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BINDCULARS dL Built For The mS, Races % wMM colmont .%M[ roty Jy Race Glass f „ -£ffi_i ALUMINUM BODY V kV flBB COVERED IN Wftff, TAN LEATHER To see clear around the track** get lisjrt weight gl.tsses you can hold steady. The COLMONT is hfht aluminum, built for theraces. A pleaiure to look thtough — a pnJe to look at. Ihsssed ■srUltttlsp. 1 2-1 1 inch ol - d» / Yosr i tivoo. 1 ■ n i. .03 fir s!i ulJer tmuBtat 6tr.ip3. Tin! ih,-r c.i- „nJ strips. Ask ™ f I I to M thcCOLN.ONl.Complcteloronljr hlV Buy Binoeiifar; 0 an.l up. Stop Watches, Cameras, etc. CouTtcuu; lnsp;i.nonat OurStare — Catalog on reque .1. WATRY and HEIDKAMP VhaTI!;!: ChksSJB*; j i-.iJinn Dptu- il H.vise Siiue itSy