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i , HARVEY AMES EARLE BUILDING BROADWAY AT 52D STREET NEW YORK CITY NO "HARVEY TRANSACTION" STARTED YESTERDAY, BUT WILL TODAY Subscription, 00, must be telegraphed early today to assure proper listing. Todays "Harvey Transaction" had been withdrawn repeatedly with the race this afternoon in view, which we understand will break or equal the track record. In view of past performances, good odds are assured. WARNING!! Complaints arrive from various centers that a man by name of Winters, has been flooding the country with circulars giving wrong horses as "Harvey Transactions," at reduced rates. The public is warned, in its own interest, not to fall prey to these impostors. The only way to avoid unnecessary regrets is to deal directly with this office. j TELEPHONES— CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 OHIO TURF EXCHANGE MEDFORD BUILDING -:- -:- AKRON, OHIO NOTICE: — No more subscriptions will be accepted for Wednesdays Special. Those who want service on Fridays Special, wire money at once by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Terms: — 5.00 in advance. No propositions accepted. 1 BOBBY ALLEN ONLY ONE HORSE DAILY 12.00 DAILY— 0.00 WEEKLY TUESDAYS .00 OCCASIONAL: Polly Leighton .8.40- Won MY RECORD PAST 9 DAYS: Rockland Princess .20- Won Ocean Current 4.30-- 2nd Rkld Prs 8.40-.40- 2nd Just nocked out Wrangler 0.70- Won Chas. J. Crgme 1.60- Won Beau Nash . .. .7.95- Won Sunny Ducrow. .9.50- Won Llewellyn .....6.90- Won Abstract 2.20- Won A BIG PARLAY GOES TODAY Just parlay my Star Money Horse and my Bis Occasional today and make the layers weep. TEEMS: .00 FOR THESE TWO WINNERS. BIG .H OCCASIONAL Gees at Kentucky today and connections say she should make every post a winning one and never leave the result in doubt. It certainly is the best bet at Latonia today. TERMS: .00. 0 FAYS FOR ONE WEEKS SERVICE Six Racing Days Remember, I am personally at the scene of action. sW .00 STAR MONEY HORSE GOES TODAY "M And this one is guaranteed to win, not run second or third, or you receive the next two Star Horses FREE. Terms for this long shot. .00, or 0.00 for SIX STAB MONEY H0RSE8. Subscriptions may start any time. Call at office or wire. BOBBY ALLEN 23 Duane St., Room 605 New York City CUP BEARER .80- WON SWEEP PARK .60- WON Were last Satudays .00 XX SPECIALS. Dont miss next Saturdays TWO LIVE ONES. If you want winners, get new book, out today. 35c at all newsstands. Mailed direct. 3 copies for .00. Todays code special: October-Orange -18-77-27-63 STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403-22 W. Quincy St. CHICAGO, ILL. i • J "IF IN NEED OF INFORMATION, WRITE OR WIRE WHEELER" Am on the ground: well connected. Terms: Winnings of 0, to be 7 to 5 or better. Wire for code. General Delivery, Latonia, Ky., or wire Latonia Race Track. W. M. WHEELER SPORTING LEADER TODAYS FRKE CODES: Oanada — Utica - Joil-In ten t-Fan cy - Pinch Latonia — Albany - Jewel - Might-Jewel - Honor ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM Edward C. Walker CLOCKER Elmont, Long Island -:- New York I am at your service as a clocker. I am clocking horses every morning at Belmont Park Race Track, in the employ of a group of New York turf followers and have been so successful that I am going to give my services to a few people located remote from the track, where the play will not be affected. This is what I have done this week. My message tells you how and where to play and track conditions. WON AGAIN! Tuesday I wired: SIMOON 5-1 Won Monday I wired: NEGOCIATEUR 5-1 Won Saturday I wired: BELPHRIZONIA 6-1 Won Friday I wired: NEGOCIATEUR 7-1 Won Thursday I wired: HIDALGO 7-2 Won today: today: If you only knew what I know about this one that I am going to wire every client on my list, to play for the limit. The stable connection will send in their months pay on this one and I want every one to pay no attention to his past race and to the company in the race today, that means TODAY— 10 TO 1— TODAY ONE HORSE A DAY— THE BEST WORK OF THE DAY TERMS— DAILY Telegraph your subscription at once to EDWARD C. WALKER Opposite Belmont Park Race Track Sands trom 11, Elmont, Long Island, N. Y. DISTINCTIVE SERVICE Kentucky Turf Bureau 1350 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY 0 FOR SIX WIRES OR FOR ONE DAY TODAY ATlATONIA The people that represent us at Kentucky to data have not made a mistake* Wc expect a big prica today and a sure win. Subscribe at once and get winners. Yesterdays Latonia Wire: Flower Shop 2.70- Won Mondays Latonia Wire: THE RUNT .M- WON LAST WEEK WE WIRED ALL CLIENTS: Saturdays Latonia Wire: SAN VICENTE #.s.l- WON Fridays Latonia Wire: MAKE IP .10 WON Thursdays Latonia Wire: DUSTY MARY $.M- WON Wednesdays Latonia Wire: DUSTY MARY ;.30- WON Tuesdays Latonia Wire: CLARENCE 2.99- WON If you play the races, you need our winning turf advice. It means money in your pocket. Telegraph 0 at once for six wires at Latonia and be a winner. Start today.