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2nd FairmOUnt prsc SOO 2yearoias Claiming Petit Pan 3Tay 28 42 Fur 1928543115 1928543115XOTE XOTE Claiming price 3000 If for less 2 pounds allowed for each 250 to 2000 VcIglit 113 pounds Ind PP Horse Wt Roc AWtHan 47479 1SUN 15 AC 101 54 103X7 47479 12I5road AlldG 115 55 101 7 7u u J74792 2 Xervator M FP 108 5G 47140 5Escobyby 47479 3 Joan G MFP IOC 5S 4C902 8 Lexington Girl GirlM M Lex 110 57 Ind PP Horse Wt Rec 47434 10 Night Flash M AG 10G 57 574GG33 4GG33 4Crooning II 47479 7 Bainbridge M HdG 112 58 47434 11 Little Coventry CoventryM M FP 111 59 59C C Youths Parade 9Helen Kendall The past performances ot the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTlme Tr Odds WLSt Sir Fin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race Snil B 1 HannibalJUO AQ Br f 2 by Sunshot Jessie B by Hannibal JUO Trainer C E Graham Owner C E Graham GrahamW W jl330 = FP 4J f 5Cift 3i 102 3 1 I3 I3 DecamilsE6 11 Nervator 108 Galenia 105 Broad A 113 C M 21303AC 4J f 54ft 5 101 1 1 1 1 DePesoGs 10 PeaceP cessll2Oatenll2I5onnieBettyl04 C 1U 13303AC 5 4Ssy 3J 110 1111 21 LutherT 9 Justiciary llCRosevoltlOOMeBinderlOi C Cyia yia 530AC 5 4Ssy 2Sf 100 1 1 1 1 DePesoG4 12 G denOriolel07RoseToltllOJticiary 118 C Cnt25303AC nt25303AC 49ft 12o 115 8 11 ll ll ChamnD9 11 BtHpes 115Myinede HSVtagren 115 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 53105 1000 1000Broad Broad A 1 01 B f 2 ty ChilhoBee Nyasa by Tchad TchadLast Last work 132 38 377ift JVJ Trainer B B Hico Owner B B Rice RiceMajl330 Majl330 = FP 4i f 5G rt 95 113 G 4 3 4i PonccC 11 Sun B 102 Nervator 108 Galenia 105 C An2330IIdG 4J f 55 ft 1C5 115 7 4 4 = 1 1 ° WkmanR 15 Scdgie 114 Noisy Miss 115 Arev 114 C Arrl830HdG 4J f 57 m 4310 104 7 7 34 23 SerioJ 12 AbductionllOJBrkLulalOGCaracalla 1IG C CAprll30 Aprll30 = Bow j 47ft 13 111 10 9 a 9i FronkW 12 Tarpaulin 113 Glidelia 110 Smear 111 A Apr 230 = Bow J 4S 4ft 13 109J C G 31 Sl HobtsnA4 12 Foxim HlFastLifellSNormaConlon 111 C MarigSOJP 3J f 47 hy 18 115 C 7 9Ti 7J MartinL1 12 MasrnalliganllSLittlePanllSZInn 118 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 14 122 1375 111 Ch e Z M by Stt Henry Marjorie Mai by Zeus 131 12 51ftLLJ 31ft L L L Trainer V Gal Gal4J Galls Owner J Gates 4J f 5Gft 7 10S 2 2 23 22 ArnoldG 11 Sun B 102 Galenia 105 Broad A 113 O 3A f 434y sl 8 112 G 7 7C1 72 CramerR 11 RltNowll2IL raNeKlcyll5PplcLadyll2 A 3 f 43 gd 2 112 7 3 43 3 JoncsL JoncsL3J 12 Trtdl cel21P pIeLyll2BnEdMyllG 0 Marl730JP 3J f yshy 22 112 10 7 31 5 JoncsL JoncsLg 12 TcaGrnlluAllegto 105tBnEdMry 110 0 0t JnlO30FG g 35ft 41 118 3 2 23 2 DellowW t IMllMorrls HSAfrost HSNoseFirst 118 H Jut G30FG 35gd 31 1131 9 8 9C2 DellowW 11 Rarerhrml09PeggyJ113nryKuhnsll2 O Starts 1st 2nd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 5 150 This year 6 0 2 1 300 Escobyhy EscobyhyLast 1 O7 B f 2 by Escoba Dolly Marchmont by Marchmont II Last work 134 12 50 ft Lv I Tiainer W Z Martin Owner W Z Martin See yesterdays third Fain iioiint Park chart May 730Tul g lOSsl 5 112 13 EamesC 10 Rcnconll2LkyIpcroll5IlaceExtra 112 M M2c Air2G30Tul g 1QG si 2c 109 5 MillsL 10 EscobltallOLuckyProsperoll2YoYo 109 A AG5 JIaclOSQJP 3J f 47 hy G5 115 7 5 61 92 OMalleyJ 12 MasrllalliganllSLittlePanlldZinn 118 41 Marl430JP 3i f 44m 27 11312 9 G5 742 MneyJD 12TeaGreen 114LittlePiD 110J Atlas 118 0 g 36ft 53f 114 10 5 = 1 73J GevingL 11 SpwHk 1121Myngan llGRreCrm 118 O O2nd Starts 1st 1stJoan 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 6 10 0 280 Joan G GLast 1 O1 B f 2 M by Sand Mole Alice Arm by Honeywood Last work 131 12 llift LvT Trainer R Scovillc Owner F Scoville Majl330FP 4 f 56ft 93 106 7 7 7 7t SwigcrtTs 11 Sun B 102 Nervator 108 Galenia 105 O FA2530Mia g 35ft 30 112 4 GUli BarncsE1 12 Servitudell5LyIIoganl09BettyBct 107 A FcblSr30Mia g 36hy GO 110 7 8101013 LcnnleW8 10 AllColumbiall4Servitndell5Unknnll4 A FO 1430Mia g 35ft 100 115 11 11 = 1151 LennieW4 12 AllGlumbiallSBdltell 1151magaryll5 M M2nd 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won v vThis This year 4 Lexington Girl GirlLast 1 OA B f 2 M by Bunting Pitti by Plaudit Last work 105 38 3Gft Trainer J E Mclntire Owner J E Mclntire PE8305Lex 4 f 54i ft 76 109 9 G 5 S DcPmaR 12 TanFacell5SisterMaryl09Arrowlikel09 O AprlSSOLcx J 49ft SO 109 7 7 781 771 DcPrmaRS 11 BEMaryll2Boodltclll09MaryCobb 112 A MatSSSOJP 3 f 43 gd 13 10910 8 9123 MeyerCo 12 T rtdIcel21PpIeLadyll2Nervatorll2 0 02nd Starts 1st 1stNight 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 3 3mBr Night Flash FlashLast mBr f 2 K by Nocturnal Tidy by The Manager Last work 129 12 Trainer F Forsting Owner H C Stable Majl2303FP 4J f 5Cft 24 112 G 7 552 G OBrienR 11 BdayGiftll5Atlasll5PrcessPoxidell2 M Mae2130lAC 4J f 51ft GO 106 10 10 10311013 BelyskiA2 10 Sun B104 Peace Princess I120atcn 112 O Marl3305AC i 47ft 47ftMai 18f 109 12 11 128il23 OBrienR 12 Siskin 115JWGrant HSFlyingAce 118 A Mai G30AC J 48m 31 107 5 5 G3 G = OBrienR1 7 MissCbeyell3JiisticcllGBhtHopc8 113 A FtU 4303AC g 35ft lOo 11511 ll ll = 4 PollardJ1 12 Voltabiishll5PccssDbloll5MiCchall5 II Starts 1st 1stCrooning Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 5 Crooning CrooningLast QQ B f 2 M by Ballot Mammy by Sempronius Last work 132 12 51 ft Trainer G F Jenkins Owner G F Jenkins APrl530Mie p l03 ft 13 106 5 G 3 = 1 4i GoodichE 8 Type 113 Getgoin 109 Nigricant 109 J A ApclO30Who 0 lOGgd 4 104i 5 3 41 3 = DyerJ3 10 BallesTitlellOGetgoinllORedlikkerllO O Mat2730JP 3J f 43 ft 42 115 5 4 45 55J JoncsL4 12 Peggy J 115 Afrost 118 Zinn 118 A Marl930JP 35 f 47 hy 13 115 56 431 C2 EamesC 12 MasrUalliganllSLittlePanlloZinn 118 il Macl430JP 3i f 41V4m 9 111 6 2 2h 4 EamesC8 12 TeaGreen 114LlttlePin 110 Atlas 118 G MailO30JP 3J f 41ft 14 11511 9 5s 5J KnightM 12 TaldPrcellSMsCanylloMrnlignllS II IIStarts Starts 1st 1stBainbrldgo Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year G 0 0 1 50 50mCh Bainbrldgo mCh c 2 M by Campfire Solstice by Omar Khayyam BainbrldgoMajl330 Trainer F Seremba Owner F Seremba Majl330 = FP 4J f 5GV ft 54 107 11 10 10I 1013 CimerakG 11 Sun B 102 Nervator 108 Galenia 103 O APr2330HdG 4J f 55 ft Df 109 15 15 I58152 MorganH1 15 ProadA 115 Scdgie 114NoisyMiss 115 O Aptl330HdG 4J f 54ft 195 112 t 15 15815 MorganH3 15 Equipoise llSSflioonerll2UncleSara 112 A Apt 230 = BoW i 4Sift 14f 105 12 12 12 123 Morsanll 12 Foxim 111 Fast Life 113 Broad A 109i O Starts 1st 2nd fcrd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 Little Coventry CoventryMaj1230 TIncleJL I r Blk c 2 M by Coventry little Niece by TIncle JL JL O Trainer E McCuan Owner Weque Stable Maj1230 = FP 4J f 56ft 50 115 9 10 10 1010t4 10t4 PrgrassA 11 BdayGiftll3Atiasll3PrccssPosldclJ2 i Starts 1st 1stYouths 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1I Youths Parade I jTVQ B f 2 M by Paragon II School Days by Archaic JUO Trainer W W Covington Owner Parkview Stable Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Helen Kendall QQ Ch f 2 M by San Vicente Frances H by Atwell tt7 Trainer A V Thomas Owner W I Kohn 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won