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HARVEY AMES Earle Building Boadway at 52nd Street NEW YORK, N. Y. Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" Nose Dive, .00-, Won The above again proves the value of inside advice derived through the most authentic channels possible. Note this was NOSE DIVES first start this season. A 50 investment on each "Harvey Transaction" from April 14th, including Nose Dive, 9-2, WON, yesterday, shows a net profit of $ 1 2,000 after deduction of losses and cost of the information. Before Mr. A. departed for Chicago Saturday the following amo unt was authorized to further the success of "Harvey Transactions, " with the result that Saturdays "Harvey Transaction" WON. Mondays "Harvey Transaction" met with an accident, as the charts show, and finished third. Tuesdays "Harvey Transaction," FALSE FACE, 1.50-, WON, and yesterdays, NOSE DIVE, 9-2, WON. Several "Harvey Transactions" now in preparation awaiting favorable starting conditions. Subscription 00 must be telegraphed early to avoid oversubscription. All "Harvey Transactions" are limited to territory to prevent heavy return commissions to the track influencing the odds. Additional representatives are now on the ground at Churchill Downs, with instructions regardless of expense to procure the best from those considered reliable and who have proven to us that they are "in the know." The opening day, Saturday, at Louisville, should prove the value of the above instructions. This office has repeatedly requested new subscribers to "Harvey Transactions" to forward correct street address so the proper code may be mailed. This is necessary if service is expected, whether subscriber is a member of the United States Senate, a Doctor, a Lawyer or just John Smith. Positively no service to anyone in the interest of all concerned unless street address is telegraphed. Those not receiving service have only themselves to blame if they fail to comply with these simple requirements This office was informed late last evening that during the coming Chicago meeting a permanent office will also be maintained in that city. A direci wire will connect the Chicago and New York offices, another step forward in the march tov/ards progress and perfect service. TELEPHONES: Circle 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749. t %|f| THE 0.00 WEEKLY— .00 DAILY MfWV BKANI1 Kentucky n-ii v fflBEflEED 301 WEST 5STH ST. NEW YORK CITY "Tllff "Rll1*P*£lll Will ldlllCUY * ****• * *-*V*A WUU J SOLD A1L NEWSSTANDS "SPECIAL" SlITK 212 1350 Hroailway -—.—-a-,- wvrrvTrriM -»r-p everybody knows me „, yoRK CITY 1547 Broadway Suite 506 w- «*«• ruw i-told-you-so YESTERDAY I ADVISED: yon mnst Rpt ft w|nner for TOnr money. |l F W YORK PITY YESTERDAYS BIG 51 SPECIAL SUBTLE 0.20- WON mm**fT* ,n cverj n»«™*"-t Is a golden AUKTIE MI 1. 1. IN WON .50 OIP"rtun,,y- And Jack Field advised to "Plunge, Win Only." TUESDAY I ADVISED: SUBTLE 0.20- WON fc PAULAY W#„ AhHQ tmini/rA d»0 Ofi OO lA/HRI WON winning information like this for 0.00 a ■ ■ m ■■ -,-- - - MUSKEG • .20- n--ggr winn,r? Kentucky BILL KENNEDY will sprinp j-» *****»£ MONDAY I ADVISED: one ay at Pin,ico that «ho" the ThtVhow.Vu" haACK fIELd FALSE FACE . . . . 1 .30- WON pay CAN MAM Y0U WIN" following him day. i-i m tallll/MI I HOT limit. every ELM, WHICH LOST chacolet .50- won TODAY AKOTI1KIl mii WI„EB VICE-CHAIRMAN 6.00- WON I have been operate at Kentucky track, ex TODAYS HORSE Thi. 1. at PIMLICO and come, from a SOURCE clusively for a numbor of years and my worth has KITTY TROXELL $ 8.90-S2 WON . . . , that when they BET thfy mak* SURE they are comes from my personal horseman friend. "RIGHT." THIS ONLY COSTS YOU — worth ,«.„ been fniiw fully „™v*d provad id to tie Uo m: st most skeotical skeptical. BALLOT BRUSH 2.90- WON « » "TODAY." Last Week Five Straight Winners R0MP 3.80- WON KENNEDY SUBSCRIBERS GO ■*" 8 M PAni AY TODAY WVlirh wmcn averagt Average x tttci Better Than iu xu. Another "WINNING" PARLAY today, so be anj OT||KR winsers all at GOOi the EXTREME LIMIT TODAY «ur» y°u * * both and si -specials and 5 to 1 OIUIS. "PARLAY" both. WIN ONLY," today and yon . , . ... . . ... will set for on this "PAMLAY." You spend All „ horses wired are BM in advance with t6 for these 2 "Specials." but think HOW MUCH , T h WostM.n IInion Postal leKgrapn monf,v money western Lmon ar or fostai. 6ATURDAY. OH BOY. SATURDAY this publication, the Western Tnion Tele- YOU WILL "CLEAN UP TO JAY. My rrand opening horse at Louisville and believe graph Company, ete. City clients call. I. ~ " . T Notice— JACK FIELD rdd everywhere, also «. it will be a hummer and bTth ANOTHER BIG WINNER GOES mailed to you. * weekly. 115 for Special* 1 TODAY 0.00 Weekly— .00 Daily PAY AT LEAST 10 TO FIELD PUB co Bo sure an we that this horse will win _ _ _ _ - 39 w- Adams 8t- Chicago, I1L m »in t»;i •on Trr««lri-™ and pa* ■ bte price that we guarantee it to _ Terms: 0 Daily— 0 Weekly W1M ,r th, I1 xl two w,nnkks rui:r: HT$ 149391493914939 1493914939 JN» m* Mtimm *mmm DO IT NOW! WiM r.n fir „l1,vS hlirso or THiiiTv t£5 PRFDFTFRMINFD CP nnnini m TStfiifie, Urn? IMILLAKS for SIX WINNERS. Vi» » iui»/uiiauuinui/ «■ DETROIT— Dunns, Michigan and Shelby Sts. DONT MISS SATURDAY w TflDF PROFITQ W 8t- Louis— 711 Market St.: 610 Washington Ave. We handle information at KENTUCKY I Ui* I 1VU1I1J _ Omaha — Meyers Stand. Kth and Farcum. Telegraph ord r to in re Quick principally, but we rele;tse a horse in Mary- • The Mill U I.i: SYSTEM Is nationally V* Cincinnati— Fountain Square. 5th and Walnut. action. land when we are .sure that everything tl •% KBonn ■■ "*■*" °r player — hard for ALSO ALL OTHER PRINCIPAL CITIES q j lsycr." lias stood tl o ACID TEST for tn many years. Wr rould not spend many «% - lhous»nd" of dollars per annum ad»er- IT IT WONT WON l BE b.. LONG i. .no NUW NOW m tn tislnc «atrr as rough syrup— and con- *» -e«swo»s»s«BBBep — ■ n t ■ ■ aaa— s— hm Mutuei prices are bctt?r. altjcuph we rant com- irir MpOARTY •» tlnu* ln u"in• ,• s°ld on Installment _ Pav Frnm Ynilf Pfnfif plain about results thi» uinur. beuu mi o.r tine JUL- IvlliOrifl I I payments paid from your profits. Abso- * "*»T * I «-»Il* M. UU1 ITU1119 a Book which contains valuabla .formation for the SARATOGA SPRINGS NEW YORK *? lutt,ty »KEE. lOOpsie rarin» manual. m the MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing race player, also -MMtaU ofit, »**#*** / evle. suorn te.t.mon.l. etc. tho nc„ wiu b8 mailed you for 0n. wik. used at all UacUr fcr pait t.;re2 yei.r,. Ey-tem ex- Cat« today and make your Uookir «b«y. w trial No charza unless it shows an v it.m l° WON M°NI AV " "OBE- *» "•*«■ " SSm **tS*m» IfTmSffSSk P,Uh,,U h0a, hrttom0nniaLh0vo rnvetmenu ?n Public Relation. Manager « ~ tth!,wwA ♦ 7™ P y bought joy to my friends. «. 8. B. ARTIIIR of play. For particulars mail Uu. *T, with ■*mdoo« °r attc*- /VStk Box 1U K. J.. To« ton, Md. 5L your name and address to EuIrANTEe" SYrSTEM-yS »«* r«OFOMTIO« SAT, KDAV. kfr3 • 7777 G* * K. WILLIS ** $ $ $ $ $ 149391493914939 m Wire 117 WEST FRANKLIN ST., BALTIMORE, MD. name. % andT "JMuimeachla