Kempton Park, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-31


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| 1 r I a 3 ", J 1 ; • I • 1 , , i ! 1 I , M :| | i| I I ■ : JJ 1 •: 1 1 1 1 : , ■ 1 , I I I J , j _ ■ I r , j j I I. ; i 3 , * .. ei 1 . ■ .! 1 1 I 1 I I n r 1 , e . I j I l 1 n j , I " • r | I A I k j I I! :i m e y y " d it ■ it ;e Ip a I i KEMPT0N PARK 2 MONTREAL. Qve.. Friday. May 30. 1924.— Kempton Park tknc siMlittfl mile!. Kourth day Manitoba Jockej Club. Spring meeting of 7 days. _ Weather clear. j Bit a title, W. AY. I.vles. a. faham and K. C. J St. Pere. Judges. ]]. . Hury and V. Calatr. Starter. E. Y ilson. Baflat Secretary. K. Y. Pury. j " Racing t-tarts at 2:45 p. in. Chi. -ago time. 1:451. 7QRtl toj±u FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. July 29 1921— 107— o—llO. Purse 50. 3-year-clds and upward. Claiming. Foaled in Can- I I I ada. Net value to winner 60; second. 0; third. J 5; fourth. 5. J E i. Odds Bad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 7:M66-Chan.lelier MB • * B McAlan.y 140-100 | 79466 Gaatata Ml 2 B McCaaa HB-MB| 79466 1 Fail and W.-rlos ::- V Hinpliy SM-M4 79513 Jerry lintar, Ml 4 H Qibaaa 13M M4 j 79573Jack Shrine 110 b« C OMcliney BaM-MI ; 79513 Jamima Ml •- 9 liullman 12M-MI Time. lO. Track fast. aurtneta paid Chandelier, . so straight. .85 • place. -ii.:: show; Gaalata, .S3.". J place. $:;... aaaw; Fair ami Warmer. lt.eS anew. Bhjalrthal kaaktag odds rtaaaVMer, 140 la km straight. tX% to 10O place. 15 to IBB show: C aetata, 75 to 1K» place. r_. t.» 100 abet : Fair and Warm. r. :_n to IBB shew, Winner I.. S. Shaefers 1 . h. 8. l.y Chanter Miss Wetter, by Plaaadea itraimii by U s. Bhaefer; , t|bred ay Mr. W. II. reikiaaa Went to |M.-t at 3:43. At peat 1 miniite. Start Caa4 and slow. Won driving: aeeand and third the : sa mi-Scratched 7946C" Ahairanee, ids. ; Heraretchts CaaadeUer, 2 paeaaSa; Gaalata, 2: -lack Shrine. 2: .laiiiiiiia. 1. ! 7Qfi1fi ic/U-lu SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. July , 29 192i_i:r7_5_iio. Purse 50. 3-yer.r-olds and upward. Claiming. Net vaue to . winner 60: second. 0; third. 5: fourth, 5. Eq. Odds ted. Horse. YYt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 79570" Dip. .sta 110 :- W Hinphy 3M Ml 3SMMM iMiililay 113 2* B McAlaney 4tf-M4 , 7946«::C nwitlii-i IM I" K T Moore 4M-M4 , 79514-Cliar. Suii.iiin 113 l« H Hanks 1K-3M Bchaer U3 :. H Chappetl HS-BM 79569 Motlie Darnes MS* 4 H Qehaaa H8S-MI Time. l:10-5. Track fast. miiluels paid Ki|H»sta. *!».70 strai-jht. .70 place. I3.7B show: Mklaay, $;.oo plate, S7.:;.;. abaw; Convv itliiui. $: .8 show. 17|iiivaleTit oiking odds Ki|K.sta. :.85 to 100 . .straight. HJO to MB place. S5 to MB show: Midday. 200 to 100 place, 267-.. to 100 show; Coiiwithim, !K to MB show. Winner P. Hinphys a. in. IB; by hu.tanunda Canastota. bj Royal Emblem trained l.y P. Ilinphy; red by Mr. John Sanfordl. Went to |« st at 3:W9. At jtot 1 minute. Start aatd and slow. YYon easily; second and third driv-ing. 7Qfi17 ttfVJ.1 THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. July 29. 1921—1:07— 5— 110. Pirse 50. 3- year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 63: second. 0; third. 5: fourth. 5. j En,. Odds feaft. Horse. Wt Fin. Jockey. Straight. 7:»5r»9:!sea Hoard ir. Is B McAfatne ir.-io. 79573 Bteiaiaa us :.• R Carraa 4M-MI 79572 Jack Keeves IF. :; • W Organ tStt-Mt 794«l Dartaaray Ml i: B McCaaa 1SS4-BM 1 3SBSB jPatay B. IM 5- .1 Cedar 434-14* 7 4132 Bochaaabeaa 113 • H Oibaoa MB-MI Time. I*1S%. Track fast. mutiiels paid Sea Hoard. .30 straight. 15 alar*, I3LBB show: Bataaaaa, $::.*.ej place. S4.:io show; lark Reeves. 1 70 show. Eiiuivaitnt baahaac ad4h Sea Baaed, 113 to 10 straight. 57*sj to 100 place. 50 to 100 show: ltier-nian. Bfi to IBB place. 115 to 100 show : Ja. k Reeves. I 985 to 100 show. Winner .1. Curri s l . c, 5. l.y Deutchland -j Polisteua. l.y Polvmelus train. d by A. Tempest: bred by Nevada Stock Farmi. Went to peat at 3:3.:. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Wet »s,.I up: second and third driving. ! Overweights Rierman, 5 pounds: Dartaway, 5. :, , 7Qfi1ft IC7UJ.O FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. ,Sept. 1. 1916— 1:4=4.— — 104. Purse 50. 4-year-old*, and upwar.l. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second. 0: third. 5: fourth. 5. Bhj. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 79512 Boxnrootl IM 1 W Hinphy 1B Ml I . 79512 iDallot.a- 112 2! K T Moore 22S-M4 1 794G5 EI Coronet IM ::" If Olbaar. 113P-M 179512 Flat tare.;. tM 4 B MrAlane] BK-Mt ; | 79512-Little Bd IM Hanks 2M-Mt Time. I4h*«. Track fast. mutiiels paid BacWaai, .10 srraiglit. BB.SS Iplarr; Dallotcar. .10 place: no show mutiiels sold. Equivalent l.ookiii". odds Itoxwoil. 1-V. to MB I alatmbrht, 75 to 100 place; Dallotcar. 70 to IBB place. Wkaner P. Hinphys .. c, 5. by Rail.; Barart-ing. by Dassetlaw trained by P. Hinpliy; bred by Mr C H. Ren yma 11 1. Went to post at 3:57. At post 2 minutes. Start s;i«rtl ami slow. Wini easily; second and third driving. 7Qfi1 Q FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. Aug. 30. 1916— iuv±u |:4JP/t T HP. Purse 50. 3-year- j elds and upward. Claiming. Net value to dinner , j 60: second. 550: third. 5; fourth. 5. Bhj, Odds Ltd. Horse. YYt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 79462 ■Venal J»y ]»:» 1* B T Mix. re B*H-M* 79514 tServi. e Flat- 115 3*1 11 Cliippill IM Ml 79462 H.ohl.-n Led IF. ! ■* 11 Qibaaa 33S-MI r|?Mlt*The Oaehder 112 4 B Banka 274-1M 79514 Braaa Band 132 l*.ap.C Jaehaoa 11 -IM Time. l:473i. Track fast. niutucls paid enal .1 y. 3.15 straight. -..". place: Service Flag. .95 place; no saow mutuels sold. Bprivaleal K.okins ..1.1 Peaal Joy. BS7%i to , 100 slr.iis-l.t. 127j to IBB place; Service Flag. 47-.. la KMl place. Winner J. R. Rock, rs a, g. 7. by Lavetle Miss Rose, by Riissel or Mtafeed itra led b] .1 . Boeker; bred by Mrs. 1,. a. Livings!- 11 1. Went to post at 1*25. At |Kst 1 minute. Start Baal and slow. Won easily: second and third 1 driving. Scratched 79274 Dnrd.inella. 1n7. 7Qf 90 ICTU4V- SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Sept. 1. 1916 i _i:i3i.i_3_io7. rurse 50. 3-,. year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to 1 winner 60; second. 0: third. 5; fourth. 5. 1*1 . Odds t Did. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 1 3B4MB Tmg-a-Linc 11s ln H Qibaaa 4t7|-MI I- 79575J: Hinklo 119 2- S Hanks MS Ml 1 79462 Sagamore MS - W Hinpliy US-MI 79574 Harvey smarr 114 4: B BhCanii MBVMt 7B441 Achaaaaea 1P» 5* it Carraa I71V-MI 795C9 Carl Roberts 111 I B M Mat ■ 1295-10 Tims. 1:17. Track fast, $•_ mutiiels paM -a King. BBB.B3 straight. B3.SB peace, . 80 show: ilinkle, .70 place, .::5 . -how: Sagamore. .40 Ih.h . Bkpjrralenl baafttac odds Tins a ling. 417, la • KHI straight. !»5 to 100 place, 41 to MB slew : Ilinkle 3.". to ]" plaia, 17. to 100 show: Saga 111. .re. 20 to Im show. Winner -J. Farley s eh r. 11. ly Star Shoot lady Yincent. by St. lllaiae I trained l.y J. Farley; ; bred by Mr. John E. Madden 1. Weat to lH st at 4:48. At post 1 minute. Start t oimI and slow. Won driving: second and third the same 1 I Overweight Ting a-ling, 5 petunia. 2 _ j J j " I I I J J | j ; • 7Qfi91 SEVENTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Sept. 1. I-7U4J. 1916— 1:13V5— 3— 107. Pur--e 60. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second, 0; third, 5; fourth. 5. Bhj. Odd- Did. Dorse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 7933l"Ma.k Carner 116 lJ E T Moore BM-MI 7932«-Salt FeUr llf, 2b C Jack, an 33E-M4 79510 Hi.niam 116 . i H Qibaaei 8t;:,-loi 79164 Raaaflald 114 4 B MeCana 726-1*0 79463 Carrara 114 .. s Banka Band-MQ 79570 Mike 116 Refd.YY Hkephy BM-MI Time. 1:18*5. Track fast. mutiiels paid Mack Carner. In straight. .73 pla.e. .05 show: Salt Peter, BJS.SS peace, .1.1 show: 1 1 111. 40 show. Equivalent booking irfds -Mack earner. 3H5 to MB straight. 87- to MB place. to 1 m show; salt Peter, so to 100 place, BS fee MB -how ; lloman.. 78 to 100 show Winner Mrs. II W. Darnes b. r, S, by Betfe Flarney. by Creiuan trained by J. 11.11: bred by Mr. F. A. Dreit. Went to post at 5:12. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; se. and and Ikild driving.

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Local Identifier: drf1924053101_13_3
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