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/fh IxJlCG ■ ,,B —M. 3-4ear-olds and upward. laimiiic. No*. 2i, 1916-4 1:48—4—116. index. Course. Dist Time. Track. Odds.Wt St «i Str.Pln. Jockey. Started. Order of f.nlsh. MOON MAGIC, br. c. 4 112 By Torchbearer— Mirka. by Peter Qulnoe. Trainer. J. T. Johnson. Owner. J. T. Johnson!. Breeder. Ward and Patterson. 00483 Bowie ! 1 16 1:52 fast 47-10 115 7 I 6s 4" J Maiben 7 TheBollCall. ClearYi.w.- .Iims..n 99880 Jefferson 1 1 4 2:0S*sslow 16 5 Kis 7 11" 1 tl Johnson 7 Bit. Amniie, MonsMeg. Bevonaii-e 99692 leff-rson 1 1-16 I ::".2%mud 6 113 I 7 4» 4 D Hum ft Wlltli. I.ittleAmmie, Tangerine 99469 .1. fferson 1 3-16 1 :5 fast 7 103 3 2 3J 2» P Fisher 11 Stoneage, T. leopard . BlsM-t. r 99289 Jefferson 1 1-M l:47%fast 18 11111 11 10J 9= D Ilurn IS Sincere. Stoneage. 98514 Ptirnds 1 3-16 ::034fast 1 M 4 2 2 2« W Garner 6 Marjorie ., Uayly, lupiPr F0RN0V0. ch. g. 8 103 By Ecouen— May Dora, by Isidor. Trainer. G. W. Campbell. Owner. W J. Kramer. Bred in France by J. Sanford. 00642 Howi- 1 1-16 l:.r32andslow 7-10 1023 2 21 21 V Stott « Tribne. Sndpile. BriggsBu. hna 99415 Miami 1 1-M l:43%f«t Ifl 115 6 3 3J 3- H Stutts 7 Dinwi.die. Bees. Admirer 99307 Miami 1 1-16 1:48 fast l2f 110 12 II KJ 8" V Stott 12 Delusive. Atossa, Sword 99147 Miami 1 1-t Kftftt/— ft i3 105 9 S 61 6» V Stott 9 Pilgrim. Delusive. Crosswise 99089 Miami 1 1-16 l:47,tfast 36 110 10 10 94 9-* V Stott ftt Winni|Hg, Kink. Sandrae j 97890 Jefferson 1 1-8 2:08?»hvy 6-5 109 3 I 21 3s V Stott 10 MonsMeg. Beveillon. MthnNFre l 97816 Jefferson 1 1-8 2:03Vshvy 7 107 6 3 21 2» V Stott 7 Soldier II.. RoyalMiss, Kent 1. i 97765 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:J64fa.«t 11 111 9 4 34 3« V Stott 10 Al Boyd. Contact. Bugs i 97664 Jefferson 11-16 1:53 hvy 41-10 109 3 4 2» 2J V Stott I SmtCuy. SlipySiiiile. F oflortb MAXIE. ch. g. 5 114 By Ogden— Phantom, by Star Shoot. Trainer. M. Hackett. Owner. D. L. Bice. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 00582 Bowie 61 f l:23=ihvy 9 113 8 6 42 31 W Smith 9 Blksmith. B-tercnp. BtonB ght 00404 Bowie ft f 1:24=Shvy 36 116 10 10 9"lo« W Smith 12 Care Free. TheBollCall. Joella . I. 97491 Bowio 1 1-16 1 :51fast 19 112 11 12 ftieajias aj Drning 13 DernierS u, Py«;ables. Fomox j 97410 Howie til il:22 slow 18 113 3 ft 872 62 B Jenkins 13 Bun**. Elemental. Al Bovd 197381 Pimlico Im70y 1 VTgood 27 112 I 11 HMl2 1 Jenkinall MnMagic. Bandit dy. ;.D.Mar 97107 Laurel 1 1-16 l:53Hsloi U 112 7 4 3*1 3" L Jenkins 7 Seaman, Clenmore. Coldmn • k ROXANA. b. m. 5 105 By War Fame— Whizz Bang, by Sunstar. Trainer. G. C. Brenton. Owner. C. C. Smithson. Breeder. A. K. Macomber. j 00643 Howie 1 1-16 1:.Y,*5slow 18-5 105 7 5 7 64J D Frogtte 7 Mystic, Mary Contrary, Slate 97490 Bowie 11-16 1:52 last 22 105 1 1 2»k 11 H Wliamsl.", Beveillon. Son of Tiomp. Kyv.,y 197429 Bowie 1 1-16 lCsfast 30 9S 2 6 6» 9" W Mundenll Doughnut. Jacques, Woodlnke 96936 Laurel 1 1 16 1 :.6slow 34 105 6 7 ? .ij R VBri-n 7 Flint. Jacques. The Peruvian j 96141 Aurora 3-4 1 :ir,~-,slow 14 107 7 6 ft*tt*l l N al 7 N ghtyNisba. Keaolani. Exprve 95798 Aurora 1 1-16 1 :52+/ihvy 12 102 3 6 5» 4»1 B Pichon 6 Oyrtake. BooneTille. Mac o Boy 95549 Aurora lm7cy 1:55 hvy 71 108 5 4 4«J 4»1 L Neal 5 Mac O Boy, Ferguson, Dancer SLATE, ch. g. 4 100 By Trap Bock— Langollen. by Llangibby. Trainer. F. Nelson. Owner. F. P. Robie. Breedei. S. Ross. 00643 Bowie 1 1-16 p..slow lg 96 I " 2 2" ft1! L Edwrds 7 Mystic. Mary Contrary. Hickory 00582 Bowie 6* f 1:23shy 162 105 5 7 73J 7,: L. Steinht ■ Blacksmith. Buttercup. Maxie 00531 Bowie 61f l:21tfast 15f 106 10 13 13»133 J ChalirTrsl.3 Johyjewl. Musklonge. S.Kajah P7543 Bowie 1 3-16 2:05 fast llf 103 6 11 11"1P« R Fisher 14 Dernier Sou. Meruliua. Harris. i 97471 Bowio 1 1-2 2:39*Dfast 21 103 1 5 5Ji 5*1 R Wliams 9 CeorgeDeMar, Pilgrim. Drumbeat f7401 Bowie 1 1-8 2:2hvy 12 103 4 5 5" 514 O HudginsU Maximac, MyCon y, KoiCfid-e 97358 Pimlico 1 1-S BTslow 6 108 2 8 ft* 7« M Barnes 9 Pilgrim, Bramton. I»-inoil j 117254 Pimlico 13-16 2:03 fast 91 96 4 4 5«1 61 W Ba"ks 7 Fleetwood, Starbright. Villager 6ANDPILE. ch. g. 4 110 By Star Master— Seaside, by Ogden. Trainer. J. H. Ford. Owner. G. W. Lee. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 00642 Bowi- 1 1-16 l:53slow 9J 98 .". 6 4Ti ft*| L, Edwrds 6 Tribune, Fruovo. BriggsBu. h"n n 00587 Bowie 1 1-8 2:00*0hvy 12 107 8 7 61 6"! D Frogtte 8 Yoshimi. MyContrary . lnvi. tus 00478 Bowie lm70y 1:50 fast 14 112 6 6 ft*| 4J I Frogtte 8 Bayly. Poor SjKirt. Camouflage 00002 Jefferson 11-16 1:47 fast 11 109 12 8 8" 8" D onnllyl2 Yoriek. Charcoal. Arragosa 99877 Jefferson lm70y 1 :47%sloxv 10 110 9 9 575" D Frogttel2 Creenllills, Viennese, SisterSue 99085 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:51 Vifast 29 103 7 6 6J 4!J W Lbson 8 Tangerine. Barcuda, MyContry 09010 F.tJrnds 1 1-16 l:49%fast 22 103 7 6 6*1 64J F Marmile 9 B.Wand. Merulina, T.Comrntr 98910 F.Urnds 1 1-16 l:501ifast 71 111 7 8 6» 6«l D Hum 8 Doughnut. Bonfire. Try Again 98836 F.Grnds 1 1-8 1:56 fast 43-10 109 11 5 53 61 R Ranellill Just. Dobson. Betsy Bacon MURIEL S.. b. f, 3 90 By Rapid Water— Filigree, by Ultimus. Trainer. T. Lynn. Owner. E. K. Bryson. Breeder. Estate G. W. J BisselL 00640 Bowi- 61 f l:22«-5slow 68 92 7 7 77J 7*1 B Fiiw"r ls7 Buttercup. Hobson. Cooncan 00557 Howie 1nV70 1:50 slow 43 M f. 4 57 5* B Edwrds 7 Jim son. lnvictus. Duckling 00445 Bowi- 1 1 16 1 :5_Vast 11 9016 5 5» 5» B Edwrds T Teluride. lnvictu-=, Billy Mann I 00287 Tampa lm70y 1:55 hvy 91 100 6 6 541 47 S llebert S Dr. Carl, Rose II.. Curler I 0002 7 Tampa lm70y 1 :45 «fast 91 92 3 3 1» 3= J Walker 7 Seagrave, Mnimoiiidcs, Curler 99871 Tampa lm70yl:49 good 11 103 8 8 81* 8" A Ycrrat ft NineSixty, WestPt. NthnMiss 199738 Tampa 1 1-16 1 tttfctv y .15 9617 3 43i 55 J AVeshofflO Maddenstown. W tPoint, Cntry I HARRISII. br. g. 5 M 109 ly Santoi— Lily of Ghent, by John o" Gaunt. Trainer. J. F. Richarrlso-i. Owner. J. F. Richardsonl. Bred in England by K. Kerr. 00612 Howi- ftj f l:34%mwi 126 108 7 7 74" 7-" W Obert 7 M.Bosedale. Scon her. D.ot.y 00554 Howie 61 f 1:21 slow 79 10916 I 64 6i: E lleach ft CareFree. St.Yaline. M kMasl. r 00444 Howi- 7-8 1:29 fast 114 101 I 6 6" 6" II Ioterupi Bill ■Jail. HolnBilws. Kanriut 97543 Bowie 13-16 2:05 fast llf 105 14 7 63 31 J Levlandl4 D. rnrS.u, Merulina. Mar.iCo:: y 97499 Bowi- 11-4 2:12 fast 60 107 8 ft ;■• 5»i J Bogan 10 Drumbeat. Doughnut. M.CIniry 97487 Bowie 61 f 1 :20Sfast 5f 105M3 12 122112=4 D Fisher 13 Cannister. TenSixly, LeonardC.