Bowie, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-21

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BOWIE BOWIE, MB., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1924. Prince Georges Park 1 Mile. Fourth day. Southern Maryland Agricultural and Fair Association. Autumn Meeting of 12 days. Weather clear. Steward representing Maryland Racing Commission, George Brown, Jr. Judge-at-Large, Carlos M. do Garmendia. Stewards, P. J. Miles, George Brown, Jr. and Baker AVaters. Judges, J. B. Campbell, Joseph McLennan, George T. Miller and J. H. Anderson. Starter, James Milton. Cacing Secretary, Joseph McLennan. itacing starts at 1:15 p. m. Chicago time. 12:15 p. m.. AV indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. indicates apprentice allowance. 8KT7ftfo FIEST RACE 3-4 Mile. Nov. 24, 1917 1:12 4 122. Purse ,300. 2-year-4 3F olds. Claiming. Net value to winner ,000; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtTPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 85413A1LLAGER WB 106 3 3 6t 51 31 U G Hudgins Mrs C C Hall G25-1M 85336 GRACE TROXLER wn 106 5 1 l1 11 11 2l R Mthews Mrs F Beyer 2300-100 841G8 EL CID w 111 12 C 31 33 41 3i F AVeincr F Strassner 833-103 85G59 BUENA A1STA wb 106 11 5 23 21 21 41 B Brning Mrs A R Lawson 1270-100 85655 CARTHAGE w 103 1 4 91 81 Gl 5 B Mrinelli J L Price fH5-100 85055 DUSKY BELLE w 103 13 9 101 9 71 61 R Piarco R T Wilson t 85473 CANDY STICK w 103 G 2 81 41 51 7 C Lang J Burttschell 19J3-100 84233 AUNT AGGIE wb 101 8 12 ll1 lC 9 Sl R AVliams J J Farell Jr .50-100 85336 FLAGON w 101 10 10 7and 71 8 9 R Hoade P Jordan t 85200VALENTINO ws 107 9 11 123 11 10l 103 W Harvey Mrs H Acker 4820-100 851323SANDPILE ws 102 2 3 4 123 123 ll3 J Jones E Markham 1093-100 85613 GOLD CRUMP ws lliil 4 7 51 G 111 12 C Allen AV A Rosen t JUBAL EARLY "W 1171 7 13 13 13 13 13 J Butwell B A Lana t tMutuel field. Time, 24, 49, 1:15. Track fast. mutuels paid Villager, 2.50 straight, place, .50 show; Grace Troxler, ?22.S0 place, 3.00 show; El Cid, .50 show. Equivalent booking odds Aillagcr, 525 to 100 straight, 235 to 100 place, 225 to 100 show; Grace Troxler, 1040 to 100 place, 550 to 100 show; El Cid. 275 to 100 show. AVinner B. c, by Omar Khayyam Airginia, by Ormondale trained by M. C. Kelley; bred by Mr. Arthur B. Hancock. AAent to post at 1:18. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. AlLLAGER, close up from the start, came wtih a rush through the stretch and, passing the leaders, won drawing clear. GRACE TROXLER showed the most speed from the start, but tired in the final drive. EL CID ran well, but raced wide on all the turns. BUENA AISTA tired after racing well to the last eighth. CARTHAGE closed a gap and finished fast. DUSKY BELLE began slowly. CANDY STICK tired after making up ground. Scratched 85349 Duckling, 99; 85GG0 Spanish Name, 108; 83G82 Clean, 104; 84753 Clique, 114; S3718 AAestover, 107; 80221 AVonder Light, 108; 85718 Wracklane, 104. Overweights Grace Troxler, 2 pounds; Carthage, 1; Candy Stick, 5; Gold Crump, 1; Jubal Early, 1; Buena Aista, 5. StCfTfi-i SECOND RACE6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 17, 19241:196109. Purse ,300. 3-year-4 CP A olds and upward. Claiming. Net valu9 to winner ,000; second, 03; third, 00. Index norses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 851113 MOLLY wn 4 105 5 3 5i 21 23 Ink R Pierce E J Holland 553-100 85G453LADY BOSS wn 4 110 12 1 1 l3 11 2 W Harvey Mrs G C AVinfrey 260-100 85719ELEMENTAL w 5 101 6 4 Sni 51 33 31 L Lang G AV Foreman 675-100 8544G CLEM THEISEN w G 106 1 5 2h 3 41 41 B Brning M Goodpaster 1015-100 85352 RACKET wb 4 107 7 9 93 9s 91 5J B Mrinelli S Nuckols 4320-100 854G3 SEXTANT -wn 3 1061 3 G GJ 71 5 Gl M Liebgd Mrs AV E Jones fC33-100 85075AOODLAKE wb 4 113111 7 4 41 8 71 G Babin L A Seregni 1443-100 85GG0 MERCURY vr 6 106 13 2 7 61! Gi 81 F AAeiner J McMillen f 85645 JACQUES wb G 101 4 10 121512" 7h 93 J Stevens AV S Murray 715-103 8548GMETAL w 4 107 2 12 Sl S1 101 101 G Htamer S Hesseltino t 856G0DIRECTOR w 3 111 9 11 101 10 123 ll3 G Green E J Morrow 1570-100 85G45 AAILD GOOSE wb 3 107 8 S ll3 ll3 IP 123 J Maiben S Louis 85303 RELIABLE wb 3 104 10 13 13 13 13 13 G Fields J F Baldwin t tMutuel field. Time, 23, 48, 1:14, 1:21. Track fast. mutuels paid Jolly, 3.10 straight, place, .90 show; Lady Boss, .90 place, .80 show; Elemental, .70 show. Equivalent booking odds Jolly, 555 to 100 straight, 225 to 100 place, 143 to 100 show; Lady Boss, 145 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; Elemental, 135 to 1C0 show. Winner Br. g, by Transvaal Tickle, by Filigrane trained by A. L. Denny; bred by Messrs. Morris and AValden. AVent to post at 1:52. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. JOLLY, suddenly improved, followed the pacemaker under restraint, saved ground when entering the stretch and, joining LADY BOSS, outgamed her in the final drive. LADY BOSS raced into a long lead, but tired badly in the final sixteenth. ELEMENTAL ran a good race all the way. CLEM THEISEN showed early speed, but tired. RACKET closed up some ground. SEXTANT and AVOOD-LAKE had no mishaps. Scratched 85G45Lcstcr Doctor, 109; 8561C5Carlton, 105; S544G3Sca Sand, 115; S4330 Admirer 101-83287 Despair, 10G; 85G32 Lady Audrey, 105. Overweights Sextant, 4 pounds; AVoodlake, 3; Director, 2. SK-fytW TmB:D RACE 3-4 Mile. Nov. 24. 1917 1:12 4 122. Scandal Purse. Puts LP 6 3i ,400. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Net value to winner ,100; second. 00: third, 00. Index Horses AAVtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 85G83SAVINGING w 116 4 3 Ink V VI l3 L McAtv-2 H P AAhitney E-100 857203EDINBURGH wb 116 6 2 33 31 2i 23 B Mrinelli G Rabin 1333-llK 85598 MISS GREBLE w 106 5 1 21 21 33 3l B Brning J A Buchanan 3063-100 85718 NOTE O LOVE w 107 3 4 4 4"k 4 43 J M.nbe.i E J Morrow 303c-100 856G9 FIERY FLIGHT w K9 2 6 G G G 5 C Lan E F Whitney 7300-100 85494 FLIVVER w 103 1 5 58 510 5 G F Stevens Belair Stud Stable 131O3-10-J Time, 23, 47, 1:13. Track fast. mutuels paid Swinging, .10 straight, .20 place, .10 show; Edinburgh, .70 place, .40 show; Miss Grcble, .30 show. Equivalent booking odds Swinging, 5 to 100 straight, 10 to 100 place, 5 to 100 show; Edinburgh, 35 to 100 place, 20 to ICO show; Miss Grcble, 15 to 100 show. AAinner Ch. f, by Broomstick Balancoire II., by Meddler trained by J. Rowe; bred by Mr. narry Payne Whitney. AVcnt to post at 2:2G. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SAYINGING took the lead quickly and won nil the way unextended. EDINBURGH finished with a rush through the stretch and cutgamed MISS GREBLE. The latter was much used in following the winner closely and tired badly. NOTE O LOAE had no mishaps. FIERY FLIGHT was badly out-mn. Scratched 85720 Revoke, 102. Overweights Miss Grcble, 4 pounds; Note o Love, 1; Fiery Flight, 3; Flivver, 3. QKJ7!n FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Nov. 24, 1917 1:12 4 122. Flight Handicap. Purso OtP and ,500. All Ages, list value to winner ,090; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fiu Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt S5G81 SENR NORRIS wb 3 10G 1 5 P l3 ll V F Stevens II G Bedwell 985-101 85684 DRY MOON vfR G 113 4 1 4k 21 23 2 J Maib3n C A Stoneham 135-1C0 855393AVORTHMORE w 3 12G G 2 31 3nt 3l 3n E Barnes J S AVard IGO-lOO 85478 NOEL wsn 4 110 5 3 5s 4 41 4 R AVliams E B McLean S55-1W 81677 BIGHEART w 5 109 3 4 2a 5 53 53 C Lang AV Law 1970-103 85202 FRATERNITY II. wb 4 106 2 6 G G G G R Mthews J F Richardson G2C0-13O Time, 22, 46, 1:12 new track record. Tiack fast. mutuels paid Senator Norris, 1.70 straight, .40 place, .80 show; Dry Mocn, .70 place, ?2.20 show; AAorthmore, .40 show. Equivalent hocking odds Senator Norris, 9S5 to 100 straight, 170 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Dry Moon, 35 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; AVorthmore, 20 to 100 show. AVinner Br. c, by Cudgel Cypher Code, by Disguise trained by H. G. Bedwell; bred by Mr. n. G. Bedwell. AVent to post at 3:01. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. SENATOR NORRIS displayed sudden improvement and high speed and, setting a great pace, raced into a safe lead and held DRY MOON safe at the end. DRY MOON was taken back and saved to the last turn, then moved up resolutely in the stretch and finished fast. AVORTIIMORE raced well, but was on the outside all the way. NOEL finished fast and cloJ cup. BIG HEART showed early speed. Scratched 83C84 nceltaps, 101. Overweight Bigheart, 2 pounds. Continued on tenth page. j BOWIE . Continued from third page. 8Kr7 A FIFT1I RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Nov. 17, 1924 1:55 3 100. Purso ,300. 3-year-J fl MP-ib olds and upward. Claiming. Hot value to winner ,000; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtrrSt Vi Yi Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 85722 BLUB AND RED wn 3 113 11 C 2i 2l 2l 2- Is J Maibcn S Louis 400-100 85723RUPEE vn -1 114 3 1 1 1 l1 IS 2J F Wetner P Rose G95-100 85C87QUOTATION wu 3 102 S 2 3l 31 3J 3i 31 J Stevens II G Bedwell 4630-100 8.r721DRUMBEAT wn 3 106 10 3 4s 4l 4J 4 44 R Pierce O II Willing Jr 233-100 8503 JUNTO II. w 10 101 1 11 93 Sl S1 S1 5 R "Wliams L.ongridga Stable 1605-100 85G873SKIRMISII w 4 100 7 7 65 5"k 5 65 C Lang T Calcina 463-100 8572lPATIIAN 3 108 4 10 11 11 10 65 7 C Allen Triple Springs Fm Stb S63-100 85087 SLIGO w3 93J. 2 0 lOlO5 flofc S5 XV Harvey V P Robio f 1315-100 8507FORNOVO w G 365 6 4 andnk G3 G 95 95 L Lang XV J Kramer 1610-100 S5R87 ISOSCELES wsb 5 101 5 5 75 7 TilO 1010 F Stevens J McMillcn 1720-100 8588SCARE CROW vs 4 1055 9 3 S3 9l 11 11 11 A Acardy lira XV Rosen t tJIutucl field. Timo, 24, 50, 1:13, 1:42, 1:57. Track fast. mutncls paid Blue and Red, 0.00 straight, .20 place, .00 show; Rupee, .10 place, .80 show; Quotation, 0.30 show. Equivalent booking odds Blue and Red. 400 to 100 straight, 1C0 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; Rupee, 255 to 100 place, 140 to 101 show; Quotation, 715 to 100 show. Winner Br. c, by Trap Rock Baby Rose, by Galveston trained by W. A. Burttschcll; bred by Mr. Samuel Ross. Went to post at 3:30. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BLUE AND RED regained his speed suddenly and, racing closest up from the start, moved np steadily in the stretch and, finishing fast, passed RUPEE in the final seventy yards. RUPEE set a fast pace and raced into a good lead, but began to tire in the final eighth and, appearing to be in close quarters, was taken up. QUOTATION raced, well all the way. DRUMBEAT had no mishaps. MINTO II. closed up some ground on the inside. SKIRMISH raced poorly. Overweights Skirmish, 1 pound; Pathan, 1; Sligo, 1; Fornovo, 1V; Scare Crow, 3. r SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Nov. 25, 19151:484110. Purso ,303. 3-year-tJ 8KF7K fl SO olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,000; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. Odds Strt 85G88OUR BIRTHDAY wis 7 106 1 1 3J 3 310 Is Is S Larencc E J Salt 2340-100 857235QUECREEK wb C 111 7 6 2J 2h 25 2"t 2s E Barnes "W J Wolfo 120-100 84454 FLAMING "WIRE wb 3 975 9 9 S6 4 45 4nfc 3 J Reid Mrs L A Livingston 13393-100 85724 FROSTY BOY wn 3 108 10 7 6" 75 51 5t0 4T E Renzetti XV Wick 1S25-100 85087 ED PENDLETON wb 4 115 6 4 l2 ll l1 3l C Lans R G Ensor 395-100 85088 MYSTIC w5 C9 3 2 45 G5 C5 75 6 XV Harvey G "W Foreman 4110-100 82754 ANNI VERSRY ws 7 106 S 8 92 10 10 10 7l R II thews Mrs L M Davis 3JGO-100 85002 3SAM SMITH wn 3 103 4 3 5s 5k 75 Cl S5 B Brning XV H Snyder 2950-100 85724 s VAN PATRICK w 4 111 2 10 10 95 95 85 9t H Church H G Bedwell 365-100 85003 NORTH WALES w 5 1055 5 5 75 S S3 9J 10 J Tamaro XV E Martin 83CO-100 Time, 25, 50, 1:15, 1:43, 1:51. Track fast. mutuels paid Our Birthday. 8.S0 straight, 5.30 place, 0.00 show; Quccreek, .30 place, .S0 show; Flaming Wire, 2. CO show. Equivalent booking odds Our Birthday, 2310 to 100 straight, 005 to 100 place, 430 to 100 show; Quecreek, Go to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Flaming AVire, 1030 to 100 show. Winner B. h, by Golden Maxim Autolce, by Lettoon trained by E. J. Salt; bred by Mr. A. V. Thomas. Went to post at 4:04. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but VAN PATRICK. Won easily; second and third driving. OUR BIRTHDAY followed the early leaders close up under slight restraint and, coining through on the inside on the last turn, raced into a long lead. QUECREEK came wide when entering the stretch and finished well. FLAMING AVIRE closed a big gap from a slow beginning. FROSTY BOY finished fast. ED PENDLETON set a good pace to the stretch and quit. AAN PATRICK was caught in the webbing when the barrier rose. Scratched 8558D Gladys A., t2. Overweights Flaming AVire, IVi pounds; Frosty Boy, 2; Sam Smith, 3; Van Patrick, 1; North AVales, GZF7 SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Nov. 25, 1915 1:48 4 11G. Purso ,300. 3-year -Od I DO olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,000; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt i ?i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 85688 TREVELYAN wn 5 99 6 6 7l S5 55 35 l3 AV Harvey C P AVinfrey 155-100 85513RECHABITE w 4 104 9 9 S5 6l 4l 15 25 F Booker F J Boyle 2740-100 85688 OLD TIMER wsr. 4 105 8 5 35 2 2 42 32 F AVeiner AV AV Looney 3200-100 85G70 ADVOCATE w G 109 1 1 1 l3 l3 2ni 4 L Lang Pastime Stable 555-100 85283DAY LILLY w G 103 2 2 4! G1 5"k 51 R Pierce AV B Trundle 1500-100 85451SETHS FLOWER w 3 104 7 4 43 55 7s 73 Gt j McTgue Mrs F Farrar 400-100 855543LOUGII STORM w 6 1065 3 3 2h 3 3nk 6l 7s M Liebgd Mrs AV E Jones 1245-100 83531 SMKAR w 5 1075 4 7 Cl5 75 S 8 S1 XV MViner Mrs A E Alexander 1500-100 85688 DUMBFOUNDER w 5 110 5 8 3 9 9 9 9 E Barnes A Brent 1770-100 Time, 24, 51, 1:16, 1:44, 1:52. Track fast. mutuels paid Trevelyan, .10 straight,. .80 place, .20 show; Rechabite, 8.10 place, .80 show; Old Timer, show. Equivalent booking odds Trevelyan, 155 to 100 straight, 90 to 100 place, CO to 100 show; Rechabite, 805 to 100 place, 290 to 100 show; Old Timer, 220 to 100 show. AVinner Cli. g, by Trevisco Starry Night, by Star Shoot trained by G. C. AVinfrey; bred by Mr. Kenneth D. Alexander. AVeut to post at 4:34. At post 2 minntes. Start good and slow. AAon easily; second and third driving. TREVELYAN was far back in the early running, but gained steadily after rounding the far turn and, coining through the stretch with a rash, was going away at the end. RECHABITE moved i:p with a rush and saved ground when entering the stretch, but tired badly after taking the lead. OLD TIMER raced well all the way. ADVOCATE tired after setting the pace to the stretch. DAY LILLY raced fairly well. SETHS FLOAVER was always outrun. Sera tclied 85724 Intrepid, 104; 82409 Maxie, 90. Overweights Rechabite, 1. pounds; Old Timer, 1; Day Lilly, 3; Lough Storm, 2; Mizar, 4; Dumbfoundcr, 2.

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