Latest Training Operations, Daily Racing Form, 1924-10-08

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Latest Training Operations 264 LATONIA, Ky., Oct. 7. Todays training gallops here included the following: LATONIA. Weather clear ; track fast Three -Eighths Mile. 231-Aceeleration ...30 244-Cream Tuff --37 255-Byc Bye 3Vi 236-Katie Sullivan. 3; 257-Batter "Up 35 240-Tcn-I-ec 35 261-fcankiupt 3G :iGl-AVarfare 3. Half Mile. 2.-D-irskra 49 and 201-Dorthy Adams48 2C2-Col. Labold ...47 257-Slicker 49 250- Capt. Martin .40 Five-Eijhths Milo. 2G3-Anno Lee ...1:04 2G1-Pccss Doreen..59 25!-I5ow Bowers. .1:01 121-Pcrmarco 1:04 2E9-Harn Dollar .1:0J 252-11. On Time .1:04 201- Chenbu 1:03 2Gl-Sandalwood .1:04 25t-Kittie Jim ..1:03 2G2-Sporty McGeel:03 2Gl-Lettcr F. ..1:03 2G1-T. Compctitorl:02 202- Menifee 1:02and 250-Valette 1:01 2C1-My Destiny .1:02 213-Will Wells ..1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 2Gl-BIaek Mask 1:10 254-Gaffney 1:18 251- Cheor Leader.l:lG 260-IIelen Carter. 1:17 Chief Uncas.l:lG 2fil-Haleakala ...1:18 254 - rapt. Donan .1:17 2G1-Ii. Honrlcss .1:14 201-Chaperone ...1:17 201-Lady Finnell.l:15 2G2-Drow. Watersl:15 202-My Dream ..1:15 261-Down Town .1:14 254-Mamoud 1:14 ITU-Fate 1:17 247-Q. Charming. 1:17 2G3-F. De Coursy.l:15 2G0-Red Scth ...1:15 257- Guvnor 1:19 244-Romp 1:17 258- Gco. E. Allenl:15 2G1-Sam Mensel.l:14 255- G. of Honor .1:19 239-Surf Itider ..1:17 2G2-Geo. Kuffan .1:15 lSG-W.Knows Me 1:10 Or.o Mile. 2Cl-Cannon Shot. 1:41 2G2-Farader 1:45 2C0-Corlnth 1:44 2fil-Pandosta 1:40 258- Devil Girl ..1:44 2G0-Stump Jr. ..1:44 251-Fantoehe 1:41 261-Suave Prince. 1:40 261- Huon Pine ..1:47 251-Starbeck 1:44 r.M-Le Gaulois ..1:43 203-Whirlg. Dun. 1:48 25G-Oo La La ...1:45 261-Wild Life ..1:42 Mile and an Eighth. 2G3-Altawood ...1:54 lG3-01d Bourbon. 1:58 1G0-L. de Briante 1:58 Milo and a Quarter. 2G2-My Play ...2:05 My Play did a splendid move, not fully extended. Princess Doreeft showed remarkable speed. Altawood moved exceedingly well for him. Cannon Shot galloped a nice mile. Col. Lahold did an extra speed test. NEW YORK, N. T., Oct. 7. Todays training gallops over the New Tork tracks in. eluded the following: JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Milo. 259- Bright Idea ...30 201. Parvenu 37 2G2-Goldbcatcr 35 248-Scldier True ..39 257- John T. D. ...37 25S-Snugs .. 41 243-Lawless 35 182-Ticker 37 262- Little Alfred . .35 200-Tony Griffith .37 2G1-Master Charlie 37 Half Mile. Banter .... 51 2G2-No 50 2G1-Dimmesdale ..51 252-OlyntJins 50 236-Gipsy Flyer ..50 254-Pat Casey ...52 250-IIome Star ...53 259-Skyscraper 52 249-In the Bag ...49 22S-Sandy Hatch ..51 2G2-Laplander ....52 258-Swcrd 53 Five-Eighths Mile. 2Gl-Contcntmcnt 1:0 259-Gce Troxler 1:02 258- Cano ..1:04 259-J. Marne 11.1:02 2G2-Dave Goldie 1:01 2G0-Nora Hayes .1:02 184-Escolane 1:03 261-Spectacles ..1:02 259- Gold Brick .1:02 Three-Quarters Mile. 2G2-Bcn "Wood ..1:17 259-Out and Gonel:17 2G2-Billy Warrcnl:19 254-Pettibockcr .1:22 259-Oostigan ...1:13 257-Profit 1:18 2G3-Fast Mail ..1:16 258-Prima Donna 1:18 2G1-Gay Ben 1:23 2Gl-Sleiveconard 1:19 2G2-Hendrick ...1:10 2G2-Sweep. Away 1:19 247-Montmartre .1:21 2C0-Thundering .1:15 Lawless ran well. Thundering was under restraint all the way. Goldbeater has his speed. Dave Goldie ran well from the barrier. Costigan, as usual, Avorked well. Master Charlie showed exceptional speed. Hendrick was not fully extended. AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 2G0-Better Times 3G 2G1-Glcn Lassie ..3G Half Mile. 259- Kumonin 50 2Gl-Primrock 48 260- Mixer 52 184-Rastus ..53 25G-Prisla Ruley 51 261-VuInad 50 Five -Eighths Mile. 200- Rodeo 1:05 200-Lagoon 1:03 252- Lilane 1:02 254-Mary Ann .. .1:02 Three-Quartsrs Mile. 261- A11 in All ...1:15 261-Jeroboam ...1:19 245- Byron 1:18 23G-Valor 1:18 253- Idle Thoughtsl:lG Seven-Eighths Mile. 201- Belcross 1:33 261-Flying Al ...1:32 201- Cathe Crosbyl:32 One Mile. 258-Athclstan ...1:45 2G0-Aga Khan . ..1:43 BELMONT PAEK Main Track. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mila 256- High Trince ...38 256-Banock 35 254- Quarantine ...3G 258-Sumpter 35 Half Mile. 2G0-Cardiff 48 2G2-Modo 48 239-Despot 49 259-Stimulua 48 25G-KinK Jimmy ..49 229-Vanity Fair . .50 2G3-Lady Diana ...47 2G0-Zev 47 Fice-Elghths Milo. 241-New Moon ..1:01 272-Witchbroom .1:04 202- Repulse 1:03 One Mile. 104-Ncllie Gray .1:48 241-Tick Tock ..1:42 260- Star Lore ..1:42 LAUREL, Md., Oct 7. Todays training gallops here included the following: LAUREL. Weather clear; track fast Vhree-Eighths Mile. 255- Ensign 37 228-Hands Up 38 225-Gray Gables .36 459-JolIy 37 261- Great Moments39 245-Last Ono ....37 258-Gun Boat 3G 255-Scotch Broom 37 Half Milo Button Bright. 49 253-Lilt ;.48 252-Capt. Costigan. 50 257-Master Blue ..50 246- Dodo ...50 247-Prince Hamlet.50 200-Fancy Free ...49 257-Pest ..50 261-Forecaster 49 251-Royal Oak ...50 22G-Gaffney Lass .50 260-Snn Polly .....51 254-Jackson 49 261-Tall Grass ....C2 222-Laddie Buck .53 259-Wellfinder 43 Five-Eighths Mile. 261-Blackstone ..1:04 24G-Mungo 1:05 217-Calcutta 1:07 246-Orphens 1:04 237-Major Finley.l:03 257-Star Bright .1:04 222-Margie K. ..1:03 257-Storm Cloud. 1:04 257- Maid at Armsl:02 257-Snow Drop ..1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 243-Drumbeat ...1:18 25G-0. Birthday.. 1:24 230-Dr. OMara ..1:18 259-Senalado ...1:10 257-Dr. Hanley ..1:19 173-Uncle Dud ..1:22 2C0-Eager 1:18 224-Wood Lady .1:17 222-Hurry Inn ...1:1S 251-Wraith 1:22 25C-Mary Agnes .1:17 "White Marsh 1:19 One Mile. 251-Gold. Sphere. 1:44 258-Normal 1:45 202-Lion dOr ...1:54 Jolly was under wraps. Gun Boat showed plenty of speed. Hands Up ran well. Sun Polly ran well. Forecaster had plenty of early speed. Wellfinder appears fit-Lilt had speed, but may need a race. Maid at Arms was under a hard pull at the end. Calcutta went handily. Senalado showed a liking for the going. Hurry Inn appears on edge.

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Local Identifier: drf1924100801_8_1
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