Fair Grounds Features: Business Mens Racing Associations Good Announcement, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-21


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FAIR GROUNDS FEATURES Business Mens Racing Associations Good Announcement. Conditions of 5,000 Added New Orleans Handicap, and the Two ,000 Added Stakes. The Business Mens Racing Association that operates the Fair Grounds track at New Orleans, has issued an attractive announcement of its plans for the coming meeting, beginning January 1. - This announcement follows: NEW ORLEANS. La., Nov. 20, 1924. The Business Mens Racing Association of New Orleans begs to announce to the breeders and horsement of the United States and Canada its racing program for the year 1925 The meeting, as usual, will open New Years Day, January 1, and continue until MardI Gras Day, Tuesday, February 24, making forty-seven days of racing. As in the past, there will be seven races each day with no purses less than ,000. On four days of each week, there will be a purse of ,200, on Wednesdays a purse of ,500, and on Saturdays a purse either of ,000 or ,500 at the discretion of Joseph McLennan, the racing secretary. In addition to this, the association offers the following fixtures : NEW ORLKAXS HANDICAP, 5,000 ADDED, to be run Saturday, February 7, 1925. For three-year-olds and over. A handicap. Entrance 5 each, to accompany the nomination; 00 additional each to start. The association to add 5,000, of which ,000 to second, ,030 to third, and ,000 to fourth. To close Thursday, January 15, 1925. "Weights Saturday, .Tnnuary 24. "Winners of a handicap after the publication of weights to carry three pounds extra. Starters must be named through the entry box the day preceding the race at the regular time of entry, but only those which pass the scales will be liable for the starting fee. One Mile and a Sixteenth, NEW YEARS HANDICAP, ,C00 ADDED, to be run on Thursday, January 1, 1025 For three-year-olds and over. A handicap. Entrance 0 each to accompany the nomination; 5 additional to start. The association to add ,000. of which 00 to second, 00 to third and 00 to fourth. Entries to close Thursday, December 18, 1924; weights Dscember 24, 1924. Winners of a handicap after the publication of weights to carry three pounds extra. Starters must be named through the entry box the day preceding the race at the regular time of closing, but only those which pass the scales will be liable for the starting fee. One Mile and a Sixteenth. MARDI GRAS HANDICAP, ,030 ADDED, to be run Tuesday, February 24, 1925. For three-year-olds and over.. A handicap. Entrance 0 each to accompany the nomination; 5 additional to start. The association to add ,000. of which C0 to second, 00 to third and 00 to fourth. Entries to close Thursday, February 12, 1925; weights Wednesday, February 18, 1925. Winners after the publication of weights, of a handicap, to carry three pounds extra. Starters must be named through the entry box the day preceding the race at the regular time of closing of entries, but only those which pass the scales will be liable for the starting fee. One Mile and an Eighth. The price of admission to the Fair Grounds during the winter will be .00 gents and .00 ladies, which will include war tax. Scratch time will be 9 :00 a. m.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924112101/drf1924112101_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1924112101_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800