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Krcj S1 Company Purse Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Anaconda Aug 27 1J27 lM70Yds KOTE Claiiniiifj price 2500 3jearolds 108 pounds older 118 pounds 2fontrlii ners since April 15 allowed 3 pounds Ind PP Horse Wt Eec AWtHan 45957 4 MaryDale Was 101 145 5 110X723 110X72347404J 47404J olJozo CP 101 140 4113X720 47523 2 Frank FiiIlenFP 113145 5 113X715 47401 3J A Weil Mia 113 145 4 110X710 PP Horse AWtHan 1 Lincoln Plaut Aur 104 143 5 118705 7nighvay 4 103 700 0 Starch 3 103 G95 8 Pcnarc Jam 107 14G 4 115XC90 The past performances ol the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record recordDate Date Cra DisTlme Tr Odds WtSt StrFln Jockey PPSts IJest Company Class of Uace UaceTUnrv TUnrv Tlilfi 1 1 ft Sr ra 5 by Dodge Admonitive by Admonition AdmonitionVnV VnV VnVnVk nVk 10 S 1OPUft JLV Trainer P 0 Anderson Owner P 0 Anderson Mat 7305Mia 1 l43ft 135 110 7 8 G G52 KenickS KenickSMar 8 Vacation 112 Gadalong 117 Blade HOC Mar 430sMia 1V l44ft G 10T G G 5 D RileyC RileyCMac G Boris llaGdcnAtibiirn 115MickeyD Ill C Mac 130Mia 11 l59hy 135 110 531 I1 DaintyF DaintyFrrt 5 Dolan 117FIoridaGold 117RoyalSon 115 C rrt 2230 = Mia 1J l53ft G 110 9 4 31 lh KnightM4 9 01dTimesll5NeryKbysll7Marlboroll5 C JVb2030Mia l lHG ft 1G5 109 9 5 31 11 KnightM 12 WhisUer12CorcStar 10G LightAlr 109 C ri4xll30 Mia U 152 ft 5 112 2 G G5i 35 KnightM 11 Punishment 105Chuui 107DrItankm Hi C Starts 1st 2id 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonHast Hast year 19 423 5 4063 This year 7 401 3075 BOZO 1 I O Gr g 4 by Eoyal Canopy j Simmy by Neil Gow GowLast Last work 135 12 51 ft JJLO Trainer 0 Johnson Owner Kissouri Stable StableJLV1030 JLV1030 KP I l50ft 31loll3 4 1 1J 1 MeyersME 8 SandyLadylOSStageStruck 113 Hec 114 Ai 2830 Bcu 1 150 ft 1710 115 2 1 11 li YerratA 7 Thrace 101 Spectre 113 Paternal 105 fl flMar2930JP Mar2930JP lVl51sl G 109 5 3 2 i 2l WillardC1 8 OldBill lOGBahyDclhl 105FairFolly t 8 C CM M 1SO JP 1J 15G ft 3710 110 1 1 11 2 DellJ1 12 TtIeAousllOCliickUpl07na8hfuinul07 C CJan2930Mia Jan2930Mia I J 153 ft 2 112 1 2 2 2 KsingcrC1 5 LlghtAirlOSFircUnder 113LaPaIom 11G C CJan2030 Jan2030 Mia IS l53 ft 5 111 4 1 1 3 KtsingerC 11 SerVzRello HSDaffodil 108Blanco 104 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 17 12 3 51300 This year 7 331 51790 Frank Fllllcn 1 t FC B h 5 by Xucky Hour Rainbow Division by Stalwart StalwartLast Last work 132 lml45ft Trainer C Graffagnini Owner C Graffagnini MaTllSOFP 1 l4Tft 8 118 G 7 7 7 Martini 7 MasterStar 108MyScoop lOtlCalome 98 C Apel230 Dow IjV l47ft 8 113 5 3 4 5 J MartlnL 8 Kingbird 105SearinRton lOSTuyJoe 114 C Apt 7SO Bov 1j 150 hy 95 112 3 1 1s lsi HobtsonA S Searingtonl08KagerPlayl08Wooloracl07 C Apr 3303Bow J l27m 30 111 7 G 5 4 = 5 MartnL 7 Jgel5artlettll5Algol lllStupndotis 111 0 irae2930 JP 1 l52sl G 115 2 5 G = 2 Gl MartlnL MartlnLMaEll30JP 9 Cockrill 113 Saiona 113 Favoritll 100 C MaEll30JP lif l47ft 4110 112 1 5 4J 31 LcylandJ 8 Sanfordl05Wah tTimellSCockrilt 111 C Stnrts 1st 2nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 19 This year 9 J A Weil 1 1 ft B c by San3 Molo Mary Powell by Star Shoot ShootLast Last work 134 58 102 ft JJLU Trainer W J Henfhng Owner W J Henfling JlATlOSOFP 1 l4Gl ft 11 113 3 5 515 PowersC 7 fhiclerol08locaratone 112Arcttirus 119 C lIac2S305StJ lo l4Gsy 12 108 2 5 4 MooreET 5 Your Play 103AnBClena 107Vlmont 105 O 3Iat21C07StJ 1fg l494f 14110 113 3 2 2 CarrollW 5 KlfinStar llSAnselena 104YourPlay 103 0 MatHSOStJ 1 143 m 30 10G 7 7 C 5 i CarrollW 8 Morsnuff 10201dCally 9511aramzada 07 O Kat S303Mia I1 l45ft 3J 109i 1 5 552 i Thurberll1 G OadalonglOOlShepherdesslOSDragon 11G G Fcb2SSOlMia lff l17sy 20 111 4 3 3 BarnesE C TonyJoc 120Marlboro 111 Dragon 1150 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 20 4 2 2 3354 This year 13 2 0 3 1725 1725Lincoln Lincoln Plant 1 1 1 Q Cn B 5 by FlUtergold BrynhJld by The Curragh CurraghLast Last work 128 34117ft L O Trainer H S Hart Owner G Collini 3UT1430TP 1fg l47f 12310 111 3 G G5J G ThomasH 7 MasterStar 108MyScoop 103CaIome 08 0 Apr2930Lex lje l47ft 32 117 2 5 33 3l ThomasH1 7 Crash 11G I5oan 119 Sour Masn 11G O Apr Apr580TLcx 580TLcx 1J 206ft 32 117 2 1 1i 31 ThomasH G Brk ryl07 MonticcllolOa MyLava 102 O Apr2230 Lex lf llGft 1320 112 231 1 = J ThomasII G Gdman 112111iistrionsl07StMatws 112 C Apcl930 Lex le l47ft 2310 115 8 4 43J 2J ThomasH1 8 liogan U5HmKeliy 113StMatvs 112 O llu2930JP 1 1521431 9 11G 3 G 5J 53J Thomasll 9 Cockrill 113 Saiona 113 Favoritll 10G C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won ctn = it tri v n Last year 17 5 2 4 4COO This year 15 223 163S 163SHighway Highway 10 Ch B 4 ty Midway Thelma K by Ogden OgdenLast Last work 135 38 40 4 ft JUO Trainer M Grinor Owner C C Wright Maj13SOFP 2114 ft US 107 5 2 31 2 MeyersME 12 TfieSliwOff 107PatsyH 102LeFlore 1120 2 l13 ft G 110 9 7 7 7 udyJ 9 TPadrellSChmcLadylOlTderCall 105 C 2114 ft IGf 1101010 7SJ 5 FinnertyR 12 Jessie Carey 115Starfish 1140ncora 103 O 2 l13ft SJf 11011 G 8 i S ClellandO 12 TstleStarlOGEirthBolial08Angelenal03 G Jun 129 FP 3 llGm 16 103 4 3 3l 4 CleliandO G AnnuBeall 100ElizthBlal09DfnBon 11G C JIaj21295CD ifl19ft 33 108 9 5 5 C J ClellandO 9 BdyBasill07Vestal05PrincessEdithl04 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 5 This year 1 0 1 0 100 Starch 1 ft B c 3 by Stefan the Great Sans Tache by Ethelbort EthelbortTrainer ftLast Last work 132 34 l17ft 1 v Trainer W J Curran Owner W J Curran JLvlOSOFP 2 l14ft G 112 9 11 9 J S EdwardsCo 12 AWdlfellGJolinSpeedllHKatAms 118 0 730Mia 2112 ft 4i 114 7 G Ci 8 2 SchaeferLJ 12 Guilder 10U Syrell 109 Betty Ann 101 O LlO30Mia 2 l12VSft 135 113 6 8 8 Si AlIenCE 12 Mcuazza llGGuilder lllRobShannn 108 O Fit 330JMia 2 lH4 ft 10 112 5 7 7 = 1 G AllenCE 12 StPrcal04 SupmeSwtl07LaGordalOO C NoT2729Bow 31llft 70 103 7 9 G1 G SeaboG e0 MiIdl07J Valenciennes lOSFirstLady 103 A OctCO29Emp 0 101 ft G 123 7 7 7U 7 1 WallsP 8 Mortana 119DiniKayl22FlyingFtoml09 G Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 12 101 This year 4 B c y pennant oan tf rc y Ballot BallotTrainer 133 n8105ft ° Trainer E McCuan Owner Blue Star Stable 2 115 ft 124 120 1 G S11 S10 PowersC 8 Lounger 112 Orestes II 112 Gideon 112 0 0rcl20m rcl20m IS 109 5 ° JenkinsB 9 SnKentonll5Sp tDresslOGCOMail 107 A AVl Vl fcft 183 103 S Shelton1 9 SmiIgP1netsll3KgJackl07SptD ssl03 II II1J 1J 154 gd S 103 8 3 5 J 41 RobtsnA 14 Manzanall2GoldStarl05StanddBrerl09 O 1 112 sy 8 115 12 12 10 911 WkmanR 12 My Son 115 Bournis 108 Blabber 119 G G1J 1J 207 ft 5 1 10 3 23 2 RobtsnA 14 Gadalongll7Punisimtl05Manzana 114 0 0Starts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last yerrl4 123 1400