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JAMAICA TURF NOTES « i MEW YORK. X V.. May 9. Prince of Bourbon was cut down in the Beeaai nee and his injury seemed serious as he was led off the track Paul Ratti and Samuel Ialumbo have been granted feMBpa ary licenses by the stewards a* Jamaica. William Keating.-- three-year-old colt Willie K.. which was sick during the winter at Dearie, is leached in his wind as the result of the illness Dr. Mi-fully will operate on the eerae eexl Sunday. Seven horses belonging to s X. llolman have arrived at Jamaica. Edward Arlington made reser vat ions for five stalls f r horses which he will send to the Mount Royal meeting, commencing ! May 21. TfcJa divi.ion f lis stable probably will be campaigned thr the Canadian circuit. L. K urnmet was set down for thiee days f r crowding MetasDr la ike seeond race 1 relay Temporary licenses liae been granted the following riders: .1 Frey, J. Josiah. 1 :. Ben-ham and R. Moran. Tony Dixon and The Vintner were claimed out of the first i ace and Delhi Boy went to J. A. Coburns barr after the third race.