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LATEST DERBY QUOTATIONS j LOriSVILI.K. Ky.. April 1 L — According to the latest cpiotatioi.s of the Kmil Hen Derbv book Carlaris stilt rules favorite- despite reports of lameness coming from the Tijuana track. Mere are s m.- of the recent quotations: Carlaris. 1: Pompc-y. 7: Canter. In: Bagen-baggage. 12: Bubbling Over. 15: Chance Play. I ; 20; 1-Tight of Time. So; Benstick, 25; Tim-! mara. 25: Macaw. 25; Barcolo. M; Haste. 30; Longw:rth. »; Mars. Display. Color Ser- i geant. Crusader. High Stir. Post Time.: j Champ de Mars and Nocturnal, to each; I | Navigator. Uock Star and Lancaster, Eft je-ach; Nurmi. My Colonel. Bock Man and I Percentage. GO each.