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THORNCLIFFE PARK TORONTO ONT.. FRIDAY. MAY 30. 1924. Thorncliffe Park. One Mile I Fifth day. Thorn cliff.- Park Hreeders and Kacing Asso.iation. Spring Meeting of 7 days. Weather clear. Stewards. J. A. Murphy. .1. F. Monck and W. A. Hewitt. Judges. P. Miles. M. N. Macfailan and C. T. Miller. Starier. Marshall tassidy. Kacing Secretary. M. N. Macfarlan. Raring starts at 2:2.P p. m. ithicago time. 1:30 p. m.l W indicates whip, S spur, P, blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, tiack reecrd, age of horse and veight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. rTQrQi FIRST RACE— 4 12 Furlongs. May 29. 1923— 53%— 2— 117. Purse ,000. 2-yeav-4 tJti/"X olds. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 80; third. 0; fourth. 0. Index Hoiscs AWtPPSt | % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiy Odds Strt R-*.1* POI.I.V MAX W 112 1 1 4- 21 taj XValiace Mrs F Farrar MM/-M3 7H024 COI.l.Kl: 1! w 112 4 3 I* :. 14 .1 McTasjt Gallia Stable SK-M3 7H72H MARIS DATTNK 112 I 4 :;: 1- M A Gantner Mrs H Dattner 200-10 79433*SlNi:iP,N w lo7 :. fi f. E| 4i D Kandell O B Pons 550-10T 7S4-*4 MASTKK P.I.CH w 11". 2 2 7 «- V J Clilmers ,T 1 Adkins MS-MI •NIOHT OFF W li 7 I % 7i fi- .1 McTag"-- J C Fletcher KTUM4 RRNORION w 10S S 7 fil S 7« N Fo.len .1 B Smallnian 40511-100 78."»C7 MARGARBTTA E. at in t; 7. M» 41 I 1 Stirling M Grant 720-10 Time. 24-.. 49%, 57. Track fast. niiiluels paM Polly May. *s.47. straight. HX4B place. BUS slvw: Collier II., 2.30 place, .00 Marie Dattner. .7.0 show. i:quivaleul booking odds Polly May. :!22._. t . UMi straiglit. 17rf» to 100 place. 77-. to 100 show; Collier It.. 1017. to 100 place. MM to 1M show: Marie Itattner. 77. to 100 show. Winner Br. r. by Polrcnui May Day. by Ieoni.i trained by M. Fester: bred by Mr. B. Prather. W -lit to post at 2:30. At post 1 minute. Stall good and slow. Won driving: sec lid and third t lie • same POi.I.V AiAY began fasl. but was outrun until after entering the homestretch, where she I I squeezed ihrough in the inside and gamely cul finish, d COLUMB H. The latter set the early pace and eaine again in lie- stretch drive. MAKIE DATTNER was rushed up into the lead on the stretch turn. but tired badly in the last eighth. SINF.OKN. away slowly, closed a gap and tinislied fastest of them all. S.iatche.l 7S770 lather. 112. TQkCfcK SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. June 5. 1922— 1 :ll*s— 4— 107. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds 4 tOvO and upward. Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second. 80: thrd. 0; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt U ij " Str Fin Joekcys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 7»3l33TKAPNi;T w :i 109 :. 3 1 l«l 1- I* J McTag"t Kenton StHl.l.- 280-100 ;»X7.I».V1AY LLOTD VIM 4 7 E* 7," A- 2" R Punshn .T Koo-:; EM Ml DOT. MAYES an " Ml 0 4 1*3 21 2 ;« J XVliim- J 10 Madden 80-100 79431 COUNTY TIMES m 3 MS 16 2- :!■ 4*1 VI C Frosi P. I.uca ; 2480-lfr. 79100 AI.TKN vv 4 112 8 1 M 4 51 5- A Gan.ner H Etojrla 4220-101 t9fiU BTNG BOT w 3 H« II 8 ?•■ 8i 6 6i D Itan.lell T Hogarth. IMM-IM 794K» JACK V I.ANTX w I 108 2 7 7; 7 7- 7; N PTaif J B Sm.llrnan 4070-100 79143 I.I CKY JttHN w 7 107 7 * 10 la 10 8J A Abel XXBrownleo 380f,-100 794H2 TKi.l.TAEK W S 1M 7 10 *■ • 9= !i J McT:.,T J Kennedy EMS-M3 7iO«2 xvvch ELM w 4 MI ■- 2 t" «- 8- M A VUmare J Rldtia f.i45-loo Time. 234i. 48V5, 1:14S- Track fast. mntuels pahl Trapnet. K7.4M straighl. .17. place. .20 show: May I.!oyd. .2.". place. .40 Ma**; Bob Mayes. .27. show. Eqiiiv.-iletn booking odds-Trapnet . 2NO to 1N» atraJgfct, •" 7,J to 1K place. 10 to 100 show: Mav I.h-yd. ll-j lo UM plate. 20 to 100 show: Bob XIayes. 12_ to 100 shrw. Winner Ch. c. by Trap Ro.-k Wrackinet. by Wrack itraiiietl by II. G, Bedwell: ltretl by Mr. XV. B Wa I kins I. Went lo post at 3:10. At post 4 minuti s Start go id and slow. XX. .n easily: second and third driving ! it LTNET dispiayed high early sp. i .1 and raced IOINTV TI.XIKS into defeat, then ipew away and won easing up. XIAY UjOTD aran outrun tlie first half mile, hut tinished fast next to the inner rail .Mid g"t up in the last stride to oiittinish BOB XIAXKS. The latter moved up fast on the last turn, bat tired in the final drive. COlNTY TIXIFS ran well a half. ALIEN showed some early sp»-ed. Scratched 794S2 Kidnap. 1113: 7! 317 P-liteniendale. Ins; 70220 Pali. MM; 79430 Tipsy Dance 107 •144 Be-sie Felix 117.. . Overweights Trapnel. 1 p.iind: Bub Mayes. 1: Bytig Boy. 2. -QgrQf* THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mils. June 5. 1922—1:11—4—107. Purse ,000. 3-year-oldi i»?«J« 0 and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; saoond. 81; third. 0; fourth 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt K V-t % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 72«77*VI. 1.A BURTON w :; K E 3 I* I" 1 l"i- H Church Kenton Stable MS-MI 7»39.r FITZRUS afl i Ml I 1 Jl " VI 2- J Bfolteea J B Stani-y tttt-MI 7»IKi "*s:.oVIKN am 3 M 4 fi ,; »; 4- 3*1 J Stevens R Orr M9-3M 3*4411 PICNIC WB..IC. :; .". P 4- :;■ 4 .1 Clilmers A Brent 37O-10M 7!»i70 ROTAL lAK w t ins 2 4 5- B* 5 V A Abel J Arthur Ml IM 79 483 N I I.AC w :: 97 1 2 . 21 fi 6 It Punshn J Koors 8M 100 Time. 2345. 48*5. I:M%. Track fast. ¥2 iiiutiiels paid -Xiola Burton. Bv.M sraigi.t. ptade, .47. show; Fitzrue. 1.7.0 place. . 37. slow: Siiowlen. ¥2.7.7. show. Equivalent kaakfM " is Viola Burton. 37.7. to KM straight. 217. to KM place. 72.. to 100 sh.-w: Fitzrue. 477. to 100 place. 67. to 1M» show; Snowden. 27.... to KM show. Wiener B f. by .Marathon Ja.qitelina. by Jack Point trained bv II Q. Bedwell- bred by Xlessrs Payne and XVest I . Went to post at 3:44. At prat 4 minutes. Start good and sN.w. Won driving: second and third the s;1ine. VIOBA BlKTON raced NIXT.AG int.. early retirement, then drew into a clear lead, but tired iu the last eighth and had to do her best to win IfTVBOB, always closest to the pacemakers, came fast on the inside, but . ouhl not quite gel up. SNOWDKN came from far back in the last eighth to earn the show. PK Ml tired. lillYAl, OAK made up some ground. NIXT-XC, away fast, quit after entering the homestretch. ryQpTQry FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. June 3. 1922—1:43—3—110. Purse ,000. 3-4 t/Utf 4 year olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second. 80- third 0: fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt i % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 79437G. NKTTA w 7 IM 1 2 3 4 4 T- IJ .1 Chlniers Mrs C C Smiths, .n IM EM 7K951 KTIINI. CI.AVN wb4 PK". .! :t I* 1- I" 11 2« H Church Kenton«Stablo MM-fM 3*433 *Rr.NNINOWIL.D w3 M 4 4 P|P 2« :Ji 3 I. Bang X C Host wick ME-MI ! 79397MOHN FINN am S IM I 1 4 , V 4 4 J Wallace B Trotter lfio-lM I Time. 23. •»%. 112%. 139%. l:44s4. Track fast. miituei., |.;iid I.unetia. SH.:*i straiglit. .S7; Kth.q lavtoii. MLMJ place; no sliow niiiluels •Old | Kquivalent aaaktag odds I.unetia. 227, to KM straiieht. 92-. lo KM place; Klhel Clayton. 240 to 1 uo ■ ».«. Winner It. in. lit l,uke XJeBuke Agti.-s Virginia, by Sir Dixon i rallied by Q. C. Br. lit, .n. bred by Mum K-eue A S.-horr I VV-iH t.. aaat .it At |K»st 1 minut.-. Slan « kh! and slow. Won driving: lliaj au.l thi.-i tka BMBf. I.I nKCIA was »:ivh| t.,r lb« first three ., »n.|. ...niing on th ,.iii» through the stretch; in I hard drive outgamed ETHEL- CLAYTON to win drawing clear. Tie- latter t ush. d info the lead and. setting a fast pace, finished gamely but tiring. IIFN N I NO WILD was in closest pursuit to the stretch and outgamed JOHN FINN in the final drive. The latter is a very incon-istcnt hoise. fTQRTQQ FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. June 5. 1922— 1: 11 %— 4— 107. Hamobred Handicap. Purse • CFtfCJO ,500. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Foaled in Canada. Net value to winner ,000; second, 00; thrd. 50; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt IMM AZRABIj w S 109 4 7. 7 7 :•: 11 .1 XI. Tag! T Murp.iv I1.V.-1". 3*4S4*SPKBDT GIRL wr. 4 109 :: 1 3*1 2*1 2*1 3* A Gantner Kenton Mabl- *!..!• ; 79137 PBRSI8TBNCB un 4 116 1 7 fi fink 4 l "" .1 Clilmers M LeRoy ..;0-|i VMSSCAUBOOM vn 1 Ml 2 4 Jr* t* 11 4 J Wallace C-.lar Crest Caini BtableSMJ-tM 78S08 IT. KKT PBINCS w 3M1 7 3 7.1 51 51 5= R Punshn Kenton Sta.l. t 79»3.-i-PCIT P.AI.I, wn 7, 104 7. 2 .. 41 7 fi- L Bang T W Krost 770-1 in 79137 AT1..TIIA w :; 97 fi Il 3*1 4*1 3 J M. Tag • J C Fh-t. her !.7 -l- ■ iril.d as K -lit. ti BtaMe entry. . Time. 24. 482,. 1:155- Track fast. S2 niuitiels paid Azrael. 7.10 straight. .47. place. .17» show; Ketitou Stable entry. S3.10 pla. ••. .0 show: Persistence. .l0 show. F iuivalent booking odds Azrael. 117.7, to Km straight. 272... to 100 place. 107-.. to 100 show: K.nton Stable entiy. 7,7. to KM place, 30 to 10O show: Persistence. 183 to 100 show. XVinner B. h. by Inferno- At Once, by Simontaiilt trained by T. Mttrpliy; bred by XIr. J. E. S.-.igiam I. XXent to post at 4:7.0. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won cleverly; second and third driving. AZKAEB. a slow lieginner, was brought aroi.n.l on tl itside when turning into the home stretch, making a fast finish and wen. drawing ■•:. ar. SIFEDY BIKE began fast and. mctag tABEDON into defeat, male a res-lute linish and outstayed PFBSISTBNt K. The latter slipped through on Ihe in side when entering the stretch and tinish.-d fast. CABEDON set fast earlv pace and came again in the stretch li ive. FBF.IiT PISINt ESS had no mishaps. ATI,ANTIDA quit badly. Scratch.-.! — 3MM4 Jewel of Art, !I7.. Overweights A/.rael. 7. pounds; Speedy Girl 1; Persistence. 1. I TQQQ rlXTH RACE— 5 M Furlongs. Sept. 22. 1920— 1 *•%— 2— 112. Purse 030. 4-year-d J/«3*yJy oldi and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 8 J: third. 3; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Vi "x. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 7725:; GAI.ANTAIAN w 5 110 11 4 21 I« V Pv Punshn Xlr ; A K Al-xandra MJi Ml 3SW4 STAR COCRT W 7 112 8 E 2h :. 21 21 .1 fhIWOI ■ C C Br.nton T-i" -1 • » 3M13*A8SOMPTION wa 8 112 I S ..- C" M :: N Fo.b-n .1 Borris MM-MI 7!43«*TKICKS wb 5 107 7. 1 Ij l» V V B Ban:.- J Arthur UB-M9 79 IS I KATH. RANKIN w S 113 i 8 s- 81 71 5 I Stirlin-r XI Grant UM Ml 3*134 BBOSSM HOUSE ••■ 7. 1.2 2 10 111 9 «■ fink ; Hunmr HeaaeRitM A Miller isiu-iii 7:3!4 SI-BBIAN w S 112 11 . B» 10i •* 71 C Frost M TtroCter i-is ;-l n 79!8liFBViNC BBAUTT ar i MS 14 14 7 7 101 81 A Vilmore W Hanni t 79740 I-BOBCK DKKN w 5 110 0 7 fil fil V !- J XlcTagt J XX Kiait t 79394 MARIR MANIXI wb 7 110 12 2 C14 V 10U P Madeira XV Fenwh k 41D-1 » 794S0*FBKA v fi 100 17, 11 17, 11 11 11 F Stevens XV Walker i 7»394*PANniNK w 1 10j 10 :: :c lii liiU" D Ban.iell C. Cornfield f 7S058-VinKBTNn wb 4 112 :; 1". 13 W 14 B*« A Gantner J XX P.ingle 427.-100 7S920 ATHBKTK w 4 112 4 12 13* M* IS 14 .1 XValiace R Hiymaker 172.-! n 79I34*CABHAX1PTGN wb 7j 102 7 1:: 14 15 l.l Fell.W Banks W Crawl,. r«l t. tMutuel field. Time. M% *85. 1:08;. Trar.k fast. S2 mntuels paid Calant man. .30 straight. .. 40 place. .30 show; Star Court. .00 place. M show: Assumption. .20 show. Bquivalent Ixxiking dds - Galantman. 317. to 100 straight. 170 la KM place. 117. to 101 show: Star .u:t. 2M ti KM place. 120 to 100 show: Assumption. MM to KM show. XVinne: P.. h. by Supeimau -Galaata, ly William the Third trained by A. K. Alexandra; hte.l by XIr. Heniy I". Oxnard. XVent to post at 7.-20. At post 3 minutes. Start god and si.w. XXott driving: send and third the s.iiiic. CABANTMAN, close up from the stirt. took the lead when rounding the stretch turn and outgamed STAR COIRT in the tinal drive. The Jatter raced prominently and made a game finish. ASSUMPTION finished fast and gamely. KATHKIHNE RANKIN made up ground. CABH AMP TO lost his rider : evenly yards fiom the finish. Scratched 79 ISl sine, 107.; 3*484 Bcgart. 112. Overweights -Star Curt. 2 pounds; Katherine Rankin. 3. 7Q£JTlA SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. May 31. 1922— 1:15— 5— S7. Purse ,000. 3-year-OOI/vr olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winnjr 00; second, 81; third, 0. fouith, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners L.,i:v. Odds Btkt 79485 MAYOR CARRKL w 4 10« 5 2 21 2- 2 -1 2 | p* .1 Wallic- C H Trotter 2C21-100 79480*IKBBAHX1 sn6 Oi fi ?, 1*1 1*1 1 1 3* H Cbu:« h Kenton Stable 445-MI 77713 LINKS w 4 110 2 1 «■ 7. 4- :;- :;• C Studer G R Allen 7::i-10» 3MM*BUDDUOIB vv 4 00 7 7 3* 6 fil 5 4-11, Bang J Arthur 1 ,20-100 73139,*SCRAPS v K-2 :, 8 8 8 .8 fi 5 i; Hunmr S Hes.seltine 1177.-100 7937.8 LKASIDK w 3 102 1 4 4- 4*1 M 4- M R Punshn Kirkfield Stablo 77,»-P 0 7927«*BBACK SHASTA wb :l 00 8 C, TV 7- 7 71 7" J Stevens V XValke,- 4«JO-100 794S1 THK GAFF w 4 104 4 7, M 1* :."*■ S 8 J Clilmers J J Fatrell Jr 115-10 Time. 24H. 49%, 1:14%. 1:4125. 1:48%. Track fast. mntuels paid Xfayor Carrel, .27. straight. .7.0 place. ..N.. show; Delia hm. 50 place. .7.0 sliow: Links. .27 sho.v. Equivalent hooking odds-Mayor Carrel. 2 2._. ta 100 straight. 127. to KM place, 92.. to 100 show: Dellahm. 1X0 to 10 place. 127. to 100 show-; Links. MB** to 100 sh w. Winner — P.. c. by All G Id Rumpus, by Hamhuig tiained by C. II. Trotter; bred by XIr. Harry Payne XXhimey . XXent to po-t at BOB At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. XXon driving: .-econd and third the s.tne. XIAYOR PABBBli was saved close up until on the turn int.. the homestret.h. then came fast and. catching DBLLAHXI at the twenty yard; post, outgamed him at the finish. DEBAHXI set tin-pace and finished resolutely, but his rider was not of much use to him at the end. LINKS dosed a big gap in the final quarter. SCBAPS also made up much ground. LEASIDE and THE CAFF rated carl other info exhaustion. Overweight— The Gaff. 1 round.