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OmA DAPC R *-3 Farlonars. 3-ye«r-old« and upward. Maidens. Allow-C.IIU nrtl/U ancea. May 31, 1924 1 :05 4-5 O HO. MENAGE, b. f, 3 M 105 By The Manager— Hiss Thorpe, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer. E. Rogers. Owner. E. Rogers. Breeder. A. B. Lowe. 79811 Omaha 3-4 1:18 hvy 5J 104 2" * H Garner 8 Tubby A., Bronston, Fin. Rooster 79692 Omaha 3-4 l:15%fast 49 105 2* J Dawson 10 Collision. Debtor, lis Seth 75512 Churchill 3-4 1:14 fast lOf 112 3 15 15 15" G Walls IS Mill Boy. Nogales. I.evoy 73993 1 1 ■*!— 61 f l:07%fast 18f 113 1 12 12 12" B Harvey 12 Mali Jong, Nell McChord Erne 73683 I/xgton 31 f 1:08 fast 42f 113 1 4 II* WT Murray 12 Beaut. Agnes, Pleasing. Medina 69766 Lexgtvn 41 f CSKhvy 82 111 8 8 8 8*« D Connlly 8 Digit. SaraliElisabetli. Welcome EXPRESSIVE, ch. g. 3 M 110 By Manager Waite— Belle of Ashlaxd, by Ornament Trainer. W. G. Harvey. Owner, W. G. Harvey. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 80005 See todays chart. 78465 Tijuana 5 8 l:00%faat . 91 102 3 4 9 9*i L Crecry 9 A lister. Stone Bell. Wiki Jack 78395 Tijuana 5-S 1:02 fast 3-2 108 3 3 41 4*1. A Collins 11 I.uck.v Dollar, Vibrator. Debtor 78349 Tijuana 3 4 1:14 fast 15 102 2 1 1=1 2» A FrancolO Rrainton, Kva ..ckley, Bardalid 78278 Tijuana 5-S 1 :04 *hvy 5 112 2 4 3* 4«| J Glass 9 Ijiiiim Setli. Seha. Tayoltita 78208 Tijuana t I I iHjw»l 14-5 100 6 3 4* 3« D Jonoa 9 Cadmus, Kilkare, Betty Alden 78085 Tijuana 51 f LOSfast 57f 107 5 8 9h 8«i F Horn 10 Contribution, Bardalid, Seba 78071 Tijuana 44 f 54 fcfast 125f 104 10 10 10 9" F Horn 10 Motor Cop. Bill McCloy, CVdric VIBRATOR, br. g. S M 110 By Eliminator — Sorority, by Mortlake. Trainer. H. E. Calwell. Owner, H. E. Calwell. Breeder. A. B. Spreckels. 79809 Omaha 51 t 1:09 hvy 43 105 10 *E Fator 11 RIu. Van. MoonWinks. S. Cloudy 78395 Tijuana 5-S 1:02 fast 30 107 7 6 6 2» E Fator 11 Lucky Dollar. Debr, Expressive 78349 Tijuana 3 4 1:14 fast 71 105 4 5 71 7«i E Fator 10 Brum ton. Expressive, Eva Acky 78208 Tijuana 5 8 1 :04%hvy 12 109 1 6 61 6* E Fator 9 Cadmus. Ivilkarc. Expressive 78154 Tijuana 1 l:16-Vivy 73 103 14 6 6" T Wilson 7 MaryConfy. Mizanna, Krekznas 78085 Tijuana 51 f 1 :0S%fast 65 104 2 $ 71 10J W BogskiH Contribution, Bardalid, Seba 78032 Tijuana 5-8 LOShvy 15f 106 3 4 4" .! E Fator 12 Serena. I.ucky Dollar. Cadmus 778C0 Tijuana 51 f l:07%fast 5f 103 7 8 S* 8" W Bogskill Barn Dolr, Bjomt. Conbtn GRANDEST, b. g, 4 M 115 By Granite— Destine, by Trap Rock. Trainer, H. E. Brown. Owner, Mrs. H. E. Brown. Breeder, J. H. Louchhoim. 80011 Seo todays chart. 79863 Omaha 51 f l:07**fast ISf 115 10° J Meehan 12 F.Gloriosus. Cnonball. Fnandos 79769 Omaha 51 f l:07**fast 44 112 10 « J Meehan 11 F.sClioicc. C Hsburg, RogonJr. 77915 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :55*%hvy 20 105 7 7 8 8" D Jones 10 Kt.lesuir, T.Chanibcrln. Trooper 77806 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :49andfast 15 109 14 13 13 13* D Jones 15 Attorney, Trooper, Rep 77582 F Grnds lmTOy l:4Shvy 20 109 8 4 3b 4* D Jones 9 El Astro. C.ladys V.. irontwiek 77517 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14%fast 30 99 4 11 10 10= D Jones 13 BkerBrn. Sis.Josella Palmetto PURE DEE, b. c, 4 M 116 By Martinet— Lady Sebree, by To Puedo. Trainer, P. J. Williams. Owner. Williams Bros. Breeder. -C. W. Sebree. 788£7 L«xgton 3-4 1:11 fast S 112 3 3 31 3° E Smw I ! Theo, The Runt, Florence W. 78670 Lexgton 3-4 LISimud il 115 3 2 41 514 E Sm-vd 8 Cupid. Attractive, March On FAIR TRIAL, b. c. 3 M 110 By Trial by Jury— Mint dOr, by Mint. Trainer, J. A. Dennis. Owner, J. A. Dennis. Breeder, J. A. Dennis. 80005 See todays chart. SAN STEFANO. br. g. 5 M 115 By Delhi— High Degree, by His Highness. Trainer, E. Braden. Owner, E. Braden. Breeders. J. D. Carr and Bro. 79814 Omaha Iff IttaaTT 51 112 S:S T Jarvis 10 Ary.inna. Basel Dale, Clip 74158 Omaha 0-8 1:04 mud 17 111 5 7 9l 9J C Gross 11 I.ent. Capt. Torn. Maty Mallon 73875 Omaha 5-8 1 :05femud 17 11110 11 11» If ■» H Zander 1? T. Ellison, Stylish Miss. Voliina 7t736 Aurora 3-4 l:16slow 8 103 2 4 4* 4« A Roarh 9 BddieJr., Joe Camplx-ll. Casey 72634 Aurora Ab 5-8 l:02hy 10 1051 4 3 2 25 A Roach 0 Eucy J., Miss Rutli I,.. Hamet 72534 Aurora Ab 5-8 59sfast H 116 4 3 41 45 W Bouski 7 Paula, Tatting, Clad Wai burton KEY HINDOO II., ch. g. 5 M 115 By Key Hindoo — Princess Alice, by Lazzeroae. Trainer, R. E. Spicer. Owner, H. Kuhnke. Breeder, G. A. Black. 80006 See todays chart. 79909 Omaha 51 f 1 lOmud lOf 115 ll1* R Dority 11 MiRsEm.G., Ask Jessie. BlueVan 71139 Omaha 6-S 1 :01%f ast 55 115 9 10 11 "11- V Wilson 12 M Denunzio. E.Bwater. Salvron COTTON TAIL, ch. f, 3 M 105 By Johnny Boy — Rubywick. by Hawkswick. Trainer, C. Jones. Owner. C. Jones. Breeder. E. Robb. 7969-J Omaha 3-4 l:15Vast 56 103 10=» C Mc CklelO Collision, Menage, Debtor EDGAR B.. br. h, 9 M 115 By Stenger — Ledae, by Brutus. Trainer, C. Bell. Owner, C. Bell. Breeder, P. Beaver. 79769 Omaha 5i f 1:07 Vast 81f IIS ll" J White 11 F.sClioice, C. Hsburg, RogonJr. LINK OF GOLD, b. m, 5 M 115 By Golden Link — Spirella. by Cesarion. Trainer, C. Thurman. Owner, Thurman Sc Layne. Breeder, Thurman and Layne. First Start.