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J J 17 JL For Official Race Rzsults Loaea RzsultsLoaea mines phone wabash 7000 As n render of Dally Itaclng Torm you arc entitled to receive free official race results Jesuits are given by a hn7nl 6f vrlifcTi corresponds o iliat ftpp ° cnrliigopposuo name 6 liCrsc Ju the following coded entries The approximate post time Cilcago time for each race Is given below and readers arc requested not to call until at clast five minutes after tills time in order to obtain tlic OFFICIAL results and prices On Saturdays and holidays It Is bcsi to allow an additional live minutes to elapse before seeking results AT AURORA AURORAFIRST FIRST RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward upwardClaiming Claiming Purse 800 215 F M Horse AVt Code Horse Wt Code CodeJloua Jloua 101 1 Dhmeford 100 10 10Champ Champ de Mars 100 2 Fretwell 114 11 11Hoatzin Hoatzin 114 3 AVoodfaco 104 12 12Solus Solus 105 4 Igor 100 13 13Superfrank 13Superfrank Superfrank 100 5 Setlis Premium 10014 10014Al 10014Al Al Garnet 100 C Paul Kevcre 114 15 15Carlomaii Carlomaii 109 7 AVatch On 111 10 10Patsy Patsy Lewis 101 8 Timekeeper 111 17 17Platoon Platoon 100 0 Chantry 101 18 18SECOND SECOND EACE 34 Mile 3yearolds Claiming Purse 830 245 P M MKoradire Koradire 100 1 Roths Companion 102 8 8Fern Fern V 101 2 Kitty Keaue 05 0 0Lyda Lyda Mae 105 3 Blue Canopy 108 10 10Na Na Zdar 105 4 Radio Service 105 11 11Preferred Preferred 101 5 Pink Blossom 103 12 12Barbara Barbara Jane 05 0 Calcite 104 13 13Milano Milano 108 7 7THIRD THIRD RACE 58 Mile 2yesrolds Maidens MaidensClaiming Claiming Purse 830 315 P M Englcwood 113 1 Carolyn Barker 107 8 AViod Cherry 105 105Allegretto 2 Good Friend 113 Allegretto 108 3 Dick Price 113 Bess Clol 110 4 Gaiibo 103 Maxie Kinder 102 5 Chchalis 109 Sugarland 115 C Belbane 111 13 13Red Red Tain 10G 7 Cyreney 103 14 14FOURTH FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds 3yearoldsand and upward Claiming Purse 900 345 P M MMaster Master Samover 100 1 Magilalena 103 8 8Cottage Cottage Boy 110 2 Tangram 103 0 0Mary Mary MtClain 10 3 Mat Mahoney 103 10 Kentucky Babe 103 4 King of the Spa 11011 11011Marengo Marengo 110 5 Privately 110 12 12Anaconda Anaconda 110 C Birdie Wrack 100 13 13Bill Bill riiillips 110 7 Finnic 110 14 14FIFTH FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Windermera Handicap Handicap3yearoltIs 3yearoltIs and upward Purse 1100 415 P M MCharm Charm 104 1 Break of Dwn 107 4 4Sawdust Sawdust 104 2 Xostaw 11G v 5 5Nora Nora D 102 3 Irish 118 A 0 0SIXTH SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds 3yearoldsand and upward Claiming Purse 800 445 P M MMaster Master Ace 107 1 Carin 107 S SJlekaclire Jlekaclire 105 2 Itamona S OS 0 0Sailor Sailor Maid 00 3 Know Me Gnome 10G 10 10St St Helena 101 4 Hazsl Denson 00 11 11Chester Chester 101 5 High Player 112 12 12Miss Miss Maryland 103 C Atoasa 102 13 13Facility Facility 101 7 Princely 101 14 14SEVENTH SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Colts Geldings and Horses Claim ¬ ing Purse 800 515 P M MEasy Easy Money 10U 1 Acme 100 10 10Doe Doe 1C 100 2 Flag Lieutenant 10011 10011Ben Ben Bolt II 100 3 Raymond Dale 100 12 12Turquoise Turquoise 114 4 Cpn Applejk 100 13 13Rph Rph irtnin 114 5 Kamuela 114 14 Theo Red 100 7 Dontados 100 1C 1CLong Long Joe 100 S Spanish Lay 100 17 17Jimmy Jimmy Brown 109 0 Prince Tii Tii 100 18