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DAILY RACING FORM r VOLUME XXX. IUIBEX 147 Klitpml n* second -lft « matter, April 2, 1896, at the po*t -office at Chicago, Illinois, under Act of March 3, 187ft. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. Ml PLYMOUTH COUXT CHICAGO, ILL. 157- 16t EAST 38nd ST.. NEW TOXX CITY. N. T. 50 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TOROHTO, OUT. S80 EAST THIRD STREET, CIHCUWATI, OHIO j W. J. McMnrrty, Publisher «nd Geneml Manager. I Daily Dnring Winter Months. Daily Kxcepf MoBdny Balance of Ihe Year. A Daily Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph J subscription ny first-class mail: May to November, inclnstve $ 4.00 per month , December to April, inclusive... $ 5.00 per month i PAYABLE in advance. HACK MJIBERS BY MAIL. 15 CENTS EACH. TELEPHONE 20S7 HARRISON. For business and circulation pnrpwes only. This telephone has no connection with the news I or departments and cannot be used to i commnnicate with them. To he considered and answered, all queries to Haily lt.-irii,:; Form must be sent over the ful; j name and with the address of writer. The names , »ind addresses arc subject to a local and foreign i directory test. : 764G0 is first index of 1924 I r :