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GEORGE P. WHITE Room 204. ICG Maiden lane, New York City TWO HORSES DAILY 10 WEEKLY THE KING OF BONA FIDE "INFO" I LEAD THEM ALL ON WINNERS AT LONG ODDS YESTERDAYS TWO SPECIALS: GREAT ROCK, 2.60- WON PRINCE OF POWER, $ 6.80- WON SATURDAYS TWO SPECIALS: SATURDAYS TWO SPECIALS: PENSIVE 51C.10-S2 Won HANDEL 2.10- Won HOMING BIRD 14.00-02 Won ETHEREAL BLUE 8.40-S2 Won FRIDAYS TWO SPECIALS: FRIDAYS TWO SPECIALS: DUSKY BELLE .533.10-52 Won ?J?HftSg i?2321l n sVLNGING S10.00- "Won OUR OPTION" 2.20-52 Won THURSDAYS TWO SPECIALS: THURSDAYS TWO SPECIALS: COUNTRY PRINCESS 9.10-52 Won Rr5? f?I on PETER PAUL 514.30-52 Won DOMIXA 1.20-!2 Won WEDNESDAYS TWO SPECIALS: WEDNESDAYS TWO SPECIALS: FRENCH CANADIAN 521.50-52 Won LADY GLASSES S20.80-52 Won NEW GOLD 7.C0-52 Won THUNDERBOLT 0.20- Won TUESDAYS TWO SPECIALS: TUESDAYS TWO SPECIALS: EDINBURGH 5.80-52 Won LATIIROP S2S.50- Won CHUCKLE .90- Won VUIh McCAKN 517.G0-S2 Won MONDAYS TWO SPECIALS: MONDAYS TWO SPECIALS: ABU BEN A1LREM 515.50- Won STARBECK 551.G0-S2 Won 5ENALADO $ 6.30-52 Won WATCHFUL 512.30-52 Won YESTERDAYS DOUBLE HEADER WAS ANOTHER CLEAN-UP AND RESULTS ARE ABOVE I gnarantcc two winners today or one weeks service absolutely free, including all wires prepaid, should cither of these two horses miss today. Connections have wired me a horse at Bowie and from what they say should win and pay you 8 to 1 or better. I also have the name of a horse going at Lexington that should pay 6 to 1 or better. A good boy has been engaged to ride and the money goes down strong and is sent aAvay from the track in order to uphold prices. Wire subscription via Western Union or Postal Telegraph, to avoid delay. PRESENT AND PAST MASTER 50 YEARS ON THE TURF HONEST OLD ANDY OCCASIONAL, 0.00 DAILY; ?25.00 FOR 6 DAYS SUPERS, 5.00 DAILY 0.00 FOR S12C DAYS ENTIRE SERVICE, 50.C0 FOR SIX DAYS SAVE ?100 DID THE PARLAY GO OVER? LOOK! Yesterdays 5 Super: GREAT ROCK " Yesterdays 0 Occasional: 2.4042 Won And many others too numerous to mention. I could write a book with all of my winners. THE MAN WHO MADE GOOD I tell you day after day to get wise and follow an old horseman. FREE! ,000 Good Cheer 3 GOES WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 19TH ONLY TWO DAYS LEFT WFREE TO ALL 5 and 0 Weekly Subscribers! This is one of the ripest and sweetest under cover gcod things that I ever handled in my 50 years on the turf. It should pay as good as my first ono which was Comixa5 4-lo205 Won The stage is all set and when it goes over you will hoar the bosks growl. Wo will rock them from coast to coast. Wo know sometfiing. This gigantic cleanup will be given absolutely FREE to weekly subscribers. A BIG OPPORTUNITY! GET YOUR SHARE! Get the winning habit. Follow a successful old t:"mar. AGAIN TODAY AND EVERY DAY BIG WINNING PARLAYS SUBSCRIBE NOW Mail or wire your remittanco with your correct address. MR. ANDY -:- -:- 171 Broadway, New York City OJfE HOUSE A DAY ONLY 510 FOR ONE DAY 525 FOB ONE WEEK WIRE ZKOXEY TO JACK MUIUtAY, 1711 GHEAT NORTHERN BLDG., CHICAGO, ILL. YESTERDAYS ONE HORSE WON AGAIN That makes it eight straight winners for Jack Murray followers. Todays one horse should pay a big price. Everything has been done to keep money away from the track. "This one cant miss," comes the word from Mr. Ed Conley, Lexington representative. He s?.vs: "I have the word direct." You know what that means. WIRE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW CHICAGO PLAYERS Come up to our office. Open from 9 a. m., to 3 d. m. 7 0 REACH RACING FANS ADVERTISE IN DAILY RACING FORM