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- ! , e : , I • I • | • » ! j • j I t j J I ! , J ;- I j I J i , I 7 j • j j - I I - . I I I • j ■ r j KENTUCKY JOCKEYS The following jockeys and apprentices have been licensed by the Kentucky State Racing commission for 1924 : Jockeys Barrett, Newton L.vke. Lawrence Blind, Eric Martin, Edward Brothers. Thomas M- ri-iinee, F. Burke. Henry J. Meriiniee, John Carroll, George W. Mnrphy, F. Cogan, Iat Mooney, .1. D. ostello, R. Murray, Thomas Corcoran, John McCoy, James N. Frouk, W. R. McDerniott. Ixiwrence ITrickson, hermit OVMS. Khn H. Garrett, Manitou Paul, Fred Garner. M. Parke, Ivan i ruber, James Pevic, John Ota/, Harry H. Pernia, Arthur Harvey, B. Pickens, Arthur Harrington, R. Pool, W. Heupel. J- Pool. Earl Hoffman. Kobert Sinallwood. K. Barton Huff. Nicholas Smith, Frederic ML Howard. Jack Studer, C. Kaiser. Herman Stutts, II. Kennedy. B. Tayl.M-. W. W. I ■■III. William Willis. Otis F. Lilly, Walter S. Wil-ou. A. Ix ng, H. Yerrat, August Apprentices Barker. Ted Kiniry. Francis P. BlLdan, Bobby Kurtsinger, Charles Brothers, I-ouis Mctube. W. S. Clifford, Richard Moatgoniery. IxVl Corcoran, Edward llergler, Donald Katin. J Noel, G. Fisher, R. Ol.rien. E. J. Gninnemau, C. Iichon, Leslie Griffin, Stanton Vilmore, A. Jones, Danny Yelton, Raymond