untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-25


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MILLIONAIRE SPORTSMAN ED. BREWSTER Reaper Specials, 0 Daily 5 for Any Six Days All Stable Secrets FREE. No Extra Charge for Anything Sure! I Put the Parlay Over! AGAIN I PROVE THAT MONEY CAN BUY THE BEST Yesterdays Two Reapers Some Parlay: Rosamond, 6.40, Won Suburban, .40, Won SATURDAYS TWO REAPERS SOME TARLAY: LADDIE BUCK 4.80, Won VILLAGER 6.70, Won FRIDAYS TWO REAPERS: PICNIC 2.50, Won WILL WELLS 3.80, Won THURSDAYS TWO REAPERS: OUR BIRTHDAY 8.80, Won BLUE AND RED 0.00, Won P?-FREE SOCIETY SPECIAL GOES This nice -winner will he given positively FREE to all weekly subscribers. It is so called because a dear friend of mine in high social standing is giving it to me in celebration of 20 years friendship. I do not have to advertise daily, but let me remind you that if you expect the real merchandise, you must follow a man who is in a position to pay heavily for it, as you know, it costs thousands of dollars to get in with proper society. 31 y name and reputation speak volumes. Again, I say, dont miss a day. SUBSCRIBE 2fOW! Wire remittance with correct address for prompt service. ED. BREWSTER 1 MAIDEX LAXE SUITE 110 STEW YORK CITY i FRANK GREEN SEW YORK OFFICE: Room 504, 1517 Broadway, New York City. CHICAGO OFFICE: Room C2C, 105 North Clark Street, Chicago, 111. TERMS: 525 WEEKLY. TWO HORSES DAILY This office is in receipt of the following: "Frank Greenes information has been peddled out to some undesirable people, who were the cause of the unpleasant results yesterday." ALL GONE , .40, .20, 2nd And the other entry, which was run as a field horse, and finished outside the money. We, therefore, ask each and every Frank Green followerjo keep the Frank Green Information In personal secrecy. This will protect you as well as me. SATURDAY I ADYISED: STATLER 1.40, Won DONAGHEE 3.50, Won FRIDAY I ADYISED: PICNIC 2.50, Won BROTHER JOHN ....40, Won THURSDAY I ADYISED: JOLLY ;. ....3.10, Won HUONEC .20, Won WEDNESDAY I ADYISED: EAGER ..0.60, Won OPPERMAN : 1.10, Won TUESDAY I ADYISED: CAMOUFLAGE ...2.50, Won KING ONEILL II .00, Won I want no follower to miss my two horses today. They should outdo anything I have ever released. Horses will be released at 11 a. m. In New York and 10 a. m. In Chicago. Subscribers to this service will now be amply protected against loss. EXTRA precautions will be taken, so that there will be no recurrence of yesterday. All leaks will be guarded against. All I ask 5s your sincere co-operation. All clients must be winning at the end of the week on a flat play, or the next weeks information will be sent free. Clients will be sent Information until I make them a substantial winner. This statement shows what faith I have in the -consisteny of my colleagues. Subscribe at once. City clients, call at the office. Out of town, wire your subscription. When wiring please enclose correct name and address. No information will be sent in the j care of Western Union. TERMS: 25 WEEKLY. TWO HORSES DAILY ! LONG SHOT BURNS ROOM 303 23 DTTANE ST. NEW YORK CITY .00 DAILY. STRICTLY ONE HORSE DAILY. ?20.00 WEEKLY MY FIRST ?5 HUTTJEL RELEASE: LADY AUDREY 3.90, Won This is my FIRST wire to daily subscribers siaco the clcse of racing in New York. I came back by demand a-d made good under the hardest conditions; that is, to PUT OVER A WINNER ON FIRST ATTEMPT TERMS FOR SERVICE: 0 WEEKLY. WIRE VIA WESTERN UNION Strictly one horse a day, and a price every day. BOWIE NOW, but I leavo for Tijuana Monday night and my office staff will wire you information. Contract for one a day at Bowie will guarantee ONE" HORSE DAILY until I arrive at Tijuana, and service will continue withcut interruption. TODAY SPECIAL ATTENTION A GIANT GOOD THING AT BOWIE should be a 15-1 shot. Here you tako it or leave it, but you may miss a good thing if you wait too long. Give correct address whan wiring money. ,000 WON IN SIX WEEKS THIRTY WINNERS out cf 39 hcrses given at New York tracks. Deal with a man you knew that lias reliable connections. I have no agents and nothing is original unless received through this office. L. BURNS Room 303 23 Duane St. New York, N. Y. Daily Racing Guide, on Sale 5 P. M. Secretary, FRED DAYIS. Treasurer, E. J. MARTIN. President, JACK ADAMS. I THE UNITED AMERICAN TURF SERVICE BUREAU Room 1218, Longacre Bldg., 42d and Broadway KEW YORK CITY, 2T. Y. YESTERDAYS WINNER: Lady Audrey 3.90, Won SATURDAYS WIXXER: LADDIE BUCK 4.80, Won FRIDAYS IvnTJTER: WILL WELLS .3.80, Won LAST FIYE DAYS NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! The directors of THE TJXITED AMERICAN TURF SERVICE BUREAU, at a special meeting held Saturday, INoTcmber 22, 1921, have Toted to advance the terms to all new subscribers, beginning with Monday, December 1st, to. 5.00 per week, on account of the many new subscribers pouring into the office dailj-, and it will require all the added necessary expense, In shipping our ablest men to various tracks, such as 3few Orleans, Miami, Tijuana and Havana, who will furnish our infor-mation. AH subscriptions that come to this office up to Saturday, November 29, 1921, will be accepted at the old rate of 0.00 weekly. The directors have also voted that all new subscribers will have to paj, beginning with December 6, 1924, 00 as an initiation fee, plus 25 weekly. This will be done so as to enable the better clement of turf followers to become associated with this organization. FOR ONLY FIYE DAYS MORE 0.00 PER "WEEK for the service of this organization, pins the cost of wires sent to subscribers. This relieves one of the added obligation of the initiation fee. This Is an organization for the gathering of ALL RELIABLE TURF INFOR3IA-TION from first-hand sources. It operates on a similar plan to that of the Mercantile Agencies or Associated Press, in that it has correspondents on EVERY subject that can possibly Interest racing sportsmen at EVERY POSSIBLE point where information can be acquired. I In order to prove the value of THE UNITED AMERICAN TURF SERVICE BUREAU, it will be to your advantage to send in your subscription at once and be convinced of its real value. THE UNITED AMERICAN TURF SERVICE BUREAUS HOURS OF DAILY OPERATION: This office will be open from 9:30 a. m., to 0:30 p. m., to interview all of its subscribers. liHHHHHHIHHHHKBHHMBHHHHK George Barry 17 West 27th St. New York City "THE LIMIT PARLAY KING" Two Horses Daily 0 Weekly Your weekly subscription entitles you to my famous 0 transactions whenever occasion warrants. Yesterday Barry Gave: Lady Audrey 3.90, Won Rock Pocket $ 9.70, Won Saturdays 0 Transaction: Laddie Buck 4.80, Won Saturday Barry Gave: Donaghee 3.40, Won King Nadi 2.60, Won Ten dollar parlay on Saturdays triple won ,343.80. Friday Barry Gave: Picnic 2.50-, Won Shindy 4.20-, Won Ten dollar parlay on both horses won S789.75. Thursday Barry Gave: Senator Norris .1.70-, Won Stargo 8.20-, Won Ten dollar parlay on both horses won ,403.50. Wednesday Barry Gave: Rosa Yeta . . . .8.60-, Won Ramkin 0.60-, Won Ten dollar parlay on both horses won 70.50. Give your correct address when wiring your remittance, to avoid delay. Pay From Your Profits THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing Ilia races will be mailed yon for ono weoka trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on tho scale of play. For particulars mail this ad and a two-cent stamp to J. K. WILLIS I 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach. Fla. ATTENTION! Would like to hoar from reliable people who can take advantage of two or three good plays each week. No money in advance. Pay after you collect. TERMS WINNINGS OF A STRAIGHT PLAY Send mo your name and address. J. II. KKLTjY 75 WARREN ST. . BROOKLYN, N. Y. JUST WHAT IS REAL INFORMATION? MOST successful plays are- classed, by those who know, as due to REAL INFORMATION it is the commonest claim in the racing game it is also the greatest test of an operators judgment it distinguishes close connections from loose gossip it establishes an operators influence beyond the sphere of the track, but it doesnt mean anything until it gets beyond the stage of conversation. All racing men talk it because they know it "WINS AND WISE MEN BUY IT WHEN THEY CAN GET IT. I HAVE IT. FOR INSTANCE : MONDAYS RELEASE WON AGAIN. FIVE RELEASES LAST WEEK ALL WON. Odds were 10 to 1, S to 1, 5 to 1, 4 to 1, 2 to 1 and even. A Real Big One TODAY My horses are filed, but will not be published. For this connections protection and your safety. PERRY BASCOM Suite 120, 1400 Broadway New York City Telephone: Fitzroy 1045 Note Call at this office. I like to talk horse if you want to talk business. Out of town clients wire your subscription 5.00. ONE HORSE AT A PRICE. Full name, address and telephone number required. THEYRE OFF AT TIJUANA Opesing my third season at tho old stand. My connections are the best money is ahle to procure. and my price as usual, tha winnings of a 0.00 straight play. My connections promiso me two horses opening week, so hero is your chance to get a flying start with me on this meeting Write or -wire. JOHN JENSEN 1820 4th St., Care Grand View Apts., San Diego, Cal. Daily Racing Guide Has the Winners

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924112501/drf1924112501_7_1
Local Identifier: drf1924112501_7_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800