untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-21


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FRANK GREEN NEW YORK OFFICE: Boom 504, 1547 Broadway, New Ycrk City. CHICAGO OFFICE: Boom 626, 105 N. Clark St., Chicago, 111. TERMS: 5.00 "WEEKLY. T"WO HOUSES DAILY Yesterday ray clients pot off to a flyinp start. The two horses adTlscd yesterday -were filed honrs in advance with this publication. YESTERDAY I ADVISED: JOLLY 3.10, WON HUONEC .20, WON "WEDNESDAY I FILED: EAGER 0.60, Won OPPERMAN 1.10, Won TUESDAY I PILED: CAMOUFLAGE ....2.50, Won KING ONEILL II .00, Won 3Iy offices are open for business. 3Iy terms appear abOTC. The winners list above Is a wonderful demonstration of the power of these new connections. Subscribers to this service will now be amply protected against loss. A new feature has been added. All clients must be winning at the end of the week on a flat play, or the next weeks Information will be sent free. Clients will be sent Information until I make them a substantial winner. This statement shows what faith I have in the consistency of my colleagues. Subscribe at once. City clients, call at the office. Out of town, wire your subscription. "When wiring please enclose correct name and address. 2fo information will be sent in the care of AVestern Union. TERMS: ..00 "WEEKLY TWO HORSES DAILY ALWYNS SERVICE I wire one horse a day. I try to live up to my name. SIX DAYS SEEVICE, ?25. No subscription accepted for less than six days. MY TRACK CONNECTIONS SEND ONLY LONG SHOTS NO FAVORITES Extra days service free any time my horse is made favorite. "Wires are filed in advance with this paper. MY ONE HORSE YESTERDAY WAS: Blue and Red 0.00, Won MY ONE HORSE WEDNESDAY WAS: " EAGER 0.60, Won MY ONE HORSE TUESDAY WAS: RUPEE 7.10, Won MY ONE HORSE MONDAY WAS: RAJAH 9.20, Won Theso were the only ones given out and filed in advance with this paper. Do not delay, as I have word on several mere higr cleanups in course of preparation for getaway week. Wire me ?25 at once, with your street address, and I will wire you as soon as subscription is received. It looks to me as if we can all gather a bi? bankroll before the end of this month. So dont delay, but wire your subscription at ence to ALWYNS SERVICE 147 WEST 41ST ST. NEW YORK CITY V: . .1 At High NoonTomorrow ! OMORROW AT NOON I will release some special information for my T clients. And tomorrow, at noon, the men who obtain this information can GO THE LIMIT with the same ASSURANCE! and CERTAINTY I, mys3lf, will when I order my commissions placed. Tomorrow afternoon looks as if it were going to be mighty profitable for those who can call at my office or wire me well before noon. It really looks as though my clients are going to win a bunch from some who are going to lose plenty. This is from one of my oldest connections. It involved a lot of money. I will send it along to just twenty-five new clients whose foresight is greater than their hindsight. Move in on this quickly if you want action and satisfaction. For instance : My Clients Won as Follows THURSDAY POSTPONED. WEDNESDAY: OPPERMAN 4y2-1, Won TUESDAY: LADDIE BUCK 8-1 Won MONDAY: DONAGHEE 2.90- Won SATURDAY: JUDGE FULLER 10-1 Won PERRY BASCOM Suite 120, 1400 Broadway. Telephone Fitzroy 1045 London Office: 21 Sussex St., London, S. ", 1. OTE. If In town, call at the office. I like to talk horse, if you want lo talk business. Out of town, wire your subscription. S25.00, OJE HORSE AT A PItlCE. Full name, address and telephone number must be sent with your subscription. Subscribe for Monthly Form Book and insure its prompt receipt. 0l.Winley SHEET SOLS AT 2TEWSSTA3DS 4fl P SPECIAL WIltED FROM OFFICE .20, Won! was my 00.00 Special Horse, given free to 2,000 Winloy followers; and once more it proves X that when yon do business -with a man that is" always looking out for bis followers benefit T IPricemaker, you cannot help but be a "winner. . X pf-TOMORROW SATURDAY is getaway day at Lexington, and it should bo a profitable day for my followers. tMY BIG 5.00 SPECIAL GOES tomorrow. This one is just about the safest thing I have seen in weeks, and I look for it to romp homo at limit odds. I have a world of information on him, and it cost me a pretty sunt X to iu on this. The price of this one is 5, payablo in advance, and, like all specials of mine, T Ebould prove a bargain. This one must win or I will give you FREE, ONE WEEKS subscription T to all my services, which include my daily Special and daily two-hors9 wire. T PSWIRE 5.00 NOW FOR THIS BIG ONE X TWO MORE PROBABLE WIN NEBS 2 go today on my daily .00 wire. Get tbeso two, is all that I can say. T FOR SALE At office, Suito 416, Crilly Bldg., 35 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, III. 2 DETROIT, FOR SALE Bagley Newsstand, Cor. Woodward and Monroe. In front of Monu- f ment. Dunns Newsstand, Michigan and Shelby Streets. Opposite New Cadillac Hotel. CLEVELAND, FOR SALE O. C. Bchroeder, 212 East Superior. T 2 ST. LOUIS, FOR SALE Wm. Laser, 711 Market St. 1 KANSAS CITY, FOR SALE Rickseckers Cigar Store, 9th and Walnut. OMAHA, NEBR., FOR SALE Meyers Newsstand, 1411 Farnum St. T Other cities, where the Daily Racing Form is sold. 2 M. E. KUHNER "PARLAYS PAT PLENTY" Terms: One Parlay, 0. Fire Parlays, 3. YESTERDAYS PARLAY WAS: SENATOR NORRIS 1.70, Won LIERRE Lost I NEVER SEND MORE THAN TWO HORSES A DAY Sent all subscribers and filed in advance with this paper. WEDNESDAY I GAVE: SENATOR XORRIS SCRATCHED FOR THURSDAY LEISCH S9.00, Won MY HORSES ARE SENT THE MINUTE I GET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION Todays parlay should surely win at the limit price. I tell ycu honestly, I cannot give you a winning parlay every day. I do promise you that I will send my horses the minute I get your subscription today and that if you send me ?25 for six days service, I will do my best to make you a big winner before the end of the week. M. E. KUHNER SUITE 416 1454 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY WEEKLY. 35 cents, mailed 10 weeks, . DAILY SPECIALS, , at all newsstands. New Weekly Out TODAYS FREE CODES LEXINGTON: Dayton-Kersey-Petard-Latent-Fancy. BOWIE: Memphis-Niche-Pinch -Nexus-Fancy. And, once again let me tell you that the LEXINGTON CODE is SOME SMART GETAWAY TRICK. Under NO CONSIDERATION fail to get it STRONG; should be every bit as good as LAST TUESDAYS FREE CODE Mooriield, .30, Won LAST SATURDAYS 00 FREE CODE Brownie, .20, 2nd . PREVIOUS SATURDAYS 03 FREE CODE Bridesmaid, .30, Won And remember, Another 00 Free Code Goes Tomorrow, Saturday So you want to be sure and HAVE ths NEW WEEKLY, BOOK No. 8. For sale at ALL NEWSDEALERS, 35 cents. Today Lexington 6-1 Shot Every single solitary thing has been attended to. I tell you, this is the Smartest Thing Today that I can see. Dont miss it; comes to me JUST AS STRONG as WEDNESDAYS BIG SPECIAL: Kentucky Cardinal, 1.30, Won So RUSH right now to your newsdealer and ASK for the Daily Master Clocker , mailed 2 weeks, 9; 1 week, . Address, 440 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, HI. TJXDER COYER SYSTEM Positively puts you -wise to horses ready to win. Simple as A. B. C. No handicapping. PLAT PLAY Yesterdays winner : AGXES CALL S1C.C0 Price by Mail, 52.00. X. T. BRADY C7 Whipple Street Brooklyn, N. Y. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM George Barry THE LIMIT KING 17 West 27th St. New York City Two Horses Daily 0 Weekly Your weekly subscription entitles you to my famous 0 transactions whenever occasion warrants. "Enough said." Yesterday Barry Gave: Senator Norns .1.70-, Won Stargo 8.20-, Won Wednesday Barry Gave: Rosa Yeta 8.60-, Won Ramkin 0.60-, Won Give your corect address when wiring your remittance to avoid delay. Pay From Your Profits THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing tho races will be mailed you for ono weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average I profit of at least 0 a day on tho scalo cf play. For particulars mail this ad and a two-cent stamp to J. X. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach, fla. Monthly Form Book of November Racing NOW ON SALE

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924112101/drf1924112101_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924112101_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800