Columbus, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-08

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Entries and Past Performances COLUMBUS THURSDAY, MAY 8 WEATIIKR CLEAR: TIIACK FAST. Bm figures nnder the heading "Bac." .« the entries below show the best time *f each horse fit the distance sinoe January 1. IMS. no matter where it finished. In case where record was made on other than a fast er e°od track, abbreviations show track conditions. :m» is FinsT index of i»24. 7S6SS IS THE FIRST INDEX OF MAT. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 2:151. 9 Superior tun. I runner. X Good mini runner. Jj: Fair Mini runner. 11 Maidens. •Apprenllct »lloujit «-e b Itllnkera. The BoMowtaS abbreviations are used to desifrn;tU- tracks at which time records shown in entries were marie: Aurora An Jefferson Park. Tf Aqueduct Aq Kenilworth Ke Belmont Park BP Kempton Park KP Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Ki Bowie ....Bo Latonia La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Lu Columbus Co Lexington Lx Connangk: Park CP Maplj Heights MH Conneaut Lake CL Marlboro Mb Dade Park DP Mobile Mo D ivanshira Da Mcnnt Royal MR Dorval Do Omaha Om Duffcrin Du Piralica Pm Empire . Em Bens Bo Pair Grounds FG Saratoga Sa. Port Erie FE Tanforan Ta Hamilton Hm Thcrncliffe Th Havre Ue Grace HG Tijuana ... - Ti Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana :..Hf Windsor Wi Huntington Hn Woodbine Wo Jhjnaica .......... J a First Race— 5-8 Mile. Puree 0Q S-rear-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record; Aug. 2L 1923-1:0: 2 -108. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.llan. 78709- Cloporte ! Ht 102 1:01% 3 101X72.". 71663- »Big«ip Hw 111 1:00% S 98. .720 78521 Blue Mitt* Aq 104 1.-00% 3 104.. 71.". 74*18 Tra iron tuna 4 106.710 78818 Effie Randall Om 109 1:02% 8 106*710 78763 •Helen Major ..JP 111 1 04s I, 106x710 78711 bFnnwell Taps Co 114 bssf 6 111x705 78792* Grace Daugherty Co 112 1:05 6 111X70." 78818 •Dudii- Bug Co 107 1:03% 6 108.. 700 78561 bFriptMry Co 1111:05th 6 111. .700 78547 Luckv IVarl ...Co 111 1:08% 8 111X700 78435 Fotarelte To 107 1:01% 4 111X700 78654 Wilis Scheer Co 10S 1:03% 9 113X700 73S743 bMurphy 11 li"X700 Second Race — 5-8 Miles Purre 00. 8-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Aug- 21. 1923 1 .02 2 103. 78587 Kinsman IT 111 1 :03%h 4 113X72T. 65501* Runmic JP 110 1:02 6 113X720 78711 Milda Co 109 1:01% 8 111X715 T8846 Patsy Howe ..Mil 106 1 :00% 3 103x715 78818 Hysteria Co 104 1 :03%s 5 111x715 7B562 Athlete De 110 1:02 4 113x715 78844 bKa by Ionian Co 110 1:03 7 113x710 78454 Cnidenns Hw 111 1:03 4 113. 705 78597 lSpicebtish Om 112 1:02% 7 113X705 78561* Flip Co 111 1:04% 6 111..70i 77480 Stella Maris Ml Eui 112 1:02 4 111X700 73438 bMidnigbt Stories. I 113X700 78781 Propapnnda ...Hn 118 1:02 i 8 113X700 78623 bFrenchy Col06 1:0;%h 8 113. .700 7002b* Wrecker 6 116X700 Third Race — 5-8 Mile. Porse 00. 3 -year olds and npward. Claiming. Track record: Aug. 21. 1023-1:02—2—108. 78656 Ink MH 102 :59% 8 101.. 725 78763= Sweet Cookie ..Wi 107 1:00% 4 106X720 78623 »NeedT CD 111 1:02% 4 106.71.- 78845* Dixie Dick ...MR 105 1:02% 4 113. 715 78656 Merry Mars 4 113x710 77153 Bigger Still 4 113. .710 75801 Sleirebloom MAq 114 1:02% 3 101.. 710 73918 »Jo* Gatti M. Mil 109 1:01% 3 98.710 78561 Blue Dale Hu 1161:03 4 113 .705 78737 bltah 6 113.700 i 78684 Hambone M I MH 105 1 :02% 4 113. .700 78791 Carpathian M.. 4 113x700 | 78624 Hinkle M . . Co 116 1 :08h 6 113. .700 Tim Kane 10 113 Fourth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 4-Tear olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 23. 1923 1 05%— 7— 104. 7859D bllumorist Hv 106 1:07 5 10s!.. 725 78764 bDalton Ti 117 1 :07 5 112.720 78738 Mad Nell FG 90 1:07% 5 108X715 77993 Wee Toddler ..Do 112 1:08% 4 104.715 78711 MJttle Pointer .Ti 105 1:07% 6 96X715 78546 Ethel H Hv 110 1:07% 8 96.710 78668 bM-.vro-e Hv 112 1:08% 7 107X710 78818* Nizam Ti 110 1:08% 7 103X700 78480 bllriarcliff Hu 100 1:09% 11103X700 : 78791 Diocletian Co 113 1:09 6 103X700 78709 Busy Bob ...Ml 104 1:07% 4 117X700 Fifth Raoe — 6 1-2 Furlongs. , Purse 00. 4-vear-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 23. 1923 1:05—7—101. 78654J bE LIZA 15 l: T II BEAN MH 97 1:00% 4 115X725 78737 Jacobean 6 98*715 787S2»bMatinee Idol ..Hu 105 1:06% 9 112x715 78764* Zoona Co 105 1:07 4 109.715 78764 bKnot Grass ..BB 103 1:08% 5 108X715 78763 Charlie Rummy Hu 105 1:07% 8 103 .710 78738 •Camouflage II. Co 112 1:09% 7 107X710 78791 Jack Pot Hv 114 1:07% 5 104.700 78845" MBmsj HU HT 1 :«*-. 8 106X700 78549ir«bFleer Hu 110 1:08% 7 109x700 Sixth Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 1924.sh0/. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Aug. 21, 1223 1:21%— 6— 102. 78820 Pony Express 4 109. .725 78687* Gay Bov II. ..Coll0 1:27h 4 114. .720 78847 Banker Brown.. Co UO l:30%h 5 109x715 78846 "Bed Weed S 101.. 710 , 78478 First Pullet . . .Co 110 1:23% 8 104x710 78820 Redwood 4 111. .710 78795 Mr. Beck 4 107.705 | 78579 Jacquerie Du 103 1:27% 6 107. .700 I 78684 Palmetto 6 108. .700 78551 Ossaleen M 9 110. .700 Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 03. 3-vear olds and npward. Claiming. Track record: Aug. 21. 1923—1:48—6—115. 78822 •Her-ulcs MH 103 1:43% 7 105x725 78600 Glenn CP 107 1:47% 8 110x720 78823* bHarp of the North Hw 10111:48% • 110V715 787411 Dustman Co 98 1 :53%s 8 110x715 78657 Virginia B ...Ti 1011:45% 3 89x710 78712 Chief Archee 8 86x705 , 78595 Little Andv . . . Dt 104 1:47% 4 110. .70". 78793 My Error Hv 97 1:47% 3 96. .700 let RflPF C~S Mi,°- "-year-olds ana ipnard. Claiming. Ang. 21, 1923 Index Conrse Dist Time Tck Odds WI St % Str Fin Jockexs Started Order of Finish CLOPORTE, ch- f. 3 101 By High Time— Woodnitch. by Octagon. Trainer. J. Kraus. Owner. J. Kraus.. Breeder. Miss E. Daingerfield. 78709 Colmbus 5i f 112%rrrud 17 97 2 | O Atwell 12 Busy Bob, Cacambo, Miss Etta 78595 Colmbus 61 f l:10%fast 7 93 «» O Atwell 11 lJttleAndy. DgousHock, Mbne 78058 Havana 8-4 116%good 8 95 1 S 7»*12 * H Callahnl3 Mike. Whirlwind. Solomon sKilts 78043 Havanr. 8-4 1:lg%slow 4 96 8 1 2»* o .1 Dawson 10 Busy Bob. AlThomas. P.Hampson 78011 Havana 61 f 1 OS fast 10 108 2 4 O* CJ I! Callahnli Auntie Millin. Castilla, April T7S96 Havana 8-4 1:14 fast 2 93 1 8 6l «*i II Calluhnll M.Bverest, Bon. Blue. Bodanxky BIGWIG b. g. 3 98 By The Manager — Fragrance, by Greenan. Trainer. J. B. McGinn. Owner. J. B. McGinn. Breeder. L. B. Combs. 18563 Co! tubus 6-8 1.-05 fast 11 103 2** H Hay 10 UneleAbe. Judpellkn, Trargar 76433 Hur.-lon 61 f 1 6 104 6% H Hay 8 Pnbroker. AlieMillin, VginUB. 71295 Hurt ton 6 8 1 :0i%fast 12 10» MH Hay 10 AtieMillin, EuniceBaUey, April T7S4S FOrnds 8 4 1 :l."%good £0 115 1 7 5| 7°J H Kaiser 14 lady Ciioco. Jackson. Kilbowie 77153 F.Grnds 1 1 1C L4S fast 80 9iJ 1 2 10 10* D Jones 12 Dr.Whitehst. Widgeon. R. Crown MLUE MISS. ck. f, 2 104 By Transvaal— Miss ODay. by Peep oDay. Trainer. C. Grand. Owner. S. Szkcres. Breeder. H. W. Maxwell. 78521 Columbus Cjfl:10%Kood 7£f » 11IC D Randell 12 Zoona. Arrowhead. DgerousRk 78011 Havana 6J f 1 :0I fast 6 106 11 10 8 S« S Hanks 12 Auntie Millin, Castilla, April 7799U Havana £-4 1. Infant S 84 9 10 »* 6*J .1 CaUahanPJ Jacobean. StinTt.rret. Dang.Kock 7792; Havana BJ f 1 0S%sJop 12 86 10 4 Z II ailahnll In— Wa.n. Geor.May. WeeDear 77821 Havana 6 f 1 07%fast S 97 8 4 S» 6s J Majesticl2 Jack Tot. Arnifdee, Zoona TRAMONTANA. ch. f. 4 106 By Hesperus — Mortora. by Mortlake. Trainer. H. X. PalmeT. Owner, H. T. PalmeT. Breeder. A. K. Maoomber. T461S IUno 41 f 66 fast 7 1«* !!1M Miltickll OueenctipII., DodeAdams. T.Cure 74583 K-nw 6-S IdlSfas-t SJ 10S C»J E Kengc-r 7 Biglndian. E Williams. Fdango 74541 Keno 6-S lOlfast 13 10* 6* I Sykcs 8 Felicitor. MJasMab»n. De Land 74351 IUn» 4t f 4S fast 7 111 «• E Kenger C Oly King, Phil. Lugo. M.Maibcn HMC ItM W ll fast a-10 105 4 E Kenger S Phil I ugo. BlicMevi-rs. Isphani 71898 ItM S-4 1 li ftis=t 7 104 21 K Weintr 8 H.Burgoyne. T.Craen. H Indian rFFIL RANDALL. cK m, 8 106 By Harrigan— Lady Maxim, by St. Maxim. Trainer. C. C. Emmert. Owner. Frozen North Stable. Breeder, B. A. Jones. 78818 OofsnbM andg f 1 .12 Blow C5 IOC 4-J W Dellow 12 Recoup. Glenlivet, Nizam 784X7 Hitflton 1 1 :4.%fast 14 100 6" II Zucchini 7 Proceeds. Mr. Beck. Bristow 7840! Hint ten 6» f 1 :08%fast 90 105 6J R ZucchinilO Monsoon. Satana. Gonwithim 78320 Hunt ten t-t l:H%fast S3 10? 6J J Cowan 7 H.-irhaPr, Bhinegold. A.Alexr 78247 Hunt ten 8-4 11- fabt 42 103 72 J Cowan 9 OldSinr. A.Alexder, BobBaker HELEN MAJOR, ck. m, 5 106 By Harrigan— Mazonia. by Mazagan. Trainer. A. W. Craft. Owner. A. W. Craft. Breeder. B. A. Tones. 78763 Ctl 5i f l:li%h-y 14-i 101 6* H Hay 12 Pinaqa. Swt Cookie, Chow Cw 78623 C lmbus 6-» 1 Oi hvy S7 9S 47i H Hay 11 Carri Mocre. Milda Needy 785C1 "ol rribua 6-8 1:01 fast 60 108 8*J II Hay 9 Josie Gorman, Ink. Flip 76834 Cul City 6-6 1:01 fast — 104 6»f H Hay f Camfl.igi-II.. DeLand. ChaJane 76074 Cul City 4J f 6S good — 1U 3:i C Grosi 11 I«ad.vSm:ill. OldKed. QueencupII. FAREWELL TAPS. o. m. 5 111 By Patauci— Kuhln. by Gold Heels or Trentoia. Trainer. F. Batiste. Owner, F. Batiste. Breeder, S. F. Owen. 78711 C.l f f l:1*%mud 88 107 64 A Kroner 12 Title. Elizabeth Jewell Get En- 78580 Cul tubus 1 1-1C 1 51%fast 43 107 8« T MoTlllU IfmpMl. Dewitt, Gex 78536 C.imbF lniTCy 1 5~ slow 49 107 T1* T McCmklO ll«.n b. Site Devil, Torsida 78.519 Columbus f.-s 1 : t%pood 14f 114 S!i O Casey 12 Fleer. Reluctant. Athlete 77972 Jeff.rscn St 1 lo.muu 40 110 10 1* 10 6* D Merf;lerl3 G. Stair. Mt.Pleast. Dandybrush. J GRACE DAUGHERTY. ch. n. 6 111 By Frizzle — Ruth Carter, by Handsal. Trainer. R. T. Williams. Owner. M. Mnrau. Breeder. C. H. Carter. 78792 CTnibus S-4 1 liP.o.l Id rj rj F WooJk 8 Mat Idol. Old Sinner, Zululand 7873! C"lt:il.h 1rr:7 y 1:16 slow 1C-5 104 7*1 R Pauley 12 Prairie. Edna D , Fictile 7865! CofmlHM 1 1-16 151%p..od 42 105 6* R Pauley 9 Overstep, Nip. Ardella 78601 Col "ml. ■ ItnTOy 14S fast 20 109 6* C Taylor 7 Tinpling. .lot .Ion, Pir.iteMcGee 78519 Culurrilius :-S 1 -M%good 14 11 SJ C Taylor 12 Fleer. Ke!u taut. Athlete 76786 La onia lm7-y l:5:%:nud 11 100 6 2 t» 4" J l: rne 10 !I.. T.For"gner. Flycast DUDLE BUG. b. g. 8 108 By Flammarion— June W., by The Roman. Tn-iner. L. B. Mikel. Owner. W. M. Mikel. Breeder. W. Mikel. 7881 R ■• I ii I i! -. i| t 1:11 blow 14 103 7*J II Pa. Ion 12 Kecoup. Glenlivet. Nizam 7865! CorsatMH MM pood 16 1C« 7J C Cross 12 Klizal.etbBn. Punctnal. Copyrt 78574 r, ,;:,. bus 6-i 1 :0?%fast 20 107 2« J Ryrne 1." l.n.t ;ra?s. Califa. Bud Fisher .77192 F Grinds 8-4 1.14%pood 98 107 i 6 7* 11" A Arcard 12 Arrowiiead. Doughnut, Veniseloi 74785 Al:r.»n 61 f 1:10 fast 18 104 2« J Berg M Si.:r.iii-i-. Doctor D.. Sabretasli I HIPFERy. ch. m, C 111 By Frizzles — Forecast, by Voter. Traiaer. D. Hanohett. Owner, C. H. Plato. Bteedn Oneck Stable. 7»56l Col mbus 6-S 1:04 fast «1 Ul rj D PVgatte 9 Josie Gorman Ink Flip 76025 BtTIM 6 f l:ll%T.ud 15 107 10 IS 12 12* I Banks IS Aunt I, d.i. BcmtU, Milda 77917 Harsaa 61 f 1 10%*!op I 1« 7 7 6* 6" A Pickens 7 I A.llvrai. Fhet Dan.ien, Gilder 77823 llaana 61 f 1 :07%fast 10 106 2 5 4* 3»i S Banks 7 Finality. Fl.v.npOrb. Btagrin 77745 Havana 61 f l:0T%fast 29 106 13 12 11 10-4 C Collins 12 L. Pointer. S;piilk:i-nPoy, Suzuki LTJCRY PEARL, b. m, 8 111 By Todiington— Mrs. Bewail, by Masctto. Trainer, J. S. Baldwin. Owner. 3. 6. Baldwin. Breeder. W. W. Darden. 78517 6-1 1-02ifast 24 111 6T C Casey 10 P.T .Barniiin. Jklot, Babylonn 7*830 Hun ton 8-4 1.14 fast 14 104 2s M Rurger 10 Kinsman. Vulcanite. II.Mom.nts 7S200 Hunt ton lm78yl:46 fast W 192 6" J Iaton !l Dancer. Col.Tenn Ulos oml louse 78172 Hun ton andi f 1 0?%slow 18 113 11*1 T P...ninm!2 I.i.ldy Wolf. Pelioa. Huphie 7«»»7 Iluni;ng:on MlUflUklt 8 104 11 J Katon It Hill— itll. Necnaii. Dissolute 74254 Hunt in-ton 51 t 1 0S%fast 21 110 B E T Moore ! SanclioPansy. Loyalty. Arietta rTTTTJRETTE, b. f. 4 111 By Ormondale— Futurist, by Golden Maxim. Trainer. B. B. Daiis. Owner. M. Brnci. Breeder. Montfort Jones. 72428 Ham ton 11:42 fast 48 102 8*1 W Taylor It Sue Devil. Ardito. Newport 78388 Hum ion 8-4 1:14%faat 66 106 T»l W TajlorlO Pawr.r. George Sr E e Itrigbt 78140 Honfton 1-4 114 fast 20 110 6* T Cam ron 8 Mat. Idol. Flor. Deen. HysterU 782S7 Hunton 6 1 -2 f 1 O.SfaM SI 104 8* O Atweii 12 G Shaw. Little Florence S Age 75552 I bur,.blll 11-16 1.4; fast 74 106 I 8 I* 8" E Martin J Elias O.. Halu Raudel GTJ8 SCHEER. ok. r, t lis By Tho Manager— J.«on«r"t«»t by Varobla A Trainer, J. Booker. Owner, J. Booker j. Breeder. Breeder, estate of J. SU Haggin. J 78664 CoImbns 6-8 1:03 good 46 108 8«1 C OMah12 ElizabetliBn, Punctual. Copyrj 78874 Colmbus 6-S l:02%fast 81f 111 9»T C OMahyFJ Knot Grass. Caltf.i. Dudle Bnc 78820 MMboro Ab51 f l:12%slow 16 115 6 f 8*1 «*| P Madeira 8 Fluff. KlizabethJewell. S liiega .2264 Mt.Royal 51 f 1 :06%fast 61 105 6*1 R Ball 8 AuntDeda. Serv Flag, Cornstalk. 72182 KingEd. Ab 5-8 69%fast 3-4 115 V R Ball 8 Q. Mazonia. Ev.Star. PowderFacw MTJRPHY, b. g. 11 116 By McGee— Intrigue, by Kingston. Trainer, T. Doyle. Owner, T. Doyle. Breeder. C. W. Moore. 73674 Test wn Ab 5-8 69 fast 2 116 1*1 A AmnVnn ! Babylonian. JusiinaF... Sover.IL, 7S436 Wheeling Ab5-8 1:01 slow 6 113 7*1 A Ammnn 7 Shiftv. Gilder, Virge 73363 Wheeling Ab5-8 1:02 slow 1 113 1« C Eames 7 M. Hollins. T. a Ling. M.Krntec 71565 Clksbg Ab 5 S 1 :01%good 21-10 106 3% C Grace 6 Virge, Oak Belle. Kuth Welile ■ 71274 Clksbg Ab 5-8 69%fast 3-2 115 6»i C Grace 6 Ruth Wehle, Get Em. Sky Maztj 2nd RACE 5~S MIIt* 5*—p--* and uIMvard- Claiming. Ang, 21, 102a KZBSUAX, b. g. .4 113 By Prince Hermis— Little Jane, by Canopns. Trainer, H. Herron. Owner, H. Herron. Breeder. G. L. Blackford. 78597 Colmbus 6-8 l:02%fast 13 110 11" T Ronhaml2 Huiiorist. I.itJl Point, r. Glsnllt 78387 Huntton 61 t l:07%fast 23 112 121 T Bonhatril2 Big Sapp. Jollv. Pearl Boots 4 78250 Huntton 61 f l:07%fa»t 25 U3 5»| T Uonham 8 Theo. P. T. P.arninn, San. Keli * .5330 Hun ton 3-4 1:14 fast 13-5 110 1* G Walls 10 Lk.vPearl, Vulnite. II MoraenU 75298 Huntgton 3-4 1:14 fast 7 101 31 W McKht 9 F. o Fun. Dif.Kyes, Ilap Buiton RUNMIC, ch. g. 6 113 By Runnymede— Micco, by Star Shoot. Trainer, W. R. Hall. Owner, W. R. Hall. Breeder, A. B. Spreckels. 65501 Kempton 61fl:09%fast 9 107 3* R McAney 8 Theresa. Golden He.l. AuntDeda C5460 Kempton 51 f 1:04 fast 7 112 2 R McAney 8 GMKnongh. Golden Bed. Kinetic 6. :;5:; Kempton 51 f l:08%fast g 110 l1 R McAney 9 ElCoronel, S Gulnliadll , Lylontt 65322 Kempton 5-8 1:05 fast 8-5 112 8*1 N Collins 8 Cavalier. Ijidy lone Humpy 4 64479 KingKJ. Ab 5-8 69%fast 4 114 21 N Collins 6 Pittsburg, SirGalaliudll., Sevilia MILDA. br. m. 8 111 By Jack Atkin— Armilda. by Bryn Mawr. J Trainer. L. Hector. Owner, L. Hector. Breeder. C C. Patrick. 78711 CM "mbus 51 f l:lt%mmi 6 102 O" H Paden 12 Title. Elizabeth Jew. II. Get ,Bmv 78623 Colmbus 5-8 1:05 hvy 7 103 2* W Martin 11 CarrieMoore. Needy. Hel. Major 7851! Columbu-s 6-8 1 :04%good 6 110 7*i W Martin 12 Fleer. Kelr.ctant, Athlete 78025 Havana 51fl:ll%mud C 107 11 2 1* 3* R M .leyl2 AuntDeda. Berretta. MinnMick 77954 Havana 61 f l:09%mud 6 109 7 8 2» 2s W 1 mroselO Fath.Damn. Coiifey. MinMack PATSY HOWE. b. g. 3 103 By Flying Squirrel— Silver Ship, by His Lot Iship. Trainer. F. H. Sevin. Owner, L. Gaudet. Breeder, J. A. Hall. 78846 See todays chart. .8710 Coin. bus 6Jf]:12%mud 23-lOf 101 12" C Hooper 12 Mary G.. Fictile. Old Red 78657 Colmbus 5*fl:08%good llf 109 12 * C Hooper 12 MissMpt. T falpar. Argumtal 78577 Colmbus 61 f 1:10 fast 14 110 8»| C Hooper 9 Argument!. SetlisDin. Halt-full 78524 Columbus 3-4 l:16%good 24 102 71* C Hooper 7 Ailsie Vernor. Redwood, Scissors 73242 Bl. Grass 5-8 59%fast 147 107 «» W Reid 6 S.KIizabcth. Willl-iml. B.Addi* 72915 Lex.C Fr 5-8 l:02%good 14 115 41* R Dority 5 ImaMint. Georg.Ma.v, Atonement HYSTERIA, br. m, 5 111 By Transvaal— Tickolctte. by Dalhousle. Trainer. J. Boland. Owner. J. Boland. Breeder. Morris and Walden. 78818 Colmbus 51 f 1:12 slow 37-10 111 123 T Bonhaml2 Recoup. Glenlivet. Nizam 78656 Colmbus 5ifl:08%pood 14 110 21 V Bonharal2 PatHp.-on, "InSmv. CnPoint 78575 Colmbus 61 f 1:09 fast 14 108 6»J T F.onharn 9 Winchter. ItilllCkll. WtnKna 78533 Colmbus 6-8 l:04%slow U-5 104 6"! W Martin 9 MadNell. WtnFlaiin.i. ChwCW 78340 Hunt ton 3-4 1:14 fast 2 112 3»i R Costello 8 Mat. Idol, Fl Deen. CamflagelL 78296 Huntton 3-4 1:15 fast 13-5 105 3* R Costello » Dancer, A.Alex der. Flor. Deea I ATHLETE, b. g, 4 113 By Sir John Johnson— Wren, by Star Shoot. Trainer, L. Haymaker. Owner, R. V. Haymaker. Breeder. Xalapa Farm. J 78562 olmbus 61 f 1:09 fast SJ 108 9" T Bonhaml2 George Starr. Attoo. Zoona 78519 Columbus 5-8 1:04%good 12-5 112 31W Smith 12 Fleer, Reluctant. Miss Em 78372 Huntton 5J f 1 :08%f ast 40 113 9*1 T Bonham 10 Angela. Randalslll. L*M.Whtt* 75330 Hunton 3-4 1:14 fast 4 103 6* W Martin 10 Kinsman. LuckylVarl. Vu.caniU 75296 Hunfgton 51fl:08%fast 27-10 111 2* T Bonham 9 Dicknell. Ed Garrison, Dearie BABYLONIAN, ch. g. 7 113 By TJncle— Lost Cherry, by Sir DUon. Trainer. G. W. Fritz. Owner. T. T. Mott. Breeder. W. B. Miller. 7884 4 Seo todays chart. 78763 Colmbus 61 f l:13%hvy 17-10 108 6* P Groos 12 Pinaqa, Swt Cookie, Chow Cw 78596 Colmbus 6-8 1 :02%fast 10 109 2* W Martin 12 Old Sinner. Jack Pot. Zainer 78547 Colmbus 6-8 1:02%fast 6 110 3*1 W Martin 10 P.T Barnuui. JackPot R.Wehlo 78485 Colmbus 61 t l:13%livy 23-10 108 31 W Martin 11 LuckyHttn, JackPot Chest Girl 78373 Huntton 3 4 l:14%fast 14 103 31 W Martin 9 ChareSummy, Rleailer. Gratian 78294 Huntton 51 f 1:08 fast 6 110 6 W Smith 7 Sam Reh. Col. Pat. Ilena CRUDENAS, br. c, 4 113 By Cruzados— Ardenes, by Amigo. Trainer. W. Jones. Owner. T. F. Malonay. Breeder. Anita M. Baldwin. 78454 Huntton 61 t l:10%mud 60 110 7* H Glick 8 Gratian. Corto. Whippoorwill 78385 Huntton 61 f 1:08 fast 18f 113 iJ R Cliffort:i2 Sanclio Pansv. Corto, »eigh Its 78339 Huntton 61 f 1 :07%fast 40f 105 S| R Cliffordl2 Mdellvey. Ceo.Stnrr .witliim 75330 Hun ton 3-1 1:14 fast 26 107 0» J Conw-iy 10 Kinsman. LuckvlYarl. VuNanite .5270 Huntpton 3-4 l:14%fast U 103 4« H Glicic 8Dadd WoIf. FirstPIct. EndMaa SPICEBTJSH. b. h. 7 113 By Ben Brush— Allspice, by The Scribe or Oddfellow* Trainer. E. McCuen. Owner, E. McCuen. Breeder. J. N. Camden. 78597 Colmbus 6-8 l:02%fast 12f 109 9 R Holwayl2 Humorist, Lit tlelvinter r.lenlit 73781 Omaha 3-4 1:18%mud 4 115 3 2 3*1 3i L Mills 12 FTulGirl. C.A.I.vrne, stvshMiss 18891 Omaha 5-8 1:01%fast 4 112 11 U 9l 4«1 G Sutton 11 HudMan. I.kvllupli, K Randall 7:;i01 Columbs 61fl:0S%fast lS-f 11.1 2* F Horn 10 Old Pop. Cover l"p. Pabvloniaa 72916 Columbs 3-4 l:14%fast 6 105 4*i F Horn 7 Zoona. Wateieo. Sirocco I FLIP, br. m, 6 111 By Setback— Lelia. by Leonid. Trainer. D. B. Freeman. Owner. C. Proveczano. Breeder. W. McLemore. , 78561 Colmbus 5-8 1:01 fast 7 1 111 31 J Byrne 9 Josie Gorman. Ink. I.orh Levcn 71565 Tksbp Ab J-8 bOHtfrooil !» Ill 6*2 S Wolstm 6 Virge, O.iklawn Belle Murphy 71551 Clksbp Ab 8-8 l:01%niud 28-5 109 6* S Wolstm 6 Virge. Star Time, 71464 Ciksbp Ab 5-S l:01%slow C7-10 111 21 C Eames 6 GeCEm. K. Wehle. A Middle ton 71369 Clksbg Ab 5 8 69 fast 1 115 1* J Domick 8 MissKruter. 1,yHargan. Bubula 71332 n ksbg CI f 59%fast 2 109 V S Wolstm 7 Big Son. Jack Pot. Old Pop STELLA MARIS, ch. f. 4 M 111 By Pebbles— Turf Star, by Nasturtium. Trainer. J. Everman. Owner, A. C. Groves. Breeder. J. Butler. 77480 Haana 51 f 1 :07%fast 3 107 2 5 ff 9" E Beach 10 LeonaDare. Pet. Lee. Wil Flanna 77430 Havana 3-4 l:14Vtfast 6-5 102 3 1 1»* 2 J Callatian 8 Biddledee. MissK kin ElCoronel 77354 Havana 6Jfl:08 good 4 105 12 12 tj* S3** J Callahanl2 CubuKncanto. Scissors, PenBolt 75177 Empire Ab 3-4 1 :10%fast 9-10 107 6 3 6* 3=1 A Accardyll L.Reveille, Bl. Streak. GiadybV. • 5033 Empire Ab 3-4 1:11 good 4 104 6 3 21 2 » H Thurber •.. Jyntee, Iidy Rose Epe 75022 Empire Ab 3-4 1 :11%hvy 20 101 7 2 2* 31 W Milner 10 Wildrake. C.deLion. Mclailirino MIDNIGHT STORIES, b. g. 5 113 By Norford-ubelda. by Montgomery. Trainer. J. W. Murphv. Owner, 3. W. Murphy Breeder. F. Bicknell. 73428 Timonm 3-4 1:Ll hvy 10 120 6" J Connors 6 StarCoutt, JosepliineC EdithK 73380 Timonm 3-4 1:19 fast 6 U9 5T1 J Connors f JosepliineC.. T J Humpy 72942 Columbs 51 f 1 :09%f ast 4 111 11 J Connors 11 Bengali. Razon Tactless II 72369 Mt.Royal 51fl:Ii%hvy 11 115 2* C Gross 6 Pandine. Do. tori.. MackGarner 72009 KinpE.l. Ab 5-S 1 :01%fast 6 113 1 C Gross 8 Waterford. K. Cheatham, LiluG. PROPAGANDA, ch. g, 8 113 By Sundridge— Gelinotte, by Galllnule. Trainer. E. Lctx. Owner. E. Lutt. Bred in England bv Sir M. Sykes. 78791 Colmbus 5-8 l:06pood a 109 6* O Atwell 8 Cacambo. Kendall BlackMkey 78431 llintton C-8 1 OMjfnst li 116 8* G Yearpinll Red. Arthur Middbton P.ub 78372 Huntton 5fl:6S%fast 85 111 10= G Y.-arpin 10 Angela. Randalslll Uss.WUtt 7f?2« . Huntton 61 f 1 :08 fi-t 69 116 101: O Atwell 10 Bovaline, CbarlieSmv Mulciber 78234 Him ton 5 1-2 f l:09%fast 64 111 7J G Yeargin 9 Rristow. Advenline. Y. Summy FRENCHY. b. g. 9 113 By King Cobalt— Furicuse. by Ethelbert. Traiaer. E. T. Miller. Owner. Mrs. A. Miller. Breeder. G. H. Browne. 78623 Colmbus 5-S 1:05 hvy 46 106 84 R Pauley 11 CarrieMoore Milda Needv 74783 Akron 5-8 1 :0".fast 19 106 6*1 R Pauley M Sjawea. ISridp-tte Mb.iiins 74528 Akron 5-8 1 :02%fast 15 108 4" R Pauley 8 Gloom. Mis- Holland Jota 74129 YstOW*. Ab 5-S 1 :00%fast 6 109 6J R Paul.y I Ethel II Carrie P.ak.r P.utlrr 73887 Ystown Ab 6-S 1:00 slop 7 108 2" R Pauley C Currency, Tom Non is TtiUlM ■" 73576 Ygs. wn Ab 5 8 53 fast 41 107 9*i R 1auloy 9 Jacobean. Britishl.-les, Lridgetto WRECKER, b. g, 6 116 By Wrack— Single Shot, by Star Shoot. Trainer. C. N. Freeman. Owner. W. H. Cooper. Breeder. A. B. Ha-cock 70025 Map His 1 116 l:56-hvy 6S-M 110 C» H Farland 5 lUzonrv. S.I.ipiitlll Poonevilla 69970 Map Hts lm70y 1 f.s%mu l S-l 112 2] H Farlan.l I H. LwyKatC Rcvonite 69840 Map.Hts 7 Sir. mud 23-10 111 1* H Farlan.l 5 Gail Ford, Grdsinan Du. ktx ard 69769 Map.Hts 3-4 l:18%hvy 9 103 4* H Farland 7 Consort. SpnpVal.. Cold Clianco f.9524 H.deGce 3-4 l:14%fast 21 100 4 8 8» V A Abel 12 Tidings. Jaeqtt; m iken 69388 H.deGco MlOIKflut 9 103 2 1 3* :■* A Abel 15 Ina Kay. Protocol. MustardSeed J I 3rd RACE 5"S ?Sjf* .* y* "MH and upward. ClaiuiinK. Aug. ZX, 1J»23 INK. blk. f. 3 101 By Dick Finnell— Miss Fair Plav. by Fair Play. Trainer. D. Womeldorff. Owner. T. H. Bernhardt. Brreders. J. D." Carr fj Br- " 78656 Colmbus H f l:0S%good 13 10 ltd 5* D McAufeia PatHpson. Hv«teria ClfvSmy 78596 Colmbus 5-S 1 :02- fast 5 100 8* D Mc.ufcl2 OM Sinner P. •."bvloiiian .1 ok Pot 78561 Colmbus 6-8 1:01 fast 2110 99 2J D McAufe 9 Josie Fl,p I , |, I-ven 77811 J«ater»oa 51 f 1 :K good li 104 4 10 9t 9 j J Wallace 14 St. Mauri, e. .lol.ii.los. ph 74065 Lex ton 51 f 1 OS faf. 10 100 1 3 71 7"W I ■Unit ■ Despar.l K.m.icl,. Jjelo 73000 "lambs 5-G 1 :0C%slow 13-10 113 21 W Martin 5 lis. While. Iist Love D Shot SWEET COOKLE. br. f. 4 106 By Theo. Cook-Marbles, by Lissak. Trainer. D. Hill. Owner. A. Hill. Breeder. T. Piatt. 78765 Col "ml. us 51 f l:13%hvy 4if 101 2h H Paden 12 Pinaquana. ChowCl.w 3i Smr 78597 Colmbus 6-8 l: fcfast 12f 110 5* W Frklin 12 Una orit. I.,tt l-Pointer Glenlit 78489 Colmbus o-8 1:05%hvy 6 111 8»1 W FrannlO SpipVale. KriotGrass i. Pointer 75239 Hunfgton 61fl:10%hvy 11 100 p. J Eaton Itll. Moments Smite |» . ■ . . oy ! 75171 Hun ton 61 f 1:10 slow 12 100 V J Eaton ■ Knd Man. Cold Dank Last Girl .3239 BLQnm 5-8 47 104 6" D Harv. y 9 Virgo. Q:iecn Kstli. r, K::,g NEE~Y b f * 105 By Trcvisco— Agnes May. by Tlie Commoner." Trainer. A. B. Jessop. Owner, Jesscp Bros.. Breeder. J. J. McGough 78623 Colmbus 6-8 105 hvy 11 98 3* -K Noe 11 CarrieMoore. Mil.., II -1 M ijor 78533 Colmbus 5-8 1 OlSslow 48 99 4=1 K Noe 9 MadNell. Wfnllanmi thwCw 77979 Havana 3-4 1:14%slow 8 99 » 6 3J tj J Eaton 12 MabelKst. Dustman Cat.tKney 77940 Havana 3-4 1 IS mud 15 91 4 1 1* 6: J Dawson 12 In Doubt Ken.hll M l N. II 77659 Havana 3-4 1:14 good 8 100 9 9 9»M2» J Dawson 12 Lot tieLe. Jackpot] P.Ia. kWiill. DIXIE DICK. b. g. 4 113 By Great Britain— Sallie Ward, by Singleton. Trainer. C. W. Hall. Owner. C. W. Hall. Breeders. Carnck and Ward 78845 Sr- todays chart. 78655 Colmbus 61 f 1 :0!ip,.od 44 112 «• R Carter 12 Arrowhead. Bojul RecoM 78576 Colmbus 61 f l:09%fast 21 110 4* R Carter 12 Helm Btacj .l *m* Im. fl 74873 liuntinpton i| f l:07%fast 20 101 " ! 1W M-Khtll Col. Pat. I! -ssl, Mi--l:, .il ,1, 74.580 II- !,ff- 1 1-16 1:48 fast 68 99 7 7 7* 7*1 G Fields 8 Icky Rao. Dantsic. 8kce, rmf .4260 rhcllffo S-4 l:«Hfa.t 13 108 3 9 10b sa M QunU 12 F.Dccn. J Hoffman. Kl„„es.„ne • 3..0 Donral 1 1-16 1:46%fast 16 101 632* 4»? G Fi.Uls 9 HoboUus. Piedra, T.fVckinecder I MERRY MARS. ch. c, 4 113 By Vulcain— Merry Saint, by St. Leonards. Trainer. R. Ferns. Owner, Hammat Cc Davis. Breeder R P Sir. th Jr 78656 .,, Im bus l| f 1 •*srg.,.„l 6 11J 10 W Dkson12 PutH pon. Hvsleria "lexSmy .85,8 ol mbus 61fl:08%fast 26 114 9*W Dkson Pepper IV . rttamp s ■ v «*• gSiSS tlVZJOZ A S lh W M:irtm » VJOm—m. M.Be«law. Kmu* ,. 146 Hun: gton u 4 1 lb%slow 61 107 1* w Martin 10 The lister IM.oi, 1«. E 10 75051 MnactM = I 1:11 hvy 12f 103 7*1 J Eat.. n 11 Rapid StmV /orro 1 "n" «. Fun 74913 Hun t..n C* f 1 :0S%hiow 19 5 M V W Martin J Btss K, Primus. George t hoos BIGGER STILL, b. g. 4 113 By Great Britain— Little Birtrer. by Transvaal. drainer. H. Randolph. Owner, W. H. Fizer. Breeder J.*H Woo.ltord iSS I*1 " l3 11-161:4S fast. » 97 10 11 9* 9= L Lang 12 Dr. Whitel.Vt. .dp. on. R Crown . 66. Bowia 1 1-16 1 6-%Bood 5f 9812 10 1- 9-* W Miln-r 10 Due dcMortn . Whabbone Sowet ii |""n»0 1116 1..0 slop 39 101 6 9 10 10* F HstingslO SI -wall. P. ,..r,re. Kl.inepold , Viil.i 2if? 11 101 1 6 7* 9" F Hslingsll ■ !■■ . li.DZ.n.s Sc. Monarch ,5.V»5 r"1""* -V-iSS?- » »-16 lOHMow 8 107 7 6 21 3* L Fator 10 The Almoner. Cork Elm I 15120 Empire 1 1-4 2:09 fast 10 103 6 2 3*1 4 * F Brjson 10 Owaaco, SirGalahudll , K M.ella SLETVEBLOOM. b. f, 3 M 101 By The Curragh— Addie M.. by Star Shoot. Trainer. R McKeag. Owner, B. A. Lane. Breeder. J. Sanford. 75901 Jefferson 61 f 1 :12fc,hvy 20 9SJ 7 Lost rider A Hunt 9 R.Wright. Rer.Childs. DbleShot 7678S Jefferson 6 S 1 :0f. hvy 16 110 12 10 10« 10" A Hunt 12 BurntOrange. Barberry, RuthS 7S177 Empire Ab 3-4 1 :10%fast 60 92 14 14 14 14" R Vslan 14 I. .Reveille. BJtmt, Stel Maris 75121 Empire Ab 3-4 LlOftfast 60 95 7 6 4» 73i R Uslan 11 Seastake. Mat KWnntl. L.Thistle 74994 Empire 61 f 1 :08 mud 30 107 10 10 9 10» M Fator 1.1 RoyalMiss W. Charm Lit. Thistle 74S07 Jamaica 61 f ISMVfMt SO 102111 11 101 1011 A Accard 13 AKSrav.Iapa. S.Dimas, 151. Miss JOE GATTI, b. c. 3 M 98 By Flying Squirrel— Miss Lemar. by White. Trainer. A. K. Miller. Owner, A. K. Millar. Breeder. J. A. Hall. 7391* Ystown Ab 6-8 1:03 mud 18 M 6*J F Seremba i BonnieJack. Don. Shot. FortyTwo 73851 Yjstwn Ab 5-8 l:23H»low 29 114 «»i .1 MeOouRh 7 NthernStiir. FortyTwo. Damage 73927 Columbs 6 f 1:10 fast 26 109 6«i J Mrtiugh 7 Kidy Abbott. Zero. The Mule 72974 Columbs 6-8 1 :02 fast 39 111 8" T Wavt 11 Tiater. Lasses White. Zero 72843 Columbs 6-8 1:05 slow 27 107 10» M MounfnlO Virginia B.. Bigwig. Tister BLUE DALE. ch. g. 4 H3 Bv Ormesdale— Blue Racer, by Blues. Trainer. W. R. Padgett . Owner. Padgett ft Dougherty. Breeder. E. P. 0 Meara. 78561 Colmbus 6-8 1:04 fast 11 113 6* W Smith 9 Josie Gorman. Ink. Flip " 843l Hunfton 6-8 1 :02ifast 16 11C 10« W Smith 11 Red. Arthur Middleton. Bub 78232 Hunton 1 a-t f l3M%faat 10 115 6» W Smith 9 D.d .uiso.Kms"w.G. of t Seasll 75260 Hunt gt on 61 f 22-10 103 6*1 H Glick 8 Vulcanite. British Isles. OldUose 75239 Hunt gton 61 f l:10*shvy 14-5 103 7*1 H Glick 1? SweetCookie. U. Moments. Smite UTAH. blk. g, 5 113 By Ogden— Phantom, by Star Shoot. Trainer. J. Manley. Owner. J. Manley. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 78737 Colmbus 6| f 1 lltslow 14 105 C»l A Kroger 1- Attoo. Punctual. Mr. Beck 78265 Haarla 6J f 1 Lgoo.l 30f 110 3 101 104 ■ Ambrose 13 Bin-ado, Fifty -Fifty. Venizelos 75H13 Bowie 1 1-8 2:00«imud 15f 106112 13 14«» 14» .T Thomas IS S Monarch. T Forener, WessipB. 75644 Mlboro 1 1-16 1 :7.? islow 11 108 7 3 5« 6"! Nie hson 7 Kndy Zeus. Our Betsy. Mir.Man 75522 Marlbro Ab 7-S 1 Catslow 5 112 7 2 3» 4« E Smwod 7 Miss Filley, Pr. Welles. Tricks HAMBONE. blk. g. 4 M 113 By Sir John Johnson— Oenone. 07 Sain. Trainer, A. J. Plicque. Owner, Mouledons and Laframpel. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 78624 OaTafeH 5-8 1:07 hvy 21 113 4»i I Frgattiltl Daisy Carter. Barberry. WiseGuy 78489 Coln.bus 5-8 LOothvy 33 108 9" D Frog" ti 10 SprgValc. KnotGrass. I_Pointer »""908 InfTl— 6-8 l:02%fast 90 115 11 12 12 127 C Dishmonl2 Burleigh, Tat* k. ! ne Walton ef38!9 M. Heights 61 f 1:01 fast 43 102 5 7 81 9- 1". Roohrn 10 Miss Jane. Fu.-.ctte, High Tea 63751 M. Heights 6-8 1:01 fast 17f 106 9 9 9* 9" C Dishmn12 High Tea. Corto 63543 M. Heights 6-8 1:01 fast 23f 108 6 7 71 8M C Dishmo:il2 Ki-kLady. J.. Delante CARPATHIAN, ch. g. 4 M 113 By Olambala— Carpaneto, by John 0 Gaunx. Trainer, A. Matthews. Owner, J. D. Killen. B.eedcr. R. T. Wilson. 78791 Colmbus r.-S 1 : K.good 83 109 7° S Banks IOmMbTm, Kendall. BlaekMkey 78046 Havana 51 f 1 :• BMfetoW 16 107 8 8 8 and• J Kessncr K t Re-ginr, Sol.sKilts, Silvgrift 78014 Havana lm70y 1 :47»£fast 16 105 7 4 7 7" J 12 Jol.--.1n3 OConnl. Hush. JapMuraa 77939 Havana 5» f 1 :ll*i.mud 6 107 11 8 8» 9" J Dawsnn 11 Scun , Lustre. Cruces 77877 Havana lmOOy l:44«ifast 6 107 5 3 21 2 J Kessncr 7 Caesar, jsy Error. Fair Egeria HINKLE. ch. h. 5 M 113 By Ballot— Flying Colors, by Star Shoot. Trainer. D. E. Wishard. Owner. U. S. Wishard. Breeder. J. N. Markey. 78G24 Colmbus 6-8 1:07 hvy 4i 116 5S1 J SmwodlO Daisy-Carter, Barberry, WiseGny 67237 Jeff, rson 6 f 1 :0,good 15 115 4 6 6» 6»1 J Wallace U Zoona. Billy Connor, Reformer 62361 Lafaaaa 1 1-16 l:48»ifast 69 110 2 7 7 7" H Gray 7 Alam. Girl, Randel, Sportsman 62157 Churchill 11:40 fast 39 109 1 10 10» 10" H Gray 15 Or -Daddy, Fly. Prince, FrkBoyd 61978 hurehill 1 1-16 1 :43*4ia8t 88 99 9 12 12 12" G Breung 12 Black Thong. Faux Col, Corson 61789 hunhill 7-8 1 :26%fast 8f 105 7 10 10» 10" A FrieshonH Castlereagh. Be Good, Bojul TTM KANE, b. h, 10 113 By Foxy Kane — Mistie, by Dungarven. Breeder, W. H. Groff. First start. .tit, DA PC S 1-- InrlnngK. 4-year-oIda rind npnard. laiminjr. April 23, •Hill HAUL 1U211 1:05 1-5 7 104. HUMORIST, b. g, 5 108 By Prince Ahmed— The Lark, by Dick Welles. Trainor, W. Grant. Owner, W. Grant. Breeder. J. K. L. Ross. 78597 Colnibus 6-8 1 :02Vtf ast 19-10 110 l| C Taylor 12 LittlePointer. Clenlivet. WeeDr 78546 Colmbus 5-8 1:04 fast 17-10 105 4 C Hooper 10 Lustre. Carrie Moore. Bojul 77854 Havana 51 f l:07%fast 6-6 112 3 2 21 8J J Connors 12 SimknBoy. Lustre. Some Bks 77724 Havana 3-4 1 :12%fast 21 113 11 1 1» 3»1 J Connors 12 Ix ttiel.»raine. ld.vDelhi. Chow 77397 Havmaa 51 f lOT-TJfast 5 110 6 6 !•» 1i T Brothers I Riverside. A.Vernor. F. Weather 77354 Havana 51 f 1:08 good 12 107 8 8 10»tlllu H Callhanl2 CubaEncanto. Scissors, BeuBolt DALTON, ch. g, 6 112 By Lough Foyle — Woodland Nymph, by Allan a-Dale. Trainer. J. A. Bowers. Owner, J. R. Clark. Breeder. 1. A. 78764 Colmbus 61 f l:13 4hvy 17 112 41 A Loach I Crest wood Boy BearlBoots. Zoona ■:8549 Colnibus 61 f 1:11 fast 4f 113 12" W Organ 12 Cck otheltoo.-t. Fleer, BusyBob 77667 Tijuana lm70y 1 :46Vifast 10 103 7 • C« 6*1 E Carptcr 7 Mannikin II.. Whiff. Malvern 77573 Tijuana 3-4 1:13%fast 27-10 115 13 8 61 45i 1 Wullj 13 Little Hope. Bedazzle, Picnic 77491 Tijuana 61 f 1 :07%fast 5 114 8 8 71 741 J Wood 8 DickTerpin. Skoki, .nnaKe,ina 77383 Tijuana 3-4 l:13%fast 21-10 117 6 3 and 31 A Clavcr 8 Tubby A., First Call, MartBuucli MAD NELL, ch. m, 6 100 By Madman — Salvation Nell, by Salvation. Trainer. J. Kraus. Owner. J. Kraus. Breeder. K. N. Gilpin. 78738 Colmbus 3-4 l:16islow 11 104 8" O Atwell 9 Arrowhead. Jago. Zap.itos 78658 Colmbus 51 f l:0S%good 4 RW 7" O Atwell 8 1geStarr, Wchester, El.Jewll 78533 Colmbus 6-8 1 Slow SI 107 I1 O Atwell 9 WiltonFI.-inna. ChowChw. Needy 78057 Havana 3-4 1 Tgood 10 102 14 11 »» 841 J Dawson 14 Foul Wtlier. Dustmn, BlueBrush 77999 Havana 3-4 l:13*fcfast 12 107 12 12 lll 11" W Fronk 12 Jacobn. SunTurret, DangsRo k 77979 Havana 3-4 LHslow 5 103 6 3 6* 7»1 J McCabe 12 M.Everest, D tman, C.Kin rney WEE TODDLER, ch. f. 4 104 By Delhi — Grace Commoner, by The Commoner. Trainer. 0. L. Foster. Owner, 0. L. Foster. Breeders. J. D. Carr and Bro. 77996 HavaM 61 f l.OJ fast 2 102 7 6 2* 1* A Mcl/lin 12 Silvergrift, Hush. Irene Walton 76277 H ivana 3-4 1:13 fast 4 106 2 5 41 4» W Smith 10 LilacTiine. Ailsie Vernor. Needy 75259 Willing Ab 0 S 1 :04 hvy 1C-5 112 2" C I.a Belle C Miss Liberty. Needy, Ella C. 74649 Akron 61 f 1 22r.iast 4-5 K8 l1 F Strom ba 7 Punctual. Jacobean, Advance 74481 Akron 51 f 1 OSfast 8-5 107 31 W Taylor 8 Gloom. Biposta, Humpy 74305 Akron 61 f l:22-,fast 4 L 7 2* P Groos 7 Full oFun, Scissors, Josephine!. LITTLE POINTER, ch. m. 6 96 By Heno— Stiletto, by Star Shoot. Trailer. A. B. Jessop. Owner. B. Keller. Breeder. Belair Stud. 78711 Colnibus 5i f 1 :14*!;mud 61f 111 6" E Petzoldt 12 Title. Elizabeth Jewell, Get Em 78597 Colmbus 5-8 1 :02fast 41 103 21 H Farlandl2 Humorist. Gleulivet, Wee Dear 78489 Colnibus 5-8 l:06%hvy 81 106 3*1 W MartinlO SprgVale, Knot Grass, Topmost 77999 Havana 3 4 l:13%fast 20 104 8 I 61 6* W Dellow 12 Jacob n. SunTurret. DangsRock 77745 Havana 51 f l:07%fast 15 105 4 2 2» fa J Dawson 12 SimilkanBoy. Suzuki, Execution 77013 Havana 51 f l.lOmud .7 106 7 8 t 8" J Dawson 8 Glenn. Balljnew, Foxtail ETHEL H., ch. m, 8 96 By Judge Wright or Tony Bonero — Princess Pomona, by The Commoner. Trainer. H. Neal. Owner. H. Neal. Breeder. A. Brown. 7f546 Colmbus 5-8 1:04 fast 12 108 6»1 W Martin 10 Lustre. Carrie Moore, Bojul 77824 Havana 61 f 1 :07%fast 10 104 5 6 V 7*1 J Dawson 12 Jack Pot. Armedee, Zoona 76492 Havana 61 f l:08Vifast 3 110 1 1 ll 1" J Dawson 9 Amelias . Drapery. LadyUargan 76427 Havana 61 f 1 :05%fast 6 107 3 6 61 6" J Dawson 8 Gay Roy II.. P.T.Barnum, Foxtail 76350 Havana 61 f l:07?tfast 8 110 3 3 3l 2a A Overton 9 Whipfoorwill, Capers, Midday MAYROSE. b. m. 7 107 By Plaudit — Meadrose, by Meadowthorpe. E. McCuan. Owner. J. M. Bumpna. Breeders. J. L. and S. Holton. 78658 Colmbus 51 f l:0S%good JO 100 8" T Bonham S GgeStarr, Wchester, El.Jewll 78575 Coln.bus 51 f 1:09 fast 29 108 8Ti R Holway • Winchter. Billl.kll, WtnFna 73782 Omaha 3-4 l:18?imud 35 112 6 S T 7" L Mills 8 MoonWinks, RonRox. ThcDesert 736O0 Omaha 3-4 1:16 slow 7 107 7" G Sutton 7 DapperDan. Maysville, Horinga 7294 7 Celumbs 1 1-8 1:58 fast 9 106 9" F Horn 10 Cabin Creek. Puzzle. Ruckboard NIZAM, ch. r. 7 103 By Withers — Minyon. by Hanover. Trainer. D. B. Freeman. Owner. P. Fuller. Bred by estate ot J. F. Newman. 78818 Colmbus 51 f 1:12 slow 61f 108 31 J Byrne 12 Recoup. Glenlivet. EffieRandall 78596 Colmbus 5-S 13f 109 6*1 J Pyrne 12 OH Sinner, Babylonian, lack Iot 78521 Columbus 51 f 110%good 37 109 «• J Byrne 12 Zoona, Arrowhead, DgerousRk 76026 J.ffersrn 3-4 LlOgood 40 102 10 9 »« 8" J Byrne 12 Modesty. K gsclere. C.J Cgmile 75858 Jeffmsoa 51 f I llfasUf 30 112 5 7 7* 6" B Norton 8 Attoo. Corto. Knot Grass 68991 Til— ■ 5-4 1:15 fast 19 115 3 4 7| 8»1 C Halls 12 Conichon. Lobelia, Jerry BRIARCLIFF, ch. g. 5 103 By Frizzle— Briardale, by Ormondale. Trancr. E. Lutz. Owner. E. Lntii. Breeder. Oneck Stable. 78480 Hunfton 1 l:4716mud 120 99 9!1 J Dolin 9 Kklgton. T sentha. T.Chberln 78432 Hunt ton SI t l:0S fast 87f 100 , 7»1 L MontrylO ieo. Starr. P. T.Ilarnum, Bl. Ruler 78390 II— ft— 3 4 l:14»,fast 94 105 8»i A Yilnoie » Rapid Stride, llaran. Ballynew 78340 Huntton 3-4 1.14 fast 40 117 8" G "Voargin 8 .Mat. Idol. Flor. Deen. Hysteria 9MSS Columbs 51 f l:0SSfast 13 1«8 7« S Banks 10 Fox Glove, Scurry. Smart Guy 72975 Columbs 3-4 1:15 fast 16 108 7*3 S Banks 7 Car.Moore, RayAtkin. M.Hollins DIOCLETIAN .blk. g. 6 103 By Dick Finnell— High Degree, by His Highnesa Trainer. W. H. Snearley. Owner. F. H. Sevln. Breeder. J. D. Carr 8c Bros. 78791 Colml.UM 5-S l:0Cgood 60 104 5i C Hooper 8 Cacamho. Kendall. BlaekMkey 78683 Colrnbus 6-8 101 slop 60 103 5*1 C Hooper H Jago. P T Barnum, BillBlac kwtll 78519 Colu-nbus 6-8 1:04%good 36 107 12" C Hoo[ .-r 12 Fleer. Reluctant, Athlete 73772 Lexgton 3-4 1:15 good 127 10311 S S 8" B Harvey 8 Napoo. Fiucastle. Kirklcvington 69804 Map Hts 3-4 1:12Timua 14 108 6" T Bonham 7 Spods. Canteen Girl. Not Yet 69769 Map Hts 3-4 l:18Vihvy 17 103 6,J J BflM 7 Consort. SpngVale. Cold. Chance BUSY BOB. ch. g. 4 117 By Master Robert— Dispatch, by Blarr.ey or Sweeper. Trainer. G. W. Fritz. Owner. G. W. Frits. Breeder. C. B. Head. 78709 Colmbus 61 f 1 LSmud 43-10 109 ll B Holwyl2 Cloportc. Caeai. 1k . Miss Etta 98596 Colmbus 5-8 1 :!2~fast 13 109 12" C Taylor 12 Old Sinaer. Babylonian, Jack Pot 78549 Colmbus 6 fill fast 4f 113 3 J Majesti 12 C.otlieBoost, Flctr, SpringVale 78042 Havana 3-4 1:1S%sIow 4-5 112 7 2 l1 ln* J MajesticlO Allliomas. Patllainpson. Alazon 78010 Havana 51 f l:06«fcfa»t 10 104 8 6 21 2* W McCabe 8 Broth.John. Whirlwd, PctcrLee 7 7995 Havana 3-4 I1l,fll1 8-5 107 6 4 1"* 2ft J Majestic 11 Dukcof Welln, Humpy, Maluiot rii, n«nr 5 1-- Fiirlongw. 4-jear-olilN and iiparil. Claiming. April Z... Dm ttAUL u :i — i:or. i-r» — 7 — 104. ELIZABETH BEAN. ch. f. 4 115 By Merilian— Sweet Flower, by Pleasant Day. Trainer. C. Manley. Owner. C. Manley. Breeder. J. W. Bean. 78654 Col ii. bus f.-S 1 ■.•". good 116 109 1* A Kroger 13 Punctual. Copyright. Topmost 75479 Marlboro 5J f 1:13 mud 2 111 3 1 1 il ■ Hil. man I WMWottc. Ml ■■■——III. Bogart | 72770 f.ljTnbs 5-X 1 oThvy 18 104 7" L Armstg 10 1". oFun. A.lventress. P.eTi man I 7201.! Caloaawa 5 t 1 U.hvy 7 100 8;; J Byrne 8Vansyhia. Roy. Maid, R Weill.- i 72513 I ..luinbs 51 f 1:14 hvy 17 106 7" S Banks 7 o.i.b. CatkcBaaat, Ynsyhii ! 721C8 Maiktlta 51 f 1:0C fast 6 7 7 » 51 1*1 V l..r:in 12 A tlianna, fl4—aj lai. Sea Board J ■ JACOBEAN, b. g. 0 98 By Polycelian— Jacoba. by Jack Atkin. Trainer. J. A. Parson. Owner, J. A. Parson. Breeder. H. T. Oxr.ard ; I 7R737 Cot*aak— 61 t 1:11V-1oW 9* 1"1 ll» P Groos 19 Attoo. Puneti.l. Mr Peck 7X..2I Cohnakaa W 1 M ■■ "oj 9 107 6"1 P Groos 7 AiNie Vernor. Redwood. Bdeaen 77*199 Bavaaa M ldS%faat 10 no c 3 2* l» J CFBrt— 11 ■aafTainl, Daaaeraatork, Fluff 77940 Havaaa 3-4 1 IS mud 3 103 8 3 3: 9 ■ J ol.ri.n 12 In Doiibl. Kendall, Mad Nell 778:»k Havaaa l l M1.4V%Caat 6 106 2 l I" ::• J XBriea ll RacaaK; Dfaaary, Irta fJTiaal 77790 Havaaa 1 1-16 1 :47S„fast 8 105 6 1 114iJ OT.ncn 9 Sportiboy, Drapry. Sandy U. MATINEE IDOL, b. g, 9 112 By All Gold— Matinee, by Broomstick. Trainer. B. Creech. Owner. B. Creech. BreeHer. H. P. Wh.tney. 78792 Coin bus •-; i ii.t.-ood H KC. ink ll Pa.u-n 8 OMSaaaar, G.Dgkavtr, Zu.uland 78CHO CoFaiaa la ..■ I Mlatfnsi 7 ios 6"l w Smith S Scfcaara, Dacta eio. B.idii-.iee | 78601. Colmbus 3-4 1 6 5 117 7*1 W Martin 7 1lo,,ver. Pilndes lte.l Weed : 78551 Colnibus 3-4 1 .Kfast 41 111 2 W Martin 11 Dclhim ir. Ossaleen, In. leVelr | 78410 Hum ton 61 f 1 OCfast o M 3» W 7 Maude Harvey. Tkaa, The Ulster 78:uo Haautaa 3-4 l it fast 37 10 l it l»| w MattM ■ VLDaea, Hyatatta, Camflageli. ZOONA, b. f, 4 109 By Vulcain— Umatilla, by Clifford. rTrarer. R. For«l". fte*Mra J. T Eiswirth. Brerder. C. T. Grayson. 78761 Colmbus 61 f 1 l"ihvy 6 105 31 D Frogtte 8 Cre-1 a d Boy . PearlBoots. Daltn 7H. 62 I oimtiu.s 51 f 1 J» last 2 » 111 33| I Fr gattel2 Ceerge Starr. Attoo. Cli-nn 78521 Columbus l| f 1 JHaSaael 71f H; |« U Krogttel2 Arrowhead. Dangeroi sllk. Attoo 78027 Havana i| C l.llmu«l 21 10". 1 4 41 4* O Pernia 11 "woodloy. SimeeiiBoy. IeterJ 77955 Havana : l I IVii.h.I 6 ■ 3 2 3 7*1 J Dawson 10 Mess Kit, Jack Pot, Phenol 1 77821 Havaaa* U t LaVUfaat 1 M 1 2 I* H J Ca.llaiiai.12 Jack lot, Armcdie, Mad Mall KNOT GRASS, ch. g. 5 108 By Short Grass— Gentlewoman, by Sain. | Trainer. C. N. Freeman. Owner. C. N. Freeman. Breeder. Short Grass Stud. 78764 Colmbus 61fl:134hvy 8-5 104 6» H Far.and 8 Crest wood Boy Pearl Roots. Zoonat 78574 Colmbus 6-8 lOLSsfast 3-2 104 1« H Farlandl2 Califa. Dudle Bug. Bud Fisheaa 78489 Colmbus 5-S ]:i.r.v.hvy 4 108 2» H FarlandlO SpgVale, IJt. Pointer. Topmost 77255 FGrnds 3 4 1 Klfast 20 111 3 10 10 10»1 C Ponce 10 Poppye, Arrowhead. Fifty Fifty 77057 FGrnds 3-4 1:14 fast 13 111 6 9 81 105i C Ponce 11 Coral Reef. Guvnor. Day due 76810 F.Grmls 3-4 l:16!/fcmud 41 115 2 6 61 78J H FarlandlO Slip. Elm, Sea-Wolf. Cap.CosUaj CHARLIE SUMMY. b. g. 8 103 By Assagai— Bracktown Belle, by Canard. Trainer. U. S. Wishard. Owner. U. S. Wishard. Breeder. A. Brown. 78763 Colmbus 6* f 1 :13%hvy 14-6 111 4» A Beach 12 Pinaq-a, Swt Cookie. Chow "W 78656 Colnibus 61 f I Ijailfl 41-10 112 3» A Roach 12 Patllpson. Hysteria, CtnPoint 78596 Colmbus 5-8 1 «%f— t O 113 9» A Roach 12 Old Sinner. P.abylon: in. Jack Iot 78549 Colmbus 61 fill fast 19-5 113 7*J J Smwodl2 Cck otheRoo-d. Fleer. Busy Bob 78434 HanttM 51 f 1:07 fast 6 105 3* H Glick 6 Zorro. Full o Fun. Stone Age 78373 Huntton 3 4 l:14%fast 6 113 11 A Roach 9 Ringleader, Babyloaian, Cratiaa CAMOUFLAGE II., b. g, 7 107 By Cartoon— Misa Madge, by Oit Weils. Trainer, C. Emmert. Owner, Frozen North Stable. Breeder. J. A. Drake. 78738 Colmbus 3-4 1:16%slow 78 106 41 W Dellow 9 Arrowhead, Jago. lapaaM 78658 Colmbus 51 f l:0S%good 41 113 6« W Dellow 8 GgeStarr, Wch?8ter, El.Jewll 78388 Huntton 3-4 1:14%fast 43 110 Sl R ZucchinllO Pawnr. George Sr. EyeBright 78340 Huntton 3-4 1:14 fast 24 112 II Hay 8 Mat. Idol. FI6r. Deen. Hysteria 78271 Huntton 3-4 114%fast 43 116 9" J Conway 9 GreatLurdy, GayBoyli., I lllllaaf JACK POT, b. g, 5 104 By First Chip— Gracie Gould, by Register. Trainer. C. E. Davison. Owner. C. E. Davison. Breeder. S. Warinr. 78791 Colmbus 5-8 1 :06»igood 9-5 112 4»1 F Seremba 8 Cacambo. Kendall. BlackM key 78596 Colmbus 5-8 1 :02ar,fast 7 109 3« F Serembal2 Old Sinner. Babylonian. Zainer 78547 Colmbus 5-S lM%Caat 11 5 IN 21 F SerembalO P.T.Barnum. BabyTn. R.Wehla 78485 Colmbus ii f 1:13 Vhvy Z7-Mf 111 21 F Seremball LkyRun. Babylonn. Chest Cirl 77955 Haana 3-4 1.15%mud 4 112 2 1 1J 21 F SerembalO Mess Kit, Phenol, Hughie ENOS. ch. g, 9 10G By Seth— Lady Hildreth, by Golden Garter. Trainer. E. T. Miller. Owner, Mrs. A. Miller. Bleeder. B. A. Jones. 78845 See todays chart. 78654 Colmbus 5-8 1:03 good 41-10f 111 9il R Pauley 12 ElizabethBn. Punctual. Copyrt 78489 Colmbus 5-S l:055t,hvy If, 113 7»1 R Pauley 10 SprgVale, KnotGrass. L.Pointer 77972 Jefferson 3 4 l:17?r.miitl 12 120 5 5 13 13=« R Pauley 13 G. Starr, MtPleast. Dandy bnisu, 77841 Jefferson ,,J f 1 M goo«l 30 120 12 11 12 13" C OMahyll St. Maurice, DyUyan, JohnJosppa 75319 Wheeling 1 1 16 1:57 hvy M 111 41 R Pauley 11 Scissors. L.Chaneel I.. Magician 75264 Wh ling Ab 3-4 1:25 nvy 11-5 IM ll R Pauley 8 C. A. Byrne, Chow, Punctual FLEER, ch. g, 7 109 By Astronomer— Fleda B.. by Falsetto. Trainer. P. Heffernan. Gwnor. P. Heffernan. Breeder. K. P. Shipp. 78549 Colmbus 61 f 1:11 fast 12 103 2 D Randell 12 C.otheBo »st. BusyBob. S-Yale 78519 Columbus 5-S |:M%SOad 8 107 !■ D Randalll2 Reluctant. Athlete. Miss Em 78227 Bowie- 7-S l:.1fl mud 8f 107 11 I 6 6"J Q Rose 12 Anti |ly. II kbby Fun. B leyea 77452 F.Grr.ds 3-4 l:15hvy 20 103 3 6 101 H3 D Meigler 13 Colonel Winn, Mcintosh. Stamp 77044 FGrnds 3-4 l:13/sfast 26 101 8 2 21 4;i D Mergler 14 Kindred, Old Sinner. Fr. Wellea C4|i DAOrr *» -- FtirloncrH. :i-jcar-« ldl» ami upward. Claiming. Aiijj. -1, OUI iiHUu iDa:i — ltSl a-t — « — ioa. PONY EXPRESS, ch. c. 4 109 By Polymelian— Moonrise, by Sunstar. Trainer. J. A. Parson. Owner. D. Parson. Breeder. W. R. Cse. 78820 Colmbus 3-4 1 :17?tslow 31 111 6» C Frost 8 Jago. Full o Fun. Ralefnll 78713 Colmbus 3-4 1:20 mud M 103 5 P Groos I Jolly. Balefull. Crpat Northera 74908 Akron 51 f 1:10 fast 18-5 107 Left at post. Q Williams 7 Momentum. Punctual. Sandyll. 73340 Wheeling 1 1:47 slop i| 108 8" Q Willms 8 Futen. Horeb. Kendall 72944 Columbs 1 1-16 1:50 fast 6 103 Pulled up. F Horn 7 The Foreigner, Tex, Overstep GAY BOY II., ch. c, 4 114 By Jack the Sailor— Neosho Dale, by Ormondale. Trainer, W. R. Padgett. Owrer, Padgett and Dougherty. Breeder. C. W. Simpson. 78687 Col mbs lm70y 1:52 slop 61 109 35 W Smith 5 Jon Jou, Yoshimi. Vennie 78625 Colmbus 6ifl:26%hvy 31-10 110 CJW Smith I SunBrae, Gr.Nthn. Bnr.PImer 78344 Huntton 1 1:42 fast 8-5 110 lJ W Smith K Rhinegold. FlaxyMae. Blackllla 78271 Huntton 3-4 114%fast 10 122 2"k W Smith 9 Great Lady. LittleKd. VirginiaB. 77658 Havana lmaOy 1 :44%good 8-6 93 S 4 3,14]J Dawson 7 BritishLr. SquireWs, FlyingPa 7 74G2 Havana lm50y 1 :43%fast 3 98 4 3 3« 3-i J Majestic 6 Fincastle. Riverside. Hillman O. BANKER BROWN, br. g. 5 109 By Helmet— Vaila. by Fariman. Trainer, W. M. Martin. Owner, S. N. Holman. Breeder, E. R. Bradley. 7884 7 See todays chart. 78766 Colnibus 61 f 1:27 hvy 15 110 6« P Groos 7 Colossus, BillBIkwell, Devonita 786,0 ic.1 mbs lm.Oy l:4SUigood 7 106 6 » J MaJstic 0 Scissors. Inrli Yelo. Riddledea 78578 Colmbus 51 f l:08%rast 12 114 6»1 W Martin 9 Pepper Tea. Stamp. Avaaaa 78522 Columbus 3-4 l:17.good 18 i 106 5«J P Groos 6 Claymore, Lady Rose. Ardella 77517 FGrnds 3-4 1 :14%fast 5 106 3 1 Ill" J Kederis 13 Sis.Josella. Palmctt.. bap Hay 77234 FGrnds 3-4 1:14 fast 4 110 I 6 6" V D Mergler 13 S.Frdman, Col Winn, T Official RED WEED, b. g. 3 101 By Wrack— Fox Trot, by Star Shoot. Trainer. D. Womeldorff. Owner, T. H. Bernhardt. Breeder, J. E. Madden. 78846 See todays chart. 78601 Colmbus 2-4 1:1..*. fast 4 100 3» D McAufe 7 Hoover. Pilades. Over;tcp 78563 Colmbus 6-8 1:03 fast 8 107 »»1 D McAufelO IncleAbe, Bigwig. Judgellkma 78535 Colmbus 51 f I HlLaaa a 17 104 3 D McAufe 8 Trafalgar. Royaline. Melbonrna 77474 FGrnds 3-4 1:15%slow 16 9*J 11 11 11 11« Q Cooper 12 Jackson. MidnitFoIlies. 1 ■. l,rah 77344 F.Grnds 3 4 1:14%good 12 93 8 10 10 10 - L Lang 10 Ruby. Golden Billows. Lugs FIRST PULLET, b. m. 8 104 By Cock o" the Walk— Kerr, by Uneommoa. Trainer, J. T. Abrams. Owner. J. T. Abrams. Breeder. P.. T. WiKon. 78478 Huntton 51 f l:10V:.mul 10 111 4 J Pevic 12 Anticipate, Las. White, Gonial 75270 Huntgton 2 4 1:14 Vast 21 106 T- J Eaton 8 Daddy Wolf. End Man. Crudenaa 75147 Hunt gton 3-4 1:17 slow 61 106 3= R Clifford i Dancer. Mack Cainor. She Devil 74990 Huntington 5 f 1 :08 fast 8 104 I* R Clifford S Hopeful. YA Gauison. R.illynew 74877 Huntington 1 m 1 :40-fast 18-5 102 2» It Clifford « De Bonero. Dad Wolf. K.Carpte* REDWOOD, ch. f. 4 111 By Manager Waite— Ebony, by Sain. Trainer. P. Dolan. Owner. P. Dolan. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 78820 Colmbus 3-4 1 :17slow 9 101 Fell. D McAufe 8 Jago. Full o Fun. Balefull 78601 Colmbs Dn70y 1:48 fast 13 107 4» R Pauley 7 Tingling. Jou-lou, PirateM. Cea 78524 Columbus 3-4 I Mlfiil 19 109 21! II Farland 7 Ailsie Vernor. Scissors. SunBrae 77888 Jefferson 3-4 1 :16Vimud 20 113 16 14 14"11-W Crump 15 Medd.Mattie. Mcintosh. Isamaa 77386 F.Grnds 3-4 1 S-Ttfast 20 98 11 12 91K"« L 14 Carpenter. St .Ma uric -e. Doughnut 77082 F.Grnds 1 1:41 fast 6 100 1 6 61 5« I Parko 9 Attilia. Mart Ware. WaterGirl MR. BECK. ch. g, 4 107 By Thee. Cook— Bay of Pleasure, by Kingston. Trainer, F. Grace. Owner. A. 0. Duffy. Breeder. T. Piatt. 78795 Colrnbs lm70y 1:57 good CJ 107 6» H Paden 11 Drnmmond. Laiberk. Fgrnd Zeal 78737 Colnibus 6J I lllslow 13 101 31 H Paden 12 Attoo. Punctual. Mr. X 78576 Colmbus 51 f l:095ifast 81 99 5«1 D Randeli 12 Rpluctant. Stacy Adams. Punctl 78479 Huntton 61 f LlOfemud 23-10 115 lli J Ievic 7 AtieEm. MkGarner. It chl.uis* 78437 Huntton 1 l:42%fast 61 100 22 L Partton 7 Proceeds. P.ristow. Kit. Carpenter 78410 Hunt ton 61 f 1 :06%f ast 65 96 6T1 L Partton 7 Maude Harvey, Tkaa, Mat. Idol JACQUERIE, br. m. 5 107 By Prince Ahmed— Jacquelina. by Jack Point. Trainer. W. Grant. Owner, W. Grant. Breeder. H. G. Bed well. 78579 Colrnbs Lm70y l:48%fast 71 lll 6» W Taylor 7 1ucle Velo Lucky Bun. Ilorek 77982 Havana lm70y I44JHM 5 108 2 • 8* 6J H Callahn 9 Blazonry, Ayiproval. Ielix M. 77826 Haana 1 1-8 1:54 fast 8 106 • 4 61 7" H CallahnlO Haln, SuiK-rior. Sportiboy 77725 Havana ImTfly l:45%fasl 21 IOS 4 4 41 1J H Callahn 9 Bdlcdee. K. Carptcr. F.Boo-tef PALMETTO, b. g, 5 108 By The Manager— Star Jasmine. b7 Ogden. Trainer. C. S. Wilson. Owner. C. S. Lemieux. Bleeders. Williams Bros. 78684 Colmbus 61 f l:25slop 2S US Pulled up C Gross 0 Full o Fun. Stamp. Delhimar 78551 Colmbus 3-4 1 :164 sfast 15 109 51 C Grwoodll Didhiinar. MalCIcbl. Ossaleea 77709 FGrnds 3-4 l:14*ifast 10 111 7 8 8» Cl « Corey 12 Our Flag. John Jo-cph. Tlieseua 77517 F.Grnds 3-4 1 20 104 10 6 4 31 A Fraley 13 BkerBrn. Sis.Josella. Rap. Day 77276 F.Grnds 3-4 1 Afast 60 103 9 10 10 10 u A Fraley 11 Simplicity, MidntFolUes. Jou.lou OSSALEEN. rn. m. 9 M 110 By Lucky Charm— Eunice Price, by Plutus. Trainer. W. B, Hall. Owner, W. R. Hall. Breeder, J. Boynton. 78551 Colmbus 3-4 LlCTsfast 19 104 31 L Aron 11 Delhimar. Mafcldd, IncleVela | I i ! J ■ ; I | : | 1 "7*U n«nr 1 Mile and TO Yards. "-year-olds and upward. Claiming. A uar, I 111 nMUL si, uiaa — 1 :4.s — « — ii5. HERCULES, ch. g. 7 105 By Zeus— Black Silk, by Ornament. drainer. J. A. Parson. Owner. Miss D. Parson. Breeder. L. M. Cayce. 78822 Cofaek— 11-1C1:55 slow 14-5 102 21 H Paden 11 Tamper. Forewarn. Ardito 78741 Colmbus 1 1-1C 1 „slow 41 101 33 D McAufe 7 Ardella. Dustmin. Tan,|.er , j 78KS0 Colnibus 1 1-8 2:02 slop 39-10 10t; 33 P Groos 7 Torsida. Scraps. Little Ed i 78659 Colmbus 1 1-K. 1 ::.l-.gcc.d 13 107 Lost rider. F Hunt 9 Overstep. Nig. Ardella 77998 Havaaa I 1-8 l:M%Caat 10 105 11 11 lOl C;J J OBrien12 living Prince, linen. Necn.ih 77981 Havaaa lm70y l:47feslow 6 IOS 10 8 8s 51 J OBrien 10 Phenol, BlkWntchll., Superior GLENN, b. g. 8 110 By Magellan— Gastonia. by Flonzel II. Trainer, C. E. Davison. Owner, C. E. Davison. Bred in France by T. P. Thorns. 78600 Colinbus I l-M laM%faat 3 Hi 1J F Seremba 9 Tulsa. Tamper. G. org -Vashtoa 78562 Colnibus 5J f 1:09 fast 31 113 4«1 F Sfrmbal2 George Starr, Attoo. laaaa 78534 Colnibus 51 f 1 :IX%ata« 7 112 4* F Seremba 9 Pepper Tea. Roma. Jago 77994 Havaaa M lltflfcfaat 8-5 Hi 6 6 4* C- F Sei.mball Clem Theisc n, Caaaana, Punctual 77810 Havana 3 4 l:12%fast 2 107 I 1 l1 M* F Seremba I OKelly. AmeliaS. HARP OF THE NORTH, b. g. 6 110 By Baid of Hope— Mamie K., by Peen oDay. Trainer. C. C. Emmert. Owner, Frozen North Stable. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 78823 Col inl.s 1n:7"y 1 5islow 16 108 3» W DMlow 7 BarbaPalr. DarieTda, Horek 78714 Colmbs lmTOy l:.rSmud 16 110 4- W Dellow M Beceb. MockOrange. Drnmmond I 78627 Coltnl.s lm70 1:52 bvy 31-10 105 3° W Smith • In. Velo. B. Baker MockOrange , 78599 Colmbus 1 1-16 l:5271fast 10 105 || W Dellow 7 Lank. Sm: rt Gay, Sandv 11. 178457 Hunt ton 1 1-16 1 :54-mud 43 10 106 6" R ■acehaal K Mock Orange. Ardiio. Ilantareda 78391 Huntton 1 l:42/andfast J5 101 2t L Montry 10 BobBaker Little Ed Leenrack DUSTMAN, br. g, 3 110 By Sweep— Lenico, by Ducat. Trainer. W. A. McKinney. Owner, W. A. McKinaey. Breeder. E. Rucker. 78741 Coraak— 1 1-16 laHataar 32-10 HI 2l J Majestic 7 Ardella, Hercules. Tamper 78712 Colmbus 3-4 1 20- mud l.MO 112 21 J Hajaatlr 9 Royaline. Capt.K innev. Traf.ilr 78537 Coln;bs laiUjl I ITMallia 11 H 98 l1 J Majcseic 10 Ncg. l.ak.r. /.ap.itos 178057 Havaaa 3-4 1 .i:,*rgood 3 102 8 7 21 2n t BrathataM VaalWtkcr, lllai Hi *nk. flaaTil 177979 Havaaa 3-4 l:14«islow 21 99 12 12 8« 2*- F Woodk 12 Mab. IHvst. » a;.!. K .nlic y . Nepdy VIHGINIA B.. b. f. 3 89 By Friar Rock— Dcna Winifreda, by Dr. Leggo. Trainer. E. E. White. Owner. E. E. White. Breeder. J .H. Re seter. 78657 Colmbus 5-1, f ld.SWgood 2.7 100 V R Zuehini12 MissMgt. T faigar. Argumtal 78455 Hunt tea 1 1 f 1 62 100 8,u R Zucchini ! Drumd. Adveiitun-. liar Henry 178433 Huntton af f ltftfaat 19 99 3J It Zucchini ■ Pawnbroker. A tic.Millin. Oneida 78271 Huntton 3-4 1 lf.ii-t 16 9S 4J It ZVchini • .r.ail.ady. GayBayll., l.ittbEd 77776 TUaaaa 1 142 fast 23 101 4 I «! 7« It Zucchini 8 Whiff. Odd SctJi. !»alvcru CHIEF ARCHEE. b. g. 3 86 By Marathon— ElwaB. by Chuctanunda. Trailer. L. G. Bjdwell. Owner. Kenton Stable. Breeders. Pyne and West. 78712 CI ulcus ::-t 1 :;%mucl 27 108 7" F WMstk 9 Royaline, Du tmn. Capt.Kinpy 7856.". ..I tubus 5f 1:03 faet 17 Rr7 10"? D Randell in I neb-Abe. Bigwig. Jialg. Hkma 75648 Bowie 5J f 1 :ir.,.sl.,w 3C 112 5 4 12 12 ; J ChalmerslJ Bess ,crsliel. Fl.Brown. Steens 75097 Laurel 2 4 1 i.vVg 1 H 102 6 10 10 H** T Finn 10 idi.-Thgiit .. RaaaaaOirl, Mealaaa 7108O Laarel 3 4 1.15handood .I H«H 10 10 K"H ThonnslO Fehrah. Frederic kfn. Wrkhora LITTLE ANDY. b. g. 4 110 By Towton Field— Ocean Queen, by Cunard. Trainer. C. S. Wilson. Owner. Woodland Stock Farm Stable. Breeders. Hat-er and Cress. 78850 Baa todays el. art. 78595 Cormkaa 5i f t:H%faat 28 108 i» C Qr* vaael 11 Daaasasaacatack, HHk*aa, Hlusr 77933 .1 ft, raoa 2 4 1 IMny 30 118 7 12 131 13i: J I ". I.e,,v. Benigna. Jim Kernel 74522 Tb Cltffe S4 1:Mfast 13 107 4 7l 51 ■ M.Dottll Rl.ini-ston e. Coca Cola. AaaaaM 74471 Thcliffe 9-4 1 64f 101 6 7 7 81 J Woods 14 J.B.Brown. Athanna, Ch S|k iisoc 73238 I . vslnr: lm7 147 fast C-5 101 2 3 31 21 A Roack T Refoiner. Okaloosa. Liibby MY ERROR, b. g. 3 M 96 By Horron— Va-va. by Stalwart. Trainer. S. J. Henderson. Owner. 8. J. Henderson. Breeder. J. B. Gorham. 78793 CI uibus t] f 1 .:» ..giioil 21 102 5 O Atwell 7 Pearl Boots. Dunoon. Times lp 78741 Col 11. bus I l-M l:fl%alna 29 lOO ?J1I Paden 7 Ardella. Dustman. Hercules 78712 Colmbus ::-4 1 20~mu.l 37 105 9» I Frogte 9 Royaline, Dustmn. Capt .KinVy 78577 Col uibua 61 f 1.10 fast kl 107 i~ D Frgattc 9 Arjfumentl, SttbsDui, Balefull

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