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CLARK HANDICAP ENTRIES • One Hundred and Twenty-Four Eligible for Fixture at Downs. » Sa-azcn, Mnelr- Foot and Hodsre Fenre Vinous th«* Most Important K:istcrn Candidates for 110,000 Added Stake. « LOIISVILLK. Ky.. April 11. — One hun-1 dn-il and twerry-four noniirations. imf f the largest in liistory of the Clark Handicap. 0,000 iidd.d. and which will have its renewal at the Churchill Downs spring meeting, have been announced by the Kentu -ky j Jockey Club. The list of nominations includes I almost «-verv handicap horse of any con- j Keqtu nco that may lie seen in action during J tin- forthcoming Kentucky racinp season j Among the more prominent candidates from the Kast are Sarazen. Sinerle Foot and Hedse | Fence. With tlie possible exception of American ll:m. Man o"W;ir.s greatest son. and Silver Fox. the Clark Handicap has attracted a truly high-class list of thoroughbreds. As usual, turfmen who campaign their I strings on Kentucky tracks, are strongly I represented. The Clark Handicap, tm. has | a unmix t of the clisililes for the Kentucky , Derby in the list. How many of these colts] may go to the post, of course, depends ui* u j their preparation for the Kentucky great . race, which will have its fifty-second running J on May 1;" . Following are the conditions of the rare-, the eligibles. their color, sex. pedigrees and owners : OI.AKK HANDICAP For three year olds and upward. IIt subscription of 5 each: 50 addi tionni to start 0,000 added, of wliieli ,500 to second. : to third, fourth to save stake. Weight* to be iinnouneed five days before- the rail-. Winner* of a race other than a claim - i nc or Belling purse after publicat ion of weights, 3 pounds xtra. Acceptances to be named through the entry tstx the- day l e-fore the iae-e at usual time of closing ONK MILK AM SIXTKF.NTH. Archilial.l. II. T. Re pot. ch e. 4. by Fliltergold llestine. Auillcy Kami Stable Princess poreen. b. m, 5. by Spanish Prince II. Lilly IHtreen. Audley Kami Stat le Niip -rfrank. ch. g. 4. by Superfrank Kranks Daughter. ■BStcr. William C Malcolm It. Jr.. br. c. 3. by Torchltcarer Myrtle V. Be a com. P. M. Uay Comet, b. h. 5. by Sunstar— Wayward. Bedford Kami Stable Dangerous, eh. e. 4. by Negoful Fair Atnlanta. Reilford Kami Stable Catalan, b. h. 5. by Fair Play Catalpa. Camden. J. V - Devon, eh. e. 3, by bight Brigade Dernia. Camden. .1. N. Tilka. eh. c. 4. by bight Brigade - Lnigma. Camden. J. V Itothermel, ch. f. 4. by bight Brigade Irndy Botha Cooper. I.. T Marconi, ch. e. 4. by Dinar Kliay yum l.i Del i ranee. OaaOM*. I.. T. Old Slip. b. e. 4. by Drown Prince II Blume. OMpPT. L. T. Klames, b h. 5, by Wrack Li Iliimltee. Ciirrigmi .1 W Triple Sic. eh. f. 3. by Zeltinger Trinia. Corrigan. J. W San Itar. eh. h. 5. by Sunder Yokohama Corrigan. .1 W. Imperial Kagic, b. c, 4. by White Kagle Colcleu bily. Cowan. S. A. -Boon Companion, rli e. 4. br North Star III. Blushing Iteauty. Coyne. P. King Oorlfl II.. b. h. ft. by Golden Maxim Yankee Tree . Croissant. ; K Sun Alios. It. g. 3. br Sun Briar a Allets. Croiss,ini. C. K. Duck. eh. h. ."•. by Blond Buddy Ilea mine Iteauty. Croissant. 8, K. Kentucky Cardinal, eh. e. 4. by North Star III. Licrative. Croi-sant. c:. K. — Uoycrofter. br. e. .*!. by High Time nora Croissant. ;. K. Pigeeui Wing II.. eh. e. 3. by Mainlcnon Pigeon Pie. Croissant. B. V SlanwU. eh. h. 5. by Ballot Miss Crittenden. Croissant. J. K. Belle, b. f, ::. bv Pennant Colly Prim. Croissant. ti. K. Cililions. ch. g, 5. by Peter Qofnee Winnie 8. Croissant, c;. K. Orpheus, h. g. .".. by Superman Princess Ormonde. Railoy. P.. Deeming, b. f. 4. by Spanish Prince II Pin Kent her. I»nrnell. Chas. K. Smiling Jus. eh. g. 3. by l.ewk Flint Slieve BhKtm. BurncM. has. K. Bolton. It. e. 3. bv Peler Pan-Whisk By. Rtirn-ll. Chas. K. Bargain Day. br. f. 4. br Mckinley Kribble. Fair Acre Farm ;uesl of Honor, ch. h. 6. by Iataud Bright Start. Fair Acre Kami Venial Host. b. c, 3. by Cranitc K.ithryn Kruler. Fair Stable Sararen, ch. g. 5, by High Time - Bush Box. Fairliaim. II. A. Buttress. It. f. 4, by Wrack Kate Adams. Fairbairn. It. A. Itngworth. br. e, 3, by Son in Law I. oaf Sugar. Fairltiirn. |. A. Mnlvina. B.. b. f. 3. by Sir John JoIiusihi ton Story. C.crry. Itolsrt I. Peanuts, b. e. 4. by Ambassador IV. Agnes Sard. Coldhlttt. M Sir Peter, br. c. 4. by Paicines Souvenir. GoMMata, M. A ready, b. g. 4. by Peter Pan luerea. Coldblati. M. liiveen. b in. 5. by Black Toney Friendship. Coldblatt. M Teak, b f. 3. by Tea Caddy Fricassee. Crabner. Kred M. Chicago, br. g. 3. by l.ranile Synthetic. OHM Briar Stable Nor wester, b. g, 4, by North Star III. Sunny, fireentree Stabb Cherry Pie. b. g. 6, by Chicle-Cherry Ma lot I e. Cre.ntree Stable Dazzler. ell. h. 5, by Whisk ■Mi I! Masda. f.i. entr.e Siabl. — lle-dirc Pence, , h g. 4. by Whisk Bntom II. Homely. Lriffu.hxl Farms Single Fistt. I. ■-. 4. by Wrack Virginia I.. Hawkins Ferguson Nocturnal, blk. c. 3, bv eternal Dclico. Il.adlej. II P. Almadel. ch. g. 4. bv I Itimus Busy lass Hea.lley. II P. Helen s Pals-, b. f. 3, bv Brown Prince II. Helen Ilejitoii. W. S. Hopeless, b. g. ti. by Huun Kolinsky Henry. J Iraq. ill. c. ."•. by tmar Khayyam- Sttmbra. II •.Hand. K. J. Ballot Brush. It g. .".. I,y Ballot i.alloping lIM, Holinin S N Tangara. b. c. 4. by bight Brigade T.inagra Iloluos. Mrs. I. M Ali Baba b c. 3. by War K.iine or Liberty Loan llsip Skirts, llovvanl II M MM Fuz. It g. 4. by Short ;rass torn moil Law. ilimplir.ys I. B Little Chief I. h. 7. by Wra. k M.-.lora II. Hupp. V. B. Bob s Best. 1, g. 3. by Luke M. Luke Horottiy Perkins. Mb- Hour Farm Stable Broadway Jonea. br t 4 by Black T.iney Vaila Idle Hoar Firm Stable Buckwheat take. ch. f. 4 by North Star HI. Batter take. Idle Hour Farm Stable Brown Sugar, br c. 4. by Brown Prince II. Sweet Alice. Idle Hour Farm Stable P.ill Strap, b c 4. I. North Star III Kerclia. Idle Hour Farm Stable Benedi. I Vow. . h c, 4. by North Star III. ISclicw- Me Boys Idle Hour Farm Stable — Baircuhaggagc, clu e. .1. by I rider Fire- Blushing P.eauty. Idle Hour Farm Stable Itoot to Boot. b. e. 3, by .N.trth Star III. Padula. Idle Hour Farm Stable Beau Buller. b h. 5. by Black Toney Santa Anna II. .la obus. A. M. John T. P.. It. g. 4. by Assagai Hussy. Keen land Stud Champ de Mars. ch. e. 3. by War Star Yellow Blossom. Keen, land Stud Mike Mel. like. eh. e. 3. by Luke M.I. like Aunt Josie. Ken lou Farms. The Aremliee. eh. c, 3, by Colonel Vennie Smirk. Kenton Farms. The Musician, blk. e. 3. by Dan. roseb BrynwiMHl. King. V. N Wildwood. eh. f. 3. by Maslei Koberl -CrestwissJ Jlrl. Knebelkaiup. C. II. Shark, b. g. 4. by Wrack - Bessie Melton. Kohn A. Theisen Kecollee-tion, b. c. 3. by Jim • oiffney Memories II. La Brae Stable Sunspero. b. h, 5. by Sun Briar — BOM, La Brae Stable MiKtnraker. eh. h. C. by Broomstick Alster Cress. La Brae Stable- Elector, eh. c. 4. by Ballot Sister. La Brae Stable Serenader. eh g. 7. by Balchelor s Double .olden Harp. Laurel Park Stud — Brig o Dooii. ch. h. ."., by-Bridge of Karn Hoscobie. L-ichleiler, K. K. Scratch, eh. c, 4, by Spanish Prince II. Kit leu. Lexington Stable — -Prince of Bourbon, ch. e. 4. by Prince Palatine Forever. Livingston. Jefferson. Son of John. b. e, 4. by Sir John Johnson Water K. Livingston. Jefferson Actuary, br. h. t, by Dick liniiell Alice Baird. I.oiney. James T. Alleghan, b. c, 3. by Everest Tell Pill. Lowe. John Starlie.k. I., h. .".. by Troutbe. k Islar. I.owenstein. Most- Col. Board, gr. c. 3. by by Betyal Canopy Lovelies Mel. ill. J. C. Spic and Span. It. h. -".. by Whisk broom II — Sub Kosa. M.liill. J. C. Flagstaff, ch. g. «. by Broomstick Inaugural. Mi .ill. J. I. Mau/.ana. eh. g, 4. by Broomstick — Man.-.anita . MH.ill. J. C. Itus.sell iardner. eh. e. 3. by Tea Caddy Tnniue. Mc ;ill. J. C. Houriuore. br. g, 5. by Hoiirless ltelgra via. McLean. K. It Prince of Wales, br. c. 3. by High Time Sand Pocket M- Lean K. B. .anl-ii Pose. br. f. 3. by Colin — Carden of Allah. MePherson. J Fire tin. eli. g, 4. by Lnder Fire - Fleuron II. Milam. J. C. Anna M. Humphrey, eh. in ti, by Peter Min.e Kdeii Hall. Mosi.r .V Walter— Ma P.riek. eh. g. 5. bv Sir Martin May Alley. at Walter Slaller. eh. g, 5, by Fri/./le Sena Lamplighter. Mus.inie. Fred Panic, br. c. 4, by Peler Pan Miss Hamburg Parr sll. J. W. Per. tillage, ell. e, 3. by Midway iossip A vi nil.-. Ue~!.ess. J. p, Croat Sport, br. c. 3. by Colonel Venule Angeline Keidin-.-t-r. C W. Ciiblon. ch. h. ."t. by The Manager Oreea. Bieiliiigcr. C. "W Caraeiu,. , li. ,-. 4. by Creat Britain tlr.-en Segar. P.. C. Sou Ami. b. e. 3. by Chateau Lifite - Sa voniiii-res. S|N-uce. Kay Drone, br. c, -t, by Friar Kock - Dreaming. Sulliean. II W lake a Cha br. e. 3. by II MM— Em Invalides Taylor. J S. Mail Charles. It. c. "., bv Heluiet Klizibelli M Three Ds Stock Farm Morning CI. .nil. It. f. 4. bv War loud French H.-eU Three D» MOT! Farm Cirl MOM, h. f. I. by Hand Creuade Myrtlt-vah-Trol tt-r. F. Corncrackcr. br. e. 3. by North Star 111 S.ning Maid Troxler. .1. J King N.idi. br c. 1. by King Janes Nailinelle Wliil. -house. W II Samaritan, b. g. •"•. by Crand Parade U.-.l Cross IV Whitney. 11. P. Backbone, eh. g. 4. by ITUat Broom II Stamina. Wh.tuey II P Aciosii. . I, c. :. by Broomstick Ve.-| tiolls Wliilnev. II. P llni.lia.iay. hr j;. :;. |,v WliM. Broom II. I.m.C ILimlmr_- II. Whitney. II P Bloinlin. It. v, ::. Ity Broomstick Bnlaiooire II Whimey. II P. Poken. It e, 3. hy IVtinaiii Ba inemlirance wiiiiney. ii p toetaH, l . c. 4. he rater ran Irillery. Whiiney. il p Coronation. It. c 4. BJ Johreii InooBmnl. I Wii-ilcmanu. arl My ohtiiel. ch. e. 3. hj Luke M.Liikc Luuille .Montis. Xalapa Harin M.-morv Lane. I. c, :;. In TfMfet Mileage. :ila|t.-i Kami i.trever and Lver. It e. :t l.v N.-t;.. f-ti boa t..- rteht X.ililja Kami L.veil One. ch. f. 4 |lV Netolol .Mileage. I Ziejtl.-r. Win .lr m i.ei.-ril i formerly Star I «BW |, ch. c. I. hi Sir Martin Asiroloiry