More Riders Under Ban: Five Jockeys Denied Licenses by Kentucky Racing Commission., Daily Racing Form, 1926-05-03


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MORE RIDERS UNDER BAN • Five Jockeys Denied Licenses by Kentucky Racing Commission. ♦ Seven other-. Granted Probationary Papers— Number Held I p for Farther Investigation. » BKXINGTON. Ky.. May 1.— The report of the licenses committee. Messrs. Charles P. I rice, S. C. Nuckols, W. H. Sherwood and T. C. Bradley appointed by the Kentucky State Baeing Commission, to grant licenses for the 192f racing season was given out for publication Saturday. Five jockeys. I . Connelly. EL L. King, W. S. I.illey. V. Fronk and Waiter W. Taylor have been denied licenses, while seven others — M. lamer, and Scobie, J. Kederis, N. Barrett, J. H. Burke. 10. Pool and J. Heupel were granted probationary papers with the understanding that any further derelictions or misconduct, will result in the revocation of their licenses. The report submitted to the Kentucky State Commission by the license committee is as follows : "Lexington. Ky., April P.O. "Kentucky State Pacing Commission. "Lexington. Ky. : "Gentlemen : "In pursuance with your instructions, your license committee submits the following report : "Jockeys H. Lunsford and S. McGraw tahled. I "The following jockeys were granted probationary licenses only and will be notified by the stewards that any further derelictions or misconduct, such as intoxication, negligence in reporting to fill engagements, or absence from the saddle for an indefinite period, will result in their licenses being terminated : "M. Garner, J. Kederis. K. Pool. P. Scobie, . Parrctt. .1. H. Burke. J. Heupel. "The following jockeys were refused licenses : "Daniel P. Connelly. Henry Lawson King, Willie Fronk, Walter S. Liiley. Walter W. Taylor. "A number of licenses for jockeys, agents, trainers and apprentice jockeys were held up for further investigation by your committee. You will find attached to this report a complete list of licenses granted or refused, trainers, jockeys, apprentice jockeys and agents for the coming season. "Bespect fully submitted. Signed "VV. S. Sherwood, T. C. Bradlev, C. F. Price, » S. C. Nuckols."

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Local Identifier: drf1926050301_1_4
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