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RaCC 5s ltt WWcnrr Course Illne Illdpe Purse 2yearolils Maldeis Clalmlnfc June 4 1 2C 5J 2 113 Index Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt i StrFin Jockey Started Order of Finish TIPPEBABY MABY b f 2 M 109 By El Dinero II Dublin Mary by Poussin PoussinTrainer Trainer J Edwards Owner Mirasol Stable Breeder H Waterson 02484 Bel 4Jf we 55m 7 115 7 CS 31 A SchngeriaMlyMyliill 107ByGar 107GnomesLt 119 02074 Bel 41 f we 52ift 10 IOS S S018GO 7 6 i A Schnger 9 Black Agate 112 Victrix 100 Ennui 108 018GO Bel 41 f we 56 ft 100 110 9 551 2n A SchuKerl Popllell 118 Victrix 105FiresideTalf 110 01758 Jam 5S 100 ft 40 109 9 8 8 A SchugerlO MrWilm HUIostonn 112lVI xt T 118 01609 Jam 68 l01 = sy 30 112 S S S R Carter 9AvisklI 114SolGold 115 BulFlowcr 109 99119 Mia 12 4Sgd 33 119 8 8 S Gl G Fields 12 FolsGirl HOMofOrlens 119Lyltr 113 CANDY DurbarTrainer MAY b f 2 M 109 By Wormleighton Epsom May by Durbar Trainer G Arvln Owner H T Archibald Breeder J L Tarlton 01615 CD SSllOOVsft 7 11413 G G1 6 E Pool 13 ThirfnSixty 119EtbelDear 119Krick 114 01503 CD 41 f 55 cdll10 116 8 10 84i 3i E Pool 12 Aquifnia 116 TheUrel 11C BbonGlrl 11 SAX JOWZ b g 2 X 107 By Donnacona Kargaret dOr by Zeus ZeusTrainer Trainer H C Riddle Owner Mrs J Sciaccaluga Breeder B F Eubank 32186 Bel 41 f wo 3CHft SO 10712 12 12 2iri W Harvey 13 A the 10S Watch On 107 7 nite 102 02069 Bel 41 t we 32 ift 11 110 14 12 11 S11 L Kator 15 Urief ltt Herade 111 Menton 106 01 639 Jam 5S 101 si 6 112 5 6 5 4 G Ellis OliveDexr litRIkAeato 117Crimdus 115 01391 Jam 55100 ft 15 IIS 6 5 CM 4 G Ellis 8 XoRegts 115AvisackII115BFlower 115 01 159 Jam 38102 ft 20 107 6 7 7 7 F Cundall 8 JennyDean lOSLefsCo 115ThKaJoan 110 01001 UH al l2 lSft CO 11513 S S 91 F CundalllS PrPeter 115 Millennium 112JennyDn 11V GHOXES LASS b f 2 K 109 Bv Gnome Limerick Lass by Celt CeltTrainer Trainer J Fitzsimmons Jr Owner H W Xaxwell Breeder H W Xaxwell 08484 Bel 4lf we 55 = im S 110 S 7 4J 4 = 1 F Stevens 12 MlyMyhill 107ByOar 107TpyMary 115 02213 Bel 41 f vc 5 tt 1C5 10310 10 9i 6 R Hoade 10 Daffodil 112 SturdyStella 115 Vietrix 110 LASKA br c 2 X By Meridian Dancing Maid by Assagai Trainer J P Jones Owner P H Faulconer Breeder P H Faulconer 02074 Bel 41 f we ft 7 103 4 5 Z 4 W Harvey 9 Black Agate 112 Vietrix 100 Knnui 10 01729 Jam 5S 1 0 ft S 112 7 4 4i 4 l J Chalmral2 Avisackll I09CiiptnJack 117Poplt ll 117 01476 Pirn 41 f 35 ft 14 115 5 4 4 = J 54 J ClialmrslO Foregone 115 Long Joe 115 Math 115 01364 Pini 41 f 04 1 21 IIS 7 5 4 = i 4 J Chalmrs S XorHiIand llSDumpy 1181ongJoe 113 113XANWEIX XANWEIX b g 2 X 112 By The Xanager Farewell by Gssary GssaryTrainer Trainer J 0 Wijtlow Owrer T W OBrien Breeder T W OBrien 02217 Bel 41 f we C ft SO 11711 11 10 11 C Taylor 12 JenILee 117 JAFarley 117Bostonian 117 02069 Bel 4 f we Ji ft S 112 2 Z 44 4 O Ellis 15 Crief 103 Heradelll Menton 1061 01330 Lex 41 f 4kft 9 113 6 6 0 CTi B Pool 10 Realtor 115SunIance 11511vdromel 115 115DUNXORE DUNXORE b c 2 X 112 By Dodge Azurita by Hessian Trainer J S WH Owr EvereLid Stable Breeder J S Ward c 3VJft S 111 S 7 7SJ 5 C Taylor 15 Cref 10 Heradelll Menton 100 100S 01 570 Jam S 1 CO ft 3D IIS 1 C C 7s C Taylor S BlkPauther HSSwpster llSWiclnnt 113 113i5 98JOO Mia i5 3 4 ft 120 10S S 10rJ F Stevens 13 Pc tHorn 112CaptainJack lUTenacity 110 SS7G8 Mia 4 23m 1I 122 6 3s F Weiner 9 Patuxant 1221 nlxiveCall 122DBonero 122 9XG52 Mia 2114ft OS 122 C 0 F Weiner 10 APCanale 122IudLoveCaIl 122RaIly 122 9K5T4 Mia 4 235ift 69 122 9 10 F Weiner 11 TlieHtlien 122KalIy 122TamiauiiTrail 122 CEIMDUS b c 2 X 112 By Crimper Duster by Sweep SweepTrainer Trainer J S McDonald Owner X A Harper Breeder J S Cosden 0438 Bel i f we 0 = ift CO 117 11 10 lO lO E Kummerl2 Bostnn HTContemprte 117StJcs h 117 01 639 Jam 55101 si 5 115 6 4 3 = J 3 E Barnes i OlivelVxr IKSlHkAcate llTStmJowl 112 O 391 Jam 5S 100 ft C IIS 4 4 5 o D McAffe 8 XoRests 115AvisackII115BFIower 115 01096 Jam 5S l007stt CO US 7 15 161GIT E Bobbinsl7 Saxon HSArrogant llSWIIlieK 118 ABSACID b c 2 X 107 By Dominant Lady K H by Xeddler XeddlerTrainer Trainer C Phillies Owner Greentree Stable Breeder Greentree Stable 0578 Bel 4lfwc 54 = 3ft CO 10 C S 64 7Ji G Arnold 12 WhiskRuii lllIhliy 104SturdyStella 116 ttSOll Bel 41 f we G2ft 12 109 3 7 6 1 G Ellis 12 OliveDester 112Suky 104 reen Back 109 01861 Bel 11 f we 5l = jft 40 m 12 12 lO lO G Ellis 12 Sankari 110 Rostonian 11C ETader 110 C1U93 Jam 5S 10 ft 15 113 3 11 10 9 i G Ellis 12 fuelellood GTuPent 112ColoredGal 100 LVDIAN LIGHT cb g 2 K 107 By Rock Flint S rmione by Ormondale OrmondaleTrainer Trainer J W Healy Owner A C Bostwick Bred in England by H E Bed Beddington dington dingtoni8 i8 Bel Ufwo l ft 12 111 7 C S 10 U Carter 12 WliiskUun 113Ilhy 104StnrdyStelIa 11G 01860 Bel 41 f we rS ft 40 MS 13 13 ll lll i O Fletcherl7 TopRell HSTipperryMary HOVictrix 105 01585 Pirn 38101Vift 31f 111 1 3 9 i 91 P Walls 11 Over Lord 112 Sir Barley 104 Vietrix 112 YELLOW JACKET b f 2 X 104 By Hourless Yellow Sally by Star Sboot SbootTrainer Trainer T Rndrock Owner K Hitt Breeder Belray Farm 2484 Bel 4Jf we li m 15 102 3 10 95 S l W Par ton 12 MlyMyhill 107RyOar lOTTpyMary 115 0194S Bel 4J f wo 5 ft 4 114 S 7 l 9 J Callahani Persiea 114 Jumbo 114 Eglantine 115 01831 Bel 41 we f2Hft 20 115 G 7 12113 J Callahanl5 Ronnielennant 115HeFair 115TiRress 115 ABTTL FATH ch e X 112 By Omar Kbayyam Virginia by Ormondale OrmondaleTrailer Trailer J H Stotler Ownrr Sagamore Stable Breeder A B Hancock HancockOS4R9 OS4R9 Bel 5SvclW m 2 11110 10 10TW F ColIetti 10 Medina 103 Ennui 110 Red Pate 111 PARTNER LegTrainer gr c 2 X 112 By Gnome Lady Grey by Grey Leg Trainer K Smat Owne S Ross Breeder S Ross 011 Bel 4ifwe 525ift 40 10212 12 12S12 G Powers 12 OliveDexter 112Suky lOlGreen Back 103 PTJCEPHALITS b c 2 X 112 By Buchan Zefa by Orme OrmeTrainer Trainer T J Healey Owner W J Salmon Bred ia England by W J Salmon SalmonFirst First start