Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1926-06-01


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CHURCHILL DOWNS IOUISVIIiE KY JCONDAY MAY 31 1926 Churchill Downs 1 Mile Twentieth and last day Kentucky Jockey Club Spring meeting of 20 days Weather clear Stewards Chnilex F Price S C Nnckuls T C Bradley and Elijah Hogg Placing Judges W H Shelley N H McClelland and E P Webb Racing Secretary W H Shelley Clerk of Scales N II McCkIIand Starter W Hamilton Racing starts at 200 p in Chicago time 300 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig r s in parentheses follow ng tin distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and lit carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 1 Mile May 19 1921 136 8 104 Argonne Hotel Purse Purse 1EOD 3yearolds and upward Claiming1 Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 AWtiPSty 31 Str Fir Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 01958 VIVANDIEUE 4 M 4 C 8 1L D Neal B O Hickman 1955 QUEEN NAVARRE 3 Kt C 3 S 2i D Dubois E B McLean 01877 LADY CAROLYN 3 102 3 4 4 4f20 K 1 C 4 31 J Ryan Hartintf Richardson f20 XIvAJAKA w t 3 104 7 2 5 5l 41 2 3h 4 J Dillea H Dots 112133 FREIVK RAPHEL 3102 2 5 3 3 J 41 5 51 W Garn Garner F M Grabnef OJ807 DOUBLE STAR w3 3 97 5 7 7 7IllfftS 1 7s 7s 74 C G Johnson G Watts Son SnGOlOO SnGOlOOllltTtS IllfftS SARA VI A w wn i 3 97 1 S 1 1JOI Ill3 5 C 75 L Fischer Kenton Farm Stable 4160100 JOI J1C8I C8l TRIBAL w WB 3 97 S 1 C C1 S 8 S R Finnrty J Lowe 18 100 100Time Time 23 47 J 114 141 Track slow mutiidM paid Vivandiire 140 straiglit 0K place 503 show Queen Navarre 7CO place ily Carolyn 100 show showbooking booking xldsVivandiero 570 to 100 straight 20 to 100 pace 150 to 100 show Queen Navarre L80 to 100 place IOO to 10O sl ow Iuly Carolyn 100 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ir f by Trap Rock Haversack by Martinet trained by I Lchan bred by Mr Samuel HCK HCKVnt Vnt to ist at 2 1 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third tin tcime YIYANDIEKE Ugan slowly but juickly closed a big gap and coming fast through the stretch outgained QIKEN NAVAItUE in the final drive QUEEN NAVAKRE showed high earl speed and racril into tin lead but tired near tin end LADY CAROLYN was forced to race wide and finished veil KAJAHA was tiring at thc finish SARAVIA hoved a high order of early speed but quit FREDERICK ItAPIIAEL tirwl tirwlScratched Scratched 01011 Kid Boots 100 100Uerweights Uerweights Vivnndicre pounds Kajaba 1 Tribal 5 SECOND RACE 6 12 Fcrlonps Oct 17 1921 117 4 112 1400 Added 3year olds a d upward Claiming Net value to winner 1100 second 233 third 122 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eijuiv Odds Strt O2CM9XimOOMSTER WSB 7 llg 7 1 21 1J Is 1J E Scobio L T Cooper 240100 2401000OOG1THE 0OOG1THE JANITOR wn 3 100 54 G 4 21 2J 1J Dubols Itloomfield Stable 600100 ei907LUCKY DRIFT w 4 103 3 6 11 2 Si 3J R Finnrty J W Hell 2CO100 6712GSROYAL SWEEP WB 4 100 6 2 31 3 1 4 4 i W Garner VV Mulholland eiO100 eiO100D2B8K D2B8K MAC OBOY w 5 101 2 C 7 7 S 6 J Ryan P McUadn 1370100 1807s ANONA w 3 93 1 7 61 Ch G G J L Fischer Parkview Stablq 10SO100 94615 JOHX HAGER w 5 101 i 3 4 y 7 7 V Moore D Lfhan 3C301M 3C301MTtoe Ttoe 23i 47H 113 120 Track slow 2 mutuelR paid Broonister C80 straight 4CO place 280 show The Janitor 5fX jilacc 340 iihow Lucky Drift 2M thow thowEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Broonister 240 to 100 straight 130 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Tin Janitor 180 to 100 place 70 to lot chow Lucky Drift tfi t TOO show Winner B K by Itroomt tick Spun Glass by Rock Sand trained by W A Crawford hred by Mr Harry Iayne Whitney WhitneyWent Went to pot at 231 At i ost 1 minute Start good and slow AViin easily second and third thirdAivinc Aivinc BHOOMSTER forced the early paie and taking the lead when turning for home won in a acanter canter TJUS JANITOR cloMd up with n gcxxl hurst of n eed and PTKS I LUCKY DRIFTin the stretch stretchlillCKY lillCKY DRltTT how d Jlhe most speed but tir d the stretch ItOVAL SWEEP was forced wide on onthe the turns but made a game finihh MAC OBOV WUK gaining at theend f Sratch l 020STJ J b Overweight 41uc Oloy 2 jxjunds V THraD EACE 58 Mile May 20 1912 59 2 113 1330 Added 2yearolds Claim ingr Net value to winner 1000 second 230 third 120 Index Horses Vi Str Fin Jockeys Equir Odds Strt 017363DR STREETT w 104 7 4 I4 O Johnson IJ C Hunbury 01683 IRENE ROHAN w 106 2 1 101874RUANE 21 J Heupel R Ixivino Ixivino3l 01874RUANE w 112 4 5 3l F Chvetta RIoomfield Stable Stable4n 01874 ZFLORIDA GOLD WB 1111 5 3 301908SOPHRONIA 4n E Blind II P Headley Headley5J 01908SOPHRONIA FAIR w 101J 6 6 601908WOOD 5J W Garner Xalapa Farm Stablo StabloG1 01908WOOD NYMPH w 108 1 2 2JUDGE G1 R 5icchini Audley Farm Stable JUDGE CAVERLY w 115 3 7 7 E Scobie J C Milam Time 23 47 101 Track slow 2 mutuels paid Dr Strectt 800 straight 480 place 340 show Irene Rohan 720 place 480 show Ruane 140 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Dr Streett 300 to 100 straight 140 to 100 pace 70 to 100 show Irene Rohan 2CO to 100 place 140 to 100 show Ruane 120 to 100 show showWinner Winner Oh c by Flying Squirrel Debutante by McGec trained by B C Bunbury bred by Mr J A Hall HallWent Went to post at 313 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second anil third driving DR STREETT began from an extreme outside post position but took the lead with a rush and making the pace fast was easing up at the end IRENE ROHAN raced in nearest pursuit all the way but tired in the stretch drive RUANE ran well and was gaining at the end FLORIDA GOLD was forced a bit wide on the last turn The others were always outrun Scratched 02132 The Code 110 110Overweights Overweights Florida Sold li pounds Sophronia Fair 2 Judge Caverly 5 fOJ rrtZ FOTTRTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards May 30 1919 141 4 110 Memorial Day VArfJL 4 tP Handicap Purse 2090 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1500 second 325 third 175 Index Horses AWtPPSty Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 01911 RECOLLECTION WB 3 100 4 3 1 J 1 Il 11 11 G Johnson Kohn Theisen 02136 MUSICIAN w 3 97 6 4 2 3 21 2 1 21 R Finnrty Kenton Farm Stible Stibletr 01649 RHINOCK tr 3 114 2 1 53 51 3 3 3 M Garner Parkview Stable StableWB 01910 TANGARA WB 4 108 3 6 6 4J 44 4B 4 N Barrett S N Holnian Holnianw 98462 SCAMP w 7 110 5 5 3 2 6 5l 5 V Moore S N Holman 019HSROTHERMEL WB 4 108 1 2 4b 6 Li Geving J N Camden fCoupled as S N Hoi man entry entryTime Time 24 48 113 139 144 Track rlow 2 mntuels paid Recollection 2200 straight 300 place 340 show Musician 1280 place 380 show Rhinock 260 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Recollection 1030 to 100 straight 350 to 100 place 70 to 100 sliow Musician 540 to 100 place 90 to 100 show Rhinock 30 to 100 show showWinner Winner B c by Jim Gaffney Memories II by Rabelais trained by G V Barnes bred by Mr Jefferson Livingston LivingstonWent Went to post at 348 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and thin the same RECOLLECTION well ridden and favorably weighted set a good pace throughout and stood a hard drive at the end to outfinish MUSICIAN The latter finished resolutely under hard riding and might have won at a longer distance RHINOCK was impeded while going around the first turn by the rider on ROTHERMEL grabbing his saddle cloth and later on grabbing RHINOCKS riders knee TAN ¬ GARA tired SCAMP quit quitOverweights Overweights Musician 1 pound Tangara 1 A O1 f7 ± FIFTH RACE 1 18 Miles Oct 20 1921 149 4 119 FiftySecond Running Jl JL 4 O KENTUCKY OAKS 10000 Added 3yearolds Fillies Allowances Net value to winner 10960 second 1500 third 800 fourth 220 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 01829BLACK MARIA WB 121 6 4 2J 21 2101713DARK 1 A Mtensn W R Coe 400100 01713DARK PHANTOM w 110 5 7 6 51 5101878HELENS 2 W Garner J N Camden 3KO100 3KO100fioyoioo 01878HELENS BABE w 116 10 9 7 7a 7a01877PARCO 3 E Blind H P Headley Headley4s fioyoioo fioyoioo8SO100 01877PARCO w 116 2 1 61 6a 6a01770INDIANAPOLTS 4s C Turner A B Hancock 8SO100 01770INDIANAPOLTS w 1IG 9 6 Il 11 6 G Johnson S K Nichols NicholsC ISiO100 ISiO100loioioo 02024 FLORENCE MILLS w 121 1 3 31 3 C E Legere J L Knight loioioo 018293RAPTURE w 121 8 6 8 8 710 J Chalmrs H P Whitney WhitneyS3 410100 02025 MARY O w 116 4 8 9 9 S3 E Scobie J C Milam 27CO100 27CO100t 01873 SEA DRIFT w 116 7 10 10 10 9 R Wliams II P Head Headlcy fry t 02024 BARBARA WB 116 3 2 4i 4 Pull up M Garner Coldstream Farm Stablo 1KO100 1KO100jCoupled jCoupled as H P Headley entry entryTime Time 24 49 114 141 155 Track sloppy 2 mntuels paid Black Maria 1000 straight 720 place 440 show Dark Phantom 180 place 340 show H P Headley entry 480 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Black Maria 400 to 100 straight 2CO to 100 place 120 to 100 show Dark Phantom 140 to 100 plape 70 to 100 show H P Headley entry 140 to 100 s v vWinner Winner Blk f by Black Toncy Bird Loose by Sardanapalc trained by W H Karrick bred by Himyar Stud StudWent Went to post at 429 At post 7 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving BLACK MARIA raced closest up from the start and coming fast when called on in the stretch took the lead and was going away at the end DARK PHANTOM ran a good race and outgamed HELENS BABE HELENS BABE finished fast and would have been second in a few more strides PARCO raced well but was tiring at the end INDIANAPOLIS set a good pace but tired after showing much the most early speed FLORENCE MILLS showed speed but was quitting at the end endScratched Scratched OlSOgPecussion 1115 02024Mayfair 11C 01651 Nettie Sweep 11C 02021 Dawn of Tomorrow 116 SIXTH RACE 6 12 Furlongs Oct 17 1921 117 4 112 1400 Added 3yearold and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1100 second 233 third 122 Index Horses JA Vi Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 020223THE RUNT WB 5 103 5 1 21 11 1s I4 G Johnson L B Draun 250100 02086 HATS UP WB 5 108 1 3 11 2s 2s 23 J Heupel W J Raybouia C80103 C8010302086SVALLEY 02086SVALLEY LIGHT WB 5 105 3 5 5 5s 3 3 W Garner G V Barnes r00100 020192 MALLY JANE w 3 99 6 2 3h 41 4 S 4 1 D Neal J C Milam 170100 99878 CIMMERIAN w 4 109 2 4 4 3 5a 5 D Dubois Southland Stablo 1500100 1500100955063MIB 955063MIB McGEE w3l054fi 6 6 C f J Dillea R S Clark 1790100 1790100Time Time 23 47 114 121 Track sloppy 2 mntuels paid The Runt 700 straight 380 place 300 show Hats Up COO place 400 show Yalley Light 380 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds The Runt 250 to 100 straight X to 100 place 50 to 100 show Hats Up 200 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Valley Light 00 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Meridian Queen of Paradise by Hastings trained by M Shapoff bred by Mrs H F Carman CarmanWent Went to post at 508 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving THE RUNT was helped by the sloppy track and passing HATS UP on the stretch turn won going away HATS UP set the early pace but tired badly in the final drive VALLEY LIGHT was racing fast at the finish MALLY JANE was tiring badly at the end CIMMERIAN and M1B McGEB could not extend themselves in the soft going goingScratched Scratched 02021 Payman 1O4 07273sQuince King 114 114Overweight Overweight Mally Jane 4 pounds 4f f7Q SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles May 24 1922 144 4 113 Pnnte 1400 3yearolds U l 4 O and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1100 second 200 third 100 AWtPPSty Vi StrFin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 01913COCKNEY w 5 107 3 3 31 21 11 1s 1 D Dubois Bloomfield Stablo 340100 02021 SCAMPAWAY WB 3 103 7 5 11 I1 23 2 2s J Heupel E H Von Rochm 1630100 01841 ALLOY WB 4 107 5 6 21 3 31 3 3 W Garner C E Hamilton 790100 01875 LOTA BROOKS w 4 103 2 1 5 7 61 4 4i D Neal Miss L Brooks 2T 100 10001909BROAD 01909BROAD AXE WB 3 98 C 8 7 61 51 53 6 G Johnson Mrs F J Uhlein 810100 02086 LANCER w 4 115 1 2 61 5 i 7 6 6 R Finnrty L T Cooper 950100 01879 LADY MYRA w C 110 4 4 8 8 8 71 710 R Wliams E B McLean 2480100 02086 WATCHFUL WB 5 115 8 7 4 41 41 8 8 E Scobie C Harrigan 680100 680100Tim Tim 24 49 115 142 149 Track sloppy 2 mutuels paid Cockney 880 straight 580 place 400 show Scauipuway 1440 place 900 show Alloy 500 show showEquivalent Equivalent Ihooking odds Cockney 340 to 100 straight 190 to 100 place ICO to 100 show Scamp away 020 to 100 place 350 to 100 show Alloy 150 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Great Britain LAvenir by Rabelais trained by B B Williams bred by Mr Walter M Jeffords JeffordsWent Went to post at 547 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driving COCKNEY found the sloppy going in his faror and racing past SCAMPAWAY after turning for home easily drew away in the stretch SCAMPAWAY set the early pace and finished gamely for second place ALIXY finished gamely LORETTA BROOKS fell far back in the early running and ran a bad race BROAD AXE was racing well at the finish WATCHFUL was cased up when soundly soundlyScratched Scratched 02021 3Eager 110 020253Finnster 98 01907 Midnight Rose 102 Overweight Scam pa way 1 pound

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Local Identifier: drf1926060101_9_1
Library of Congress Record: