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MOUNT EOYAL PARK MONTREAL OITE FRIDAY MAY 28th 1926 Mount Royal Park 1 Mile Sixth lay Rack River Jockey Club Spring Meeting of days Weather clear clearStewards Stewards W W Lyles J J Filzgcrald A La iKTge K S St Pierc and T K Ouiim Presiding Indge C McCarthy Associate Judge A Shearer Slarter G R Palmer Racing Secretary Mc ¬ Carthy Racing starts at PO p m Chicago time 1SO 1SOH9OQA n nRacing H9OQA FIRST RACE 58 Mile AuE 19 1910 UZUyO 100 4 114 Purse 503 3year olds and unward Foaled in Canada Net value to winner 5400 second 60 third 25 fourth 15 15Kq Kq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Tin Jockey Straight 02030 Royal Gift m V R McAlaney J071100 203 Shadow DancellC 2 D Stevenson 101010 904iT Beljoy 114 3 V X Koden SSO1W 203 3RalKim Lake 1U 4 R McCrann 1S310U 18 7 Dependence lit 51 H Karlaml 1015UJ 01969 Lovos Legacy 114 G L Gray SToloa 02030 Kthelbell 114 7 N Urown 290j400 290j400Time Time 102U Track fast mutuels paid Royal Gift 101 straight TiOr place 3 ri show Shadow Dunce 1470 Ulace SCPO show Kcljoy show showKmiivalcnt Kmiivalcnt booking odd Royal Gift 10 i to 100 straicht l2 to 100 place 871 to 10i show Shadow Dance C7i to KM place 1MO to 100 show Reljoy 117V to UK show showWinner Winner J Montgomerys br g 7 by Anmer Kitty Rniwn by Rassetlaw trained by J llont gornerr bred bv Mr James lj Ross RossWent Went to P t at J41 At pot S minutes Start Kxl and slow Won driving jtcond and third the same no HO 7 SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Aug JAW I 2Ji 1910 100 3 107 Purse 500 3yoarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner S4CO second 60 third 25 fourth 15 15i i Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 11192 Oblique 102 I3 A Pergrass 425100 0197 = R yal Dick US W MsCabo 101100 0185CJChambeloni 101 OJ T Josiah 420100 01932 lo La Sable 107 4 O Bonil 2193101 01972 Hluo lSru h HO f1 OMahoiiey SOTIM 015122 Gleaner 111 C L Gray 10J3100 01923 Mitch Ray 110 7 H Lamb 4710100 4710100Time Time 107 Track fast 2 muluels paid Obli iie JIOWI straight 40 place J250 bow Royal Dick 2SM place Ji show Cliamhclona show showKqiiivalcnt Kqiiivalcnt bookingi odds Obliquo UT to 100 KtraigliU lOLVi to 100 place lri to 1K show Royal IHek jr to 100 place llVi to 100 hlmw Cham IxIona 23 to KM show showWinner Winner II 1ierces b g 3 by Out the Way Mima bv 1erkeo trained by L Campbell bred by Mr Krederie MKlhon MKlhonWent Went to post at nlli At post 1 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving OverwelghtH Miaiiihelonu 4 ouiids De La Kable I nOnQR THIRD HACE 5 12 Furlongs Aug UZUUO 23 1916 106 3 107 Purse 5500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner400 second 60 third 25 fourth 15 15K K 1 Odds OddsInd Ind Horso Wt Kin Jockey Straight 02034 riachors I istlH fc G Jiorul 310100 310100lp947nat lp947nat 107 2J J Josian 2701W 11924 TwlnkK Star 114 2V U McAlaney fi9lC3 01927 Cirta 102 4 A rcjjruj O 0 0038ft Pensive lit o3 P Powers 44C3100 7751 fi Burbeth 112 65 L Gray 940100 01889 Avion 114 75 N Foden 2R5100 2R5100Eoaz Eoaz 109 8 H Farland 2060100 2060100Time Time 107 Track fast mutuels paid Rachelors I ast 820 straight 80 place 3ao show Haf 415 place 320 show Twinkling Star 440 show showBrjuivalent Brjuivalent Itookiug odds Rachelors I nst 310 to 100 straight 00 to 100 pla c 05 to 100 show Haf 107 lo 100 place CO to 100 show Twinkling Star llO to 100 show showWinner Winner C P Miles b g by Rachelors Hope Devecote by Kingston trained by R Jackson br by Mr Klliott Ixiuderdale IxiuderdaleWent Went to post at 34 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameOverweight Overweight Roiz 5 pounds VAUVV 02099 FOURTH ACE 5 12 Furlongs Aug gg 1916 106 3 107 Purse 500 3yearolds anj upward Claiminff Net value to winner 400 second 60 third 25 fourth 15 OddsInd 1 Odds StraightOI8UO Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight OI8UO Vtlnia M Ill 113 H McAlaney 2C7100 OlK 2C7100OlK 2vSir Glen 110 2 p Prible 103100 103100i i 01971 Salome IDS 33 6 Bond 1000100 100010001927T 01927T 11 Kveritt 10 4 tL Hardy 7SO100 7SO100019223Kairj 019223Kairj Gift 107 5 S Kirk COO100 01923 Log Fire 103 C L Ponce 445100 tOmitled 445100tOmitled from entries entriesI I Time 108 Track fast fastL L 2 mutuels paid Velma M 73 straight place SJ7 show Sir Glen 315 place 285 show 1 Salome 20 show showE E inraleut looking odds Velma M 17 to 100 straight 7i to KM place 37j to 100 show Sir Glen 72 to 10J place 421i to 100 show Salome 5 to 100 show showWinner Winner A Keunears eh m 0 by Everett Raima Vestal by Iuck and Charity trained by J Montgomery bred by Mr I E Clark ClarkWent Went to post at 4O At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched 020M See It Through 110 Overweights Velma M 3 pounds Fairy Gift 4 Log Fire I 1916 l44i 5 11L Westmount Purse Purse 600 4yearolds and upward Al ¬ lowances Net value to winner 450 second 90 f third 40 fourth 20 E Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Tin Jockey Straight StraightOl9701Piedra Ol9701Piedra 107 1 F Seremba 4S3100 01973 Tra Janus 115 2 W McCabe 130100 01974 Hay Dinglo 111 3 P Powers fJi100 00724 3Bodanssky 104 4 J Josiah iOlH iOlH0192fiSnul 0192fiSnul 112 5 D Fisher KW100 KW100Time Time 149 Track fast fastSli Sli mutuels Ktid Piedra 1070 Nlraight 440 plaee shoxv Tnijanus 305 place 270 I show Ray Dingle 300 lipw l iiivalent iHxiking odd 431 to 100 straight 120 to 100 place H to 100 show TnijaiuiK VJ1 to 10O place 31 to lot show Ray Dingle 10 to 100 show Winner C MitchtllV b g 11 by Magellan Premiere Marclie y Childwick traine l by Finley bred in France by Mr T P Thorne ThorneWent Went to pt t at r00 At jxist 1 minute Start g K d und slow Won Imnilily second and third driving 1 Scratched 01971 YVortliiiian lir Overweights Ray l ingle J ixiumlt Rodanzky Snub 2 091 U4JUJ 01 SIXTH RACE 34 Mile May 25 1916 ii34i03 Purse 500 3year olds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 400 second 60 third 25 fourth 15 15Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 02037 Whouseman 117 1 N Foden 133100 02037 Sentiment 113 2iJ n McCrann 157C100 157C10001856Bullet 01856Bullet Joe Ids L Gray 603100 603100018572Unionville 018572Unionville 10S 4l W McCabe 365100 365100OUJ23 OUJ23 Simmons 102 O2 L Hardy 2763100 83749 Powerful 115 G K Ball 575100 57510096474Llo 96474Llo Blk ShpllS 7 P Powers 910100 Time 115 Vs Track fast 2 mutuels paid Warehouseman 470 straight 4r 0 place 355 show Sentiment 900 place 4r 0 show Hiillet Joe 300 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Warehouseman 13 to 100 straight l5 to 100 place 77 to 100 show Sentiment 380 to 100 place 125 to 100 show Bullet Joe SO to 100 show showWinner Winner W G Campbells br g 15 by Oiscan Larakin by Ihiblin or Atheling trained by W G Camplxll bred by Mr Oscar Haillargeon HaillargeonWent Went to post at r40 At post minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingOverweights Overweights Ilullet Joe 1 pound Unionville 1 091 U4JU4 09 SEVENTH RACE i iis Miles Aug 19 19161 445 111 Purse 6W 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 90 third 40 fourth 20 20E E I Odda Oddalud lud Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 02038 All There 113 H W McCabo 715100 71510001893Wida 01893Wida 113 2s D Fisher 315100 01 854 Freemason 103 3nt J Josiah 1G3100 01893 San Hedron 111 4a S Kirk 713100 7131000192GBrush 0192GBrush Boy 113 6 A Pergrass StO100 02034 Hp o t NthlOO G1 P Seremba G10100 01448 Tomahol 103 7 P Powers ISSMOO Time 149 Track fast 2 mutuels paid All There 1j 0 straight 780 place 400 show Wida 130 place 305 show Freemason 305 show showKijHivalent KijHivalent looking o lds A 11 There 715 to 100 straight 2iO to 100 place 100 to 100 show Wida US to 1W place 51 51j j to 100 show Freemason Freemasonray ray to 100 show showWlnnerrrJ WlnnerrrJ randaHH b g 9 by Alveseot Thaka by Sir Diion trained by W M Shewbridge bred l y Mr Ieorge J Ixnig IxnigWent Went to post at I At itost 1 minute S4art good and slow Won handily wcond and third driving