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HARFORD HANDICAPWEIGHTS Brilliant Sarazen Assigned Top Weight of 132 Pounds in Havre de Grace Inaugural Feature. BALTIMORE; Md., April 11— Mrs. W. K. Yandcrbilts Sarazen, unsexed son of High Time -Rush Box. is assigned top weight by the handicapped for the opening day feature at Havre de Grace, the 0,000 added Harford Handicap. Sarazen is risked to carry 133 pounds, while J. K. Griffiths Maryland-bred Single Foot is next in the weights with 121. Noah, winner of last years renewal and a probable starter in the colors of Harry Payne Whitney, is in with 121 pounds, eleven more than he carried to victory over a good field in lJ 25. Other Whitney eligihles are Color Sergeant. ne»w a three-year-old and for whom Mr. Whitney is reported to have refused a big offer as a two-year-old. and Macaw, considered one of the best in his division last year. Both are asked to carry 106 pounds. Canter. J. K. Griffiths star, a half-brother to Single Foot and second only to Pompey as the biggest money winning horse in 1925, is in with six pound! more than the Whitney three-year-olels. or 112. Lounger, which made a name for himself as erne of the best horses in training at the recent winter meetings at New Orleans, gets IP, as does the Lexington Stables Prince of Bourbem. Joy Smoke, lift : Senator Norris. llti; Oolden Kale and Bdtsto, 112, are some of the other top weights. With such material from which to draw, the Harford Handicap should attract a fine field, one in keeping with those which have contested for this lixture in years past. Following are the weights for the Harford Handicap of three- |uarters, and 0,000 added, to be run on Wednesday at Havre ele Orae-e : Ib.rse. aft How. Wt. Saiiaien US Sun Pal 101 Single Foot 124 Trip Kout 10O Noah 121 Hy Hisself PMi Joy Sn.oke 119 Ingrid 100 S.-ii.ttur Norris |M Postillion 100 Kunxard ll."» Sunny Lave 100 ■TMosroeaa ItS Kxtru IH-y Mb Golden Rase *. ...112 tVntrifugul 99 tauter 112 Patricia J 5 !t Kdisto 112 Orrstes II 5«S Prim.- of P.omlM.n. .100 Nat BfOM 9* l»mi!;er ltl» flyleaf 97 Willi Aster 1 7 Dunf blonilc :r7 Mr. lepp *•* Aikina 97 Digit 107 Cinema !•*• backhaul 107 taaanwa* IS MohHUi 107 Kevonsliire H «;.-ty Comet 107 Amber jack 9."i Color Sergeant PMi Chink M Macaw io»i Caaeabsta soldier N Taps MS 1 I red A . 9". Koek Man MO Traffic M Nicholas IO0 Thoinasine- 94 Polly MeWtxalca 104 Scorcher 9» Colden Rf Ire 104 Welshot ..» Ciiilgeller 104 Sea Uocket 94 Press Parade 104 K.ixpiuise- 92 lrf.Ycd One 103 Alldin !H Sir Konalil 101 Winners after the announcements of weights three pounds extra. Penalties accrue freim E p. m. Saturday, April 10.