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HARVEY AMES EARLE BlILDING BROADWAY AT 52D STREET, NEW YORK CITY Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" PRINCE OF UMBRIA 11 TO 5 WON PRINCE OF UMBRIA was the only horse advised yesterday and the shorter price was due to seven horses being withdrawn although the result would have been the same had they all started. A glance at the chart is sufficient. Attention is directed to the fact that PRINCE OF UMBRIA had not WON in eight previous starts and was never advised by us until yesterday, proving the value once more of the new connections. Within the last seven racing days, seven horses, all "Harvey Transactions" were advised, with the following results: PRINCE OF UMBRIA - 11-5 WON LADY BELLE - - 5-1 WON LORD GRANITE - 7-1 WON FREDERICKTOWN - 5-1 WON, DISQUALIFIED BONTAUD - - 4-1 WON MASTER HAND - - - 8-1 WON BILLY WARREN - - 10-1 WON Positively no other horses than the above were advised; above are results of the best of connections and an expenditure of close to 3,000. TODAY We expect TODAYS "HARVEY TRANSACTION" to win as easily as LADY BELLE Saturday, and PRINCE OF UMBRIA yesterday, and the result should never be in doubt from the drop of the flag, and good odds are again expected. Mr. Ames instructions to produce winners regardless of expense have been carried out to the letter. Subscription, 00, must be received before one oclock, New York time, for each "Harvey Transaction," to assure service. For the convenience of followers of "Harvey Transactions" who are in Europe during June, July and August, an agency is established at London, Paris and Berlin. Messrs. Redmond, Dana and Carlton are stationeed in the cities above mentioned, at the hotels Cecil, Chatham and Bristol, respectively. The result of every "Harvey Transaction" is cabled immediately, it is official and the victory of PRINCE OF UMBRIA was received in the three cities mentioned yesterday at 4:55 p. m., New York time, and acknowledged at the New York office at 6:05 Monday afternoon! TELEPHONES— CIRCLE 2591. 2592. 2593 and 5749