Post Time, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-25


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SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Nov. 22. By Airplane Mail. San Francisco has changed for the racing man, especially. Practically every one of the old time gathering places for horsemen has disappeared. And an eastern racing man, one of those who used to make San Francisco his winter stamping ground, coming here today would run acrcss scarce a Californian he was wont to visit in the days before and immediately following the fire. Zinkands, Taits, Tcchau Tavern and Mar-chands have gone the way of New Yorks Delmonicos, Churchills, Sherrys and Stanleys. Those were the restaurants that made San Francisco known throughout the world as distinctive, a "different" town. And they made it one of the best loved of all cities. The minor gathering places of- racing fans are gone, too. - Nearly all of the Californians -who have stayed .with. the. sport, "make" San Francisco but once in every few years. Of the. others many have turned to industrial or manufacturing pursuits. Richard Quarg lias a sumptuous graphophone and radio shop today. Also he operates a theatre ticket agency, like McBrides. While in his place today, we heard a wealthy Denveritc, graduate of Stanford University, imploring Quarg to get him five seats for the great Stanford-California game, to be played at U. C.s magnificent new stadium, seating 75,-000 people and accommodating 90,000; the second largest in the world. With difficulty Quarg convinced the Denveritc that his offer of 00 per seat would probably avail him nothing. One hundred thousand people were expected to try to see the game and for more than a week seats have been bringing from double to ten times their face value; AVhich shows what sort of sporting city San Francisco still is and what sort of crowds might be expected at race meetings conducted on the lines of these in Chicago. . New York or Kentucky. Walter Johnson, hero of the last worlds series, has just purchased the Oakland baseball team for little short of half a million. Crowds of twenty thousand, and .upward, in Oakland are of common occurrence. Oakland is just across the bay from San Francisco, and the old Emeryville track- was located just beyond its -limits. The Emeryville track has been effaced from the map. Manufacturing plants now occupy the space. Ingleside, just south of San Francisco, was years ago transformed into a. beautiful residential park, though the lines of the stretches and. turns .are still visible, being used as the main thoroughfares of the district.-Ingleside -was one of the most attractive race-courses in America, built by the late Edward Corrigan and two decades ago the best of winter horses . and all the leading jockeys were seen there at one time or another. ... Schiff and Dow what memories that firm name will, recall, to J. W. .McClelland, Hoy Carruthers, Will Applegate, Hugh Collins, Joe Reilly and a thousand other easterners are now among the leading manufacturers agents of the Pacific Coast. Dewy Andrews still presides over the countless cases of- beautiful and costly diamonds and jewelry in the Diamond Palace. . Bob., the .Jack Adler of this part of the country, is prosperous in the cigar business; Tanforan is practically deserted just now temporarily given over to automobile racing. Rumors bob up every day or so of a reorganized jockey club cr racing association and an immediate revival of racing. The names of A. King Macomber, Charles W. Clark and Thomas Fortune Ryan are those mentioned as leaders in one of th3 groups said to be active. Regrets are heard on all sides that the racing interests did not place legislation looking to the relief of racing on the ballot at the , recent election. Practically all liberal measures won out overwhelmingly. Many think a racing amendment would have fared as well.

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Local Identifier: drf1924112501_8_1
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