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QAIJJjf RACING FORM 1 WASHINGTON PARK J HOMEWOOD. ILL., FRIDAY. JUNE 14. 1929 —Washington Tark 1 1-8 Miles. Seventeenth day. New Washington Park Jookey Club. Spring meeting of ; 0 days. Weather cloudy. Si. wards, Charles K. Price. M. Nathans.. n and Robert M. Sweitzer. Judges, Joseph McLennan, A. E. Blanchard and Charles F. Henry. Starter. Harry Morrisscy. Racing Secretary, Joseph McLennan. Racing Marts at 2:13 p. m. Chicago daylight Raving time. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. Kig-nres in parentheses follov iaf the distan e of each race indicate horse, aate, track record, age of horse and wciuht can ied. •Indicates apprentice allowance. * Trr/-i FIRST RACE — 5-8 Kile. Jimmy Moran, June 3. 1929— :5925— 2— 116. Purse ,200. a 4 OvfJL 8-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Not value to winner 00: second, 54; lourth. June-14-2;-Was 36. Claiming price, ,000: if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 50 to 000. Index Horses AWtlPSt % t„ Str Ein Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt tTtWCHCW TO wi; Hi! 11 2i V 1=J 1» L Jones Rancocas Stable D7-100 3:216 IIANDIWORKER w 114 2 2 3i 2J 2« 2« P Mriiinls Seagram Stable M-W0 3:::: i l n:i: girl ■ m 33 l« 3s 3 3 L j P Smith 4:4-100 37. 16 HAWAII K. wi! Ill 4 4 45 4» 41 4* R DcPma S W Klein 537-100 30097 TRODBANOVA w 111 5 5 5" G 5» 5* R Ayraud Mrs J S Ownbey 44SO-100 37246 JKSSli: MILLIARD w 111 6 6 6 r.J 6 6 ■ Spshire Mrs R Carrutliers 2330-100 Time. :25, :50/6. 1:04. Track heavy. — 32 MUTUELS PAID — . ,-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-CHENG TU .94 .02 .32 197—100 51—100 16—100 HANDiWORKER 3.34 2.38 67—100 19—100 FIRE GIRL 2.50 25—100 Winner— B. c, by Kal-Sang — Auction, by Johren trained by J. Lowe; bred by Mr. Harry F. Sinclair WI— W entered to be claimed for $."..000. WENT TO POST— 2:17. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. CHBXA Tt. at home in the stiff going and away forwardly. moved past FIUE GIRL with a rush when reaching the first turn and held HANDIWORKER safe in the last eighth. HANDIWORKER began well, but dropped back in the first eighth and, racing wide, came steadily in the stretch, but was not go »l enough for the winner. EIRE GIRL was much better than the others. HANNAH K. raced fairly Well. The others were always far out of it. ■cntefeC*— 37246Royal Equity, 111; 2721S Pasi-along. 118; 37248 Prince Atheling, 118; 37106 Tikes Peak, llti: ,;7313 Ku Chi, 111; 37.192 I.adrone. 114; My Premier, 111. « — * "TCr AO SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Black Beetle. June 8. 1929— 1:11%— 4— 105. Purse ,200. O 4 *F+d 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, June-14-29-Was 00. Claiming price, ,500. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 3710K.SH11T w i 118 4 3 21 2 Ill* R Ayraud J Roberts 668-100 373I8WALTER R. wb 3 112 2 1 1 1" 21 2» L McDott Lyda Mae Stock F"m Sta 377-100 30305 SIR JOHN K. wb I 110 1 6 41 4* 4J 3 P Neal HGJrSWH Goelita 6SLM00 3670! PARTICIPATE! w 4 115 9 7 6i H 53 43 A Anrson C W Bidwill 727-100 JGDOOWINIFRKD w5 105 6 8 7 7J 6= 5* L Jones C H Knebelkamp 7G7-100 BBMB OOBSOOM wr. 6 118 3 2 3 3= 3* 6= R Yelton Rose Home Stable 2S4-100 37247 BOWLER wn 3 109 5 4 5* 61 7s 7" E Spshire P Router 1713-100 3702fiMi HLH KINO w 3 112 8 9 9 9 8* 8" P Mcdinis Lc Mar Stock Farm Sta BBVMI 86129 SMOKY DAY w 6 HO T I 8-8-9 9 K Wmtmm Lone Star Stable 4017-100 Time, :24ss, :50. IdHL Track heavy. — .-2 MUTUELS PAID . -EOUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-SHIFT 5.36 .91 .06 6C8— 100 1D7— 100 153—100 WALTER R 4.80 3.40 140—100 70—100 SIR JCHN K 5.46 173—100 W. iiner— ltr. g. by Sweep — Subterfuge, by Trap Rock traiued by H. Roberts; bred by Himyar Stud. Willi.. t .M.t-,1 to be claimed for ,300. WENT TO P03T— 2:43. AT POST— 6 minut-s. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and lliird driving. SHIFT, going in his best form and favored by the going, wore down WALTER R. in the first qnait.r an 1 held the race safe thereafter. WALTER 11. began fast and raced prominently for the entire way, but had to be uig"d hard to r-ta:u second place. S1U JOHN K. was raced wide during the last quarter and just lasted for third place. lAUlit IIAIE beau slowly and was given a weak ride. GOSSOON had no mishaps and tired badly. WINIFRED was always far back. Bcratefcet 1:7181 Frances Rock. 108: :i7247 Princeton, 104; 32S78 Polita. 103; 30.708 Anita M. 105-3~:;17 Mary Sith, 104: .10898 Spectre. 101; 30930 Sambo G., 109; 37177 Hurstland. 104; 37108 Fair Vena. 101: La I.uau. 104. *dn,tHffy THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. Jimmy Moran7~June 3. 1929— :59%— 2— 116. Purse ,200. • 4 tJWO 2-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third, 00. Claim- June-li-Sit-Was ing price, ,500: if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,500. Index Horses AWtlPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 37515 MISS LOTTA w 104 2 2 l1 1» 1« 1» E Spshire J Muth . 300-160 86951 SIR ARGO w 115 3 3 3* 21 2» 21 L lfcDott Northway Stable 2717-100 37315 SANTA SOPHIA w 10C 11 2J 3* 3* 3» P Ncal W R Coe 140-100 SC833 BOBS 1 BABBOBM w 115 4 4 4» 41 4* 4» K Watson Valley Lake Stable 1S30-100 36899L.Ki:LAND wu 110 5 6 6 5* 5* 5» C E Allen R Goose 189-100 MISS EVAT w 112 6 5 5 6 6 6 A An"rson French Lick Springs Sta 6475-100 Time, :24yj. :49V5, 1:03%. Track heavy. , MUTUELS PAID— - ,-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-, KISS LOTTA $ 9.20 $ 4.80 $ 3.40 360—100 140—100 70—100 SIR ARGO 17.50 5.82 775—100 191—100 SANTA SOPHIA 2.86 43—100 Winner— 111k. t. by Westy Hogan— Miss Present, by The Tartar trained by W. Grater; bred by Mr. Walter S. Payne. Winner entered to be claimed for $: ,300. WENT TO POST— 3:20. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MISS LOTTA, hard ridden in the early stages, wore down SANTA SOPHIA after subjecting the latter to MM katHrsV rence on the first turn and, holding on well in the stretch, won with much in re-Serve. SIK Ai: .». hard ridden in the first quarter, moved into second place and held SANTA SOPHIA safe in the laBt sixteenth. SANTA SOPHIA was in the worst going all the way, began tiring and Sprawling in the last sixteenth. POKT DEARDORN raced fairly well. LAKELAND began slowly and Was alw.iys far out of it. Or7ET4 /4 FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile out of chute. Misstep, June 8. 1929—1:37 — 4 — 126. Purse O 4 OvtI ,300. 3-yeai-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner ,000; second. 30; third, 20. June-1 l-2l-Was Claiming price. ,000: if for less. 1 pound allowed for each 50 to ,500. Index Horses AWtlPSt Vi *4 % Str Ein Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 37177 mOOOmm SlO I M 65 5J 2J 1» R Ayraud Mrs V Farrar 451-100 37251 OOLDBM TRAIL wn 102 J 2 2= 1 1« 1* 2 E Spshire P Reuter 5G7-100 S;320*T1I1STLE COOT wn 103 6 3 4 4s 3i 3s 3 P Neal Betty Lou Stable 453-100 37 158s JACK HAWKSLET wn Ml 4 5 5" 5« 4! 4J 4« R Yelton Fishman and Russell 500-100 ww axttaam kham wain i 1 ijcj 2* s« 5« b Bassja e c otMn mmh 37251 ••8VITOB wn 105 1 4 P 21 6« 6» 6-» F Douglas E J Lehmann 330-100 »7029M.i:TSY JAYNE w 9Gi I 6 6« 7 7 7 7 E J C.yle J D Weil C03S-100 Time, :24Ji, :49V5. 1:17, le2. Track heavy. , MUTUELS PAID , -EaUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS- 1TIC0DEMU8 1.02 .70 .90 451—100 135—100 95—100 GOLDEN TRAIL 6.52 4.20 226 — 100 110 100 THISTLE COOT 4.36 118—100 W.nn-T— l?r. c. by Zrias Charm— Rosina II.. by Sunflower II. trained by F. Farrar; bred by Xalapa Farm Winner entered to be claimed for ,00U. WENT TO POST— 3:50. AT POST— 1 minute. star! cood and slow. Won easily; s--eoiid and third driving. Nl»»I»EMl"S. racing without blinkers and given a good ride, bfgan slowly, but moved up fast after s;oii:g 1 ::if a mile and. continuing stead. ly. caught GOLDEN TItAIL tiring badly in the last sixteenth and iir. w away fast in the last seventy ya:ds. GOLDEN TRAIL showed good form and the mor-t early sp.-.-d and appeared to have the ra e won a sixteenth out, but tired badly by racing in the deepest part of tic- track. THISTLE COOT folloved close up from the start and outstayed JACK IIAWKSLI Y in the fnitl d-ive. JACK IIAWKSI.EY came from far back. SI 1TOR was done after half a mile. GENGHIS KHAN tind after half a mile. s. :.!. ■ .1 37231 llr.ue T., 104. i.;-. 1 t Betsy Jayne, 2J pounds. OrKT £ Er~FIiTK~ RACEl Mila out of chute. Misstep. June 8. 1929— l:372i— 4— 126. Purse H 4 *J F«_f . 200. ImmUi and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 27; J tine-11-29-Was tlii-.d, 18. Claiming- price, ,500; if for less, 2 pounds allowod for each 50 to ,000. Index Horses AWtlPSt V4 % *4 Str Ein Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt BISfB*BOMBIsTUH wn 4 107 7 2 Is 1» lJ 1 1 L Jones J Ilannie MI-SB BBMVBBD LEATHER w 5 106 2 4 21* 21 2* 21 21 P McGinis E B Moss 191-PX 37251 •MACHETE w 3 99 1 5 5s 3» 3s 3= 3« F Douglas Shady Brook Farm Sta 114-lnO 37320Ji:i:n SPIDER w 5 107 4 6 4 4 4« i-o V- J Serio J W Goode 433-100 37107 HA8TEBA0B wb 4 104 6 7 G 6« C* 51 5 » R Ayraud M B Cohn 1019-100 37252*.sc • •]» wb 9 105 3 3 3« and• D1 C 6« R Morson I earborn Stable 3074-100 37107 MISS MILDRED w 3 BBJ 5 1 7 7 7 7 7 R Yelton Rose Home Stable 1802-109 Time. :24i, :49-3. 1:175. 1:470. Track heavy. , MUTUELS PAID — . -EQUIVAL NT BOOKING ODDS- EONEYFISH .82 .38 .92 241—100 69—100 46—100 BED LEATHER 3.44 2. 06 72—100 33—100 MACHrTE 4.36 118—100 N inner It g, by Hoi:ey wood— Minnow, by Minoru trained by W. J. Howard; bred by Nevada Stock Fain. i Winner entered to be claimed for f2.000. WENT TO POST — 4:18. AT POST— 1 minute. Slurt e,. .| and slow. Won driwn.:; sc on 1 and third the same. HoNEVFIMI. ra. ing in his heal Cstai u:i.l.r psai riding, moved into the lead with a rush and. bohlnm on well in tie- stretch, sSitstayai LEI LBATBBB. TkC latter moved ui fast u. ar lie SttCtea, liul bweived ui:der hard riling and tired n ar the end. M.U I.L1L w..s [Slals slcidily on the l.;:.|. r tl nU ra lag in the deeper SaBSC RED SPIDER had no mishaps and ran a good race. The other.-, were well BSataa aft.r SaiStt half a mile. Scratch..!— ::09Ol QaaB Crit. 102; :!7.".17:George Sta. k. 109. Overweights— Machete. 2 pound-: S.-....p. 1; IBsa!. 1*. OrTCr|£i SLXiH RACE— 1 Mile out of chute. Misstep, June 8, 1929—1:37—4—100. Purso * 4 tlUU ,200. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 00; second. 27; June-I4-29-W as third. 18. Claiming price, ,500; if for lest, 2 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,090. Index Horses AWtlPSt Vi Vi *? Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 372SS 111:1 MKUXU wb 5 104 2 4 4 5» 3J 1 1» E S j.-hire M Quail 1 855 100 S7318 *HAM ws I ■ % 1 2t 3* li V 2« P Neal Mrs M Melosr 284-100 3.026- "VOSIIELL wb C 99 6 2 1" 1» 2i 3 F Douglas Botty Lou Stable 434 100 37ov0. DAVID L, wb 6 104 3 3 3 2* 4» 4 4 L Jones J Lowensteln 150 100 37847KLjrKJN w 4 100J 1 7 6* 6« 6 5» 5» R Heigle Mr. E iHnemark 8097-100 .•COOl KITTY MCLLALYw 3 90 4 5 5« 41 V hB • J W Fry. C W Bidwill «MM 37317 LITTLE BEAVKRv.b 3 95 7 6 7 7 7 7 7 J Hikes J Lelder lor-ioo Time. :24. :49/5. 1:17. 1:47. Track heavy. „„„„„„ 52 MUTUELS PAID . EftUIVALNT BOOKING ODD3- WAV |3930 39° $ 548 1865-100 595-100 224—100 voshell-;:::::;:::::::::;:::: 4-12 33 loft- ■£*• ojznandfi sjsraaft »* w- h- »-»»-= •«- » --5 WENT TO POST— 4:48. AT POST— 4 minutas. Start good and slow. Won easily; se, ond aud third driving. LKIMKIEID. far out of it for a half mile, moved into the lesd with a rush after reachin- the stretch and won as ft* rider pleased. HAM. under restraint for half a mile, moved into the lead when called on with ease, but was not good enough for the winner. VOSHELL raced close nn f 1 ?,„? DAVID I was taken back in the first half n and ridden wide MtaftS frequently, and . siu.noi. urn. ed u ire- but was racing gamely at the end. KITTY MULLALLY was outrun Seratehed— 37028 Patuxant. 109; :t.!150 Mi Companero. 10S- .".CCOiJlUevel 94* Overweights— David L.. 1 pound: Elfkin. 2: Little Beaver 2 Corrected weights— P.rumfield. 101: Little Beaver. 93. ITSallT SEVENTH HACETm MileFliTwind. June 30. 1927-1:51-4—107. PurlTTnbT SbS.mS.wb 3F*l*A7i32r** Net vaI"° *• winner mo-second- *200; th Index Horses AWtPPSt jj % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners E.piiv. Odds Strt 37.121 BLACK BART WB 7 112 4 8 V 6* 4« 2» 1« L McDott L D Oldham 611 70 37028 LA REROTTB w 4 101 8 3 1« 1" 1« 3» 9 E Spshire J P Welsh M 100 37029-REFLECTION w 3 93 3 2 « 2* 2| 1« 3« P Neal French Lick Springs Sta S70-10O 36960 PAT CALHOUN wb 6 112 2 6 4»* 5J 5» 4« 4» R DePma J R Ledoux rkS- ,Z MMs3*UOaT AIR t 41M TT* • «• • P BcOBna E B 50-sioo 37321 TOM BYRNE w 4 109 1 1 3* 3 6* 5* 6 O Laidley Mrs L F OLeary » ioo 37321 DONNA SANTA w 7 104 5 5 8 8 7 7 V FHalbert C N Freeman rsS-100 37321 "HAZEL DENSON w 4 102 6 4 5« V 8 8 8 J W Frye M DwBMOB* 104--100 Time, :24*i. :50*i. 1:18. 1:44%. 2:0D/j. Track heavy. , MUTUELS PAID . -EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS- uaeo0b™ ,14-22 rs ? 6u-io° 28v-io° 96-10« LA KtxlOTTE 5.44 3.G8 172 lno 10° 04 lM REFLECTION 5.48 sStj2 inner— It. g by Hand Grenade or War Fame— Caro Nome, by Ornament trained by A J Plack bred by Mr. A. King Macomber. Winner entered to be claimed for 500 WENT TO POST— 5:16. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BLACK BART, racing in his best form, was far out of it in the first quarter bnt moved up with a rush in the last half mile and drew away in the stretch to win as his rider pleased LA KFltill 1 K showing high speed, raced into a long lead in the first three quarters, but tired thereafter REFIFCTION was close up throughout. PAT CALHOPN dropped out of it in the early racing but finish»d fqst whea urged hard. TOM BYRNE dropped out of it after half a miie. DONNA SANTA was outrun Scratched— 301S6 Roseate II.. 109; 37112 Miss Ohiniquy, 94; 36742 Cecelia Grob 99 Overweight — La Rerotte, 2 pounds.