 3 106 S00 75180 Frigate Km 120 1 :43% 6 119.785 78G511 bThimble FG 102 1:42% G 111X70! 7S093 Top Serjeant .Im 11011:40% 6 120x740 787431 Fneraa M 3 97. 71 78689 Masquerado . . .FG 10S 1 :44% 5 113X730 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. Sixth Running Olympic Claiming Stakes. ,000 Added. 3 vcar-ohls and upward. Track record": Oct. 0, 1922 1:11%— 2— 117. 787861 Sherman Ja 110 1:11% 3 100X700 78715 "Miss Cameo ..Im 114 1:10% 3 98X745 78786* Rival Ja 107 1 11% 3 104X74. 75809 Hullabaloo BP 110 1:11 5 107. .745 78528* Dominique Im 128 1:11 7 117x740 78716 Bontaud 3 100.740 75631 S Ik Tassel ..BP 114 1:11% 4 110x740 78689= Missionary ...Im 1W. 1:1.1 0 117X740 75335* Pricemaker ...Aq 110 1 :14%sy 3 104. 740 78839 Wiidrake Ja 116 1:13 4 100x735 78812 Pickpocket .. .Pm 110 1:12% 3 109.730 71062= Washington 5 107® 725 Fourth Raoe — 3-4 Mil*. ,200 added. 3-year olds and upward. Handicap. Track record: Oct. 5. 1922-1:11%— 2— 117. 78812 Finn I-ag 3 110. .700 78632 I.unius BP 119 1:11% 9 120x743 78634 F.aglct Ja 106 1:12% 3 100.745 64151 Serenader 5 117 .740 78718 l.ord Granite ..La 106 1:12% 4 10SX741 72621 Southern Cross. Ja 1M 1 12% 0 120x740 74278* Comic Sons ...BP 110 1:12% 5 97x735 7S691 Billy Warren. .BP 112 1:12 3 103. 715 lloniestar 4 115 Fifth R»ce— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse ,000. 4 olds and upward. Claiming Track record: May 19, 1923 1:43—4—1164. 78785* Bonfire Ke 103 1:47% 4 107x715 785311 Superbum JP. 93 1:47% 4 105 720 78675**bE:ist Indian ...Re 110 1:45% 7 105x715 7871S* Insulate Ja 100 1 :47% « VS. .718 78616- Poe Dal 107 1:46% 0 107x715 78£59 Bcndita Be 9S 1 :4« 4 100X710 78785 Noniial BP 110 1:40 •! 123 V 720 78661 UStone Jug .5 107. .710 7B785 •Anniversary ...BP 107 1 40% 7 107x705 78746 Trite Ja 106 140% 9 102x700 78842 liJuuo FG 9411 49% m 0 105x700 78788* Water Girl JP 100 1:48% 4 97. 700 78811 liFelicitons HO 107 1:49% 4 107x700 78665 bDavid Ilarum BP 114 1:40% 7 107x700 Sixth Race — 5-8 Mile. Purse ,030. 2 year olds. Allowances. Track record: May 1G, 1923— 58%— 2— 111. 786291 Young Martin 117.. 723 7S818* Imagination M Ja 115 l:02%sy 107X720 73816 liord Darnley M 110 715 78592 IMisto 117.. 713 78699* Bill Dwyer M Ja 110 1:04m 110. .710 Donjack 110 lef RAPC 5 5-2 rui-lonigsj. ::-fear-old«. Ilaideufi. laiming. May 23, lol llriUL 1922 1 :Q5 6 12G. Index Conrse Di*t Time Tci Odds Wt St % Srr Kin Jockeys Started Order of Finish HOTJRMORE h. e. 8 M 117 By Houxless — Belgravia. by Ben Brush. Trainer. S. C. Hildrefh.. Owner, Rancocas Stable. Breeder, H. F. Sinclair. 73801 n ajsuflTt S 11:11 fast 1» 1U 4 4 4* CL Fator 0 Sarazen. Sun Pal. Elvina 73000 Belmont Si f 1 :f«%fast 1-2 115 11 f 7* 3*1 K Sande 15 B CabilL, Pricemaker, Skirmisher 732145 Belmont 3-4 1 :11* R-5 109 8 5 2Jj L Fator ft Infinite, Nel. Morse. Resolution "3073 Saraidfrs H f 1 :05%fast 3 2 115 ] 1 3» V E Sande 14 Bobs Mary, Bob Caliill. Craeme 72814 Saratoga 51 f 1:07 fast 3a 115 I 4 4* J* L Fator 16 lf.T. Waters. Bnaparte! BLPlay SDN ALTOS, h.. c. S M 117 By Sun Briar— Los Altos, by Palo Alto. ■Trainer. F.. M. Bray. Owner, Xllare Stable"!. Breeder, W. S. Kilmer. •7H7K9 Jamaica ft f 7 115 1 1 H $■■ P Conn11yl3 Honor. Samaritan. I es. Desmonl 74655 .1a:iai-a »1 f 1 :d6»nf:ist ?.i 115 2 2 Z* 3* C Hummer G Pricemaker. Fabian, Catalan 73005 PHmont 5* f 1 :06%fast 300 115 13 1 5J 7» T Bice 10 B.Cahill, Pricemaker. Hourtnore 73404 Belmont sj f 1 :K fast 60 104 2 S*11" ; Res 11 Sara/en. McAuliffe. Bonaparte 73134 S;.ratoira H f 1 OoSimud 60 109 6 6 6" J "allahan C Sarazen, II T. Waters, Bob Tai 53073 Saratoga 5J f 1 OLHfast 60 115 13 13 i:,l13J« L, McAlee 14 BobsMary, Ilourmore, Bobtabill B01TN1E OMAR. cb.. c. 3 at 117 By Omar Khayyam— Bonnie Mary, by Ultimas. Trainer. J. Fitzsimmons. Owner, Belair Stable. Breeder. Belair Stud. 7«7K» Junta 5* f 10:-%fast 10 lli 1 4 3u 41 G Fields 13 Honor. Samaritan Be » Desmond 7R16: loi— letj 54 f 1 :06%slop 7 112 S 6 5j C| G Fields IS WildAster, Honor. PrimeMinter 70340 I i ml lew M 114 ood 12 11? 7 C 5i 3-J P Walla 11 Batsman, A.B.AIidem. B.Buchn 701941 Pimlirt 3 4 1:1? fast 10 115 14 5* 5L1 T Finn 11 Sen. Norris. Pepp, Memento 704J34 I.imrel 5 f 1 ■0S%mu.l 13-.". 112 1 1 21 2»iT Finn 6 Prince Hamlet, Bpartaa Carlton 74063 Laurel 61 f 1 OX fast 20 115 7 7» 5*1 T Finn 12 Whiskalg, II at Law, Supplnt 74410 I-iurel 3-4 1 13%fast 51 103 5 4 41 5JT Finn 10 Jimson, Suppliant, Bosa Yeta 74141 AqueJjrt 5 8 59%fasl 20 115 2 3 3i 3*1 F ColletU13 Exploit, Pricemaker, Samaritan WARBXNTON. br. g. S M 112 By Trap Rock— Melrique, by Melton. Trainer. Wm. Garth. Ownor. J. 8. Cosden. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 7*744 Jamaica. 3-4 1 13%fast t 104 8 4 3* S* J Shanks 13 Comedy. Protocol, H. Commder 756R1 Bowit I 1 1-lfjfait 59 116 4 7 5* 5» D Mergler I Maxie, Catalan, iold Bug 70089 Bowie 3 4 1:14 2! 114 1 3 51 7» C Inj 12 Pepp, Catalan. Binkey 74039 Laurel 1-4 US slip 18 115 1 4 4 1 4*i C Lang 7 Batsman. Af.-a Klian, Suppliant 74816 laurel 51 f 1 :07%fast 16 115 19 9 81 S»l C Ins 11 Beau Nash. B. Beloved. Director 74G93 Lauifl 3-4 l.13%fast 8 115 1 1 3* 3* C Lang S Gonfalon. Suppliant Sunsbot 7463» Laurel 61 f 1 :» :%fast 21 11$ 8 • 61 5*1 G Babin 13 T.Kxpo«ure. Pris.Ruley, B Nash 74 56:; La.irel 61 f 1:08 fast 25 US 4 4 5» 6*1 C I-nng 12 Whiskalg, H.-at Law, Supplnt BADIANCT. cb. f. 3 Ml 112 By Trompe U Mort — Sun-law LT., by Sundridge. Trniaer. J. Creavy. Ownsr. G. D. Widaner. Breeder. A. J Joyner. ■7869JJ Stacmtcm 5J f l:P8%n:ud 24 118 6 1 21 3» C F"bther 8 P.Ruley, DollyGaffney, Je»mine TJTSAL. .. c S Vol Ht By Trompo la Mort— Phsricia. y Troutbeck. Trainer. J. Oeery. Owner. G. T . Widenerl. Breeder. G. D. Widener. "787K4 .lnnHica 3-4 1 12%fast 2J 107 7 5 5" 5*1 K Leprr SIHy. Bu k Pond, Wiidrake 78C65 51 f 1 u6%slop 6 HI* U» 9 9 S« K Leg«re 12 WiidAsier. Honor, PrimeMinter SPONTANE0TTS. b. f. 3 Ml 107 By Hearts of Oak— At Once, by Siir.ontault Trainer. S. Taylor. Owner. A. J. Ruben. Breeder. G. D. Widener. •70366 CLaTta 7 S M C 1 26%good GO 104 35* J Olordno 3 Gypsy Kins, Blind Play 70335 T Hunts S-4L12%fast 6 1021 5" J. Simon 7 JsyKing. Blimlll.iv Pcem-ike: 70087 BaSsjStM 5 5 1:02 good 30 112 « 6 81 ! « H Wakoff !• 9 .B. Walker. Q.TttaW, B Cershei 74SS4 Cmiirs 51 f I 01 mud 107 4 6 8- »:; H Wakoff 13 BovnlMiss W * b.;rni Lit lli.-t ?.- 74 968 Empire 6 S 1.01 fast SO lC 1 5 9 $•• F Bovndez 3 UUarity. KlionyBelle. KerrjGirl JXROBOAM. br. c. S M 117 By Hessian— Disparity, by Singleton. Trainer. A J. GoldsboTongb. Owner. G. H. Bull. Breed.?. Himyar Stud. ■787«.» Jamaica lb f 1 5%fast o7" 115 6 19 91 C" C F"btherl3 Honor, Samaritan Des. Desmond •73716 Aquedu.t i 4 1 13 fy.*t M 114 14 4 6;1 T Rice 9 Ordinance, Sherman. Samaritan 7::«73 Saratoga 51 f 1 C%fast 00 115 13 12 12"!: T Bico 14 BobsMary. Ilourmore, Boh ahill •7:89S Saratoga 51 f 1 05%fast 50 115 4 5 S1 7,s T Bico 11 Sitn.-pero, Janet Blair, Btaawts 12794 Saratoga 51 f 1.06 fast 50 110 13 19 10* 10* T Rico 13 Swingilong, Kev. Agent, Flax BOWWAlf. b c. 3 It 117 By Spanish Prince II.— Veuve Cliquot, by McGce. Trainer. M. Hirsch. Owner. M. Hirsch. Breeder, J. E. Madden. •7KC34 Jjtuiaica M f 1 05%fast 15 104 8 8 CJ 6i E Legere J Apprehension, Slidan. M Whisk .0384 Lf-ln.ont 0 8 SC 58%f;nt 12 114 C 7 7 54i A Johnson 7 Pet. Kins. Bracadale, Transmute 7e24»2 BJmnt 41 f SC 53%fai.t IS -5 115 f a 4* 2* H Stutta 14 Cano. Rival. Blissful HOKFLETJB, cb. c 8 M 117 By Rabelais — May Dora, by Isidor. Trainer. H. Hughes. Owner. Sanford Stud Farm Stable. Bred in France by N. J. Sanford. 72483 Sutoga 6 S LOO fajt 6." 115 10 14 14; 14* C Hobsor. 17 Mino, Husky. Hy By J1AG1C CALL. b. c. 3 117 By Pebbles — M.naret. by Kine James. TVainer. J. Johnson. Owner, J. Butler. Breeder, J. Butler. ■78789 Jainajco, Li f L05%Lxst Jj lb 12 8 81 S,T C Ralls 13 Honor, Saiuantan, Dps. Dcmi ond DAT TRAP. b. r, 3 Ji 117 By Trap Rock— Daytoria, by Peep oDay. •Trainer. W. S. House. Owner. W. S. House. Breeder, C. T. Grayson. 78789 J-Linatea 11 f l:05* 100 115 9 11 li1 0" J Butwell 13 Honor. Samaritan. Dps. Desmond 74880 Empire Ab 0 4 l:10%faxt 5 i 11* 5 Fell. . Kumnn-r .» Feystin, Hnnniagwlki, Wampec 74054» Jamaica 5 » 1.01%fa«t 24 115 12 14 14 1I«C Kamm.rll MissMarcIa I? Streak Parvenu 4,0861 Pimlico 5-1 L-01Wa»t aV 1L2 It 10 91 t «S Uriel— 11 Kaserness. i:hief Clerk. F. Mack SLEDGE, b. c. 3 M 117 B/ Harmonicon — Sledmere. by Tracery. Trainer. W. H. Karrlck. Owner, W. R. Coe. Breeder. W. R. Coe. 78695 1n.HunU M 1 ll%fast 21 94 7 7 7 71* J Callahn 7 Iinius, Ormesvale, Cherrv Pie 75775 Bowie S-4 1 :15*v.mud 17 115 2 2 2* 21 J P.runner 10 Director. Cold Bug, Elslx-tli 7 0681 Bcwle 3-4 lAa%f— 28 HS 7 6 7* 7" J Itrunner ■ Maxie. Catalan. Cold Bug 70378 Plinllco 3 4 1 15**low 33f 104 5 4 41 4»i .1 OeTOawaaU A B Ahdem, Suppliant. S Point 74467 Jamaica jj f 1:05% fast 190 104 1 6 6 6= II Thurbf r tf Bracadale. I.adkin, Ordinance 72487 Saratoga 5 * CiQ fast 40 115 4 11 to1 H * C Kbther 17 Mino. Husky. Fly By 72419 haraloga 111 ooUfclf 60 11512 13 12* W C Fairb r IS Swingalong, St. James, G.Armot BAJSTAM 009K. ch. c. 3 M 113 By The Cock— Duty, by Marchraont II. Trainer. J. Graham. Owner, F. Williams. Brcoder, W. B»attie. 73316 Fioliold Abi % LTtfaat 5 105 7" O Martin 7 BurzSaw, Damage, NorthBrceae HAKD8 UP. b. e. 3 M 117 By Fair Play— Hoar Hand, by Ethelbert. Trainer. H. L. Byer. Owner, E. H. Garrison. Breeder. Nursery Stud. 78663 Jamaica 3-1 1 14 slop 20 1J6 7 8 8» 8" M Fator ft Kredricktown. Biicklond. 75729 Bowie 7* 1 2J%fast 5 104 6 1 4* 1* R Pierce 12 QVkTime. War.Lvncb. G Mount 75628 Bowie 61 f 1 2iy»faet 12 110 8 8 7 7* J M-TagtKJ Deln.or, Carlton. Dan. ins Ko.,1 70418 Pimlico L f 1 0**ifast 61 109U1 9 61 6*1 T M. Tagl 3 Kairlmlit. Dolly Cafrney, Dunk 15959 Empire 1 f I :0S hvy 41 106 3 3 2* 2i M Fator 7 !• bony IV1I.». Itibbliti CladvaV 74303 Jama k-a 51 f 1 MVast 8 112 i 5 4-J J McTagtlO Bckross, Vuluad. lUmo ROSE OF LIMA, b. f. 3 M 107 By Faraai— Merry June, by Gay Reveller. Trainer, S. Taylor. Owner, Miss R. Binner. Breeder. R. F. Kearney England. "8693 Jamaica 61 f l:08%mutl 50 113 4 7 8 8-» L. Fator 8 Pris.Ruley, D.Gaffney. Radlney FTRST PICK, ch. c. 3 M 117 By Friar Bock— Berrilla Choice, by Berrfll. Trainer, C. Buxton. Owner, C. Bnxton. Breeder. J. H. Bosseter. 72722 Saratoga 5J f 1:07 fast 15 106 4 2 31 5*i « Babin 18 Rival, Lady Polka, Bees 72482 Saratoga 5 S 1 :00%fast 6 115 11 7 61 5*1 ■ Sancle 16 Forest Flower. Pest, Kventide 72241 Empire Ab 3 4 1:10 fast 30 112 4 8 8l 9" H Stutts 12 NoonFire, ColdBuc. PrinceLpolol 72153 Empire 51 f L06%fast 15 114 11 10 13* 12* A Johnsonl4 Sting, Mino. Quarantine 72021 Empiro 5-Sl:00%fast 20 114 12 10 10* 8" H Stutts 14 Bontaud. Noon Fire. Cold Bug KING OF FORTUNE, ch. c, 3 M 117 By Maintenon— Queen of Fortune, by Fortunio. Trainer. F. Taral. Owner, Riveria Stable. Breeder, A. K. Macomter. 78780 Jamaica 51 f l:05%fast 50 115 8 12 12* 12-- H ThomailH Hinor, Samaritan Des. Desmond 70468 Belmont 41 f SC 63%faat 8 115 8 8 8 8" C Turner 8 Stake Me, San Dimas. Byron SHINE ON. b. or br. f, 3 M 107 By Sweep On— Cisalpine, by Monsieur de LOrttlk*, Trainer. G. Peterson. Owner, G. Peterson. Breeder. N. R. Hickerson. 783iO Howie 51 f l:09%fast 2!f HI 13 13 13 13*" C, Thpson U Just. HauKlitv C.ns.ript 78226 Bowie 61 f l:22%slow 65 111 13 13 13 13"« a Th psonl.l Co Foin, Altissimo, Just 78177 Bowie 6 1-3 f 1 22Ssfast 9f 101 6 7 41 6" Q Thomnl3 Warning, Trapsti.k, Protocol 77933 Jeffeison 3 4 1:15%hvy 100 105 13 13 15 15 • G Thomn 10 Levoy. Benigna. Jim Kenney 778C8 Jefferson 3-4 1:11 fast 100 100 13 13 14 11" G Thomn 10 Hverglade, Dreauier, Stake afe First Ftart for the following: RIMPLE, br. f, 3 M 112 By Adular— Dimples, by Robert le DiabU. Bred in England by Sir R. T. Herman -Hodge. Trainer. J. Wilson. Owner, Kan-one Stable. TWINKLING STAR, br. c, 3 M 112 By Transvaal— Milky Way LT.. by Fits Herbert. Trainer, R. Y. Boyle.. Owner, T. Calcina. Breeder, Morris and Walden. Onr| DA PC * Mile and 70 Yards. ft-year-oldsi and upward. Allowances. £llu Firll/L Oct. S, id:::: — 1:41 4-5 — 5 — 120. MAD PLAY, ch. c, 3 106 By Fair Play— Madcap, by Rock Sand. Trainer. S. C. Hildreth. Owner. Rancocas Stable. Breder, H. F. Sinclair. 78745 Jamaica 1 1-16 1:44 fast 1-6 107 5 3 2l 2* L Fator I Zev, Sunsini, Prince James 75811 Bowie lirnOy l:48%mutl 7 5 105 3 2 3* 31 M Fator 4 Jn. Thatcher. Flt.-tone, T.Sergt 75613 Bowie 1 l:43%fast 1-4 108 3 4 1* 1* M Fator « S. Maiden, Dr. OMara, Y.Prcesa 75050 Churchill 1 l:37%fast 13 122 8 6 21 2"k E Sande 10 W.Cmcllor. Chowc, Bat. Creek 75440 Pimlico 1 1 13 108 8 2 51 41 L Fator 13 Stanwix, Sunspero, Mr. Mutt 75117 Empire Ah 3-4 l:09%fast 7 112 3 1 1* 2* M Fator 7 Lady Belle, Elvina, Variation FRIGATE, ch. g, 9 119 By Frizzle— Kaskaskia, by Yankee. Trainer. J. W. May. Owner. H. M. Howard. Breeder. Oneck Stable. 75180 Empire 1 l:39%faat 1! 5 130 2 1 F 2" E Sande C Sting. Dazzler. Miss Cerina 74461 Latonia 1 3 16 1 :56%fast 14 114 1 16 16 10" J CallahanlO Chacolet. ln.Memcrra. S.AIong 73412 B.-lmont 6lf 117%fast S 118 3 3 8*| 3*| L McAtCC 5 Lit. Chief, BettyBeall. Thunclap 71992 Emrire lmTOy 1 :44%fast 0-5 126 2 4 4 4» B Marin-Hi 4 Revenge. Emotion. Hepliaistos 71840 Empire lm?0y 1:43 fast 11-10 120 12 2* 21 E Sande 6 Flan. Shirt, M"nraker, Shamrock THIMBLE, b. m, 6 111 By Huon— Sacdspot. by Rock Sand. Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner. R. J. Murphy. Breeder, Oneck Stable. 78651 If. .lei; Cj lm70y l:44%fast 19-5 106 1 4 3s 21 P Walls • NYyLghe. YkeePcess. BlcMn 78571 H..l.-G-ce 1 1-16 l:46%good 71 102 6 5 5* 45J C Allen 7 Rejection, Rama. Redstone 78512 H.ileUYo 1 1-16 146%faot 6 104 2 4 4* 3!J C Allen • lltir-nt Law. MtYB*ssJt, HelKCte 78514 II .cleGYe lm70y l:43%good 28 102 4 7 7 6»1 C Allen 7 Gold. Rule, CoM.I.iows. MintoII. 78179 Bowie 7 S 1:3J fast 14-5 1C6 5 6 6 61 B Bre ning C Eajer, Detpair, Sosgarth Aiooo TOP SERGEANT, ch. g. f 125 By Cock o- the Walk— Fairy Ray. by Radium. Trainer. J. F. Richardson. Owner, J. F. Richardson. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. ".8692 Jamaica lmTOy l:lti%mud 11-5 115 4 3 I* 1* ■ Sande 8 Tangerine, Anne, All in All 78638 Jamaica lmTOy 1:43 fast 2 106 4 4 4* 35 L Fator S Peddler, Roseatell , EdwdCray 7R382 BwWia lmTOy 1:47 fast 3-2 101 3 1 9J 2»" H Wakoff 0 Tonylteau, Shamrk. Kdw.ICray 78308 Bowie 7 -S 1:27 fast 13 10 1 17 I 1 1 21 D Stirling I ie, Attilia, Clansman 78241 Bowie 55 f 1 :08%sov 24 120 11 6 41 4l D Stirling 12 Hidden Jewel. Frank C, Ape* 70811 Bowie lmTOy 1 4S%mud 8 100 4 3 4 4*1 H Thomas 4 C Thatcher, Flinstone. Madllay 70740 Bowie 1 1 16 1 :50%fast 2 115 1 8 7* 5«i M Fator 8 Rejection, LyMyra, Roklocket FAENZA, b. c, 3 M 97 By McGee— Stolen Moments, by Kingston. Trainer, J. Lcftus. Owner. Oak Ridee Stable. Breeder. C. W. Moo.-e. 78713 Jamaica 5 f 1 :05%fast 10 102 2 4 41 3-1 J Callahn 0 Sheridan. Margin. The World 72812 Saratoga :!4 1:ll%fast 30 110 6 8 8* 8* L McAtee ft II. Thoughts, Parasol, Befuddle ! 7°44fi Saratoga f lfl:0%hvy 20 108 5 7 6* 5»J C Turner 9 L.BtimorelL, Fluvanna, Parasol 72158 Empire 51 f 1 :96%fast 31 114 9 8 8 6» C Robinsnll Sting. Mino. Quarantine C978! Jamaica 5-S 1:01 good 11-10 112 1 3 3* 2» C BobaonlO N. Morse, BlindPlay. 11 T Wtcro .9600 Jamaica 5 S l.Ollfast 13-10 115 13 2* 2* C Bobinsn 8 Eaclet, Blind 1lay. Catalan MASQUERADO, bik. h, 5 113 By Sea Sick— Masquerade by Maintenon. Trainer, A. E. Burke. Owner, A. J. Contento. Bred iu France by Wickli/fe Stud. j 78680 Jimai-a 3-4 1:15 mud 50 11 3 4 4 4" T Burns 4 Fl. Shirt, Missionary. St Allan 175461 Pimlico 1 1-2 2:37 slop 4 105 8 6 5 5* T Burns 8 Guelph, Blar. Stone," TupSergeant 75384 Pimlico lm70y 1:49 inud 5 125 9 6 4"* 1* T Burns 10 Fornovo, D.amlDrkes. Majority 74998 Empire 1 1 4 2 0S%mu«l 7-5 11312 3 3 3* C Rummer 1 Olynthus, Vulcain Park 74804 Empire ltnTOy l:44%fast T 108 8 7 4 21 H Thurber S HighPrince. Billy Walt-. Zealot 74594 Jamaica 1 1 16 1 :45%fast 10 102 4 4 4 4*1 H Thurber 4 F.Krieud. Wynnewood. Episode 74505 Jamaica lmTOy L14%fast 10 108 7 7 41 11 H Thurber 7 Zealot. East Indian, Sea Cove Or»rl DA PC •""• Mile. Olympic 4 lalmlncr Staked. 3-year-olds and upward. «5IU HAUL ioct. 5. loaa — i:ii 1-5 — 3 — 117. SHERMAN, ch. c. 3 109 By Trap Rock — Sous Marine, by Marcovil. Trainer. S. C. Hildreth. Owner, Rancocas Stable. Breeder, S. Ross. 78786 Jamaica 3-4 l:ll%rast 13-10 11 6 3 3* lJ L Fator 7 bUm Cerina, Rival. Dry Moon 78691 Jamaica 3-4 1:1» mini 6-5 106 3 3 21 2» M Fator 9 Cano. Rival. Billy Warren 75350 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%mud S 107 1 7 7 1— L Fator 7 SunFlag. Runwild. HT .Water* 70182 Empire 51 f 1:07 fast 1 103 6 5 41 1» L Fator 7 Rt ply. Variation, Blind Ilay 73894 Aque luct 3-4 l:13%sl p 9-10 115 2 1 1* I"* L Fator 8 Mr.Mutt, Com. Artist, PYemaker 73716 Aqueduct 3-4 1:11 fast 11-5 114 5 2 2* 2* L Faor ft Ordinance. Samaritan. Mr Mutt I 73373 Belmont 51 f 1:06%fast 16-5 115 7 6 3* 21 E Sande 10 l.jBijur, Pricemaker, Bon. Omar 73224 Saratoga 51 f 1:06 good 41 115 7 3 8 81* E Sanld S Sun Ial, PrsDorcen. ilr Mutt 72814 Saratoga 51 f 1:07 fast 31 115 19 5 5 6 ■ Sanda M II T. Waters, Ifaparte. Hrmore MISS CAMEO, ch. f, 3 98 By Dick Welles— Fan Tan, by Fitz Herbert. Trainer, J. E. Edwards. Owner. H. Waterson. Breeder, H. Witerson. 78710 Jamaica 51 f 1 :05%fast 13-5 103 1 1 I1 1* J Ressner 11 I-udy Boss, Venus, Skirmish 75380 Pimlico 3-4 1:16 mud M 105 3 5 8 8" E Bell 9 T.Kxposure, Slnagiie, Batter Up |75340 limli. o 3-4 1:14 good 12 114 9 8 81 8i K Coll-tC 11 Batsman. A. P.. Ahdem, Bon. Omar , 74767 Jamaica 6-8 59%fast 5 115 2 1 1*1 1 - K Carter S Marie Martin, l.oanda. Polyxena i 70808 Belmont 5-3 st 58%fast 7-5 105 1 1 !■ 3lJ A Schger 0 McAuliffe. Postillion, B. Audrey ".0089 Belmont 5-S st 59 good 15 109 1 5 5J 6*J II Carter 6 NellieMorse, Initiate. Rclentleso RIVAL, ch. c, 3 101 By Thco. Cook— Pictons Pride, by Picton. Trainer. S. C. Hildreth. Owner. Rancocas Stable. Ereeder, H. F. Sinclair. 78786 Jamaica 3-4 1:ll%fast 13-10 10T 1 2 2131M Fator 7 Sherman. Miss Cerina. Dry Moon 78691 Jamaica 3-4 1:15 mud 6-5 Ml 4 1 L 31 L Fator 9 Cano, Sherman, Billy Warren 74309 Jamaica H t l:05%fast 4 10S 13 2 21L Fator 7 II.T.Waters. Hum te, M. Domino 73761 Aqueduct 5 S 1 .01 fast S 107 2 3 5 SJ L Fator 9 M. Domino. BahvLine, Hmoiette 73317 B.lmont 5Jf MC l:05fast 11 5 115 8 4 3 4* E Sande 8 Hnon Pine. Flying Fur, Eventido 72923 Saratoga 3 4 l:12%KOod 5 107 5 1 11 55 L Fator S Convent, Lidv Polka Bats;.an 72764 Saratoga 51 f 1 :07%good 12 104 8 1 1* U L Fator 10 Lester Doctor. Sunavr Scarab 72722 Saratoga 5J f LOT fast 41 103 3 1 l2 1" L Fator 18 Lady Polka. Bees, Anticipation HULLABALOO, b. g, • 107 By Peter Pan— Foldcrol. by Burgomaster. Trainer. W. C. Clancy. Owner, W. C. Clancy. BreecYr. H. P. Whitney. 70809 Bowie 6 f 1 :21%mud 8 112 4 2 S1 5T L McAtee 11 Noel, Kredericktown. Hid Jewel 75631 Bowie 3-4 1 :13%fHst 115 108 a 5 3" Ti L McAt.-e 10 Klanwix. Pandowdy, Cvcl.ips 74972 Empire Ab I 11:09 fast 4 120 2 2 2* 1» B Carter 4 A. Patriae. Dominique. T.Crpsjn 74764 Jamaica 3 4 112%fast - 8 5 117 1 1 1* 1" * R Carter 7 Pr. Regent. Wbirhvind. Canyon 74308 Jamaica 3-4 1:12 fast 16-5 113 6 5 C 5*1 C Kunimer ti Dimmesdale, Galantmaii, Poe DOMINIQUE, ch. g, 7 117 By Peter Qu;nce — Berry Maid, by Oddfellow. Trainer. K. Patterscn. Owner. E. Arlington. Breeder, J. V. Camden. 78028 H.tMrea 3-4 1:15%slop 27-10 107 3 2 2 34 J MeTagt • L.Cranite. Heeltap-. Champln 78404 li aofTce 3-4 1:12 fkaa 4f 109 4 2 21 T5 J McTistll FlintSY, ShtiffhA Y.g. Swintiig 78088 Tijuana lmTOy 1:42 fast 7-5 101 2 1 1* 1* P Hum I BlancSeing, EverBold, Mokihna 7800-i Tijuana 3-4 l:I2%hvy 2-5 129 2 2 11 3 P Walls t Siinnyrd, JohnS. Rn.My KcvYie 77140 Tijuana 5 f 1 05%fast 2 123 4 3 21 2i S ODonn112 lYttcrLuck, I.ilt, BusterKeaton 76909 Tijuana 3-4 UHof—t 7 10 101 1* P Hum 7 B ofEtown. J.Prvor, Slvecoaard 75118 laupire Ab 3 4 1 :09%fast 8 II 3 2 3 ,4-JJ Zoeller t Rigel, Fly by Day, Osprey 74972 Empiro Ab 3 4 1:09 fast 16-5 126 3 3 3 C7 S Donhue 4 Blabaloo. A. Patriae. T.Cregan 7 1928 Bdmor.t 3 4 MC 1 :12%alop 10 126 5 C 6 C" J Zoeller 0 Avisack. Fly by Day, Osprey BONTAUD, b. g. 3 105 By Pataud— Bnetto, by Masetto., W. Knapp. Owner. F. J. Farrell. Breeder. J. S. Mullina. 78716 Jamaica 51 f l:05%faot 7-5 112 1 1 1 1» L McAtee 7 The Viitner. N. on Fire Aragcn 74604 Laurel 51 f 1 :07%fa«st I 115 8 1 1 » 21 L McAtee ■ K. YRiuson-, M.iSt lr, s!:nm.igne 73818 Aqueduct 5 8 BUofast 8-5 110 2 2 21 3* I, M-Atee 9 Stanwix. Lidy Diana, TlieWorld T3012 Saratoga 51 f 1 -i«%fast 8 5 110 4 2 1* 2" L M Aire 14 Brice. Eaglet. Revenue A-ent 728C6 Saratoga 5J f 1 05%fast 13 5 113 I 1 1| SJ L, McAtee 9 S andSpan, lYacad.ile It Buchan 72092 Saratoga £-8 1:02 hvy 11-. 110 4 11* 2« L McAtee 10 Resolution. 8»T.AgCtll IT—lsaH 72021 Em; ire 5-8 l:00%fast 4 5 114 111* |*| L McAtee 14 NnFire. CoIdUug. ColdenArmof SILK TASSEL, ch. f, 4 115 By Superman— White Silk, by Galloping Simon. Trainer. M. Hirsch. Owner. J. B. Smith. Breeder. H. T. O.xnard. I 75631 Bowie 3 4 l:13%fast 6 Ms 2 4 61 51 B Pierce 10 Stanwix. Pandowdy. Cyclops 75088 Laurel 3 4 1:14 mud 27-10 112 2 3 1 4"C, I5;lbin 0 Wellf in.lcr, lev lame. Itlizes j 71070 Laurel 3 4 l:1.-%fast 31 112 1 1 21 9* O Babin 7 Ilildur. Reparation. Transom I 74017 Laurel 3 4 1.12%fast 1-2 110 I 1 l1 2, 1 Babin 4 Heeltaps. Sun Thistle Faith 71467 Laur 1 3 4 L12%fast 7 10 103 3 1 1 |« ■ Leg, re 0 Ilildur. Reparation. Comixa MISSIONARY, ch. h, 5 117 By Hourless— Mission, by Rock Sar.d. Trainer. C. Buxton. Owner. C. BuxtmL Breeder. A. B-Irr.ont. j 78689 Jim;.:, a 2.-11:15 mud 6-5 115 4 3 2 2!1 C, Lavine 4 llan. Shirt, St Allan. Masqrado 72624 Saratoga 1 1 8 1..1 f a-,t l; 5 121 3 11 lJ E Lcgere 0 Charolct, Ligliler, Tuftir ,7*448 Saratoga 1143 hy 3120 116 1 2 I" C-JA S hutgr • Deadlock. Prodigious. Olynthua j7L!40 Aqueduct 61 f 1:19 fast 18 5 116 6 5 21 1 A S h tSjerM Nantucket. Caiivon, Fit niKi lend 71094 Aqueluct t| f 1 IS%fast 8 117 5 10 9* 8" A S. li t i?. rll Run.uilell, DryMoon. I lephaistoa 70U03 Aqueduct 61 f 1 :and%fa:-t I. 115 4 7 7 4*1 A Schfger I Modo. Dry Moon MtHM 70694 l.imr.t 7 8 MC 1.30 mud 6-5 114 2 3 11 ll A Sch tger 0 FianlSbirt, St. Allan, SilkTjssei I Dead heat. PRICEMAKER, ch. c, 3 104 By Hourless— Fair Prlscilla. by Fair Play. Trainer. L. Feustel. Owner. A. Belmont. Breeder. Nursery Stud. 70330 V. Hunts 3 4!.12Vfefast 3 5 111 3* CCcrden I C-.vKing, Blind Il.iy Nemesis 75103 E-iqiio Ab I 4 1 :09%fast I 110 5 2 2* 2IE Sande 7 Coi:rsrr. Dr. ky. K.j.-iiii 7 4600 Jamaica 51 f 106%fast 7-10 116 1 1 1* 1« ■ Satido ■ K;:l ian, Sun Altos Catalan 174141 5 8 5aSfast 10 115 5 3 2* 21 E L- 13 Kxploit. Bonn .O-nar. Samaritan WILDRAKE, b. g, 4 105 By Sir John Johnson— Catherine Carson, ky Boa Strome. Trainer, F. E. Brown. Owner, F. E. Brown. Breeder, H. C. Ragan. 78839 Sen todays chart. 78784 Jamaica 34 1 12%fast 10 115 111" V| R Sande 8 Lilly. Bu k I ml, Deadlock 70809 Bowie 6V f 1.21%mud 10 1 H 4 8 7 1 V C Taylor 11 N.uel, Kre.l. ri.Utow n. II d Jewel 70779 Bowie lmTOy 1 :49%mud 3110 106 4 2 3« 3* Taylor 6 Banter. Iohv.n.i Hell iate 70710 Bowie 3 C 120 fast 8 11 1 5 41 3 W Colletti S Noel. Ap«-x." Kr. 70421 Pimlico lmlOy l:44%faia 22 10SJ 2 2 42 41 V Coll-tli S Hopeless, I.anter. Sun Quest .0102 Pimlico I* I 1 tntaTml 27 110 1 1 .",» K CM*tattl 1 Khntstone. Ncl Morse, y.lops PICKPOCKET, ch. g, 3 109 By Whisk Broom II— Baksheesh by Hamburg. Trainer. J. Rows. Owner, H. P. Whitney. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 7881 Jamaia 51 f 1 05 fast 6 110 2 3 3 4* L McAfe 7 Pr Muster. 1*1— I aU. Orlinanee TH09I II dXTeo 3-4 1 11%fast 22 98 10 11 12 9" J Wallace 12 Maclean, NewUplure. Comixa 7.V09 li-nli.-o 3 4 1:11 fast 24 110 4 5 6* 5« J Corcoran :» T l.|Hsure. Baffling. I,y Hello 70129 laurel 3tl:13%rast 4 5 110 6 C 6" 6"F Coll. til» l.ithcrwo »l. 1! I t-man. Husky 74983 Laurel 3 4 1 llfcgood I 112 2 4 5 6* L McAtee 7 L.Bliumrell Lherwd Spliant 73221 Saratoga 3 4 1 12%good 12 115 9 11 II 14* L McAtee IS Diogenea, Bracadale. Sunspero 73131 Saratogi CJ f I ifii,mu.| 9 5 115 3 3 3* 4* L McAtee 6 Sarazen. 11 T. Waters. Bob Tail 71341 Aquedu t 6 8 1.00 fast 4 115 1 1 2* 1 L McAtee 14 Check. Sunspcio. Prince I -conoid * Continued on twelfth pas*. JAMAICA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCE Continued from eighth price. WASHINGTON, oh. h. t 107 By Ballot— Hazuu, by Cunard. Trainer. R. Goose. Ow-er, J. S. Ward. Breeder, H. H. Hewitt. Aqueduct 1 1:3* fast 13-6 108 J 1 2* 2-i E Kator 4 Horologe, ri:iy fellow, It. Cheeks 5106:: 0391 ihunhill 7-8 1 :LT hvy 3 108 3 1 2» 21 E Fator I tattatetv TomHareJr.. Llewellyn 69988 Chun-hill 7-S l:2Sgood 3,105 4 2 2» 2« E Fator 10 Itrookhlt. Ii inccTiiTii, Litlirop 69909 Churchill 7-S lojrood 3»f 106 t 1 1" 2" E Fator 10 1indrreel. Skceaix, ClierryTree A*U D*pC 3-4 Mile. .t-year-olils and upward. Handicap. Oct. 5, 192 FINN LAG, ch. c. 3 110 By The Finn— Oenone. by Sain. Trainer, S. C. Hildreth. Owner, Rancocas Stable. Breeder. Moscley and Madden. 78818 Jamaica 5J f 1:05 fast 1-3 115 4 1 1» 2» ■ Sande 7 PrMinster, Ordinance. Pickpet f*7l7 Jamaica 5Jfl:0S fast 4 106 2 1 1» 1» L Fator 0 Mino. leysun, Woodlake 78662 Jamaica 51 f l:0C 4slop 4 112 9 6 4" 5*1 M Fator ll YViUlAsler. Honor. PrinieMinter LANIUS. ch. g, 9 120 By Llangribby— Southern Bello. by Ayrshire. Trainer, A. J. Joyner. Owner, G. D. WiJener. Bred in Irelar.d by J. J. Maher. 78638 In Hunts 3-4 l:12%fast 2 125 1 2 2* 1" E Legere ■ ladytMte, Korestl/e. HighPoe 78605 In. Hunts H-4 l:llHfast 2 1U I 2 2» 1" E Legere 7 Ormesvalc, Cherrylie, JuncCrass 70778 Hrimnt 3-4 MO l:ll%fast 4-6 116 I « 4» 4»1 E Sande S Mary Patricia. Canaque, Lally 70465 lielmnt 6» f MC 1:18 fast 41 101 4 4 3» 2» M Fator 7 Dunlin, Frank G.. Dozer 70868 Belmont 3-4 MC 1:12 fast 8 124 7 4 61 61 M Fator 9 Whirlwind, It. Guard, 1. readier EAGLET, b. c, 3 106 By Rickety— Dovelet, by Peter Fan. . Trainer. B. C. HUdreth. Owner. Rancocai Stable. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 78634 Jamaica 61 f l:05%fast 9-10 119 1 6 4i 4*1 E Sande » Apprehension. Shidan, M. Whisk 75711 Bowie lmTOy 1:48 fast 7-5 106 5 1 ll H M Fator 5 Cen.Thcher. Set.Sun. J.PUonea 75G50 Bowie 61 I I:20*slow 14-5 113 13 3* ll If Fator 7 Pepp. MissMarcella. A.llenAdm 75590 Bowie 61 f l:20%fast 13 104 7 4 3» 2» M Fator 7 T.Expc, L.BmorcII., Donaghee 74688 Jamaica 3-4 1:12 fast 9-10 106 3 6 6*| M Fator 6 I-adkin. Bracadale. Sun Pal 74593 Jamaica 61 f l:06%rast 9-10 118 7 7 61 6»1 E Sands 9 Mad Piny, Gypsy King, Daxtler BERENADER, ch. h, 6 117 By Bachelors Double— Golden Harp, by Llangibby. Trainer, C. Hashes. Owner, Sanford Stud Farm Stable. Bred in England by J. J. Maher. 64151 Saratoga 1 1:40 good 12-5 124 1 2 1» ll A Johnson f« Galanlman, Athelstan, Pir Gold 63809 Empire 1 1-16 1 :47%good 11-6 120 4 8 81 81 C Fbther 9 Brainstm. Galntman. SweepP.y 632S9 Aqueduct 1 1-8 152%good 11-20 109 2 3 4" 41 C Fbther ■ Bay Jay, L«tternian, Oceanic 63105 Aqueduct 1 l:37%fast 13-6 116 4 1 l1 I* C Fbther « Hephaistos. S.andBoots. UayJay 62829 Aqueduct 61 f l:20%fast 1 110 2 1 1» 1* B Sande 12 Brocklesby, Jaunebar. MacDuff LORD GRANITE, b. c, 4 108 By Granite — Devonshire Dolly, by Broomstick. Trainer, T. J. Shannon. Owner, J. Schank. Breeder. J. H. Louchheim. 78718 Jamaica 3-4 1:12 fast 10 106 6 4 5« 5TJ L. McAtee 8 Bracadale, Sarazen, Brainstorm 78588 H.doOce 3-4 1 :15V4.slop 17-10 110 2 J 3« ll J Wallace 0 Heeltaps. Domiquc, Champlain 78173 H.deOce 3-4 l:14%hvy 9 104 4 4 41 1" J Wallace C Sen.Norria, Swgalong, Sh. Along 78333 Howie 3-4 1:14 fast 2 111 3 3 11 1* J 5 GdTimes, J.F.OHara, H.Jewel 78242 Bowie CJ f 1:21%h1ow 2 108 5 2 2* 21 J Wallace 5 Beparatn, Shamrk, T.Witchet SOUTHERN CR03S, br. h, 5 120 By Luke McLuke— Pamphyle. by Robert le Diable. Trainer, E, Purcell. Owner, S. Flaherty. Breeder, E. F. Simms. 72621 Saratoga 1 l:37%fast M 116 9 9 8 «»• A Schfger 9 Bialto, Shuffle Along. Valador 70160 Jamaica lm70y l:Hgood 8-5 124 3 2 2»1 2 A SchtBcr 3 Comic Song, Thimble C9899 Jamaica lmTOy l:45Vtsiow 5 119 3 1 U 1«* A Schtser 4 Plying Cloud, Kullon, Doser 69649 Jamaica 1 1-16 1 :44%fast 20 107 1 4 4 4 » A Schfgcr 4 GieyU-ig. Snob II.. PrinceJaraes 69587 H.leCce lmTOy 1 :41Vsfaat 9 110 4 3 41 3*1 A Sent ger 7 Gen. Thatcher. Vigil. Irish Kins COMIC SCNG, b. c, 5 97 By Black Jester— China Song, by Santoi. Trainer, T. J. Shannon. Owner, G. Konigswald. Bred in England by Major M. M. H. Neville. 74278 Jamaica 3-4 1:ll%fast 30 102 2 3 !» 3»1 A Accardy I Osprey, Avisack, Dimmesdale 74048 Aqueduct 1 1:38 fast 10 102 3 3 3 S« E Legere I Brainstorm, Satellite 7S760 Aqu.-duct 1 l:39%fast 31 113 1 3 3«1 6T E Sande 6 Beparatn, K.Albert, Snpercnrgo 73530 Belmont 1 l:36V5fast 10 98 3 4 4 3* J Callahan 4 Brainslorm, Thunderclap. Nassau 72864 Saratoga 1 1 :37%fast 15 100 4 f 7* 8" J Corcorn 8 Tenllinutes. I.ittleChief. Al.Over 72813 Saratoga 1 1 :36%fast 30 103 1 3 3* 3*1 A Accrdy 8 My Play. Little Chief, Oui Onl BILLY WARREN, b. c, 3 105 By Spanish Prince II.— Soria. by Ogden. Trainer, C. Buxton. Owner, C. Buxton. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 78 i»l Jamaica 3-11:15 mud 4 116 8 3 5* 4» G Lavine 9 C.-ino. Sherman, Rival 740.VJ Aqueduct 3-4 l:l2%fast 6 111 2 3 2» Sl E I,egere I SunPal. Resolution, Feysnn 73532 Belmont 01 f 1 :06 fast 13-5 110 6 4 3» 21 E Begere 10 J,. Haiti roll.. B*yf ■■■. I -Martin 73114 Belmont 3-4 1:12 fast 13-5 112 6 6 Ill* E Legere C Humette. Batsman, Fricktown 72501 Saratoga 6J f 1 :0C%fast 5 110 4 2 21 1» E Legere 12 Ducky. Batsman, Neptune 72347 Empire 51 f 1:07 fast 11-5 112 111* ll T Burns 7 Postillion, FreedomsCall, Byron HOMESTAR, b. f, 4 113 By Sun Star— Santa Casa LL, by Symington. Bred in England by J. B. JeeL First start. Cil DA PC 1 1-1G Milen. 4-year-old* and upward. Claiming. May 19, Dill nMut ioa:; — 1:4:5 — i — no 1-2. BONFIRE, ch. g, 4 107 By Campfire — Honeymoon, by Matchmaker. Trainer, G. Peterson. Owner, W. A. Rosen. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 7X785 Tamaica Im70y liUVsfast 7 108 4 4 4«* 3*1 O Cooper 7 Normal, Dan Belling. Apology 78!i."» .1 i mail a lmTOy 1:47 slop 10 112 7 6 6l 711 Q Babin 8 Normal, Water Girl, Dan Boiling 78558 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:47%fast 51 107 6 2 21 31 P Madeiral2 Vice-Chairman Vacuum. HighGr 78517 ll.d-tlce 1 1-lti l:47,4good 11 104 5 4 4 571 J Dawson 11 BoyceKools, SsFwer, BosaYeta 78102 H l.cco 3-t 4f 110 7 6 6* 4*J P Madtiralt Mabel K., Vacuum, Arendal 75781 Bowie 1 1-16 l:54%mud 23-10 108 10 13 13* 12« G Babin 19 CoralBeef, Col.Wlialii, F.Monroe BUPERBUM, b. f, 4 105 By Supcrman--Dolly Bu.tman, by Alloway. Trainer. A. Swenke. Owner, Mrs. A. Breeder. K. T. Oxnard. "78531 H.d«0*oa 1 1-8 l:5Gslop 5 105 11 4 21 1* J Shanks 13 OldFaithful. Rupee, AUyMuir 784 75 H.iHicn 1 1-1 2:09%hvy 8i 102 1 5 5» 3« J Dawson 8 Lord Wrack, Rupee, llickory 78107 H.deO*e« I 1-3 l:"4V,fast 8 108 5 5 4» 3f J Dawson B KannieBn, HtSkQr. Cote dOr 78335 Bowl* 1 1 2 L:404fast 5 104 4 4 21 3j F Iee 7 LittleAmmie, CommeCi. Mizar 78291 Bowie 1 3-1G 2:07%fast 61 107 5 6 51 l"- F Lee 9 Col.Whallen, Bowsprit, HighGr EAST INDIAN, br. g. 7 105 By Delhi— Killiecrankie. by Kilmarnock. Trainer, J. Rowland. Owner, S. Tlaherty. Breeder. J. W. Corrigan. 78675 H.deOefl 1 3-lrt 2:o3ifast 41-10 112 4 3 V 2* N Huff t Bechabite, AttorneyMuir, Ashld 7K594 rl.deOce 1 l-lfil:47 fast H 108 3 6 6« 5"! J H Burke ■ K.K-kllottcm, Vitamin, I-aside 78557 H .deOOS 1 1-8 l:5-%fast 61 108 6 • 6l 6" P Walls 7 Hun holdt. Trajii.s. Maryld Ble 77804 J.fferson 1 1-2 1 3fHf«T 4-5 102 1 2 2« 21 I Parke I Good Night, Freezy Szy, Ashld 77702 Jeffoison 1 1-8 1:55 fast 2 108 3 6 4 2 I Parke i Kanniel .:u, KrzySnzy. UlyM. 77318 F.Cinds 11-8 1:54 fast 6-6 107 4 4» 2* I Parke 8 Bucado. Westwood, Old Faithful INSULATE, br. f. 4 105 By Black Jester— Electric Fuse, by Henry tho First Trainer. G. C. Winfrey. Owner. G. C. Winfrey. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 78719 Jamaica 1 1-11 l:#Vut 10 100 4 4 3* 3 W Harvey 7 UkBot lorn. Kd.Gray. MydBelle 78288 Bowls 7-S l:LXfast 57 96 8 9 9* 95i W Harvevll Jewell V. D., Despair, Julia M. 77781 .l-fferson 1 1-16 1 :4Sfast 10 103 6 « 51 41 W Harveyl2 Dumbfnder. Bepeater, Wat.Girl 77721 F.Gr*ndl I 1-16 l:4S,ifast 15 106 9 5 41 3* W Harvey 12 Rupee. Bendita. Dr.Whitehurst 77630 r*.Cr*ada 1 3-16 LlOlgood 30 99 1 3 41 4« W Harveyll Huoncc. The Archer, Jondolier 77521 r.Crnua 118 1.5l*4fast 15 106 2 2 8*10" J Corcoranl2 S. of Pleasure, iood.N ight, Bui c« FOE, b. g, 5 107 By Huon — Crystal Maid, by Pirate of Penzance. iTrairer, J. G. Wagnon. Owner, Freeport Stable. Breeder. E. F. Simms. 78016 K.deQ*oa 3-4 1:13 fast 31 114 2 4 41 2l C Robsonll MaryKose, Arendal. MarieMaxim 75101 Iimlir-o 3-4 1 :14igood 2 112 5 5 10 11" C Rol sonl3 Hid.Jewel. List. Dearie, Valentin 75357 Pimli.-o 3-4 1:14 mud 21 106 10 3 3J 2» A Boach 10 Bast Beveille, Hucado. Sasnmore 75192 PtnsUoc 1 1 16 l:46%fast 31-10 114 4 3 41 5«1 A Roack 9 Wrangle. Belphrizonia. Bighcart 75100 I-aunl 3-4 1:14%good 4 115 7 8 61 5I A Schtgeril Hid.Jewel, Frederickfn. Colando BLNDITA. b. f. 4 100 By Ormondule— Lady Vincent, by St. Blaise. Trainer. A. Zimmer. Owner, G. Long. Breeder. C. E. McCarthy. 78559 H.deGc* 1 1-lfi l:4S/ifast H 106 13 13 13 13» H Wakoffi:. BouthBreeze, DukeJohn, Ix?aside V79S1 .l.ff.rson 1 1-1i 1 :. l-.-.hvy 4* 105 10 9 9" 8" I Parke 13 Al Stebler, Kl .lesmar, Smarty T7784 .1 if. rsm 1 1-16 1 : lV-:, 7-8 103 10 7 10 10 I Parke 13 Dumbfnder, Bepeater, Wat.Girl 17721 F.GfMdS 1 1-i. 1 ts.-.iast 9-5 106 6 4 2 2» I Parke 12 Bupee, Insulate, Dr.Whitehurst 77389 1" 1 1-M 1 :47*ifast 11-5 100 6 3 2l 21 1 Parke 10 Sands of Pleasure, Bork, Rupee NORMAL, b. g. 6 123 By Plaudit— The Nurse, by Yankre. Trainer, J. F. Richardson. Owner, J. F. Richardson. Breeder. 3. E. Ms/Men. 78785 Jamaica ln-.TOy l:tf%Caat 1 12! I 3 V 1" ■ Bmada 7 Dan Boiling, Bonfire. Apology 78 ;» 5" Jamaica lm7ty 1:47 slop 2 115 6 5 V 1» R ITtbowa S Water Girl, Dan Roiling, Mom 78i»3 In Hunts 1 l:33%taat 7-10 115 6 3 1*1 W Harvey 9 Ralco, Simeon, Mont Majellu 7838:1 Bowie 1 1-M I "» - 4 D5 4 2 21 1» J Dawson I Giielph, HiffRang TippvWicht TSS6B Bowie 11-S.:58 fast 2 113 6 2 Ill" J Dawson 7 Majority. LordWrack, AtyMuir 78314 Be WM 1 l-l 1 59.ifast 7-10 110 4 1 1* 1* H FarlandlO Gourmand, CommeCi, Doughnut BTONE JUG. ch. h, 6 107 By Pebbles— Ambrosial, by Voter. Trainer. J. Johnson. Owner, J. Butler. Breeder. J. Butler. 78661 Jamaica 3-t 1 :13 -..slop 15 117 9 6 51 41S W AndVn V .Mondavlliiing. Aladdin, B cross IS7SS A. in. -duet 3tfl:19%fMt 8 116 6 4 S» 2» E Sande f CumSah. CapeClear, B.I#ighle« 7i987 Raratoca 3-4 1:12 fast 15 120 15 13 13» 9» R Carter 15 Orcus, MissMeise, Capt.CosUjM 728il Baratoca 3-4 1 :I2,rast 8 115 9 9 61 5*1 E Sande 0 Scoop, Savoy. McKee 7727 S:.r:-.toga 1 l:39 ifast 15 126 9 9 9 81* L Fator 10 Mora. B. McLaughlin, Lit.Amnu* ANNIVERSARY, b. g. 7 107 By Celt— Discipline, by Creenan. Trainer, D. Barzilay. Owner. Mrs. M. L. Davis. Breeder. J. N. Camden. 78785 Jnmaira lm70y l:44ifast 50 108 6 6 5* 5* R Mthews 7 Normal, Ihan Rolling. Ronfire 78471 Hd-iJce 1 1-4 2:00*11 vy 27 109 4 6 6 6" P Walls I Fr/.ySnzy, EUmar, Lit Ammie 7833ii Bawl* 1 1-2 2:41V,fast 34 102 2 6 6* 6" J Chlmers 7 Old Faithful, 111 I ail j Tody 78291 Bowie 1 3-1G 2:07:h;fast 61 106 9 9 9 S«l C All.-n ■ Superhum, Col.Wlialii. Bowsprit 78244 Bowie 11-4 2:17 slow 35 106 3 8 7» 6« J Wallace I ■ .lesmar, Owasro. Atty Muir 78180 Bowie lmTOy 149%faflt 99 105 10 9 9» C Allen 11 ThePeiuvn, Normal, LdWrack TRITE, ch. g, 9 102 By Aeronaut— Sententious, by Dublin. Trainer, T. 0. Webber. Owner, V. L. Moore. Breeder. K. K. Cassatt. 78745 Jamaica 3-4 1:13 fast 30 108 4 6 5» 5J E Beach 14 BaNfca dOro JjatM Despair 78103 In Hunts 1 l:3!»Htast 6 117 2 4 4* 5» I Gordon $ Normal, Balio. Sim. on 75120 i::npire 11 42:09 fast 3 113 1 6 61 9"» W An.isonKl Owas.o, SirGalahadl I.. K sl lle 749i7 Bma4rs lmTOy 1 46ifast 31 110 7 4 41 5" G Lavine 7 P.everwy.k, Driftwd, WaterGirl "4887 Kmpiro Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 12 107 1 3 31 21 G Lavine S Calimila. TheAliiu. tier, Zealot 7KI81 Jamaica 1 1 lo l:4ti/ifast 20 106 3 1 2| 2 W Andson 0 L.Antoiue, Poti-ntilla.B.Lghtoa JUNO. b. m. 5 105 By Ultimus — Prunella, nv Ornament. Trainer. C. A. irp!«ate. Owner. C. A. Applegaie. Breeder, Heaaiey and Miller. 78842 S. • todays chart. 77849 Jeffenaa 1 1 ktl:«3%CM 40 102 T 7 2* 21 B Brening S Oi:rStar. ThrceSquare S Ducrow 77 I71 !• GindM 1 1-1C l:4SM;fast 100 99 3 T 7 6« B Brening 7 MissMeise, RedArrow Shamrock 77578 F.Gr*ada ImTty l:4t%atw4 .to 101 4 7 7» B Itnalwj T BjamiUj. w.TakeAii, Bd.Gray 77177 FCrn.l.-i 1 1 Ul:" slow 15 105 3 7 7 7*1 B Hr.,mn- : Repeater. Soviet. Prank. Monroe 77:118 r.Crnda 1 1-lu 1:00 good 41 93 € 3 31 ll B Breningl3 Sword. MormonHder, PgdZeal WATER GIRL, b. f, 4 97 By Rapid Water— Maria C, by Yankee Gun. Trainer. T. H. Wilson. Owner, T. H. Wilson. Breeder. G. W. J. BtaaaJJ. 78788 Jamaica lm70y l:43Sfast 3 103 7 4 4* 3J O Brnin-10 Aladdin, Mom, Chiding 78005 Jamaica lm70y 1 47 slop H 102 2 1 1» 2» B Brening H Normal. Dan P.ollin-, Mom 77937 .!■ •ffe.-.son 1 1-IC 1 rdlivy 41 105 3 3 51 4« B Mrinelli 13 Al Slebler, SO .lesmar, Smarty 77850 Iffetaaa 11-16 1:50 fast 21 109 10 3 3 441 J Corcomnll W.siwood. Lit A in mi. Tay Hay 77784 .l.ff.rson 1 1-16 1 15 106 6 1 21 31 B Mrinelli 13 Dumhf.uinder, Repeater Insulate 77721 r.Or*aaa 1 1 16 1.4SH,fast 4 93 4 1 8 7i L lng 12 Rupee, Bendita, Insulate FELICITOUS, cb. c, 4 107 By Ultimatum— Felicitation, by DelhL, G. C. Winfrey. Owner, G. C. Winfrey. Breeder. S. Ross. 78811 Jamaica 3-41 I3%f«al 8 112 14 13 14 14« L Fator 14 KiedRul.r. RabyLne, St.Mtins 7H227 I.owio 7 S 1:30 mud 6 113 5 3 8» 10" ■ Seobie 12 Antiqtv, HklebyFnn Bleycn 77218 ICrnds 1 1-16 l:49t,fast 16-5 108 10 3 2* 7" I 1arke 12 B. fr.liome, Se.r.ty. Jak.-Rerger 77212 F.Crn.l.s 31 f 41%fast 12 113 7 5* 5»1 L HeDottU Parol. II. , onfluente, HoleCard 76980 ICri.ds 3-4 1 lG-hvy la 110 7 I 4» 41 E Pool 10 Cuiuor, Care Free, .Sequel DAVID HARUM. b. g. 7 107 By Star Shoot— Pantomime, by Peter Pan. Trainer. C. White. Owner, C. White. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 78005 Jamaica lrii7nyl:47 slop 4 107 3 7 7™ 5*1 E Beach 8 Normal, Water J ill Da* Rolling 74092 I-atonia lm7y I :43Vfast 20 103 11 10 »• »" C Studer 11 Normal, Ten Sixtv. VTid.-eon 74502 Latoala 11-8 1:53 fast 10 115 U W ■ Jtj K Poo, 12 R.rikMaid. Berlylxive Oolwili 74126 Omaha 1181:52 fast 31 109 7 3 2 1« B Taplln 4Mim.Koy. J. Cephas. Spo-lsman i3838 uuiaha 1 DIG l.X, mud Zi 115 3 4 6* 6i E Taplin 3 Croui.icr, BwcaWiag, JaLOffaafl 6th RACE 5"S ttn* U-year-olda. Allowance*. May IO, 1923 58 3-0 YOT/NG MARTTN, ch. c, t 117 By Sir Martin— His Sister, by Uncle. Trainer, W. S. Walker. Own:r. J. E. Madden. Breeder, J. E. Madden. 78629 Fn. Hunts 1-2 45 fast 1-7 115 2 1 1» 1» H Thurber 0 BlueRidge, Rcseberry. HelenCn 78602 Un.IIur.l:, 1-2 fast 11-10 115 7 6 4i 3 H ThurberlO Seuor, Clear View, Contentment IMAGINATION, ch. f. S M 107 By Ultimus— Okitibbena, by Rock Sand. Trainer. W. Garth. Owner. J S. Cosden. Breeder, E. E. Marshall. 78816 Jamaica 5-8 l:00%fast 15 112 2 2 2" 3"! J II Burke 9 Stimulus, Cad. Nedana 78666 Jamaica 5-S 1:02"4s1om 3 115 111* 31 C Kummr S Reatrice, Nedani, Bister 78553 H.deGco 41 f 51 fast 16-5 115 4 3 3 314 E Ambrse 7 Mot. loose. Primrose. S.andEuRy 78417 H.elcGc-3 1-2 49%slop 51 115 8 7 4J 4-» J Shanks 9 Swinging. Rejected, Sea Tide LORD DARNLEY. b. c, 2 M 110 By King James— Hijh Vale, by Hastings. Trainer, S. C. Hildreth. Owner, Rancocas Stable. Breeder. H. F. Sinclair. 78816 Jamaica 5-8 I:00-fast 4 115 4 9 9 9" L Fator 9 Stimulus, Gad. Imagination EDISTO. b. c. 2 117 By Johren —, by Broomstick. Trainer, F. Hopkins. Owner, L. S. Thompson. Breeder, L. S. Thompson. 78592 H.deGce 41 f 53 fast 5 116 9 8 81 6" P Walls . SingleFoot. Primrose, Sombre 78539 H.deGce 41 f 54 fast 3-5 113 3 4 4 2» L McAtee 7 Sombre. Bother. Seaman 78401 H.deGce 1-2 48%fast 3-5 118 « 1 ll 1» F CollettiU EarlaBaby, Cloudland. Tonpanite BILL DWYER. ch. c, 2 M 110 By Flitterg-old— Twilight IV., by Fit* Herbert. Trainer, C. K. Moore. Owner, A. J. Contento. Breeder. Himyar Stud. 78690 Jamaica 5-S l:02 4mud 60 U0 4 4 4« 3Ti T Burns 6 A.Wdliffe, Stampdale, Cloudld DONJACK, ch. c. 2 M 110 By Purchase— Pictons Pride, by Picton. Trainer, S. C. HUdreth. Owner, Rancocas Stable. Breeder, H. F. Sinclair. First Start.