untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-25


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ryl.Winley Lm .00 Sheet for Sale at All Newsstands and at Office fe .00 Special Wired From Office at Noon Suite 416 Crilly Bldg. 35 S. Dearborn St. CHICAGO Phone: Dearborn 4908 AGAIN I MADE GOOD J O DTTWO 1VISXEES OUT OF TWO-A PERFECT DAT Yesterdays .00 Last Minute Special Was: Sr-HOCK TOCKET -. 9.70, Won 4k On My Daily Wire I Had a Winner and a Scratch: 2 l 8TVAS lATBICK .90, Won X was the only starter. ITTWO 31 ORE GOOD ONES GO TODAY OX MY SHEET I have wonderful information on these two and I am positive that both will win at big $ prices. THEY BOTH MUST WIN OR I WILL GIVE YOU MY BIG 00.00 COMMISSION HORSE FREE that goes Thursday, Ncv. 27th, opening day at Tijuana. If by some misfortune todays J both horses fail to win, then all you have to do is mail in tha sheet with your correct name and J address and I will give you this commission horse FREE. Out of town clients will receive it by T wire. City clients can call. J GET TODAYS SHEET AND YOU SHOULD GET TWO WINNERS UNDERSTAND ? Y o DETROITERS, REMEMBER I have only two agents in your city. They are the two leading newsstands, namely: J DUNNS NEWSSTAND, Corner Michigan and Shelby. Opposite New Cadillac Hotel. T . . BAGLEY NEWSSTAND, Woodward and Monroe. In front of the Monument. No buildings. T S-CHICAGO, FOR SALE AT Arcade Newsstore, 74 West Madison. Opposite Morrison Hotel T J and at office. 35 South Dearborn Street. Y . CLEVELAND, FOR SALE O. C. Schroeder, 212 East Superior. T ! I ST. LOUIS, FOR SALE Wm. Laser, 711 Market St. T ! L KANSAS CITY, FOR SALE Rickseckers Cigar Store, 9th and Walnut. T X OMAHA, NEBR., FOR SALE Meyer Coren, 1411 Farnum St. A ! Also in all other cities where the Daily Racing Form is sold. J GARS WEEKLY. 35 cents; mailed, 10 weeks, DAILY, 50 cents at all newsstands Again We Won! YESTERDAYS OCCASIONAL: Rock Pocket, .70, Won YESTERDAYS ?50 FREE SPECIAL: Sumpter, .50, Won SATURDAYS DAILY SPECIALS: Joy Smoke, .00, Won Sari, .00, Won And once again we MOPPED UP. FRIDAYS DAILY SPECIALS: Brother John, .50, Won Primrose, .50, Won Parlays, 5-1, Won Every day we are CLEANING UP BIG. Get right in lino and be sure to get Todays Occasional Some smart trick. MUST WIN or the next one free. At your newsdealer, . Todays Long Shot on 50 cent sheet comes extremely strong-. Dont miss it. For this one ask your newsdealer for GARS DAILY 50 Cents; Mailed, 2 weeks, Address, 101 West 42nd St., New York City. Address, 438 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, HI. WEEKLY. 35 cents, mailed 10 weeks, . DAILY SPECIALS, ?1 at all nowsstands. Hot Dog! Again We Won YESTERDAYS SPECIAL FREE Rock Pocket, .70, Won I tell you, we sure are MOPPING UP again. SATURDAYS SPECIAL FREE SARI, .00, WON And, once more, right back to TODAYS SPECIAL Free With Daily Master docker SMARTEST THING AT BOWIE I know; I got the O. K. I know something. Rush right now to your newsdealer and ask for the Daily Master Clocker . Jitailed, 2 weeks, ; one week, Address: f40 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, m. Address: Room 309, 101 W. 42d St., New York City. DETROIT FOR SALE Triangle Newsstands Griswold and Lafayette Blvd. Family Theatre Newsstands Cadillac Square. ST. LOUIS Wm. Laser, 711 Market St, and 410 Washington St. OMAHA, NEB. Myer Coren, 1411 Farnum St CLEVELAND, O. O. Schroeder, 212 E. Superior St KANSAS CITY Recks ecker, 9th and Walnut Sts. MILWAUKEE Kirby Hotel, 432 Water St CHICAGO At all D6wsstands and, Arcade News, 74 W. Madison St.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924112501/drf1924112501_6_2
Local Identifier: drf1924112501_6_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800