2nd Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-16

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2nd Churchill Downs i vm PoMs Co 1 11IGcIdgs 1IGcIdgs 1IGcIdgsClaiming Claiming Miss Soy 3Iay 21 1921 52 42 Fur 2 110 110ZSOTi ZSOTi Claiming price 2300 Vcight 11G 1011 nils yonwinners since May 9 maiden races executed allowed 3 pounds maidens C pounds Ind PP Hoise Wt UPC UPC4742C AWtIInn 4742C 10 Upright CD 110 55 554704G 10S 725 4704G 7 West Virginia VirginiaM M Lex 110 55 554747G 4747G C Fudge M Lex 11G 3G 17394 2Pore Noel CD 108 54 4is n 0 Red Likkor M 470CG 11 Boy Messenger M 1im 100 57 PP Horse Wt Roc AWtrian 4 Anthro MCD 108 37i 110 C05 1 Peace Jimmy JimmyM M CDllfi 5S 5 Dee JohnStJ 120 38 SCaddy Boy M CD 110 59 12 The Dnkc M CD 103 59 3 Fonde The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest worUoui and racing record Dite Crs DisTlme Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class ot Race Upright UprightLast CIu ° 2 ty Baty Grand Roxana by War Fame Last work 134 5S l03m Trainer J B Partridge Owner Valley lake Stable JJvl230CD 4J f 55ft 2310 116 4 3 I1 H DeperiniK 5 0 MkAntiryllCTWidwerllGPVodinellG A AStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1 0 0 900 IVcst Yirg YirgLast Illia I 1 I c y esty Hogan Virginia K by Grcoo Last work 130 12 4Sft L J U Trainer C E Gross Owner E F Prichard Apr 3030 = Lex 4J f 554 ft 225 113 1 3 53 4 = GanierW5 11 IIigliKruitlGSwcctJocll3CEarlPat 113 C Apr2G30Lex 54ft 3310 110 1 2 23 2s GarnerW1 8 IlyKlms HOTaGrn HOSirPrize 114 C Apr2330Lex 4J f 5C ft 125 114 1 8 72 9 ° i GarnerW1 32 Tack 118 Harry Kulins 111 Afrost 10J C AprlS302Lex 4S ft 27 11G 7 5 4 410 GarnerW8 8 ISkCintllGDecmster HGGodJest 11G A Ag rebl930FG g 35 ft 49f US 10 5 6i Gr LynchD 12 Prce dAmourll8Irettll8DMorris 118 Jl Jlg IUxlO30FG g 33 ift 32 118 7 8 8 G2 LynchD3 8 Bill Morris 124 Zinn 118 Shining 118 A AStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 6 0 1 0 100 100Blk udge Tin Blk C 2 Ml by Iee Ot Cotner Friv ° li tyTrap Ro RoLast Rock Last work 135 3S 39sl U Trainer C C Van Meter Owner C C Van Meter ajrl330CD 4J f 55m 13 108 1 5 41 45 ChvettaF 12 irryKnsll2FlygChkcel08LibyAcellG C Apr25305Lex 4J f 55 ft 5 116 2 4 4H SJ ChvettaF 10 Don Loon 110 Leros 310 Swift Pal 11G A Apc2330 = Lex 4J f iGG ft 16 114 3 9 C J 441 ChvcttaF3 12 Tack 118 Harry Kulins 114 Afrost 109 C Arn2130 = Lcx 4i f 53 ft 31 115 4 G G2 S 3 ChvettaF 10 BuckLogll5TWampusll3Dcemster 115 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 4 0 0 1 PcrC JfOCl 1 Q c y Noel tittle Indian by Guy Fortune FortuneLast Last work 117 381OG4 ft L O Trainer J Gass Owner C E Hamilton HamiltonMajlO30CD MajlO30CD 4 f 54ft 31 109 8 7 S9i 9 XealP 11 lilackComet ICOBillMorris llSChuu 10G A A330StJ 330StJ 50ft 17 103 1111 1 IlicUsS3 8 MastcrRoselluChillWindllSTraitor 118 A 230StJ 50 sy 40f 112 10 11 llll30 SmlthW 11 Donie 120 BIiieBerry 112 IMayEm 112 A 5 50 ft 20f 118 12 11 12 12 = s GrnwodC7 12 BlueHcrrylllUrkStkgsllSreaGonlll A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von This year 4 1 0 0 485 Ied Likkcr LikkcrLast Ch c 2 M by Midway Guaranteed by Hilarious Last work 105 14 Trainer M Riessr Owner W F Knebelkamp I r2330lWho 50 ft 135 109 5 2 21 21 GuerraJ 0 WeeJIarjiclOGfietgoinllGLdAtwell 109 C CprlS30Whe prlS30Whe 51 si 9 113 3 1 2 2 GuerraJ 7 Gctgoin lllGPalmerlOSAVeeMarjie 108 C CAprlSSOWlie AprlSSOWlie l03V ft 1C 109 1 4 7i 7C2 GuerraJ1 8 Type 113 Getgoin 109 Kigricant 100J A AjprlO30Wlie jprlO30Wlie lOGgd 19 110 8 7 72 4Ji GuerraJ9 10 BellesTitlcllOGetgoin 110Crooningl04 C CsCG30StJ sCG30StJ J 51 ft 30 108 S 9 55J 5 = GuerraJ3 11 Doe John 108 Getgoin 114 Dea 113 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 11 0 2 0 200 200Boy Boy UIeSSeilgCr 110 FoyleJ Br Cl 2 M y MessenSer tough Eask by tough Foyle J JL U Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B Mctean McteanMaj Maj 130Pim 4J f 33ft 44 112 510 9 1 9J McTagtJ 12 AbductioullG Voltabtishlll ShicldllO C Arr2S303Pim 4J f 55 ft 62 109 2 8 4 i jG l HuffN5 12 Utmost 111 Sustain 110 Alpine Girl 108 C CArrl430HdG Arrl430HdG 4J f 51ft 49 118 7 9 ll FroukW10 14 Up 118 Pennate 118 JimmyJingle 118 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 3 3AntllFO AntllFO 110 Ch ° 2 M ty LEht Brigade Ailsio Vernor by McGee McGeeLast Last work 135 38 3Ci sl L JL V Trainer D E Stewart Owner J N Camden JlajlOSOCD 4J f MiCt 21 10S G 9 9 S5 JoncsL3 11 UlackComct lOOBillMorris HSCliub 10G A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 Teaoe Jimmy k 133 38 3Sm Trainer W F Poison Owner Basil Manor able ableJlajl230CD Jlajl230CD 4J f 55ft 23 116 3 2 5s S MeyerC1 9 UprightllCMkAnthyllGTAVidowerllG A AJIanlO30JP JIanlO30JP 3J f 41ft 34 118 8 7 75J 7 QnbushG 12 TaIdPrcellSMsCanyll5MrHlignll8 M Van 530 JP 3J f 41 Aft 25 110 7 5 S14 S21 JonesL 8 DMorrisllOMIIalliganllORCharm 112 A AS30 S30 FG g 3G35m 6f 118 7 3 3J 34 AnrsonA 12 Shining 118 Mardie 113 Zinn 118 M FiM930FG g 35 ft 49f 118 8 9 1021026 AndrsnA 12 Prce dAmourll8BrcttI18DMorris 118 M Starts 1st 2nd Sid Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 7 0 0 2 150 150Dee Dee John 1 WormleightonJL 1 Q Ch g 2 by Hephaistos Paulina by Wormleighton JL JL O Trainer C A Bidencope Owner Mrs T M Doyle DoyleMajl330CD Majl330CD 4J f 53m 19f lOGi 2 9 G12 G CollinsJD3 12 irryKnsll2FlygChkeel08LibyAcellG C JIic2830StJ 4i f 5tisy 31 120 3 5 5 3 ° DePmaR 10 PlayEmll7MasterRosell7AgaCarronlOO C rar2630StJ i 51 ft 23 108 3 2 I1 1 DoPmaU1 11 Getgoin 114 Dea 113 Early 109 C jrac21301StJ J SO ft 15 105 1 9 914 7 ColnsJD3 12 Justa Queen 113 Dea 111 Betty Bet 109 C JlaellSOStJ J 49ft 42 110 3 6 7 J 5fi ColnsJD 32 ChillWind 107 Snap 118 BlueBcrry 107 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 12 1 0 1 545 Caddy Boy 1 1 0 rfT B Bt c 2 M Ml MlLast by Tea Caddy Dig Dp by Master Hobert Last work 129 12 MOftLVt 49ft JVO Trainer F P tetellier Owner F P Letcllicr Iajl330CD 4J f 55m 17 110 9 G 7 718 DellJ8 12 irryKnsll2FlygClikeel08Lib yAcellG C Cg J Jn2030 n2030 FG g 37sl 9 118 5 6 53J 41 DellJ3 12 Pr ccApollollSTcaGrnll8lceJmyllS M Mg G30FG g 364 364gtl gtl 13 108 8 9 10sJ10i DcllJ XL KarfiClirmlOareggyJ113UryKulinsll2 t tStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This yea 3 3mB TIic Duke mB g 2 M by Sporting Blood Lorna by Jack Atkin Trainer W Sims Owner R C Thatcher Thatchert t 33m 19f 10S 12 11 11 S = ° MeyerC1 12 llryKnsll2FlygClikeelOSUbyAcellG C it2G30AC J 4SV ft 25 110 3 7 65 51S RobsonM 10 AspinalallOSIiastaLoverlloMySliot 120 A 430 A C J 4SVift 40 113 11 11 ll 84 LutlierT 12 Tarpaulin HSIfedCliili 115 MyShot 118 M 1x2630 0 0TtbL J 47Jift 198 113 12 7 7 71C LuthcrT 12 SiinTIiorne 11G MySliot 11C Garlic 11G M TtbL 8303AC 1 34ft 40 107 8 lOW RobtsonM5 10 DonAlvardollSFlyingAcc 118Danorill8 A AStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 5 Fomle 1 mCh c 2 M by Cherokee Impressive by Hilarious Last work 122 12 51ft 1 Trainer S S Combs Owner W Morrison Starts 1st 2nd 3rd

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930051601/drf1930051601_8_2
Local Identifier: drf1930051601_8_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800