Abandon Arizona Meeting: Lack of Patronage Results in Calling off Racing after Operating Two Weeks, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-25


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ABANDON ARIZONA MEETING Lack of Patronage Results in Calling off Racing After Oper- ating Two Weeks: PHOEXIX, Ariz., Nov. 24. After operating two weeks of its schedule of a twenty-four-day race meeting, officials of the Arizona Jockey Club" yesterday announced the aban-j donment of the meeting. Lack of attendance and poor patronage of pari-mutuels was given as the reason by John O. Talbott, treasurer. He said there had been a balance on the wrong side virtually every day of the meeting, and it would be folly, in view of tht crowd and support on Saturday, to continue and face heavier losses. An attempt was made early in the second week to avoid a discontinuance when purses were cut from ?300 for overnight races to 50. Horsemen displayed good sportsmanship throughout and co-operated with the management in every way. There is a general exodus today for other points, many stables shipping to Tijuana and some planning to go to New Orleans arid Havana, Cuba. Many stables are holding over in the hope that racing may be resumed at Matamoros, Mexico, just across from Brownsville, Texas. W. W. Finn, racing secretary at this meeting, has been in touch with parties there during the past month, and states negotiations of the. last few days point to an early favorable decision. There is talk of putting on a seventy- five day meeting, starting Christmas Day. C. C. Emmert, owner of the largest stable here, twenty-three head, announced today that his useful campaigner, Camouflage II., had died of pneumonia, contracted while being shipped here from Dallas.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924112501/drf1924112501_1_6
Local Identifier: drf1924112501_1_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800