7th Race [7th Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1924-06-03

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7fL DA PET 1 1-1G Miles. 3-year-old* and npward. Claiming. Oct. 7, fill ilAUU lDlO 1:43 2-5 3 122. KING TTJT, hr. c, 3 103 By Jusquau Bout — Ida May, by Charade. Trainer, J. C. Gallaher. Owner, Gallaher Bros.. Breeders, Gallaher Bros. 79263 Churchill 1 l:38%good 4 106 6 6 3l 1» B Harvey 7 PtDispateh, MistsMy, Quivero 79134 Churchill 1 l:41%mud 71 108 3 2 ll l4 B Harvey 8 Pret.Politicn, Ngara, Bchlder 78973 Churchill 1 l:38%good 17 1031 4 6 6* 4» B Harvey 6 Dobson, BallotBrush. Frankman 78800 Lexgton 3-4 l:13%fast 6-5 102 7 8 61 4*3 B Harvey 12 NewBeauty, OddSeth. Mex.Tea 71030 Latonia 5-8 l:00%fast 12 115 9 6 6» 7«1 B Harvey 12 Enegy, W. Counsellor, CauonSbot 70910 Latonia 5-8 1 :04%mud 57-10 115 4 6 61 7"3 J Howard 12 Hunter, Cannon Shot, Modest 70815 Latonia 6-8 l:05%mud 33-10 115 4 7 61 7» J Howard 12 Spellbinder, Col.Gilmore, Tight MAKE UP, b. z, 7 112 By Disguise — Fairy Story, by Voter. Trainer, L. Tauber. Owner, J. P. Marner. Btceder, J. W. Corrigas. 79633 Churchill 7-8 l:23%fast 20 115 6 7 7 6*1 E P»ol 7 AliceB.Gown, Actuary, RyMfn 75785 Jefferson lm70y 1 :4S%hvy 7-10 112 4 4 4 3* J D Mney 4 H.KembW, TenderSeth, JnFinn 75494 Churchill 1 l:37%fast 7 106 1 8 21 1»* J Pevic 9 lleremon, Belzoni, Al.BlueGown 75394 Churchill 1 1 :38%sIow 4 107 2 4 31 1" J Pevic 6 Donges, Jim. Daw. Precious Lula 75189 Latonia lm70y 1:49 mud 13-10 114 3 2 2» 21 J Pevic 5 Hol.lMe, Poppye. Kinburr. 74856 Latonia lni70y 1:45 slow 21-10 110 1 1 !• * |J Burke S HoldMe, R. Mountain. Sea Court 74691 Latonia 1 1-16 l:44«*fast 5 104 6 3 2l 3" J Wallace 8 DreaiuMaker, LadyAstor, Wida 74513 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45%fast 51 117 3 3 2 2» M Garner 10 Pre. Lula. RkyMountain, Ftoche 74415 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45%fast 4-5 114 1 1 ll 1» I Parke 7 Pius Ultra, Attorney, Neddaui BOCKY MOUNTAIN, ch. g. 5 113 By Malamont — Mountain Mist, hy Magnetizer. Trainer, J. S. Everman. Owner, C. A Bedencope. Breeder, W. O. Parmer. 79633 Churchill 7-8 l:23%fast 29 109 4 2 3* 3*i I Parke 7 AliceB.Gown, Actuary. Mnraker 79304 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47%fast 18-6 111 2 2 1" 1" W Fronk 8 BkfnstBell, S.Vcente, Wh.Star 79087 Churchill 7-8 l:25%fast 19-10 113 3 6 » 4*1 E Pool 8 Iarader, PnceTiiTii. Sympathy 79039 Churchill 3-4 l:12%good 12 115 7 4 V 21 W Fronk 9 BkfastBell, Sympathy, Clarence 75457 Churchill 1 1-16 l:46%fast 17 107 1 3 3« 2» W Lancet 6 Donges, Lady Champ, Wida 75279 Latonia 1 1-16 1:46 fast 21 112 1 1 3* 3*1 B Harvey 6 Blue Stone, Wida, Taylor Hay PABADEB, ch. g, 6 118 By Whisk Brcom II. — Pageant, by Delhi. Trainer, L. Cahn. Owner, T. J. Pendergast. Breeder, H. P. Whitney. 79384 Churchill 1 1-16 1 :45%fast 3 106 6 3 31 3« H Stutts 7 Startle. Rinkey, Best Tal 79087 Churchill 7-8 l:25%fast 18-5 117 J 6 61 11 H Lunsfd 8 Pr.TiiTii. Sympathy R.Mntain 79040 Churchill 7-8 l:25%good 33 112 3 5 41 6*1 H LunsCdll Startle, Dazzler. Brilliant Cast 72954 Saratoga 3-4 l:ll%fast 30 120 9 9 91 810 D ConnllylO LastStraw. Bigheart, ByGuard 79916 Churchill 1 1-16 l:4f.*4fast 11 107 6 5 6» 7*1 D Connlly 7 Startle. BlckServant, L-Madcap 69663 Lexgton 1 1-4 2:04M.fasi 33-10 1081 1 4 2» 2» D ConnUv 4 Best Pal, LadyMadcap, Chacolet TBITJMPH, ch. c, 4 109 By Theo. Cook — March, by Samson. Trainer. M. Goldblatt. Owner. M. Goldblatt. Breeder, J. H. Morris. 79530 Churchill 7-8 l:2SVfehvy 4| 112 5 6 5* 5» I Parke 7 Llewellyn, Ten Sixty, Modna 79218 Churchill 1 1:43 hvy 23-10 113 4 3 3» 3» I Parke 4 BlueXose, Ang.Maid, Newmkt 79039 Churchill 3-4 l:12%good 15 115 9 9 8 8" W Lilley 9 BkfastHell. R.Mntain, Spathy 77475 F.Grnds 3-4 LUslow 11-10 116 5 5 5 5»1 I Parke 5 Calcutta, Jas.F.OHara, Ducky 76945 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:47V»good 20 104 5 8 71 V C Allen 8 BarVuda. RoseatelL, L-Madcap 76736 F.Grnds 1 l:42%slow 9-5 108 5 1 lf| 1»* I Parke 7 Sedgefield, Barracuda. Solisa 76527 F.Grnds lm70y l:46%slow 1 107 4 1 l1 1« I Parke 5 SettingSun, FlyingDevil, Troma 76462 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13%fast 11-5 101 3 3 31 2 I Parke 5 Sec.Thoughts, JoiinFinn, OuiOui 75220 latonia 3-4 1:16 hvy 41 105 5 3 2» 1» E Blind 5 Certain, Glyn, Sympathy 74895 Latonia 1 l:38%fast 7 102 2 4 3l 2* I Parka 6 L.Madcap, J.Bowdre, Barracuda 74732 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45%fast 11-5 93 1 4 3 3» I Parke 5 LyClinnip, Barracuda, Bet.Luck 74560 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45«4fast 7 103 4 2 21 21! A Wilson 6 Post Haste, Belzoni. Wida 74459 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45%faat 11 103 8 6 61 5»i B Harvey 8 Gstofllonor. L.Madcap, Belzoni TTNTBIED, ch. f, 4 107 By Great Britain— Odd Nymph, by Oddfellow. Trainer, D. Shaw. Owner, A. P. Foley. Breeder. M. Moore. 79426 Churchill 1 1-16 1 :50%mud 7-5 112 1 1 1*111 J Corcorn 6 Dobson, Stump Jr., Oo La La 79262 Churchill 3-4 1:13 good 61 112 9 10 91 8«J H Stutts 11 Glyn, Flting On, Auntie May 79130 Churchill 7-8 1:27 mud 9 106 6 * 6* 61J H Stutts 6 Dazzler. John Finn, Blotter 79039 Churchill 3-4 l:12%good 14 110 8 8 7» 5»i H Stutts 9 BkfastBell. R.Mntain. Spathy 75251 Latonia 11-16 1:49 slow 23-10 103 5 3 1» 11 E Blind 6 BlueStone, TendeiSeth. PrinceK. 75188 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :49%mud 7-5 101 3 1 Ill1 I Parke 6 Tony Beau. Ton Sixty, QnHigh 75090 Latonia 3-4 l:lo%hvy 23 104 11 8 6 25 F Hstingsl2 Marsdale, Glyn, Rustem 74770 Latonia lmTOy l:44Vtfast 61 106 8 4 2 1 1 J H Burkell Mistress Mary, Hoy, BlueStone FANTOCHE, ch. g, 6 109 By Fitz Herbert— Fresnay, by Meddler. Trainer, I. Acey. Owner. W. Perkins. Bred in France by C. H. Mackay. 78236 Huntton lm 1 :43%fast 31 109 «» R Harton I J. Morrill, Gra*s Maid Calcutta 77579 F.Grnds 1 1-8 l:55%mud 10 114 7 6 51 4" G Cooper 8 Llewellyn, Wrangler, Hnonec 77195 F.Grnds 1 1-8 1:54 good 15 100 5 5 6 67 G W Croll 5 Dustabout, Wapiti, Brunell 77152 F.Grnds lm70y l:44%fast 15 104 7 6 6 5" G W Croll 9 Swoepv, Oui Oni, Llewellyn 75457 Churchill 1 I-16 l:46%fast 6 115 6 6 6" 571 E Pool 6 Donges, RyMountain, L.Champ 75005 Latonia 1 1-8 l:53%fast 61 111 6 4 41 1» E Pool 6 Tip. Sahib, Capt.Mack, Sea Court 74936 Latonia 2 1-4 3:57 fast 4 105 2 3 4 41 E Pool 4 Chacolet, ClierryTree, TipToelnn 74896 Latonia lm7Cy 1:44 fast 8 108 5 5 ll 1"* E Pool 5 LadyAstor, PrinceK., PostHaste NEW GOLD, b. c, 3 103 By Oliver Goldsmith— Noowa. by Meddler. Trainer, K. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Breeder. Himyar Stud. 79470 Churchill 1 l:39%hvy 64 100 6 5 6* 4" G Ellis 6 Dustabout, Welcome. Privilege 79304 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47%fast 39 103 7 8 7* 71J B Kenndy 8 RkyMtn, BkftBell, S.Vcente 78974 Chun-hill 3-4 l:12%good 33 104 7 7 7 7" B Kenndy 7 Buster. JohnFinn. RoysKeveMe 75516 Churchill 1 l:3S%fast 1 107 8 8 8 S"J Wallace 8 Graeme. Giblon, Lord Martin 75475 Churchill 1 l:38?tfast 31 116 6 6 51 52 E Scobie 6 BlkGold, K.GorinlL, B.sMary 75031 Latonia 1 l:42%mud 13 118 4 3 6« 5« E Scobie 8 Altawood, Fretwell, Dobson « ;

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924060301/drf1924060301_6_2
Local Identifier: drf1924060301_6_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800