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] ; I , , j i • I *_n0 liAUt About 2 Miles. Steeplechase. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. CAVENDISH, b. g, 6 147 By The Curragh — Isuese, by Isidor. Trainer. G. B. Bryson, Owner, E. K. Brvson. Breed* r. J. Sanford. 79849 B.Bonts Ab 2 4:10%fast 17 142 6 Fell. P Watkins I Chuckle. Flying Fr g. Aunt Lin 79707 Connght Ab 2 3:55%fast 13-5 142 2 5 5 4=« S Stevson I Top Notch, Aunt Lin. Gay Kap 79656 Connght lm70y l:45%fast 16 101 2 1 3 J 4°1 J Leyland 7 Demos, BrushBoy, AttoryMuir 79495 Connght Ab 2 3:58%fast 6i 131 1 1 3° 3" H McAfee 7 Lollipop, Nomis. Irish Dream 79230 Woodne Ab 2 4:40%fast 7 149 2 3 Fell. F Barry g IiunksGrn, Wdleyll., McDoran 78945 Pimlico 2 4:21 slop 25 146 2 1 4J 5Ti A Canipbl 8 Adamant, Parlays, Regalia FLYING FBOG, ch. g, 7 147 By Froglegs— Flying Colors, by Star Shoot. Tainer, B. Graves. Owner, Elliott Stable. Breeders. Keene and Schorr. 79849 B.Bonts Ab 2 4:10%fast 41 147 4 2 2* 2= H McAfee 8 Chuckle, Aunt Lin, Gay Kap 79741 Connght Ab 2 3:57 mud 16-5 134 4 3 3= 3«1 N Smith ■ Treviscot, IrisliDream, R. Horse 79495 Connght Ab 2 3:58%fast 3 135 4 7 7 7s* W Wafns 7 Lollipop, Nomis, Cavendish 79271 Woodne Ab 2 4:41 fast 1-2 144 3 2 2*° 25 H McAfee 4 Rgilorse, AltarFire, O.K.ONl 79183 Woodne Ab 2 4:55 good 16-5 144 1 4 2= 2 H AlcA 3 4 Ixillipop, RockingHorse, Chuckle 75379 Pimlico 2 1-2 5:03Aslow 9-5 144 2 8 4= 4=° F Barry 8 Sea Master. Huonora. Briganna 75341 Pimlico 2 4:03 good 21 144 2 4 4« 2= S Veitch Jr 7 Chuckle, Armenia. Beck 75253 Pimlico 2 3:59%fast 65 141 3 4 4 2s F Barry 12 Dandy, The Tioi:t, Beck GAY KAP, gr. m, 6 137 By Anmer — Gay Dora, by Kapanga Colt. Trainer, E. Gleaso- . Owner, J. E. Smallman. Breeder, H. C. Cox. 79849 B.Bonts Ab 2 4:10%fast 50 137 5 4 41» 44 F Barry 8 Chuckle. Flying Frcg, Aunt Lin 79707 Connght Ab 2 3:56%fast 46-5 134 3 3 3» 3" W Barry 5 To; Notch, Aunt Lin, Cavendish 65536 Woodne Ab 2 4:00 fast 11 137 4 7 7 7s8 J J Rowan 8 Baronet. Elysian, Byng 65402 Woodne Ab 2 3:59%fast 56 135 8 Pulled up.C Ireland 8 Perkiomen, Briganna, J.Coffth 65308 Woodne Ab 2 3:57%fast 36 132 8 8 8 8s7 C Ireland 9 Sea Tale, Dandy. Lieut. Seas 64925 B.Bnnets Ab 2 4:04%fast 3 137 4 2 £• 21 C Irleand 5 Enrico Caruso. Klysian, Byng 64830 B.Bnnets Ab 2 4:09 fast 8 140 5 2 Is l15 C Ireland 6 SwectKiss. Tlieodosius. E. Caruso FLIBBERTTGIBBET, blk. g, 7 M 137 By Peter Pan— Paintbrush, by Broomstick. Trainer, W. Caywood. Owner, W. Caywood. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 79741 Connght Ab 2 3:57 mud 27 131 1 Ran out. S Stevson • Treviscot. IrisliDream. FlygFrog 79496 Connght 3-4 l:14%fast 21f 112 1 9 10» 12»» S Bullman 2 Flint, Ebb Tide, Capt. Clover 78471 H.deGce lm70y l:607shvy 47 106 8 6 and• 6 J Chlmersll AgvgPapa, Aladdin, JnyDdee 77889 Jefferson 3-4 l:16%mud 15 120 3 4 4s 5* Q ManganlO Piedmont, Poor Sport, Simplicity 76229 Jefferson 6Jfl:12%hvy 41 112 9 4 31 3s G Manganll Anticipate, Dentaria, Assume 76190 Jefferson 51 f l:ll%hvy 25 115 8 3 41 5s G Manganl2 Sling, Royal Du k, Piedmont CELTIC PARK, ch. h, 10 M 137 By Eminent— Alice Park, by Bushy Park. Trainer, W. G. Wilson. Owner, Mrs. B. McEachren. Bred in England by estate of R. E. Bailie. 79849 B.Bon13 Ab 2 4:10%fast 81 142 8 5 5 5»°A Clemnt 8 Chuckle, Flying Fng, Aunt Lin McDORAN, b. g, 9 M 137 By Dorante — Miss McMeekin, by Fonso. Trainer, F. English. Owner, F. English. Breeders. J. O. and G. H. Keene. 79707 Connght Ab 2 3:55%fast 15 137 5 4 4* 5=« C Ireland 5 Top Notch, Aunt Lin, Gay Kap 79651 Connght Ab 2 3:52%fast 41 135 6 5 5 5« C Ireland 6 RoiCraig, TopNntoh, Lieut.Seas 79555 Connght Ab 2 4:01 fast 6 147 1 4 4 4»o H McAfee I Tviscot, Bdog Drumd, Madrid 79312 Woodne Ab 2 4:27 fast 20 152 6 6 6 6"»F English 6 Tass« 1. Canaque, Sky Scraper II. 79230 Woodne Ab 2 4:40%fast 27 146 6 5 3* 3"°F English B DunksGreen. WoodlevII., A tLin 79142 Woodne Ab 2 5:10%slow 14 150 4 Lost rider F English 8 Verd Valley, AltarFire, Madrid 7T403 Hamton Ab 2 4:07%good 13 145 3 4 Fell. F Barry 4 Cavendish, Nomis, Keltic