Ready at Jefferson: Many Improvements at Shrewsbury Course Completed, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-25


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READY AT JEFFERSON Many Improvements at Shrewsbury Course Completed. Track Resurfaced New Bleachers Built Chilhowee Among Arrivals From Kentucky. NEW ORLEANS, La., Nov. 24. Jefferson Park is ready for the fall meeting; which opens Thanksgiving Day. Many improve- ments have been made but the most important, from a racing standpoint, is. the resurfacing of the track proper. The track formerly was high in the center and low on both sides. Now nearly a yard of river sand has been placed on the outside part of the track, raising that part of the course to a point less than two feet below the level of the outside rail. Ditches at both sides of the track provide for quick drainage and, although the deep new surface will make the course slow, the track will be much safer and better adapted for the sport. New bleachers have been built, a new passage way for horses entering the track has been completed and the whole plant has been repainted in preparation for the coming meeting. Nearly all the stalls at the Shrewsbury course are now occupied and the arrival of the horse special from Kentucky Monday will probably fill the few remaining barns. EVERYTHING SPIC AND SPAN. Cleanliness has been the chief view and the application of paint has been prodigal. Everything is spic and span. The grounds proper were not alone the object of attention for the roads and approaches leading to the course came in for considerable attention. The paddock reflects improvement from the hundreds of loads of tan bark that was floored and the roads to the stables have been well looked after, likewise the drainage. The new lighting system installed is a vast improvement over that formerly used here, and will be decidedly beneficial on dark days. The space in front of the grandstand has been beautified and landscape gardeners have lavished their skill in the arrangement of flower beds and floral decorations. STABLING AT FAIK GROUNDS. The Fair Grounds total stabling room consists of 1,135 stalls with ninety additional stalls in course of construction in the private stables being built for S. N. Holman, H. P. Whitney and W. A. Daniels. Many of the owners, unable to get stalls at Jefferson Park, will keep their establishments at the Fair Grounds and bring those horses they intend to race at Jefferson Park by vans loaded from the Shrewsbury Parle So as to expedite facilities for those who will stable at the Fair Grounds, manager Eddy has arranged for a Jefferson Park representatives to be at the Fair Grounds each morning to accept entries from owners there. The entries at the Fair Grounds for the Jefferson Park racing will close daily at 10 a. m., while the entries at Jefferson Park will close thirty minutes later. "Activities in the secretarys office will begin Tuesday morning, when secretary J. B. Campell and his staff of assistants begin taking up their labors for the winter. The bg action of the occasion will center in the Thanksgiving Handicap, to which entries close Tuesday morning at 10 :30. Weights and declarations to it will be on the following morning at the usual time of closing of entries. Aside from the entries for the Thanksgiving Day Handicap, the secretarys office force will be under the strain of accepting registrations of the stables here, badge applications and also applications from owners and jockeys for licenses. The applications for licenses are expected to be in by Wednesday morning, for the stewards, Messrs. Hay, Campbell and Ireland, are expected to pass on these the same afternoon. According to reports, there will be a close scrutiny of applicants for trainers or riding licenses and several are expected to be turned down. Chilhowee, recently purchased by H. S. Newman from the Gallaher Brothers, arrived at the Fair Grounds Sunday from Lexington in charge of trainer Ttichard Watts. He is entered in the 5,000 New Orleans Handicap, which will be decided February 7. The second division cf J. McPhersons stable, including Certain and eight other horses, reached the Fair Grounds Saturday afternoon. J. P. Smith was expected at the Fair Grounds today with the horses of J. W. Bean, including Donaghee, Leatherwood and five other horses. Frank E. Brown has purchased several horses from the Rancocas Stable of Harry F. Sinclair. He has wired the Fair Grounds management that these thoroughbreds will arrive at the Fair Grounds Tuesday.

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